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A Multiple-Level Vocabulary Assessment Tool: Measuring Word Knowledge Based on Grade-Level Materials

Judith A. Scott Merrit Hoover Susan Leigh Flinspach

University of California, Merced

University of California, Santa Cruz

Jack L. Vevea

In the past three decades, the assessment of student learning has influenced both policy and research pertaining to literacy practices more than in the previous history of American education (Afflerbach, 2004; Wixson & Pearson, 1998). Large-scale assessments of reading, in particular, have become prominent tools for making important educational decisions, often trumping other sources of information (Afflerbach, 2004; IRA, 1999). In discussing the limitations of reading assessments, the RAND Reading Study Group report (2002) points out that, unless measures of assessment reflect and are consistent with underlying theories of reading comprehension, we as researchers will be severely hampered in our capacities to engage in excellent research (p. 129). We know quite a bit about vocabulary acquisition, and yet this knowledge has not filtered into assessments of vocabulary knowledge, or assessments of reading comprehension, beyond the idea of adding context (Pearson, Hiebert, & Kamil, 2007). Although measures of vocabulary knowledge have been included in reading assessments since the 1920s, the traditional means of assessing vocabulary have recently come under fire for being driven by tradition, convenience, psychometric standards and a quest for economy of effort (Pearson, Hiebert & Kamil, 2007, p. 282). This hampers both research and decision making, for most of the measures do not reflect our current understanding of the nature of word learning (Scott, Lubliner, & Hiebert, 2006). Instead, the words on current large-scale vocabulary assessments are chosen arbitrarily, with no theoretically grounded principles, theories or frameworks to guide their selection for the tests (Pearson, Hiebert & Kamil, 2007). Words are chosen for their discriminatory power and their ability to operate in psychometerically appropriate ways to differentiate students, without consideration of the complexity and mulitfaceted nature of word learning (Pearson, Hiebert & Kamil, 2007). Because issues of vocabulary learning are intertwined with conceptual knowledge, sociocultural realities, instructional opportunities, and the slippery nature of words, this is not an easy subject to tackle (Scott, Nagy & Flinspach, 2008). However, in their review of vocabulary assessment, Pearson, Hiebert and Kamil (2007) suggest that it is feasible to do a better job than what is currently done, for only when we are sure about the validity and sensitivity of our assessments will we be able to determine the relations among various modes of vocabulary development and the relations between vocabulary knowledge and other aspects of reading development (p. 295). Kameenui, et al. (2006) sought to develop a framework to evaluate K-3 assessment tools for vocabulary and the four other components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension) specified in the Reading First Initiative within the No Child Left Behind 325


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legislation. Confronted with variation and discrepancies in the information available about the tests of interest, however, they narrowed their efforts to formulating an overall evaluative judgment of the trustworthiness ofor sufficiency of evidence aboutthe assessment functions. They found that few instruments used to assess K-3 student reading performance, including vocabulary acquisition, met their criteria of trustworthiness. Although a step forward in thinking about good tests, their efforts did not address the need for assessments that reflect the underlying processes of learning to read and master vocabulary. This paper discusses the development of two forms of a vocabulary test that build on what is known about vocabulary learning as an incremental and multifaceted process. They capture elements of the complexity of word learning and are tied to the curriculum being taught in fourth grade. The assessments have been administered to a diverse sample of students in California, and the results indicate that the tests are highly reliable.

Some Principles of Learning Vocabulary That Should Matter in Assessments

What it means to know a word is not simple or straightforward (Anderson & Nagy, 1991; Beck & Mckeown, 1991). Words have multiple meanings, are often abstract, are used in idioms, vary according to register, and differ according to context. Nagy and Scott (2000, p. 575) identify five aspects of word knowledge that indicate the complexity of word learning: incrementality, multidimensionality, polysemy, interrelatedness, and heterogeneity: (1) incrementalityknowing a word is a matter of degrees, not all-or-nothing; (2) multidimensionalityword knowledge consists of several qualitatively different types of knowledge; (3) polysemywords often have multiple meanings; (4) interrelatednessones knowledge of any given word is not independent of ones knowledge of other words; and (5) heterogeneitywhat it means to know a word differs substantially depending on the kind of word. These components of word learning are not commonly measured, or even taken into account, in vocabulary assessments. Current assessments also tend to ignore a students opportunities to learn the words in the classroom before taking the test. Given that these factors are likely to influence what students know, they should matter in the construction of vocabulary assessments. Three of these factorsincrementality, multidimensionality, and opportunity to learnare addressed by the tests described in this paper. Researchers have shown that mastering a new word is usually an incremental process; it occurs along a continuum (Beck & McKeown, 1991; Beck, Perfetti & McKeown, 1982; Dale, 1965; Nagy & Scott, 2000; Paribakht & Wesche, 1999; Shore & Durso, 1990; Stahl, 2003). Childrens knowledge of a words meaning is often incomplete initially, and it grows with repeated exposures to the word. Beck, McKeown, and colleagues found that up to 40 well-taught instructional encounters with a word do not necessarily ensure full mastery (Beck, Perfetti, & McKeown, 1982; McKeown, Beck, Omanson, & Perfetti, 1983; McKeown, Beck, Omanson, & Pople, 1985). In vocabulary assessment, Dale (1965) translated the notion of word learning on a continuum into four levels of word knowledge ranging from I never saw it [the word] before to I

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know it. More recently, Paribakht and Wesche (1996) added a fifth gradation of knowledge, asking students to indicate whether or not they could use the word in a sentence. Stallman, Pearson, Nagy, Anderson & Garcia (1995) have also attempted to gauge incremental growth in understanding words through the manipulation of distractors in the test that assess gradations of knowledge about each word. These attempts to incorporate incremental learning into vocabulary assessments have all been limited, and much more needs to be done to operationalize the construct of incrementality (Pearson, Hiebert & Kamil, 2007, p. 290). Another principle of word learning, multidimensionality, underscores that all words are not considered equal. Words differ on multiple dimensions such as part of speech. Syntactic awareness, or knowing the part of speech, is identified as an important, and often neglected, component of learning from context (McKeown, 1985; Werner & Kaplan, 1952) and dictionary use (Scott & Nagy, 1997). Understanding the role of syntax in word learning is implicit in cloze tasks, where a correct guess depends on understanding the part of speech needed to fill in the blank correctly. Cloze tasks are often included in traditional vocabulary assessments, but knowledge of words parts of speech can be assessed in other ways as well. A second feature of multidimensionality deals with words that have families of morphological variants, such as relate, relates, related, relating, relative, relation, and relationship. Hiebert (2005; 2006) has identified morphological family frequency as an important element of a principled vocabulary curriculum. Word frequency is usually attributed to individual words, but Hiebert suggests that family frequency, the larger set of words that share the same morphological root, may be a more important factor in word learning. For instance, although the word consume appears only 5 times per million in a large corpus of words (Zeno, Ivens, Millard & Duvvuri, 1995), it is part of a larger set of related words (consumer, consumers, consumed, consumption, etc.) that appear an additional 90 times per million words (Pearson, Hiebert, & Kamil, 2007). Words that are seen more often are more likely to be learned (Stahl, 2003), which indicates that morphological family frequency should be a consideration when selecting the words in vocabulary assessments. A third factor affecting the words that students know is their opportunity to learn words in class. Consequently, the vocabulary items tested ought to relate to the materials and curriculum covered in a particular domain or grade level. Most states have developed content standards for subjects taught at each grade level. For instance, fourth graders in California study the states history including the missions that were established by Spanish priests. Although the students may encounter words such as indigenous or mission on a social studies test, they are unlikely to find them on a vocabulary assessment. Rather, the words on most vocabulary assessments do not reflect students opportunities to learn words; they are chosen arbitrarily and are unconnected to gradelevel curricula or materials (Read & Chapelle, 2001). Despite their importance for vocabulary knowledge, word-learning principles and students opportunities to learn have been largely ignored in test construction. The VINE vocabulary assessments described in this paper represent an attempt to begin to remedy this oversight.

VINE Vocabulary Assessments

The impetus for developing a measure of vocabulary growth based on the words that students actually study and on principles of word learning emerged from our work in the VINE (Vocabulary


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Innovations in Education) Project, a federally funded research project that explores the development of vocabulary knowledge in fourth grade through word consciousness. VINE teachers assist students in building an associative network surrounding words, with knowledge of the subtle distinctions between related words that occur in the same semantic field (Scott, 2004). By focusing on word learning as a generative process, in which students learn metacognitively about words as opposed to learning a specific set of words, VINE seeks to help students develop both the skill and the will to learn more words. We thought that developing vocabulary assessments that follow the fourth grade curriculum and that pay attention to levels of word knowledge, parts of speech, and morphological family frequency was necessary and compelling. In the process, we wanted the instruments to have the psychometric properties that would make them trustworthy in the eyes of others. Development of the VINE Assessments To test words that our students were likely to encounter during fourth grade, we asked local fourth-grade teachers to identify novels that were typically read aloud in their classrooms or used in literature circles with many of their students. In addition, we asked them about the textbooks they used in math, social studies, and science. We formed a list of 21 trade books and four textbooks for academic subjects commonly used in this region of California (see Appendix A). These were the source texts for our corpus of words. As our research team read these books, they pulled out words that they thought fourth-grade students might find difficult. From over 30,000 words culled initially, we formed a corpus of more than 5,000 distinct words that fourth-graders in surrounding school districts were likely to read and/or hear in class. From this corpus, we formed two vocabulary assessments, a fiction test (with words drawn from the trade books) and a non-fiction test (with words from the math, science, and social studies textbooks). Only words that appeared in two or more of the source books were included, as these were words students seemed more likely to encounter during the school year. About 20% of the words on the assessments appeared in both fictional and non-fictional sources. Our rationale for testing an equal number of words from trade books and from subject-specific textbooks was that approximately three hours of each school day in fourth grade are devoted to reading and writing and three hours to everything else. Consequently, the distribution of words reflected the time that fourth-grade teachers may devote to vocabulary development across all subjects in the school day. The individual words for each test were selected from the corpus with attention to multidimensionality regarding part of speech, membership in morphologically related families, and frequency. The words on each test reflect the parts of speech across the entire corpus35% are verbs, 39% are nouns, 5% are adverbs, and 21% are adjectives. Most test words have numerous morphological variants, but a few words (e.g., lunar) with no variants were also included. The morphological family frequency of the selected words ranges from low (sizzle: family U-value = .29) to relatively high (century: family U-value = 61.34). U-value is a standardized measure of frequency per million words adjusted for variation in distribution. To capture the incremental aspect of word learning, each selected word was developed as a testlet, a five-question measure of gradations of knowledge about the word. While other vocabulary assessments tend to focus on a students ability to define a word, the VINE tests were designed to encompass a broader base of knowledge. The first question about each word asks test-takers to

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make a recognition judgment: Have you ever seen or heard of this word before? Students who have neither heard of, nor seen, the test word before are directed to indicate that on the first question and then skip to the next test word. If they have seen or heard the word before, test-takers go on to the second question, which asks them about their confidence in their knowledge of the word: Ive heard it, but Im not sure what it means versus I think I know what it means. The third question requires students to identify Figure 1. Sample Test Item the words semantic field, and for the fourth question, test-takers choose Pyramid the correct definition of the word. The last question asks students to Circle either yes or no. If you circle no, identify the words part or parts of then go on to the next word. If you circle yes, then speech. They indicate one or more please answer the rest of the questions below. parts of speech for each word. The test booklet was formatted so that Have you ever seen or heard this word before? one word and its 5-question testlet NOskip to next word appear per page. See Figure 1. YESplease answer all the questions below According to Pearson, Hiebert and Kamil (2007), distractors used Circle the letter of one answer. in a vocabulary assessment play an important role in operationalizing How well do you know this word? the underlying theory of vocabulary a. Ive heard it, but Im not sure what it means. knowledge (p. 293). Our distractors b. I think I know what it means. on the third and fourth questions of each testlet include at least two I think the word may have something to do with: parts of speech so that the students a. Farming answers to these questions do not b. Noise influence the response on the last c. Movement question regarding part of speech. d. Math The distractors were also selected so that the correct semantic field I think this word means: matches the correct definition, with a. Making a sound like metal hitting metal the majority of the distractors falling b. Moving down something outside close matches if students c. A triangle shape with a square base knew almost anything about the d. A type of tractor word. Thus, the students had to choose whether the word flick Circle all that apply. might have something to do with: a) dolphins; b) looking; c) fruit; or I think this word may be: d) movement. Although dolphins a. A noun might flick their tails or eyes might b. A verb flick back and forth, choosing either c. An adjective of these would be a stretch. The d. An adverb


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distractors for the definition of flick were: a) the seed of a jungle fruit; b) the way dolphins swim; c) looking carefully and d) moving something quickly. Piloting and Administering the VINE Vocabulary Assessments Both VINE vocabulary assessments, the one from fictional sources and the one from nonfictional sources, were piloted in a fourth-grade classroom that was not in the VINE Project. Based on the pilot tests, we reduced the number of words on each test from 50 to 36, decided that 15 minutes was the best length for the timed testing period, and agreed that students should take the two tests on different days. Members of the research team gave the VINE fiction and non-fiction vocabulary assessments to intact classrooms in both the fall and spring. On a testing day, students completed one vocabulary assessment and a separate VINE writing prompt. Each administrator followed a script that introduced the vocabulary assessment and ran through the 5-question testlet for two sample words. During the timed testing period, administrators and teachers circulated among the students to ensure that they were filling in the assessments correctly. Students were asked to put their pencils down at the end of 15 minutes exactly, and administrators collected the test booklets. In following the standardized scripts, administrators reviewed several key aspects of the assessments. They informed students that the tests were timed and, should the students be completely unfamiliar with a word, that they should respond to the first question only for that word and then skip to the next word in the test. They demonstrated how students who recognized a word should respond to the first two questions according to their own individual degree of familiarity with the word. Then they showed students that the semantic field and definitional questions each had one correct answer and that the question on the part of speech could have one or more correct responses. They reviewed the parts of speech through a short example sentence, labeling a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb in the sentence. After going through the two sample words and answering student questions, they left the example sentence with the labeled parts of speech visible to the class throughout the testing period. VINE Student Participants The VINE vocabulary tests were administered in the fall and again in the spring of the 200607 academic year to VINE student participants. The 380 VINE students were from 11 fourthgrade classrooms and two split classrooms with both fourth and fifth graders. The classrooms were located in metropolitan, town, and rural schools in seven districts in one region of California. VINE selected these classrooms because the enrollment of English learners was between 10 and 60%, and because the teachers had experience with writing workshop, had some flexibility in their teaching, and committed to the VINE Project for at least a year. In 2006-07, about half of the VINE students, 46 percent, spoke a language other than English at home, and 32 percent were designated English learners. In the town and rural schools, English learners usually came from Spanish-speaking households. The language situation was more complicated in the metropolitan schools, though, with students from households representing 26 home languages. After English, Spanish was the most common home language for VINE students, spoken by slightly more than 31%.

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The VINE classrooms were also diverse in other ways. Based on state classifications of primary ethnicity, 41% of the students were Latino, 28% were White, just over 9% were Filipino, slightly under 9% were Asian, and about 4% were African American. About 0.5% were American Indian or Alaskan Native, another 0.5% were Pacific Islanders, and the primary ethnicity of the remaining 8% was not specified. Most of the classrooms included students with disabilities, usually specific learning disabilities or speech or language impairment. Five VINE classrooms were located in a district that allocates all of its Title I monies to specific schools. Three of those classrooms were in all-Title I schools, and two were not. In the remaining eight VINE classrooms, student Title I enrollment varied from 0 to 100%. By numerous criteria, VINE classrooms in 2006-07 were diverse. VINE test administrators assumed that all VINE students who were attending school on an assessment day would take the vocabulary test. Occasionally a teacher requested that a student be excluded because of a severe disability or because of newcomer status (where a student speaks no English), but almost all VINE students receiving special resource or language services took the VINE tests. When alternative programs (band or English language development) pulled more than four students out of the classroom during the assessment period, VINE test administrators returned at a later date to make up the test with the missing students. The two VINE vocabulary assessments were developed to reflect the incremental and multidimensional nature of word learning and to take into account students opportunities to learn vocabulary in the classroom. At the beginning and end of the 2006-07 academic year, they were administered in a systematic way to most of the 380 VINE student participants in 13 diverse classrooms. The next section discusses the psychometric properties of the tests based on the student responses.

Applying Graded Item Response Theory to the VINE Vocabulary Tests

Traditional vocabulary scales typically rely on classical test theory: they sum each item and report the summed score as an index of vocabulary knowledge. This approach treats each vocabulary word equivalently, which results in a considerable loss of information. These traditional measures fail to account for the range in an items ability to make fine distinctions between persons of similar proficiency levels. Vocabulary items differ with respect to this characteristic, known as the items discrimination. Using an item response theory (IRT) approach results in a test that is more sensitive to the range of difficulties in vocabulary words and that differentially weights items that are more discriminating between test-takers of different proficiency levels. In IRT, the probability of successfully completing an item is dependent on specific item parameters, including discrimination and difficulty of the item, and individual proficiency. An IRT analysis assumes independence of items (conditional on proficiency), which is problematic for tests like the VINE vocabulary assessments that are composed of sets of items that are linked by their reference to a common word. In order to circumvent this issue, we grouped the five items based on each vocabulary word into a composite item. This practice is based on Thissens (1989) idea of a testlet in which related items are linked to create one larger, graded item. We then


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applied Samejimas (1996) graded IRT model, allowing for a range of scores on each composite item or testlet, rather than traditional binary scoring methods. Thus, our vocabulary test is made up of a series of these testlets with each vocabulary word contributing a single graded response. We calculate scores for a testlet by summing the correct responses on the five items related to each vocabulary word. For example, the word flutter is scored as follows: Initial score = 0
Have you ever seen or heard this word before? If yes, add 1; if no, add 0. How well do you know this word? a) Ive heard it, but Im not sure what it means;

b) I think I know what it means. If a, add 0; if b, add 1. d) butterflies. If d, add 1; otherwise, add 0.

I think the word may have something to do with: a) blankets; b) walking; c) houses; I think this word means: a) walking quickly in a straight line; b) the edge of a blanket;

c) flying like a butterfly; d) a large and fancy house. If c, add 1; otherwise, add 0. add 1; otherwise, add 0.

I think this word may be: a) a noun; b) a verb; c) an adjective; d) an adverb. If b,

In this example, the possible scores range from zero to five. On other items, multiple parts of speech can be counted as correct, allowing for a score range of up to seven. Scaling. The testlet items were scaled using public domain software called Augment v2, which implements the same scaling algorithm used in Multilog (Thissen, Chen, & Bock, 2003). We selected testlets for which every possible score was adequately represented in our sample (no categories of response were omitted). We then calibrated the testlet items and selected for those with high discrimination. Three testlets (admirable, brazenly, and ancient) were dropped from the fiction portion of the test and four (landscape, crop, rough, and location) were dropped from the non-fiction portion due to their low discrimination. This resulted in tests composed of 33 testlets on the fiction portion and 32 on the non-fiction portion, with all testlets selected for high discrimination and a range of difficulty levels. Each testlet varies with regard to its discrimination, but most have unusually high discrimination scores (greater than 1.0). Discrimination scores indicate how well an item distinguishes between test-takers of slightly differing abilities. The estimated discrimation values for each testlet are reported in Tables 1 and 2 (for non-fiction and fiction items respectively). Testlets have a range of possible scores (from zero to seven), so we also calculated threshold parameters associated with each discrete score for a particular testlet. Threshold parameters are related to the probability that a respondent with a particular proficiency level will respond in the next higher category, and they are reported in the same metric as raw proficiency. So, for example, the first threshold parameter for the migrate testlet, -1.14, implies that a respondent with proficiency equal to 1.14 has a 50% chance of moving from the a score of 0 to a score of 1 on that particular testlet. The full range of threshold parameters for each testlet is provided in Tables 1 and 2 for non-fiction and fiction items respectively. Marginal reliability. In IRT, the quality of measurement depends on proficiency. In classical test theory construction, the reliability of a particular test is the same regardless of proficiency, as long as respondents are in the proficiency range targeted by the test. To obtain an analogue of classical reliability, then, we averaged reliability across the range of possible proficiencies, weighting

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Table 1. Non-fiction testlets, discrimination parameter & threshold parameters.
Discrimination Score 1 Parameter Threshold Score 2 Threshold Score 3 Threshold Score 4 Threshold Score 5 Threshold


migrate pyramid decorative petroleum settle bison inference conserve shrub irrigate lunar absorb survival equivalent mild rarely northward sizzle earn hollow classify producer express moist solution reservoir bellow observe circular century seedling analyze

Score 6 Threshold

1.07 1.40 1.40 0.88 1.23 1.25 0.70 1.09 1.40 0.64 1.38 1.56 1.23 1.40 1.68 1.86 1.05 1.19 1.25 1.38 1.57 1.60 1.05 1.78 1.75 1.44 0.70 1.67 1.54 1.34 1.29 1.57

-1.14 -1.08 -0.33 1.13 -1.19 0.23 0.46 0.19 -0.01 1.35 0.42 -0.67 -1.36 -0.04 -0.28 -0.23 -0.24 -0.60 -1.10 -0.55 0.50 -0.30 -0.62 -0.22 -0.22 1.51 0.12 -0.33 0.08 -0.24 -0.15 0.52

-0.88 -0.95 -0.25 1.27 -0.88 0.32 0.80 0.52 0.20 2.12 0.62 -0.50 -1.25 0.03 -0.08 -0.06 -0.14 -0.46 -1.02 -0.44 0.71 -0.21 -0.51 -0.15 -0.12 1.73 0.35 -0.21 0.14 -0.17 -0.08 0.62

-0.72 -0.77 -0.07 1.51 -0.43 0.54 1.35 1.21 0.53 3.31 0.81 -0.23 -0.97 0.17 0.20 0.21 0.01 -0.26 -0.88 -0.17 1.06 -0.07 -0.03 0.08 0.11 1.98 0.86 -0.08 0.26 -0.03 0.09 0.72

-0.34 -0.44 0.26 1.88 0.16 0.67 2.30 1.94 0.79 4.34 1.34 0.20 -0.42 0.47 0.51 0.76 0.63 0.14 -0.55 0.38 1.55 0.24 1.08 0.48 0.43 2.29 1.86 0.21 0.56 0.22 0.37 1.04

0.68 0.56 1.71 2.82 1.45 1.08 5.25 2.75 1.32 6.32 3.38 1.07 2.20 1.23 1.65 2.21 3.36 1.12 1.02 0.99 2.56 0.99 1.86 1.76 1.43 2.55 3.20 1.05 1.99 1.32 1.02 1.96 6.07 4.01 3.04 3.05 3.48

by the likelihood of obtaining a proficiency in each range. In IRT, this concept is called marginal reliability. Marginal reliabilities on the VINE vocabulary tests were quite high: .90 for fiction and .92 for non-fiction.


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Table 2. Fiction testlets, discrimination parameter & threshold parameters.

Discrimination Score 1 Parameter Threshold Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold Score 6 Threshold

flutter heroine hiss grim flick perch pilot glance bundle fade dazzling aisle grove glisten chirp hillock brim clammy canopy frock hem glum haze hesitate frantic musician despair burst complain chatter mission announcement glider

1.08 0.57 0.90 1.05 1.05 1.08 1.02 1.49 1.30 1.12 1.61 1.36 1.22 1.27 0.94 0.56 1.41 1.37 1.42 0.79 0.77 1.33 1.01 1.80 1.70 1.19 1.25 1.34 1.04 0.95 0.91 0.83 1.38

-1.34 1.58 -3.19 -0.43 -2.17 -0.68 -2.16 -0.92 -0.71 -1.00 -0.39 0.53 -0.42 0.34 -1.79 2.37 0.34 -0.33 0.14 1.83 0.53 0.41 0.65 0.11 0.50 -0.84 0.16 -0.16 -0.73 -0.39 -0.45 -0.32 0.45

-1.21 2.43 -2.97 -0.21 -2.09 -0.53 -2.08 -0.84 -0.55 -0.82 -0.14 0.76 -0.04 0.52 -1.67 2.81 0.56 0.21 0.31 2.17 0.74 0.57 0.90 0.20 0.65 -0.80 0.31 -0.03 -0.63 -0.32 -0.37 -0.25 0.57

-0.84 3.31 -2.45 0.14 -1.81 -0.30 -1.75 -0.62 -0.34 -0.40 0.26 0.95 0.52 0.77 -1.47 3.51 1.01 1.09 0.66 2.96 1.37 0.69 1.34 0.34 0.82 -0.69 0.51 0.33 -0.46 -0.23 -0.16 -0.17 0.78

-0.47 4.29 -1.82 0.92 -1.26 0.05 -1.45 -0.37 0.14 0.32 0.70 1.07 0.99 1.39 -1.21 4.34 1.38 1.79 1.10 3.74 2.07 1.19 2.10 0.68 1.20 -0.49 1.09 1.11 -0.06 -0.04 0.12 0.08 1.02

0.32 5.42 -0.55 2.41 -0.37 0.82 -0.56 0.35 0.93 1.59 1.60 1.52 1.69 2.89 -0.17 6.22 1.97 2.74 1.61 4.61 3.07 2.21 3.03 1.47 2.34 0.85 2.23 2.98 1.56 0.86 1.24 3.02 1.68

3.20 2.49 3.71 3.64 3.01 3.11 2.83 3.79



Expected a posteriori scores. After calculating summed scores for each testlet and selecting optimal testlets using Samejimas (1996) graded IRT model, we developed expected a posteriori (EAP) scores that estimate participants proficiency based on their individual test responses. In IRT, an individuals score is often estimated by calculating the average proficiency associated with a particular response pattern. These expected a posteriori (EAP) scores do not directly

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correspond to the summed score that would be calculated in classical test theory. Instead, IRT accounts for the fact that the probability of attaining a particular set of item responses on a test is uniquely associated with the proficiency level of the examinee. Therefore different response patterns could have the same summed score, yet be associated with different proficiency level estimates. In order to avoid having different EAPs for participants who have the same summed score, we calculated summed-score EAPs by weighting the EAP estimate for each possible response pattern by the likelihood of that response pattern conditioned on proficiency. The raw summed score is translated into these summed-score EAPs, which are expressed in a metric that provides the test-taker and examiner with a convenient way to translate the raw summed score into a useful approximation of the EAP. The loss of information is minimal when we compare these simpler scores to pattern-scored EAPs. Both fiction and non-fiction summed score EAPs were centered at 50, with s = 10, for fourth-grade participants at the beginning of the academic year. Tables 3 and 4 provide the summed-score-to-EAP translation tables for the non-fiction and fiction tests, respectively. These tables facilitate the translation of an individuals summed score into the final metric of the test. We provide the tables to illustrate the simplicity of using the tests in
Table 3. Non-fiction summed score to EAP translation table. For brevity, not every possible summed score is provided, but the complete range of observed summed scores on the non-fiction portion of the test and their EAP equivalents are covered. Table 4. Fiction summed score to EAP translation table. For brevity, not every possible summed score is provided, but the complete range of observed summed scores on the fiction portion of the test and their EAP equivalents are covered.

Summed Score 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170

EAP Equivalent 20 29 34 39 43 47 50 53 56 59 62 65 68 72 76 81 87 95

Summed Score 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

EAP Equivalent 24 33 39 43 46 49 52 55 57 60 63 66 69 73 78 84 93


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practice. For example, a respondent who attained a summed score of 80 on the fiction test would earn an EAP proficiency estimate of 56. The user of the test, then, can simply apply the translation using the tables and need not be concerned with details related to the IRT scaling.

Any multiple-choice test that tries to capture student word knowledge is likely to fall short of that goal. Assessing word knowledge may seem simple, just as acquiring word knowledge may seem simple at first blush. But, words are intertwined with experiences and background knowledge, can be used literally or figuratively, occur in idioms and with multiple meanings, and have nuanced meanings in different contexts. Assessment of word knowledge is not an easy task. The VINE vocabulary tests build on a theory of word learning as a complex and incremental process to assess the depth of an examinees knowledge of each vocabulary word. The tests summarize performance across words by weighting based on the degree to which incremental knowledge of individual words discriminates between respondents who have different abilities. They have excellent reliability. The design of the VINE vocabulary tests also ensures that they have content validity, and we expect to establish their construct validity as well. The tests are based on an underlying theory of vocabulary acquisition, using two principles of word learningincrementality and multidimensionality (Nagy & Scott, 2000). The test questions reflect the principle that mastering a new word usually happens incrementally along a continuum of growth. The tests also take into account that words are multidimensional in two ways. First, the final question about each word asks about its syntactic roles or parts of speech. In fact, one component of word selection was that the ratio of words representing the parts of speech on each test mirrors the distribution of parts of speech across the entire corpus of source words. In addition, words belong to morphological families that vary greatly in overall frequency, and that frequency was a criterion for selecting the words on the tests. Thus, VINE vocabulary tests were constructed in accordance with a theory of how children actually learn words. Other design features of the VINE vocabulary assessments also contribute to their validity as a set of measures of fourth-grade vocabulary development in this region of California. Students opportunity to learn the words in their fourth-grade classrooms was fundamental to the process of word selection for the tests. The source materials were all trade books or textbooks used by local fourth-grade teachers, and the words on the tests occur in more than one source book. This honors the incremental principle that multiple exposures are often needed to learn new vocabulary. Moreover, the two tests, one with words from fictional sources and the other with words from nonfiction textbooks, take account of vocabulary learning outside of language arts; they represent the heterogeneity of word learning throughout the students day. In these ways, the VINE vocabulary tests move towards the development of better, more valid vocabulary assessments. In their discussion of vocabulary assessment, Pearson, Hiebert & Kamil (2007) call for research that takes several new directions. They seek research that pays attention to distinctions among various types of vocabulary, including the vocabulary of different text genres or possibly different subjects. They also recommend that researchers focus on how words are selected for vocabulary tests. They

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are interested in vocabulary assessments that estimate mastery of particular domains of knowledge, in opposition to the conventional, norm-referenced tests that set a benchmark of vocabulary growth at the average performance of other students. Lastly, they call for research that examines more thoroughly the vocabulary development of non-native speakers through assessment. The VINE vocabulary tests represent a step in the directions proposed by Pearson, Hiebert, and Kamil (2007). The tests are based on the curriculum covered in local fourth-grade classrooms rather than on words found to be good discriminators of vocabulary knowledge across a national sample. The fictional and non-fictional sources for the VINE tests reflect subject-matter differences in the vocabulary that students encounter. In addition, the words on the test were chosen with frequency and syntactic categories in mind, matching the distribution of syntactic categories identified in the source materials. These design principles could be used by other researchers as they work on new vocabulary assessments. The population used to assess the viability of the VINE tests was quite diverse. The classrooms represented diversity in terms of language abilities, home language, disabilities, primary ethnicity, and economic status. Thirty-two percent of VINE students were English learners. When testing students, particularly those from homes where academic English is rarely used, it seems imperative that we have vocabulary measures that capture what we are asking students to learn. The VINE tests were found to be highly reliable with this large and varied population of fourth graders. Although a strength of the VINE vocabulary assessments is their reflection of the local curriculum, it is also a limitation. The vocabulary covered in a fourth-grade curriculum is locationspecific. Fourth-grade texts and trade books in California may overlap to some extent with those in Nebraska, but there will also be differences. To reflect regional differences in curriculum on a test, the vocabulary words need to be regionally specific. The capacity of computers to store and analyze large corpora of words can facilitate this effort, with states, districts or teachers selecting words for a test from a broad range of source materials. Eventually, districts or teachers may be able to align vocabulary tests with the curriculum actually taught in local schools. One criticism of the VINE vocabulary assessments is that they test words out of context. The desire to question students knowledge of parts of speech, which we did on the VINE tests, came into conflict with placing the tested words into a sentence context. We plan to continue our assessment inquiry by examining the contribution of the parts-of-speech question to the discriminating power of the testlets. It may be possible to develop a good testlet without asking about parts of speech, thus enabling the tested word to appear in a sentence. We hope to extend our use of this approach so that vocabulary tests targeted at different grade levels can be linked using a common proficiency scale. The IRT methods that we employed make such linking feasible, and they also provide a way to assess whether the test functions in similar ways for different sub-populations (e.g., native speakers versus English language learners). This approach to vocabulary assessment provides tests that are grounded in current theories of word learning and in students opportunities to encounter the vocabulary in their classrooms. Overall, we hope that others will build on the innovations in the VINE vocabulary assessments. This study shows that it is possible to create assessments of vocabulary learning that capture gradations of vocabulary knowledge and that incorporate what we know about the complexity of word knowledge into a psychometrically sound and reliable set of tests. We hope the VINE


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vocabulary tests will encourage test publishers and researchers to look beyond current assessment offerings to find or develop alternatives that are more theoretically sound. We gratefully acknowledge funding by the IES Reading and Writing Education Research Grant Program #R305G060140 (U.S. Department of Education) for this Research.

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Appendix A
Original Source Materials for the VINE Word Corpus Tradebooks:

Applegate, K. A. (1998). Animorphs. New York, NY: Scholastic. Coerr, E. (2005). Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes. New York: Puffin Books. Curtis, C. (2004). Bud, Not Buddy. Laurel Leaf Publishers. Dahl, R. & Blake, Q. (1988) James and the Giant Peach. New York: Puffin Books. DiCamillo, K. (2001). Because of Winn Dixie. Massachusetts: Candlewick Press. DiCamillo, K. (2006). The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some Soup and a Spool of Thread. Massachusetts: Candlewick Press. Fleischman, S. (2000). Bandits Moon. Yearling Publishers. Fleischman, S. (1988). Great Horn Spoon. Little, Brown, & Young Readers. Fletcher, R. (1997). Twilight Comes Twice. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Hannigan, K. (2004). Ida B: ... and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World. New York: Harper Collins. Hesse, K. (1997). Out of the Dust. New York: Scholastic. Lowry, L. (1998) Number the Stars. New York: Bantam Doubleday Books for Young Readers.


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March, C. (2003) The Mystery on the California Trail. Georgia: Gallopade International. Mihelic, M. (2002). Come My Gentle Ariel. Didakta. Mochiuki, B. (1997). Baseball Saved Us. New York: Lee & Low Books. Munoz, P. (1999). Riding Freedom. New York: Scholastic. Namioka, L & DeKiefte, K. (1995) Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear (Invitations to Literacy). Houghton Mifflin. ODell, S. (1999). Island of the Blue Dolphins. Yearling Publishers. Park, B. (2000). Skinnybones. New York: Random House Books for Young Readers. Paulsen, G. (2006). Hatchet. Aladdin Publishers. Ryan, P. (2000). Esperanza Rising. New York: Scholastic. Soto, G. (1993) Too Many Tamales. New York: Putnam & Gosset Group.

Badders, W, Bethel, L, Fu, V., Peck, D., Sumners, C., Valentino, C. (2004) Houghton Mifflin Science Discovery Works: Level 4 (Hardcover). New York: Houghton Mifflin. Banks, J., Beyer, B., Contreras, G., Craven, J., Ladson-Billings, G., McFarland, M., Parker, W. (2000). California: Adventures in Time and Place. New York. McGraw Hill School Division Marht, A., Burton, G., Johnson, H., Luckie, L., McLeod, J., Newman, V., Schher, J. (2002). Harcourt Math (California Edition). Florida, Harcourt. Slavick Frank, M, Jones, R, Kockover, G, Lang, M, McLeod, J, Valenta, C., VanDeman, B, (2000). Harcourt Science. Florida, Harcourt Inc.

Text Books:

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