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Maslows Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs: a. Physiologic Needs b. Safety and Security Needs c.

Love and Belongingness Needs d. Self Esteem Needs e. Self Actualization Needs 43. Sex is not necessary for individual survival but it is necessary for survival of mankind. A 44. A change in body image such as the loss of a body part, may affect which of the following type of human needs? D 45. Which of the following levels of basic human needs is most basic? A 46. Careful hand washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet which basic human need? B 47. Air, Water, Food, Sleep A 48. The need for shelter and freedom from harm and danger B 49. The need to establish fruitful and meaningful relationships with people, institution, or organization. C 50. The need for beauty and aesthetics.and the need for harmonious relationships. E 51. Self worth, self identity, self respect D A. Physiological Need B. Safety Need C. Love and Affection Need D. Esteem Need E. Self-Actualization Need s diabetes. What type of human dimension is represented? a. Physical Dimension b. Environmental Dimension c. Socio - cultural Dimension d. Emotional Dimension e. Intellectual and Spiritual Dimension 33. Ability to carry out daily task and achieve fitness. a. Social Dimension b. Occupational Dimension c. Physical Dimension d. Emotional Dimension 34. Interact successfully, Develop respect and tolerance for others. a. Social Dimension b. Occupational Dimension c. Physical Dimension d. Emotional Dimension 35. Ability to achieve between work and leisure a. Environmental Dimension b. Intellectual Dimension c. Occupational Dimension d. Social Dimension 36. Belief in some force that serves to unite a. Intellectual Dimension b. Emotional Dimension

c. Environmental Dimension d. Spiritual Dimension 37. Ability to promote health measures that improves standard of living and quality of life. a. Environmental Dimension b. Intellectual Dimension c. Occupational Dimension d. Social Dimension 38. Maintain Nutrition, avoid abuses. a. Social Dimension b. Occupational Dimension c. Physical Dimension d. Emotional Dimension 39. Develop and maintain intimacy a. Social Dimension b. Occupational Dimension c. Physical Dimension d. Emotional Dimension 40. Ability to manage stress and express emotions. a. Intellectual Dimension b. Emotional Dimension c. Environmental Dimension d. Spiritual Dimension 41. Ability to learn effectively. a. Intellectual Dimension b. Emotional Dimension c. Environmental Dimension d. Spiritual Dimension 42. All men believe in the existence of a Supreme Power who guides our fate and destiny. a. Intellectual Dimension b. Emotional Dimension c. Environmental Dimension d. Spiritual Dimension Maslows Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs: a. Physiologic Needs b. Safety and Security Needs c. Love and Belongingness Needs d. Self Esteem Needs e. Self Actualization Needs 43. Sex is not necessary for individual survival but it is necessary for survival of mankind. A 44. A change in body image such as the loss of a body part, may affect which of the following type of human needs? D 45. Which of the following levels of basic human needs is most basic? A 46. Careful hand washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet which basic human need? B 47. Air, Water, Food, Sleep A 48. The need for shelter and freedom from harm and danger B 49. The need to establish fruitful and meaningful relationships with people, institution, or organization. C

50. The need for beauty and aesthetics.and the need for harmonious relationships. E 51. Self worth, self identity, self respect D 52. f-Actualization Need ____A_____ 1. Im starving. ____B_____ 2. Please lock the door. ____B_____ 3. I hope I wont get fired for that mistake. ____E_____ 4. I will succeed with that new program. ____C_____ 5. I wish they would invite me to go to lunch. ____D_____ 6. I want to chair that committee. ____C_____ 7. Those people in that office are just mean. ____D_____ 8. I hope they think my idea was good. ____E_____ 9. I know I can be class president. ____A_____ 10. Im exhausted.
__________ is a medical term meaning that there is a pathological change in the structure or function of the body or mind.


Arthritis is an example of a __________ illness

A _____________illness generally has a rapid onset of symptoms and lasts only a relatively short time. The reappearance of symptoms of a chronic disease in a patient who has been in remiss1ion is known as a period of ___________ A landscapers increased risk for developing skin cancer because of excessive exposure to sun is considered a ______________ risk.





a. Disease b. chronic


__________ is a medical term meaning that there is a pathological change in the structure or function of the body or mind.

Arthritis is an example of a __________ illness

A _____________illness generally has a rapid onset of symptoms and lasts only a relatively short time.


The reappearance of symptoms of a chronic disease in a patient who has been in remission is known as a period of ___________ A landscapers increased risk for developing skin cancer because of excessive exposure to sun is considered a ______________ risk.



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