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The Colonization
and Mining Guild
System: Privatized

Revised on
June 4, 2009

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Table of Contents

1 Current Situation ..................................................................................................... 3

2 Solution .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Approach ......................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Benefits............................................................................................................ 4
3 Implementation Plan ............................................................................................... 4
3.1 Requirements for Starting a Business .............................................................. 5
3.2 Requirements for Maintaining a Business ........................................................ 5
3.3 Intra-Faction Relations ..................................................................................... 6
3.4 Inter-Faction Relations ..................................................................................... 6
3.5 Disciplinary Actions .......................................................................................... 7
3.6 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................. 8
5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 8

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The CMG was created in 2156 with the sole task of colonizing the universe for economic growth
and the expansion of human civilization to the far-reaching corners of the universe. The C.M.G.
has been planning and scheduling all actions regarding space colonization, which has given the
organization enormous political power. In 2159 the C.M.G. planned huge terraforming projects to
take place over the next few decades. To make planets habitable, they had to ensure several
objectives were achieved.

First the temperature must be regulated and clamped to within a habitable range. This change is
made possible by the alteration of the planet or satellite’s atmosphere, utilizing the greenhouse
effect as needed to make it warmer or blocking certain spans of the electromagnetic spectrum
selectively to make it cooler as necessary. Afterwards the atmosphere had to be denser. On
many planets the density of atmosphere near the ground is only at 1% compared to Earth's
whereas the density needs to be at least 30%. After the Colonization and Mining Guild (CMG)
established the third interstellar colony, Terra Venture I in the Gliese 876 system, it became
necessary to summarize all regulations of space trade into one unitary law journal. The so-called
"Charter of the Dominion" not only described interstellar laws of trade between the Earth and the
colonies, but also reflected a new framework of justice for the Dominion.

In 2250 the first Vortex Gate was installed on New Haven with both CMG and Vortex Inc hosting
the opening ceremony. Two years later, Project Daedalus was initiated, by the Dominion
President, Mitchel DeGrood, and the CMG leader(s)ship declared Its intention during the coming
years and decades, to build Vortex Gates on all established colonies.

Gradually CMG evolved into a massive organization, responsible for the lives of millions of
colonists and multiple trillions of wealth. Its governors are very powerful and influential people,
and many of them get elected to Dominion office when they retire from the CMG. The
Corporation’s purpose is to regulate mining and colonization, set standards, prices, and
investigate fraud and price fixing. This makes it probably the most important political body of all
the other Dominion agencies. The CMG is a very rich corporation that is the godfather of all
space exploration. The CMG has colonized many planets and moons, and supports the people
who are not as fortunate as the Dominion. mine materials, produce products, and dominate the
markets, believing in democracy.

There are those who blame the CMG, an easy target for many. The CMG has control of the
means by which resources are found and mined. Many believe the CMG has grown too powerful
too fast, and lawmakers and ministers did not anticipate this properly. Many colonists view the
CMG as the de-facto government in space, and reject any jurisdiction of the Dominion.

With the addition of a new Corporation in VI the CMG has decided there is a necessity to have its
own military organization within the Corporation to protect what they’ve earned, the colonies they
control, and assets they have acquired.

1 Current Situation
Right now, there are those in CMG who would like to start their own
private businesses but be under the umbrella of CMG. In its current
state, CMG is a group of members who work rather independently of
each other, taking contracts and producing items to sell on the
market. At the moment there are a few members who are looking to
start specializing in the production of certain items and selling them

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to other Dominion citizens and there are those who want to be
contracted by other factions or mercenary cells but as it stands there
is little to no provision for them.

2 Solution
Proposed is a business system for CMG, sort of like the cell system
for the Mercenaries. It will be a formal system recognized by all
factions in the game, including CMG. If this were to be passed, it
would provide for individuals to own and operate their own private
businesses profiting CMG both monetarily and reputation-wise. It
must be stressed that while the businesses will be private-owned
they will be subject to the strict review of the CMG Parliament and
Board of Advisors.

2.1 Objectives
To provide a way for CMG members to own their own businesses
under the CMG umbrella while adding profit to the corporation. To
give members more independence while trying out a new system
that could benefit CMG in Open Beta.

2.2 Approach
Pending approval of Parliament, this system will be put to effect
immediately and all businesses already made will be grandfathered
in. The requirements for such businesses may be more lenient that
outlined due to the fact that they are a sort of test subject.

2.3 Benefits
This system is an investment from CMG into its members, and thus,
CMG as a whole will reap the returns.
 This Business System will add recognition to the CMG faction,
as citizens would be interested in not only joining CMG and
starting a business but they will be purchasing their goods and
items from said businesses.
 Businesses will be subject to a minimal tax that is paid to the
DIRECTOR to be deposited into the faction funds thus
 Businesses are increasing the amount of money in the faction funds.
subject to the rule and
 Greater individuality and independence to the faction as a whole.
authority of the
DIRECTOR, the Board of
Advisors, and the
Committee of Investors
3 Implementation Plan
at all times. In this section, the different rules and regulations pertaining to the
 Businesses operation of a business will be outlined. These rules are subject to
are NOT to cause a change; pending a vote in parliament they can be amended. Any
reduction in CMG’s business that does not comply with these rules and regulations are
faction funds. subject to fines, punishment, and ultimately, the closure of the

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3.1 Requirements for Starting a Business
To begin a business venture the following criteria must be met:
 The leader(s) of the business must have been a CMG
member for 3 in-game months or be an R4, whichever
comes first.
 The leader(s) must have a minimum of two other
members founding the business with him; they cannot
be a Trainee.
 The founding members must draw up a business
charter, which must be presented to Parliament and
approved. The charter must include the names of the
founding members, the purpose of the business (mission
statement), the goals and how they will be achieved,
who the business will cater to and in what ways, and
how will the business profit CMG.
Pending a more reliable method, all businesses in the process of
being legal Is allowed one thread in the Colonization and Mining
Guild sub- forums where everything relating to said business must
be posted, from the very beginning of the process to the end of the
business (why and how it was shut down). The first post in the thread
must be from the future leader(s) of the business in which they post
a request to be heard by the Administrative Board. The second post
must be from a member of the Administrative Board agreeing to or
denying the motion. After these formalities, the requirements can be
discussed. If by the third page of the thread a charter has not been
posted then a member of the Administrative Board can decide for the
thread to be closed and the speaker is relieved of his time on the
All the requirements listed above must be met and posted in the
business’s thread for recordkeeping and it must remain public to the
members of the faction for as long the business is a part of CMG.

3.2 Requirements for Maintaining a Business

The Business leader(s) are directly accountable to the CPB R6 and
his magistrates, and all members within the Committee of Investors.
He may appoint up to two Vice Presidents and at times where he is
away, the VP will take his place. Any changes in the business
structure must be documented in the business’s thread.
 The purpose of the Business Reviews- Each business is required to submit a bi-monthly
reviews is to provide (every 2 weeks) review in which the money made from contracts and
accountability. market sales must be documented, this includes reviews from the
Falsifying contractor that is in their words and must list the price. The business
information is a is then to present a profit/loss statement along with the previous and
serious crime. post it in its forums. If it is seen that more than two weeks have
passed since the last review, the business will be subject to
disciplinary actions.
To maintain his business, each business leader(s) must also make
 Business leaders are sure that
responsible for the
success or failure of  His business is in good standing with CMG and its
their business. leaders.

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 His business is profiting CMG
 His business does continually not lead CMG into any
unneeded activities including but not limited to fights,
military aid, financial assistance, and disgrace
 His business does not conflict with CMG’s faction

3.3 Intra-Faction Relations

Businesses are NOT to be a military force in and of themselves, and
any business seen acting as such is subject to disciplinary actions.
Thus it will be in the best interests of the business to not provoke
other factions because CMG as a whole is not liable or responsible.
A business may defend itself when and only when one of its
members is attacked or their business interests are in jeopardy; any
business found to be condoning “ganking” will face disciplinary
actions. Businesses are, in their best interest, to seek peace with all

Fig 1: Above is a chart to depict the structure of CMG, solely as it pertains to CPB.
Please note that the CPB and CED R6’s, both being actively involved with
economics, will work hand-in-hand and share the same powers to be used in lieu of
the absence of one.

3.4 Inter-Faction Relations

Every business is required to be in good standing with CMG and its
members. Every business, being a part of CMG, is required to aid
the corporation in any way reasonable; this includes but is not limited
to military support, financial support, and manpower. Businesses are
not to compete with each other; they are to compete with other

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3.5 Disciplinary Actions (in line with CMG
Disciplinary actions for members of a Business (not the Business
Leader(s)) that solely affect said business are left to the
discretion of the Business Leader(s). Actions of a Business
member (not the Business Leader(s)) that have an effect on
anything outside said business are at the discretion of the
Business Leader(s) and Committee of Investors. Any action
participated in by the Business Leader(s) that leads to a need for
discipline will be at the Discretion of the R6 and his magistrates.
ANY action that effects faction relations will be at the discretion
of the R6 of the CHR.
A.) Written Warning: Email or direct chat of warning to the
offender explaining the offense and directing them to review the
code of laws
B.) PP Warning: The 'Issue Warning' button in Faction Manager
C.) PP Fine: The 'Impose Penalty' button in Faction Manager
D.) UC Fine: The 'Confiscate Fine' button in Faction Manager
(10% Fine)
E.) Suspension: Temporary revocation of faction privileges
F.) AB Review: Administration Board review of member's history
and potential interview to consider Capitol Demotion and
Permanent Withdrawal of Faction Privileges
G.) Permanent withdrawal of faction privileges
Predefined Actions
Blackmail: demand for money or other consideration under
threat to do bodily harm, to injure property, to accuse of a
crime, or to expose secrets
Select from A, B, F, or all
Embezzlement: This includes but is not limited to using
faction funds for one’s personal benefit.
Select from C, D, E, F or all
Extortion: Killing another Dominion Citizen, especially
another CMG member, in an effort to gain their loot
Select from C, D, F, G or all
Tax Evasion: This includes but is not limited to falsifying
information on the Business Review or failing to pay taxes.
Select from A, C, D, or all
Weights and Measures: Selling items below production
costs; causing the faction to lose money.
Select from A, C, D, F or all

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3.6 Miscellaneous
Taxes: Each business is required to pay a tax no more than 25% of
their income as displayed in the Business Review. These taxes may
be dismissed altogether by parliament if an appeal is filed or if it is
seen that the business sells a consistent amount of good on any
colony owned by CMG.
Merges: Any number of businesses within CMG may merge at any
time and only with consent of Parliament. If approved, the business
will have to select a single leader(s) and proceed through the
application process again.
Bailouts: A business may request a bailout (money from the faction
funds) only once per real-time year. Once the limit is reached, the
business is subject to being disbanded and the leader(s) may not be
allowed to lead another business for 1 in game month. The
maximum amount for a bailout is 100.000uc and every bailout must
be approved by Parliament and every request must be documented,
regardless of whether or not it was approved. Any business that
receives a bailout must pay the faction back the amount plus 10% 60
real-life days after the money is received.
Groups: Businesses are permitted to participate in groups, as long
as they faithfully pay their taxes.
Departments: The CPB R6, R5’s, and the Business Leader(s)s (R4)
are REQUIRED to be in the CPB department. The other members of
the business are free to enroll in any department of their choice,
except the CPB department, for members of the CPB department
make up the Committee of Investors.
Administrative Board: Please note that the Administrative Board is
made up of the Director and his R6’s, however, when it comes to
issues dealing with Private Businesses, the AB can choose to
relinquish its authority to the CPB R6 and his magistrates. This will
ensure maximum efficiency and allow the BA to deal with more
pressing issues.

4 Conclusion
One thing to keep in mind is that this system is for testing purposes.
Once implemented, anything is subject to change, from the names
involved to the procedures. The sole purpose of implementing this in
CB is to see if the system is worth it, and if it something that we can
pursue when OB and Retail hits. This system is undergoing its own
beta testing of sorts and thus, any suggestions and thoughts are
welcome and in fact needed.

DISCLAIMER: Anything written and/or explained in any of the above

pages is subject to change.

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