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Formation of the French Imperial System a. Dissolution of the first and second coalitions i. FIRST COALITION: main accomplishment was the partition of Poland and the dissolution of the Polish state; Prussia, Austria, Spain formed separate peace alliances with France; Spain allied with French b/c mutual hatred for Britain ii. 1795: French broke up First Coalition British withdrew army iii. 1801: Austrias acceptance of the peace of Luneville dissolved the Second Coalition; Russia feared British victory would destroy connections with Middle East iv. 1792-1814: no European power was at war with another b. Formation of the third coalition in 1805 i. 1803: Britain and France go to War 1. Napoleon defeated by Nelsons fleet threat of Austrian and Russian armies Nap moved west & defeated Austrian force @ Ulm, Bavaria 2. BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR: Nelson defeats combined French-Spanish fleet a. England controls sea until 1900 ii. 1804: Napoleon pronounces himself Emperor of the French 1. Francis II creates Austrian Empire iii. THIRD COALITION: Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain iv. Talleyrand sells Louisiana Territory crushes hope of Western Empire c. The Third Coalition of 1805-1807: Treaty of Tilsit i. THIRD COALTION: Austria, Russia, Sweden & Great Britain 1. 1805-1807: France defeats all except Great Britain a. 1805: France defeats Russia & Austria @ Austerlitz creates CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE which abolishes HRE, combines most of the German states except Austria and Prussia b. 1806: defeats Prussians @ BATTLE OF JENA & AUSTERSTADT i. Takes Venetia c. 1807: defeats Russians @ FRIEDLAND d. JULY 1807: Tsar Alexander I & Napoleon sign TREATY OF TILSIT allies against Great Britain ii. Creates Kingdom of Westphalia w/ Treaty of Tilsit Prussian lands west of Elbe River = kingdom of Westphalia 1. Prussian Polish provinces become Duchy of Warsaw iii. Impose Napoleonic code on new territories iv. Creates satellite nations v. Divides Italy in three vi. Removes internal tariffs to create economic growth in these areas d. Continental System and the War with Spain i. Economic Warfare 1. Control commerce in all Europe by shutting out British goods & shipping from all European ports 2. Hoped to ruin British commercial firms & cause business depression 3. Compelled Russia & Prussia to adhere Russia, Prussia, & Austria declare war on Britain 4. Denmark & Portugal coerced to adhere, invaded Portugal after it refused compliance, & Spanish throne abdicated to brother Joseph ii. The Peninsular War in Spain 1. Spanish guerilla warfare French losses & surrenders 2. Hurts the peasants in Spain anti French feelings peasants rebel British help them Peninsular Wars 3. Drains Napoleons resources b/c two-front war 4. Anti-French sentiments in Germany Austria prepares to go to war w/ France e. Austrian War of Liberation i. Alexander I unhappy w/ Napoleon for creating Grand Duchy of Warsaw to recreate Polish state & Napoleon unwilling to support expansion into Balkans ii. Talleyrand advised Alexander I to wait; wanted backup in case Napoleons plans fail iii. APRIL 1809: Austria proclaims war of liberation in October make peace after Napoleon victory @ Wagram Napoleon took Austrian Poland territory to enlarge Grand Duchy of Warsaw along w/ parts of Dalmatia, Slovenia, & Croatia f. Napoleons Peak i. Rise of Clemens von Metternich = Austrian foreign minister 1. Thought Russia was main problem sought to renew relationship w/ France ii. Napoleon needed heir Metternich secured alliance w/ Napoleons marriage to Marie Louise iii. All the powers of the coalitions allied w/ French except Britain The Grand EmpireSpread of the Revolution a. Organization of Napoleonic Empire i. Dependent states in Germany and Italy w/ allied states; included Belgium, left of the Rhine, & Dutch, German and Italian coastlines ii. Practiced nepotism brother Joseph = King of Naples, then Spain; Jerome = king of Westphalia; Caroline = queen of Naples; Napoleon = king of Lombardy, Venetia, and Papal states



Napoleon and the Spread of the Revolution i. Cycle of military conquest and occupation, internal reform and reorganization ii. Napoleon believed in constitutional govt and rule of law, hence Civil Code; goal to create society of legally equal individuals iii. Ended the manorial system and gave full citizenship rights to citizens iv. In Poland, peasants were legally free v. Challenged Catholic Church: limited courts, ended tithes, confiscated property, required legal toleration vi. Removed internal tariffs, abolished guilds, broke up the old town oligarchies vii. Decimal money systems to metric system viii. Abolished hereditary offices and ended the sale of offices; increased salaries of the bureaucracy ix. Reforms affected north Italy & southern Germany b/c lacked monarchial tradition & had strong urban middle class w/ anticlerical tendencies


The Continental System: Britain and Europe a. Economic Warfare i. Intended to crush Britain but also a means of unification and mastery over all Europe ii. Destroyed feudalism and ignorance, and used anti-British sentiment b. Napoleons Continental System i. British declared blockade of Europe to destroy French imports and shipping to weaken Frances position in world markets ii. Napoleon responded with a nation of shop-keepers iii. 1806: BERLIN DECREE: no imports of British goods to the continent 1. British response ORDER IN COUNCIL: all goods pass for Europe must pass through Britain MILAN DECREE: any neutral ship following British orders would be seized iv. 1812: US goes to war with Britain c. The Failure of the Continental System i. Demand for sugar and tobacco that British could provide ii. Smuggling British goods throughout Europe form of resistance to the continental system iii. Europeans antagonized by French tariffs damaged system of overseas trade iv. British traded instead w/ Latin America National MovementsGermany a. Resistance to Napoleon and Nationalism i. Nationalism in resistance to French internationalism ii. Conservatives wanted national values and institutions; liberals wanted self-determination, more participation, and more freedom for the individual iii. Spanish wanted to restore clergy & Bourbons; Italians wanted unification b. The Movement of thought in Napoleonic Germany i. Germany against French cultural dominance became most Romantic of European nations w/ Beethoven, Schiller, Goethe, Herder, Kant, Fichte, Hegel ii. Herder, German theologian argued true culture must arise from native roots iii. Fichte supported Rousseau that state should be the embodiment of the sovereign will of the people c. Reforms in Prussia i. Baron Stein wanted to boost Prussian morale loosened caste structure and gave burghers extensive self govt ii. Abolishes serfdom giving peasants more independence from landlords iii. Compete with French but people under role vs napoleon iv. Laid foundations for modern state and economy Overthrow of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna a. 1810: Russia pulls out of Continental System b/c upset by Austro-French connection & creation of a Polish state b. The Russian Campaign and the War of Liberation i. 1812: Napoleon moved Grand Army into Russia but Russians withdrew ii. Napoleon took Moscow, but b/c of lack of supplies to retreat, lost most of his army iii. Prussia & Austria follow Russia iv. Anti-French riots in Italy & Wellington advanced in Spain v. Napoleons new army defeated in BATTLE OF NATIONS c. The Restoration of the Bourbons i. British wanted Napoleon out, free Belgium, & Bourbons restored 1. Napoleon rejected British Castlereagh promised subsidies to gain support of French allies a. 1814: quadruple alliance b/w Russia, Prussia, Austria & GB w/ TREATY OF CHAUMONT i. Napoleon forced to abdicate @ Fontainebleau 2. Talleyrand pushed Louis XVIII as natural king agreed to constitutional charter Bourbon dynasty restored a. Charter promised legal equality, eligibility of all to public office regardless of class, & parliamentary govt in two chambers, recognized Napoleonic law codes, Napoleonic settlement w/ Church, & redistribution of property during Revolution d. The Settlement before the Vienna Congress i. 1814: first TREATY OF PARIS: confined France to its boundaries of 1792 before wars, no reparations, Napoleon exiled to Elba ii. International congress of Vienna agreed to be held after Napoleons defeat & before treaty of Chaumont 1. British refused to discuss freedom of seas, Russia refused to discuss Turkey and Balkans e. The Congress of Vienna 1814-1815





1814: England, Russia, Prussia & Austria met to draw peace settlement 1. Goal: to redraw map of Europe as pre-1789 to ensure order & stability 2. Consisted of METTERNICH (Austria), CASTLEREAGH (England), ALEXANDER I (Russia), TALLEYRAND (France), HARDENBERG (Prussia) ii. Dutch Republic restored as Netherlands w/ House of Orange as hereditary monarchy w/ Belgium iii. Sardinia/Piedmont restored & given Genoa iv. Prussia was given most of left of the Rhine bulwark against France in west & Russia in east v. Austria = overlord of N Italy Austrian empire now included Lombardo-Venetian kingdom in N Italy vi. Germany remained loose organization of states: 39 w/ Prussia & Austria in Confederation of the Rhine The Polish-Saxon Question i. Poland brought into question b/c of fall of Napoleonic Grand Duchy of Warsaw 1. Russia and Prussia together to demand all of Poland for Russia & all Saxony for Prussia ii. 1815: Castlereagh, Metternich & Talleyrand sign secret treaty to go to war if necessary against Russia & Prussia Alexander I agreed to compromise, agreed to reduced Polish kingdom 1. Congress created Congress Poland w/ Alexander as king, creating constitution 2. Poland ultimately not reunited iii. Prussia receives 2/5 of Saxony, the rest w/ Saxon king iv. Net effect of peace settlement shifts Russia & Prussia farther west The Hundred Days and their aftermath i. 03/01/1815: Napoleon escaped from Elba & returned to France gained control of army but defeated by Wellington @ WATERLOO & exiled to St. Helena ii. Second treaty of Paris w/ indemnities & army of occupation iii. Hundred Days to solidify Quadruple Alliance 1. Bourbons restored to Naples; Alexander produced Holy Alliance to uphold Christian principles all signed iv. Congress of Vienna made new major diplomatic settlement producing minimum French resentment, smoothed problem of Poland & dualism of Austrian and Prussian authority in Germany 1. Restored balance of power & European state system & established basic peace in Europe


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