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the Union

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M AY 2 0 0 5, #1 9 8 Declare His Glory!

Anderson’s Ministry in Western Australia Encourages
News to Know Paauwes, Perth Congregation
• Columbia Bible Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Presbyterian Anderson visited Perth, Western
Church in Scap- Australia, March 14-21, 2005. While
poose, Oregon, re- they were there, they were able to
cently received 12 participate in the ministry of Rev.
new members and Dr. and Mrs. Ed Paauwe at the Bible
administered six bap- Presbyterian Church of Western
tisms. Dr. John Battle Australia. Dr. Anderson is a PMU
is the interim pastor. Council Member.
• Team Timothy Bra- Dr. Anderson spoke at the
zil, led by Rev. Tito church’s Prayer Meeting. He also
Lyro, has now booked spoke at a combined fellowship
their travel plans meeting (Young People, Young
firmly and are work- Working Adults, and Adult Fellow- The Paauwes and the Andersons in Perth
ing hard to be ready ship) on “Our Lord’s Seven Last
for their summer min- Words” on the cross. He preached at a The Andersons also spent two
istry. Boot camp will church picnic on the theme of missions. months in Melbourne, with many oppor-
be held at Suncoast He was also pressed into service on the tunities to preach. (City Mission Group,
BPC in Palm Harbor, Lord’s Day, Youth Group,
Florida, pastored by preaching in the Strabane Retire-
Dr. Morris McDon- morning on ment Home,
ald. Thanks to every “Jesus Comes to Church Mission
generous supporter His Own,” based Night, Church
this exciting work! on Mark 11:1- Worship, Bible
• Team Timothy USA 11. In addition, Studies and
led by Dr. Pine, la- he taught a class prayer meetings).
bored in Columbia, at Evangel Bible In Adelaide, Dr.
SC, the first week of Institute, sharing A n d e r s o n
May, handing out some of the les- preached at the
door hangers and in- sons he had Hope Bible Pres-
viting the BP church’s learned during Greek Class at Evangel Bible Institute byterian Church.
neighbors to attend. A forty years of In all three
team of nine from ministry. Mrs. Nancy Anderson taught churches they found people that love the
Florida and New the Bible Institute students some basic Lord, were eager to learn about the Bi-
York joined the local principles for God-honoring music and ble, pray and serve the Lord.
congregation in the also participated in a Ladies’ Fellowship The Andersons’ visit was greatly
outreach effort. Rev. Bible study. appreciated by the congregation of the
Stephen Johnson is BPC of Western Australia and
the pastor. by the students of Evangel Bi-
• The annual Missions ble Institute. It is our prayer
Conference at the that other Bible Presbyterian
Collingswood BPC ministers will be able to go to
April 22-24, was well the mission field for a short
attended. Dr. Pine time to encourage our mission-
rejoiced to be able to aries and to participate in their
preach and sing, and labors for the Lord. Please
be blessed by the fel- contact PMU headquarters for
lowship. further information.
Bible Study Methods Class at Evangel Bible Institute
Presbyterian Missionary Union is a non-profit missions agency associated with the Bible Presbyterian Church. Our purpose is
to advance the cause of missions that are biblically based and practiced and to stand against any compromise of the saving gos-
pel of Jesus Christ. PMU is directed by a Missions Council of Christian leaders who volunteer their time to guide the ministry.
To learn more about missions opportunities through PMU, or to learn more about the BPC please contact us. The Missions
Banner is published ten times a year and is distributed without cost to interested individuals and churches. It seeks to promote
the clear stand of the BPC by providing a biblical perspective on issues, fads, and theories in missions and church development.
Our Editor is Len Pine, and our Publishing Coordinator is Tito Lyro.
Baldwin’s Day Prayer Requests, Projects, Itineraries
[This is another segment of ♦ Miriam F. has resigned her position at the language school.
Mark’s report of a typical day of Pray for wisdom and safety, and new open doors. Miriam
ministry in Phnom Penh.] has had to dip into her emergency funds to cover some of
“If I haven't already awakened, my alarm the transition expenses, and we need to replenish her ac-
wakes me at 5:30 a.m. The temperature out- count in the amount of $2000.00.
side is usually in the 70's or 80's at 5:30am and ♦ Praise for provision of all needed funds for Team Timothy
the humidity in the “Dry” season is over 50%. Brazil and USA!
I prepare my for the day by trying to spend 30- ♦ Pray for effective ministries through our short-term teams.
45 minutes reading my Bible and praying. I Pray for planning of China vocal ensemble which will
have a cup of room-temperature instant coffee travel in December and January. Pray, too, for the Lord’s
and sometimes a “Biscuit” (large cracker) or provision of funds for team members.
two. My fellow teachers think it strange I get
♦ Pray for churches in Rwanda which are preparing to organ-
up earlier than them especially since they com-
ize themselves as a Bible Presbyterian presbytery.
mute and I live here. They just can't under-
stand the concept of morning devotions. ♦ Pray for the Lord’s provision of funds for these upcoming
PMU ministry trips (all of these trips are funded through the
General Fund — can you help us?):
• Dr. Pine to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 17-21.
• Dr. Pine to Synod and the Northwest Presbytery, July
29-August 15.
• Dr. Backus to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Cambodia in
early September.
• Dr. Pine and Rev. Tito Lyro (PMU President) to
Rwanda October 10-19.
• Rev. John Dyck (PMU Council Member, pastor of Ed-
monton BPC) to Sri Lanka in November (or possibly
spring of 2006).
♦ Pastoral searches for BP churches:
• Minerva, Ohio
• Springville, New York
• Scappoose, Oregon
• Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania
• Collingswood, New Jersey.
♦ Praise for raising over $20,000 to date for the Sri Lanka
relief effort.
♦ Pray for PMU missionary candidate Sarah Comfort’s con-
Poster Calling for Celebration of Khmer New tinuing preparation (studies, raising support) as she looks
Year: Color and Light, but Darkness Within toward the foreign field in 2006, the Lord willing.
♦ Travel expenses are making a big dent in our General Fund,
“I wash my face and get dressed about which is currently operating at a deficit. Pray for the Lord’s
6:30 a.m. I head downstairs to the un- provision for this “lifeblood” fund for PMU. There is so
airconditioned classes. I am helping a Khmer much to do, and we will just not be able to carry on the ex-
English teacher with his morning classes panding work that the Lord has presented to us if this fund
(6:30-7:30 & 7:30-8:30) because I have yet to is not replenished and regularly supported.
get my own in the morning. He is teaching
♦ Pray for two new ministerial candidates in California and
both classes from a British English textbook
which spends most of its time in “Social Engi- Ohio, Duane Papp and Michael Lawrence, who are begin-
neering” rather than English instruction. The ning their studies with the goal of BP pastoral ministry. A
students here do no homework, say almost third candidate in Puerto Rico, Navy Chaplain Candidate
nothing in English in class and receive most of Antonio Illas, will meet with the Florida Presbytery in June
their instruction in Khmer, not English. Hav- to seek ordination as a church planter in the city of
ing me as a teacher is a shock because I ex- Aguadilla.
plain everything in English, expect them to
spend some time speaking from the lesson
each day and, eventually, plan to entice them
into doing homework.
“Having finished both “1 Hour” classes by
9:00 or so I usually talk to the instructors and
staff until the instructors head off to work.
Then I head up stairs to my most productive
time of the day. It is usually “cooler” in the
morning (90-95) and I do my reading, writing
and studies then. Some days it's easier than
others to stay focused in the heat. This would
be a matter for your prayer.”
We praise the Lord for his protection and
Rwandese church leaders gather with Drs. Pine and Backus
provision for Mark. Please keep praying! last February to discuss forming a BP Presbytery

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