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: Comparison of business intelligence and decision support system Whatis.

com Definitions Business Intelligence Decision Support System Business Intelligence (BI) is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions. A decision support system (DSS) is a computer program application that analyzes business data and presents it so that users can make business decisions more easily.

DSS as a system that essentially solve or give options for solving a given problem.

Someone at the Oracle Forums asked How to start BI ? I know it becomes quite difficult to comprehend with all the tons of new stuff that is introduced on a daily basis. First it helps to understand the fundamentals between OLTP and BI systems. Your OLTP could be ERP, CRM or SCM and BI could be a data-warehouse, dashboardsetc. Your CRM, ERP , SCM etc are the true backbone of any company or business. These systems are designed for efficient data entry and storage. For e.g if a customer calls your company to order something, then the operator on your company side logs into an Order Management system within ERP. After getting the basic information like address, profile details, validating the customer's credit history, the operator then takes the order details. Now you see all the raw transactions are efficiently stored in your ERP but the data that is stored for Online transactions may not be the best for reporting. You need to consider the efficiency of the reporting. Also your manager may not necessarily like to see the information at a very detail level (infact they may not like whatever you present them :)).

So to ease the reporting of all these CRM, ERP data, companies often go with a BI solution ( I use to think a solution is some kind of viscous liquid that you can fill it in a bottle and sell it to the customer). This BI solution could be a combination of Datawarehouse, dashboards, ad-hoc reporting etc. Business Intelligence Tool Version BizzScore Suite IBM Cognos Series 10 Microstrategy Style Intelligence Pentaho BI suite (open source) Board Management IntelligenceToolkit JasperSoft (open source) WebFOCUS Microsoft Business Intelligence* QlikView SAS Enterprise BI Server Tableau Software Oracle Enterprise BI Server (OBIEE) 7.4 10.1.1 9.2 11.3 Vendor EFM Software IBM Microstrategy InetSoft




Board International

4.7 8.01

JasperSoft Information Builders



11 9.3 7.0

QlikTech SAS Institute Tableau Software


- Oracle Hyperion for planning + consolidation BusinessObjects Enterprise XI SAP NetWeaver BI (Powered by HANA)


4.0 FP3




Data marts and data warehouses: BIRetail Solution consists of a revolutionary & completely customizable data warehouse called BI Warehouse that is prebuilt to facilitate reporting from any heterogeneous data base. BI Warehouse works with any Point of Sale System or transactional Retail Management System. ETL Processes: BI Connect is a powerful proprietary ETL solution which has a minimal foot print on the clients server and integrates seamlessly with any transactional system inside the clients firewall, gathers raw data, and transforms it into a Virtual Data Store in BIRetail Server that is capable to perform millions of complex computations in less than a second. Data is incremented & aggregated from multiple systems, cleansed, & organized into a predefined, robust data warehouse that drives the analytics engine. OLAP: BIRetail has a unique Analytic Engine which uses the structured data available and transforms it into aggregate information and provides interactive reports to the user which can be customized without any help of IT resources. Visualization Dashboards and Interactive Reports: BIRetail combines state-of-the-art data visualization and interactivity to create predefined dashboards and help organizations track performance and optimize decisionmaking. Users can analyze the information using standard aggregations and more sophisticated functions such as weighted average, summation, percentage contribution, standard deviation and net present value. Investigative reporting, using pivoting, sorting, slicing, and drilling to more detail, can be performed with simple mouse clicks. Users can also format reports to their specifications and view the data as intuitive charts and graphs to identify trends and anomalies quickly.

Infrastructure: As BIRetail is a hosted application, the infrastructure costs for any retailer drastically reduce. BIRetail Servers are

very reliable and incorporate the best practices of load balancing thus avoiding failovers. Our infrastructure allows users to see the information of their choice in any part of the world in a much secured way.

OLAP include business reporting for sales, marketing, management reporting,business process management (BPM),[3] budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting and similar areas, OLAP tools enable users to interactively analyze multidimensional data from multiple perspectives. OLAP While CRM provides transactional information and knowledge about customers, BI provides analytics capabilities to leverage customer knowledge.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a companys interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support.[1] The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, service and retain those the company already has, entice former clients to return, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service

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