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What is Cybercrime?

Crime committed using a computer and the internet to steal a person's identity or illegal imports or malicious programs Cybercrime is nothing but where the computer used as an object or subject of crime Online activities are just as vulnerable to crime and can compromise personal safety just as effectively as common everyday crimes. Lawmakers, law enforcement, and individuals need to know how to protect themselves and the persons for which they are responsible. Slide 3: HISTORY OF CYBER CRIME HISTORY OF CYBER CRIME: The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820! That is not surprising considering the fact that the abacus, which is thought to be the earliest form of a computer, has been around since 3500 B.C. in India, Japan and China. The era of modern computers, however, began with the analytical engine of Charles Babbage . The first spam email took place in 1978 when it was sent out over the Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network),. The first virus was installed on an Apple computer in 1982 when a high school student, Rich Skrenta, developed the Elk cloner . Slide 4: categorize of Cybercrime We can categorize Cyber crimes in two ways : The Computer as a Target :- using a computer to attack other computers. e.g. Hacking, Virus/Worm attacks, DOS attack etc The computer as a weapon :using a computer to commit real world crimes. e.g. Cyber Terrorism, IPR violations, Credit card frauds, EFT frauds, Pornography etc.Cyber Crime regulated by Cyber Laws or Internet Laws. Slide 6: Types of Cybercrime 1.HACKING : Hacking in simple terms means an illegal intrusion into a computer system and/or network. It is also known as CRACKING. Government websites are the hot targets of the hackers due to the press coverage, it receives. Hackers enjoy the media coverage. Motive Behind The Crime called HACKING : Motive Behind The Crime called HACKING Greed Power Publicity Revenge Adventure Desire to access forbidden information Destructive mindset Wants to sell n/w security services. Slide 7: Types of Cybercrime 2.CHILD PORNOGRAPHY: The Internet is being highly used by its abusers to reach and abuse children sexually, worldwide. . As more homes have access to internet, more children would be using the internet and more are the chances of falling victim to the aggression of pedophiles. How do they Operate : How do they Operate Pedophiles use false identity to trap the children/teenagers Pedophiles contact children/teens in various chat rooms which are used by children/teen to interact with other children/teen Befriend the child/teen. Extract personal information from the child/teen by winning his confidence. Slide 8: Types of Cybercrime Gets the e-mail address of the child/teen and starts making contacts on the victimizes e-mail address as well. Starts sending pornographic images/text to the victim including child pornographic images in order to help child/teen shed his inhibitions so that a feeling is created in the mind of the victim that what is being fed to him is normal and that everybody does it. Extract personal information from child/teen At the end of it, the pedophile set up a meeting with the child/teen out of the house and then drag him into the net to further sexually assault him or to use him as a sex object. Slide 9: Types of Cybercrime 3.DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK : This is an act by the criminal, who floods the bandwidth of the victims network or fills his e-mail box with spam mail depriving him of the services he is entitled to access or provide . Many DoS attacks, such as the Ping of Death and Teardrop attacks, exploit limitations in the TCp/IP protocols. 4.VIRUS DISSEMINITION : Malicious software that attaches itself to other software. (virus, worms, Trojan Horse, web jacking, e-mail bombing etc) Slide 10: Types of Cybercrime 5.COMPUTER VANDALISM: Damaging or destroying data rather than stealing or misusing them is called cyber vandalism. Transmitting virus: These are programs that attach themselves to a file and then circulate . They usually affect the data on a computer, either by altering or deleting it against properties. 6.CYBERTERRORISM: Terrorist attacks on the Internet is by distributed denial of service attacks, hate websites and hate emails, attacks on sensitive computer networks, etc. Technology savvy terrorists are using 512-bit encryption, which is impossible to decrypt.

Slide 11: Types of Cybercrime The recent example may be cited of Osama Bin Laden, the LTTE, and attack on Americas army deployment system during Iraq war. Against government 7.SOFTWARE PIRACY: Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine programs or the counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass for the original. Slide 12: CYBERCRIMES THREATENS NATIONAL SECURITY CYBERCRIMES THREATENS NATIONAL SECURITY IN INDIA : Ex. Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil said that the rising level of cyber crime is an indication of an enormous threat to national security. In todays age when everything from, small gadgets to nuclear plants is being operated through computers, cyber crime has assumed threatening ramifications. cyber crimes are capable of breaching the security in the information systems of vital installations. Slide 13: CYBERCRIMES THREATENS NATIONAL SECURITY on Googles social networking site, Orku t, have been perplexing authorities. Fan clubs of underworld dons like Dawood Ibrahim and Chota Shakeel and other wanted underworld dons are also doing the rounds on Orkut. There is huge potential for damage to national security through cyber attacks. The internet is a means for money laundering and funding terrorist attacks in an organized manner. Slide 15: Cyber security Cyber security involves protection of sensitive personal and business information through prevention, detection, and response to different online attacks. Cyber security actually protects your personal information by responding, detecting and preventing the attacks. Cyber security Privacy policy : Before submitting your name, email address, or other personal information on a web site, look for the site's privacy policy. Evidence that your information is being encrypted : To protect attackers from hijacking your information, any personal information submitted online should be encrypted. Many sites use SSL or secure sockets layer, to encrypt information. Protecting your privacy. Slide 16: Cyber security Keep software up to date: If the seller releases patches for the software operating your device, install them as soon as possible. Installing them will prevent attackers from being able to take advantage. Use good passwords: Select passwords that will be difficult for thieves to guess. Do not choose options that allow your computer to remember your passwords. How can we protect? Disable remote connectivity: Some PDAs and phones are equipped with wireless technologies, such as Bluetooth, that can be used to connect to other devices or computers. You should disable these features when they are not in use. Slide 17: Advantages of cyber security Advantages of cyber security The cyber security will defend us from critical attacks. It helps us to browse the safe website. Internet security process all the incoming and outgoing data on our computer. Slide 18: Advantages of cyber security Advantages of the cyber security cyber security will defend from hacks and virus. The application of cyber security used in our PC needs update every week. The security developers will update their database every week once. Hence the new virus also deleted. Slide 19: Challenges of cyber security Challenges of cyber security Explosion of computer and broadband internet availability . Low priority of security for software developers. Challenge of timely patching vulnerabilities on all systems. Slide 20: Safety tips to cyber Crime Use antivirus softwares insert firewalls uninstall unnecessary software maintain backup check security settings Slide 22: Cyber Law of India Cyber crimes can involve criminal activities that are traditional in nature, such as theft, fraud, forgery, defamation and mischief, all of which are subject to the Indian Penal Code. In Simple way we can say that cyber crime is unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or a target or both . The abuse of computers has also given birth to a gamut of new age crimes that are addressed by the Information Technology Act, 2000. Slide 23:

Conclusion Cybercrime is indeed getting the recognition it deserves. However, it is not going to restricted that easily. In fact, it is highly likely that cybercrime and its hackers will continue developing and upgrading to stay ahead of the law. So, to make us a safer we must need cyber security.

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