Natsci 2

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Tiano corner Kalambaguhan Streets, Cagayan de Oro City College of Business Administration SY 2010-2011 COURSE SYLLABUS Course Short Title Course Descriptive Title Course Credit I. Course Description : Nat Sci 2 : Physical Science : 3 Units : This course is designed for freshman business students who are required to complete a physical science course. Basic concepts and ideas are introduced to allow students to reason and think about their environment. The course covers on Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Astronomy, with depth coverage on Earth Science which is intended to bring the science concepts closer to the world of the student. : Upon successful completion of Nat Sci 2, the student will be able to: Appreciate the earth where we live. Create an insight into the principles and laws that govern our physical world. Stimulate clear and organized thinking. : PRELIM 1. Introduction - Measurement 1.1 Standard Units 1.2 Standard Units for the Metric System 1.3 Ratios and Generalizations 1.4 Conversion Factors 1.5 Powers of 10 Notation 2. Motion 2.1 Measuring Motion 2.2 Speed and Velocity 2.3 Acceleration 2.4 Force and Motion 2.5 Newtons First Law of Motion 2.6 Newtons Second Law of Motion 2.7 Newtons Third Law of Motion 2.8 Momentum 2.9 Forces and Circular Motion 2.10 Newtons Law of Gravitation 3. Work and Energy 3.1 Work 3.2 Units of Work 3.3 Power 3.4 Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy 3.5 Conservation of Energy 3.6 Energy Forms 3.7 Energy Sources 4. Temperature and Heat 4.1 Temperature 4.2 Phases of Matter 4.3 Heat 4.4 Specific Heat 4.5 Phase Change 4.6 Latent Heat 4.7 Heat Flow MIDTERM 1. The Periodic Table 1.1Elements

II. Course Objectives

III. Course Content

1.2 Atomic Number and Atomic Weight 1.3 The Periodic Table 1.4 Periodic Patterns 1.5 Chemical Families 1.6 Metals, Nonmetals, Semiconductors 2. Compounds Molecules and Ions 2.1 Compounds and Chemical Change 2.2 Valence Electrons and Ions 2.3 Chemical Bonds 2.4 Ionic Bonds 2.5 Ionic Compounds and Families 2.6 Covalent Bonds 2.7 Covalent Compounds and Families 2.8 Multiple Bonds 2.9 Naming Compounds 2.10 Carbon and Some Simple Organic Compounds 3. Chemical Reactions 3.1 Chemical Equations 3.2 Balancing Equations 3.3 Energy and Rate of Reaction 3.4 Oxidation Reduction Reactions 3.5 Types of Chemical Reactions 4. Minerals and Rocks 4.1 Minerals 4.1.1 Physical Properties of Minerals 4.1.2 Ore Minerals 4.1.3 Gem Minerals 4.2 Rocks 4.2.1 Igneous Rocks 4.2.2 Sedimentary Rocks 4.2.3 Metamorphic Rocks 4.2.4 The Rock Cycle 4.3 Weathering Process SEMI-FINAL 1. The Structure of the Earth 1.1 Evidence from Seismic Waves 1.2 The Earths Internal Structure 1.3 The Crust 1.4 The Mantle 1.5 Earths Core 1.6 Continental Drift and Seafloor Spreading 1.7 Plate Tectonics 2. Isostasy and Diastrophism 2.1 Isostasy 2.2 Rock Deformation 2.3 Mountains Building 2.4 Earthquakes 2.5 Elastic Rebound Theory 2.6 Locating Earthquakes 2.7 Magnitude of Earthquakes 2.8 Earthquake Prediction 2.9 Volcanism 3. Surface Processes 3.1 Weathering 3.2 Soil 3.2.1 Soil Horizons 3.2.2 Soils and Climate 3.3 Erosion 3.3.1 Mass Movement 3.3.2 Running Water 3.3.3 Deposit Features of Stream Erosion 3.3.4 Glaciers 3.3.5 Glacial Erosion and Deposition 3.3.6 Wind 3.3.7 Effects of Soil Erosion 3.3.8 Control of Erosion 4. Earths Waters

4.1 Fresh Water 4.2 Surface Water 4.3 Ground Water 4.4 Fresh Water as a Resource 4.5 Water Pollution 4.6 Contamination of Groundwater 4.7 Seawater 4.8 Oceans and Seas 4.9 The Nature of Seawater 4.10 Movement of Seawater 4.11 Waves 4.12 Ocean Currents 4.13 The Ocean Floor 4.14 Seismic Reflection Profiles 4.15 The Oceanic Ridge 4.16 The Abyssal Floor 4.17 Trenches 4.18 Islands and Seamounts 4.19 Continental Margins 4.20 Submarine Canyons FINAL 1. The Atmosphere 1.1 Composition of the Atmosphere 1.2 Absorption of Terrestrial Radiation 1.3 Temperature 1.4 Pressure 1.5 Humidity 1.6 Wind Speed and Direction 1.7 Precipitation 1.8 Structure of the Atmosphere 2. Winds and Clouds 2.1 Causes of Air Motion 2.2 Local Winds 2.3 Global Winds 2.4 Philippine Winds 2.5 Jet Streams 2.6 Cloud Classification 2.7 Condensation and Precipitation 2.8 Types of Precipitation 2.9 The Rainbow 3. Weather and Storms 3.1 Air Masses 3.2 Source Regions 3.3 Fronts 3.4 Cold Front 3.5 Warm Front 3.6 Stationary Front 3.7 Waves and Cyclones 3.8 Rainstorms 3.9 Thunderstorms 3.10 Tornadoes 3.11 Hurricanes 3.12 Weather Forecasting 3.13 Climate 3.14 Major Climate Groups 3.15 Major Climate Zones 3.16 Philippine Climate 3.17 Pollution and Weather 3.18 Atmospheric Ozone 3.19 El Nino 4. The Solar System 4.1 The Sun 4.2 The Planets 4.3 How the Planets Move 4.4 Mercury 4.5 Venus 4.6 Mars

4.7 Jupiter 4.8 Saturn 4.9 Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto 4.10 Small Bodies of the Solar System 4.10.1 Comets 4.10.2 Asteroids 4.10.3 Meteors and Meteorites 4.11 Origin of the Solar System 5. The Earth in Space 5.1 Shape and Size of the Earth 5.2 Motions of the Earth 5.2.1 Revolution 5.2.2 Rotation 5.2.3 Precession 5.3 Place and Time 5.3.1 Identifying Place 5.3.2 Daily Time 5.3.3 Yearly Time 5.3.4 Monthly Time 5.4 The Moon 5.5 Phases of the Moon 5.6 Eclipses 5.7 Tides IV. Course Requirement V. Course Grading System : Regular Attendance in Class Pass Quizzes and Major Examinations : Class Standing Term Exam Conduct Class Standing Comprises: 1. Quizzes 2. Simulation Project 3. Class Participation 4. Assignment 5. Attendance VI. Course Reference 50% 40% 10% 100% 40% 20% 20% 10% 10% 100%

: Physical Science By Chanco, Tyrone R./Chanco, Christine R.

Prepared by: Angelica Guzman-Omlas, MBA

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