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Popular science

Popular science

Total depravity, Popular Science Monthly/Volume 22/March 1883/Queer Phases of Animal Life

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Popular science, sometimes called literature of science, is interpretation of science intended for a general audience. While science journalism focuses on recent scientific developments, popular science is broad-ranging, often written by scientists as well as journalists, and is presented in many formats, which can include books, television documentaries, magazine articles and web pages.

Popular science

Popular science is a bridge between scientific literature as a professional medium of scientific research, and the realms of popular political and cultural discourse. The goal of the genre is often to capture the methods and accuracy of science, while making the language more accessible. Many science-related controversies are discussed in popular science books and publications, such as the long-running debates over biological determinism and the biological components of intelligence, stirred by popular books such as The Mismeasure of Man and The Bell Curve.[1] The purpose of scientific literature is to inform and persuade peers as to the validity of observations and conclusions and the forensic efficacy of methods. Popular science attempts to inform and convince scientific outsiders (sometimes along with scientists in other fields) of the significance of data and conclusions and to celebrate the results. Statements in scientific literature are often qualified and tentative, emphasizing that new observations and results are consistent with and similar to established knowledge wherein qualified scientists are assumed to recognize the relevance. By contrast, popular science emphasizes uniqueness and generality, taking a tone of factual authority absent from the scientific literature. Comparisons between original scientific reports, derivative science journalism and popular science typically reveal at least some level of distortion and oversimplification which can often be quite dramatic, even with politically neutral scientific topics.[2] Popular science literature can be written by non-scientists who may have a limited understanding of the subject they are interpreting and it can be difficult for non-experts to identify misleading popular science, which may also blur the boundaries between formal science and pseudoscience.

Common threads
Some common traitsWikipedia:Avoid weasel words of popular science productions include: Entertainment value or personal relevance to the audience Emphasis on uniqueness and radicalness Exploring ideas overlooked by specialists or falling outside of established disciplines Generalized, simplified science concepts Presented for an audience with little or no science background, hence explaining general concepts more thoroughly Synthesis of new ideas that cross multiple fields and offer new applications in other academic specialties Use of metaphors and analogies to explain difficult and/or abstract scientific concepts Very limited mathematical formulas or complicating details [citation needed]

Notable English-language popularizers of science

In alphabetical order by last name: John Acorn, naturalist and broadcaster known as the "Nature Nut" Amir Aczel, author and mathematician Maggie Aderin-Pocock, space scientist and broadcaster Jim Al-Khalili, theoretical physicist, author and science communicator Michael Allaby, writes on science, ecology and weather Natalie Angier, science journalist and writer Isaac Asimov, biochemist, science fiction writer and author Peter Atkins, physical chemist and author David Attenborough, naturalist and broadcaster

Francis Bacon, English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, and author Johnny Ball, broadcaster and math popularizer

Popular science John D. Barrow, mathematician, theoretical physicist, and cosmologist; author of numerous journal articles, and books for general readers David Bellamy, broadcaster, author, and botanist Bob Berman, astronomer Adrian Berry, science author and columnist Howard Bloom, author David Bodanis, author Daniel J. Boorstin, author and Librarian of Congress John Brockman, specializing authorship in scientific literature Jacob Bronowski, mathematician, biologist, historian of science, author and pioneering science broadcaster Bill Bryson, author Rob Buckman, doctor of medicine, broadcaster, columnist, author James Burke, broadcaster, television producer, and author; best known for the science historian BBC TV series Connections Nigel Calder, broadcaster and journalist Fritjof Capra, physicist and author Sean Carroll, cosmologist, blogger, and author Rachel Carson, marine biologist, conservationist, author Marcus Chown, author and science journalist Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction author, inventor, and futurist Brian Clegg, author Jack Cohen, reproductive biologist Heather Couper, astronomer, broadcaster and author Brian Cox, broadcaster, musician and physicist Paul Davies, physicist, author and broadcaster Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and author Michael DeBakey, world-renowned cardiac surgeon, innovator, and author Daniel Dennett, philosopher, cognitive scientist and author Alexander Dewdney, mathematician, computer scientist and philosopher Jared Diamond, evolutionary biologist, physiologist and geographer Robin Dunbar, anthropology; evolutionary psychology, culture and language; and specialist in primate behaviour Marcus Du Sautoy, author, broadcaster, Professor of Mathematics David Eagleman, neuroscientist and author Sir Arthur Eddington, astrophysicist Loren Eiseley, Professor of Anthropology and History of Science Peter Fairley, journalist and broadcaster Michael Faraday, scientist and lecturer Kenneth Feder, archaeologist, skeptic, lecturer, and author Timothy Ferris, science writer and best-selling author of twelve books Richard Feynman, physicist and author Brian J. Ford, biologist, lecturer and author George Gamow, physicist, cosmologist and author Martin Gardner, mathematician, author, skeptic & polymath extraordinaire Atul Gawande, surgeon and author Malcolm Gladwell, journalist and author

James Gleick, author and journalist Ben Goldacre, medical doctor, psychiatrist and author

Popular science Stephen Jay Gould, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science historian; author of numerous essays, articles, and books Brian Greene, physicist Susan Greenfield, brain physiologist, writer and broadcaster Richard Gregory, neuropsychologist, author and editor of several books John Gribbin, astronomer and author Heinz Haber, physicist and author Thomas Hager, author and science journalist J. B. S. Haldane, biologist and author Bas Haring, philosopher and author Sam Harris, neuroscientist and author Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist and author Don Herbert, a.k.a. Mr. Wizard, broadcaster Christopher Hitchens, author, journalist and essayist Roald Hoffmann, chemist Douglas Hofstadter, computer scientist, cognitive scientist and author Lancelot Hogben, experimental zoologist and medical statistician, with many popularising books on science, mathematics and language Julian Huxley, eminent scientist, author, and first Director of UNESCO Jamie Hyneman, special effects artist and TV personality (MythBusters) Jay Ingram, broadcaster and author (Daily Planet) Steve Irwin, wildlife expert and conservationist; TV personality of the worldwide-fame wildlife documentary TV series (The Crocodile Hunter) Ray Jayawardhana, astrophysicist and author Steven Johnson, author Steve Jones, evolutionary biologist and author Horace Freeland Judson, historian of molecular biology and author Olivia Judson, evolutionary biologist, broadcaster and author Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and author Lawrence Krauss, physicist and author Robert Krulwich, broadcaster Karl Kruszelnicki, a.k.a. Dr Karl, broadcaster Richard Leakey, Kenyan paleoanthropologist and conservationist John Lennox, mathematician and author Roger Lewin, British anthropologist Richard Lewontin, evolutionary biologist, geneticist and author Chris Lintott, astrophysicist Bob McDonald, CBC journalist and host of Quirks and Quarks Alister McGrath, molecular biologist and author Lynn Margulis, evolutionary biologist and author Robert Matthews, physicist, mathematician, computer scientist, and distinguished science journalist Peter Medawar, biologist, called by Richard Dawkins "the wittiest of all scientific writers"[] and by New Scientist "perhaps the best science writer of his generation".[3] Fulvio Melia, physicist, astrophysicist and author Julius Sumner Miller, physicist and broadcaster Ashley Montagu, anthropologist and humanist, authored by over 60 books Sir Patrick Moore, amateur astronomer and broadcaster

Popular science Desmond Morris, zoologist, ethologist and author Philip Morrison, physicist, known for his numerous books & TV programs PZ Myers, professor and author of the science blog Pharyngula[4] Yoshiro Nakamatsu, Japanese inventor Jayant Narlikar, cosmologist and author Steven Novella, skeptic and advocate of science-based medicine Bill Nye, broadcaster and mechanical engineer, known as the Science Guy Tor Nrretranders, author Robert Olby, author and historian of science Chad Orzel, physicist and author Linus Pauling, one of the most influential chemists in history and ranks among the most important scientists of the 20th century John Allen Paulos, mathematician and author Fred Pearce, journalist at New Scientist Yakov I. Perelman, author Steven Pinker, experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist and author Phil Plait, astronomer and skeptic who runs the Bad Astronomy website Martyn Poliakoff, British chemist, featured in the YouTube The Periodic Table of Videos series John Polkinghorne, physicist and author Robert Pollack, biologist and author Carolyn Porco, leader of Cassini Imaging Team Roy Porter, prolific work on the history of medicine Christopher Potter, publisher, philosopher and author Magnus Pyke, food scientist, broadcaster and author V. S. Ramachandran, neuroscientist, cognitive scientist and author James Randi, stage magician, skeptic and author Mark Ridley, zoologist, evolutionary scientist and author Matt Ridley, zoologist, journalist and author Alice Roberts, anatomist, anthropologist, television presenter and author Steven Rose, biologist, neurobiologist, broadcaster and author Oliver Sacks, neurologist and author Carl Sagan, astrobiologist, astronomer, broadcaster and author Kirsten Sanford, neurophysiologist and broadcaster Adam Savage, special effects artist and TV personality (MythBusters) Seth Shostak, astronomer, broadcaster and author Simon Singh, physicist, mathematician and author Edwin Emery Slosson, chemist, journalist and editor Iain Stewart, geologist and broadcaster Ian Stewart, mathematician and author David Suzuki, broadcaster, geneticist and environmental activist Lewis Thomas, physician, poet, etymologist, and essayist Chriet Titulaer, Dutch astronomer, author and broadcaster Colin Tudge, biologist and author Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and author Kevin Warwick, biomedical scientist, roboticist and author

Michael White, musician and science writer Norbert Wiener, mathematician, author; the father of cybernetics

Popular science Robert Winston, medical doctor, scientist, TV presenter and author Richard Wiseman, psychologist and author Stephen Wolfram, mathematics, theoretical physics, scientific computing Lewis Wolpert, developmental biologist, author and broadcaster Carl Zimmer, science writer and author of the science blog The Loom[5]

Some sources of popular science

ABC Science website owned by Australian Broadcasting Corporation[6] Are We Alone? Seth Shostak science radio program Ask A Biologist audio podcast program and website The Best American Science and Nature Writing book series The Best American Science Writing book series The Best Science Writing Online 2012 Scientific American showcasing more than fifty online essays [7] BBC Focus magazine BBC Horizon TV series BBC Science & Nature latest news in nature, science and technology[8] BBC Sky at Night a monthly magazine about astronomy aimed at amateur astronomers

BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science website of Arizona State University[9] British Science Association providing all ages learning about the sciences; advancing public understanding; thought-provoking its many implications CASW: Council for the Advancement of Science Writing increasing public understanding of science[10] CBS News Science[11] 60 Minutes: Health/Science[12] Nature[13] This Morning: HealthWatch[14] Evening News: Health[15] Sunday Morning: Nature[16] Cosmos Magazine Australian magazine Cosmos: A Personal Voyage 1980 television series by Carl Sagan, with its companion book Daily Planet Canadian television series Discover magazine Discovery BBC World Service radio programme[17] and podcasts[18] Discovery Channel cable/satellite television channel Edge online magazine exploring scientific and intellectual ideas Exploratorium museum in San Francisco Frontiers of Science comic strip Guru Magazine digital 'science-lifestyle' magazine HowStuffWorks website Inside Science BBC Radio 4 news stories keeping the audience abreast of important breakthroughs in science[19] Inside Science (AIP) syndicating research news and related topics for general audiences through the press, the TV, and the web[20] ITV Science News videos, stories, and the latest live updates[21] The Life Scientific Jim Al-Khalili talks to leading scientists about their life and work (BBC Radio 4)[22] Little Atoms weekly chat show on Resonance104.4FM in London; also podcasts LiveScience syndicating major news outlets with an online news-magazine format Material World (radio programme) weekly science magazine on BBC Radio 4 MITnews:science Massachusetts Institute of Technology's recent news, featured stories, and videos[23] MIT Technology Review a magazine with authoritative journalism in clear simple language Mr Science Show radio show and podcast from China Radio International

Popular science MythBusters American TV series that seeks to confirm or debunk science-related stories, urban legends, viral videos, etc. The Naked Scientists audience-interactive radio talk show NASA news, images, videos, TV, and interactive features from the unique perspective of America's space agency National Geographic Society one of the largest non-profit scientific and educational institutions in the world Natural History magazine of the American Museum of Natural History Natural History Museum (London) "Nature online explore the natural world"[24] NBC News Science[25] Technology[26] Health[27] New Scientist magazine Nova television show on PBS; PBS Science & Nature[28] and the Nova ScienceNow TV spinoff Nova: science in the news Australian Academy of Science making accessible, and looking behind the headlines[29] The Periodic Table of Videos a series of YouTube videos featuring chemistry professor Martyn Poliakoff PLOS: Public Library of Science available to every scientist, physician, educator and citizens at home, in school, or in a library Plus popular maths online magazine featuring the beauty and the practical; diverse topics such as art, medicine, cosmology, sport, puzzles & games Popular Science magazine Popular Science (UK) website on books and authors[30] Pop Science Books website listing new popular science books[31] Popular Science Historic Film Series short films Quirks & Quarks Canadian radio show and podcast on CBC Radio; CBCnews Technology & Science[32] Radiolab listen, read, watch; imaginative use of radio and podcast making science accessible to broad audiences The Ri Channel the Royal Institution, showcasing science videos from around the web[33] Science journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ScienceBlogs some of the best-known independent science bloggers within ten subject channels Science Fantastic Michio Kaku radio program[34][35] Science Friday American radio show on NPR; NPR Science[36] The Science Hour BBC World Service radio programme weekly digest of Discovery, Click, Health Check and Science in Action[37] and podcasts[38] Science Illustrated popular magazine with editions in other languages Science in Action (radio programme) long-running weekly broadcast on BBC World Service Science Museum (London) "Online Science"[39] Science News magazine Science Niblets online magazine[40] Science Omega website on science/technology/engineering/maths in a clear and engaging way for scientists and non-scientists alike[41] Science World (magazine) especially educating children and covering many aspects Scientific American magazine Seed magazine Smithsonian magazine published by the Smithsonian Institution Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman documentary television series This Week in Science American radio show and podcast VOA News Voice of America's latest news in science and technology[42] and VOA's Science World[43] WIRED WIRED Science[44] WIRED Science article list[45] WIRED Science Blogs[46] WIRED UK Science[47] __________________________

Popular science List of science magazines __________________________

Science media
Science in the headlines
[48] Science Media Centre | UK [49] Science Media Center | USA [50] SMC Global Network Inside Science (AIP) [52] LiveScience [53] Science Omega [51]

News online
ABC (aus) [54] ABC (usa) [55] [56] BBC [57] CBC [58] CBS [59] ITV [60] NBC [61] NPR [62] PBS VOA [63] The Daily Beast | Newsweek [64] [65] Huffington Post International Business Times [66] [67] Newser [68] Salon [69] Slate [70] spiked U.S.News & World Report [71] News Agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) [72] [73] Reuters

The Press
Article Remember Newspaper Science Sections? Theyre Almost All Gone [74] Christopher Zara | International Business Times ______________________________________________________________ ____
[75] The Australian [76] Chicago Tribune [77] The Globe and Mail [78] The Guardian [79] The Independent [80] Los Angeles Times [81] The New York Times [82] The New Zealand Herald [83] The Philadelphia Inquirer [84] The Sydney Morning Herald [85] The Telegraph [86] The Times [87] The Times of India [88] The Washington Post Weeklies [89] The Economist [90] New Statesman [91] The Spectator [92] Time [93] The Week


Popular science

CitizenSci projects, people, and perspectives fueling new frontiers for citizen science[94] Citizen science

[1] Murdz William McRae, "Introduction: Science in Culture" in The Literature of Science, pp. 13, 1011 [2] Jeanne Fahnestock, "Accommodating Science: The Rhetorical Life of Scientific Facts" in The Literature of Science, pp. 1736 [24] "Nature online" (http:/ / www. nhm. ac. uk/ nature-online/ index. html) [39] "Online Science" (http:/ / www. sciencemuseum. org. uk/ onlinestuff. aspx) [48] http:/ / www. sciencemediacentre. org/ [49] http:/ / www. sciencemediacenter. org/ usa/ [50] http:/ / www. sciencemediacentre. net/ index. html [51] http:/ / www. insidescience. org [52] http:/ / www. livescience. com/ [53] http:/ / www. scienceomega. com/ [54] http:/ / www. abc. net. au/ science/ news [55] http:/ / abcnews. go. com/ technology [56] http:/ / www. bbc. co. uk/ news/ science_and_environment/ [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] http:/ / www. cbc. ca/ news/ technology http:/ / www. cbsnews. com/ tech/ http:/ / www. itv. com/ news/ topic/ science/ http:/ / www. nbcnews. com/ science http:/ / www. npr. org/ sections/ science/ http:/ / www. pbs. org/ topics/ science-nature http:/ / www. voanews. com/ section/ science-and-technology/ 2214. html http:/ / www. thedailybeast. com/ search. html?q=science http:/ / www. huffingtonpost. com/ science/ http:/ / www. ibtimes. com/ tech-sci/ science http:/ / www. newser. com/ section/ 6/ science-news-headlines. html http:/ / www. salon. com/ topic/ science/ http:/ / www. slate. com/ articles/ health_and_science. html http:/ / www. spiked-online. com/ newsite/ section/ C12/ http:/ / www. usnews. com/ science http:/ / www. afp. com/ en/ search/ site/ science/ ?solrsort=ds_created%20desc http:/ / uk. reuters. com/ news/ science http:/ / www. ibtimes. com/ remember-newspaper-science-sections-theyre-almost-all-gone-1005680 http:/ / www. theaustralian. com. au/ news/ health-science http:/ / www. chicagotribune. com/ topic/ science-technology/ science/ 13004000. topic http:/ / www. theglobeandmail. com/ technology/ science/ http:/ / www. guardian. co. uk/ science http:/ / www. independent. co. uk/ news/ science/ http:/ / www. latimes. com/ news/ science/ http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ pages/ science/ index. html http:/ / www. nzherald. co. nz/ science/ news/ headlines. cfm?c_id=82 http:/ / www. philly. com/ philly/ news/ science/ http:/ / www. smh. com. au/ technology/ sci-tech http:/ / www. telegraph. co. uk/ science/ http:/ / www. thetimes. co. uk/ tto/ science/ http:/ / timesofindia. indiatimes. com/ home/ science http:/ / www. washingtonpost. com/ national/ health-science/ http:/ / www. economist. com/ science-technology http:/ / www. newstatesman. com/ topic/ science

[91] http:/ / www. spectator. co. uk/ tag/ science/ [92] http:/ / science. time. com/ [93] http:/ / theweek. com/ section/ index/ science

Popular science Further reading McRae, Murdo William (editor). The Literature of Science: Perspectives on Popular Scientific Writing. The University of Georgia Press: Athens, 1993. ISBN 0-8203-1506-0


External links
The dictionary definition of popular science at Wiktionary

Article Sources and Contributors


Article Sources and Contributors

Popular science Source: Contributors: -Paul-, 16@r, Aesopos, Aeternus, Alisboa, Altenmann, AltonPeter, Anonywiki, Ask123, Baldrick90, Balthazarduju, Banaticus, Bearcat, Betsythedevine, Beyond My Ken, Bmbaker88, Bradka, Cantaire87, Cfailde, Cgingold, Chalard woowan, Chaos, Charliet, Christopherlin, Ckazilek, ClaraBow, Colonies Chris, Correogsk, Coyoty, Cybercobra, DASonnenfeld, DHooke1973, Dale Arnett, Daniel,levine, Danny-w, Dave Runger, Davidmack, Drbogdan, ELApro, Emerson7, Emplynx, Equazcion, EvgenyGenkin, Fastily, Finbarr Saunders, Fito, Func, Gameseeker, Gatherton, Gene.arboit, Gwen Gale, Hallenrm, HazelAB, Hordaland, Hu12, Huw Powell, Ike9898, JVC, JackieTarr, Jaknelaps, JamesAM, Jamesx12345, Jean-Franois Clet, JeramieHicks, Jetfire85, Jetsetpainter, Jiang, Jmh649, JustAGal, Keithmahoney, Kut or Bait Fish, Livingrm, Lotje, Lumidek, Lumos3, Mad maz 2001, Maltelunden, Mann jess, Marcos314159, Marcus Brute, Mathew5000, Matt Deres, Mattjs, Maurreen, Michael Hardy, Mikker, Missingfoot, Mitch Ames, Mkch, Monado, Mrt3366, Mygerardromance, Nabeth, Naohiro19, Northamerica1000, OlEnglish, Omegatron, Optimist on the run, Ospalh, Pchackal, Pengyanan, Peterlewis, Preisler, Puchiko, Ragesoss, Realdoctorstu, Relhager, Rjwilmsi, Rubywine, Ruud Koot, Samjonespr, Samsara, Seafarer38, Seleonov, Sergey Dmitriev, Shadowjams, Silvonen, Siroxo, SkyMachine, Spoon!, Srich32977, Stefanomione, Stegop, SummerPhD, Suruena, Targaryen, The Aviv, Thecolour, Thorenn, Thorwald, Tijfo098, Tjmayerinsf, Tomasz Raburski, Twang, Twas Now, Uxh, Wafulz, Waldir, Wapcaplet, Westius, WolBalston, Woohookitty, WuTheFWasThat, Ykargin, Yoshi456, Zagubov, ZayZayEM, Zbxgscqf, Zephyr2k, Zigger, 332 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:PSM V22 D609 Total depravity antics of wild monkeys.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Ineuw file:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Vectorized by , based on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber

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