The Execution of George Tiller - (Joe Added, The ABORSIONIST MD!)

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The Execution Of George Tiller

By Anthony C. LoBaido 6-4-9

The recent summary execution of abortion doctor George Tiller because of

his late term abortion career raises many questions

If you are against abortion -- especially late term abortion -- because it's
murder, then how can you murder George Tiller? That makes you like him.
It's nutty.

Yet may we ask why are babies killed/terminated in the latest stages of their

What happend to that ancient Greek oath doctors must take to "do no harm

What exactly is a "D&X" abortion -- where the brain tissue of a baby being
born is sucked out of its skull? This is the United States of America? As in,
"God bless America?"

What about the use of the fetal tissue from these archetype abortions for
medical experimentation, cloning, DNA patents on the human genome
and/or disease research by Big Pharma? How and where does that fit into the
whole late term abortion issue, if at all?

How much money is involved? Hundreds of millions? Billions? Trillions?


How could George Tiller do this and still go to church?

Who would go to church along with him and sit by his side without asking
him to stop doing this? (I've read that Nazi murderers in World War II
Germany also went to church on Sundays).

Why are people "shocked" that he was summarily put to death for what he
was doing? Are they serious? If he was doing this in let's say, 1950, there
would have been thousands upon thousands of people lining up to take him
out ... what's led us down this slippery slope?

Just who defends what George Tiller did for a living? What kind of people
are they? They're all over the Internet defending him. Politicians in the
Democratic Party ... doctors who went to medical school ... they're
everywhere it seems ... no shame, brazen even. What is the rationale for their
viewpoint? "Nobody's right if everybody's wrong," as the old song says.
The truly amazingly great Mr. Obama, while still serving in the Illinois State
Legislature, was deeply involved in a late term abortion political
controversy. Why do the Democrats always seem to get caught up in these
things? Do they support this in their heart of hearts? What drives them to be
involved? How can they sleep at night?

Are they confused? Sold out? Is this a "must do" tenant of Satanism --blood
sacrifice? They're uninformed about what's really going on? King Herrod
complex? What ...? Probably they see all abortion as a zero sum game and
they feel they have to defend all of it or none of it.

Why haven't the Christian Right and Republicans been able to put an end to
late term abortion since they had control of the Congress between 1994 and
2006? President Bush Jr. to his credit made late term abortion illegal through
a Presidential Directive. But how long will that last? And why should it
come down to such edicts in the first place? Why did/do Obama and Hillary
and Bill Clinton support this? What stake do they personally have in it, if

How could this happen right in Kansas, smack in the middle of the Bible

What does all of this say about America, the West and the future of the

How do Muslims and Islam view America when it tolerates late term

While untold millions in the U.S. and around the world no doubt believe the
long-awaited execution of George Tiller is a great day for America and the
unborn, the fact remains that Judgment Day for George Tiller won't stop
abortion. His execution is not a "victory" in any recognizable sense of the

It will lead to a crackdown against the anti-abortion movement. Yet look at

the price Elijah Lovejoy paid fighting slavery in St. Louis ... we've been
down this road before.

Sure, George Tiller had his chances to repent, but only God is fit to judge
him. There are better ways to oppose his particular brand of evil. Those who
support George Tiller from the White House on down show they have lost
their minds and their souls. They deserve our pity. They are so, so lost. Not
only do they tolerate late term abortion, they endorse it and perhaps
celebrate it.
What's wrong with them? What has driven them to the point of evil and
insanity? What drives America to seed Iraq with depleted uranium? What
drove the killers of poor James Byrd, Abeer Hamza and Channon Christian
and her boyfriend? Or even poor Matthew Shepherd? People have become
monsters and it is an infection you can see in every race, nation and culture.

Yet just because they are lost today doesn't mean God won't change their
hearts tomorrow. Just look at how the Roe vs. Wade woman who originally
brought that case to the Supreme Court is now protesting abortion with all
her might. Just because we've given up on people it doesn't mean God has
given up on them. Mr. Obama might wake up tomorrow with a restored
mind and oppose abortion. We can't rule this out. Didn't God send a dream to
the Pharoah? Mr. Obama did not personally create this kind of evil. It's been
developing for decades. We should pray for this man, that God might help
him see the light.

Did you know the black to white abortion rate in the U.S. is 8 to 1? Any
protest? Gee ... I wonder why? Could this be the real face of white
supremacy? Again, for every one white baby aborted, 8 black babies are
aborted. Where are the great Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and even Nelson
Mandela on this issue? Or have they been told flat out to simply "shut up"
about it? Or do they support this in their heart of hearts? Personally I find
that hard to believe.

It should be clear by now that only prayer and national repentance can stop
late term abortion, and all abortion.

As Steve Forbes said, to stop abortion, "you have to change the culture."

We must pray with all of our might! Violence is not the answer ... For every
abortion doctor that is summarily put to death, thousands of new ones will
be trained. That's no solution. It's certainly not "Christian" to kill them. Jesus
taught that we must love our enemies. Murder is murder, plain and simple.

However, it should now be painfully clear to those who do what George

Tiller did to the unborn, and support him in their hearts, that they are now
and forever will be forced to live in terror that the very same thing might
well happen to them. And that countless millions of Americans will silently
cheer their demise.

Whether they admit this or not, this is objective reality.

Perhaps that's a branch of the very same terror they've brought to the unborn
via their late term abortions? Who can say for sure?
But you know, we all live in terror to a certain degree. Look at the Asian
Tsunami, Katrina, Rita, 9/11 and so forth. Is there any linkage to the terror
which the unborn are facing in the U.S. and around the world to the terror
we read about in the daily newspaper? Again, who can say for sure?

Closer to home, can the DHS root out the would-be killers of abortion
doctors? Not likely. How would you do such a thing? Anyone can strike,
anywhere, at any time. Like in Baghdad ... you never know who will be
taken out, when or where. It's absolutely terrifying ... which is the whole
idea I suppose. Perhaps it's time America split up over issues like abortion,
because it doesn't look like the two sides can coexist.

Who can say when this kind of evil was spawned? The Tower of Babel?
Ancient Rome? The French Revolution? World War I? Woodstock? The age
of globalization? Whom do you blame ... Christians themselves? The
culture? Public schools? The (lack of) role models? Democrats?

May we humbly seek God in prayer on our knees for the answers we so
desperately need. For those you can see (and even Ray Charles can see
what's happening these days) America is lost, defeated on every battlefield,
out of borrowed money, culturally in the sewer and helplessly delusional.
We wage war on our own Boy Scouts and the Air Force Academy while
handing our children, an the unborn, over to Satan himself.

As such, those who weep for the loss of George Tiller serve as a prime
example of our craven, insane delusions. Tiller was a mass murderer no
better than Ted Bundy and perhaps worse. Period. Those who cheered him,
supported him and now weep for him are the lowest form of oxygen stealing
parasites imaginable. They are a disgrace to America and without a doubt
criminals against all humanity. They might as well support Marx, Lenin,
Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Winnie Mandela. (In various ways, these people
were supported and even celebrated by some in the West).

It took a long time for America to get in this condition. However, we are all
only one decision away from turning back to God.

There is still hope for America and the world but only if we live our lives in
a way that seeks to bring God glory and serve others. In order to do this we
must seek self examination, repentance and sanctification.

Anthony LoBaido is an American writer.

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