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Mergermarket Q1 2013 M&A Report:

Financial Advisor League Tables

April 2013

Press Contacts: EMEA: Flora Wilke Tel: +44 207 010 6348 Americas: Chrissy Carney Tel: +1 646 378 3118 Asia-Pacfic: Jessica Chan Tel: +852 2158 9706
Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Deal Submissions: EMEA: Nancy Costantinopoli Tel: +44 201 010 6227 Americas: Richard Myers Tel: +1 212 500 1393 Asia-Pacfic: Fidelia Liu Tel: +852 2158 9723

Contents and Summary

A total of 2,547 deals worth US$ 405.9bn was 10.3% behind the same period last year JPMorgan (US$ 124.2bn) leads the financial advisor tables after working on all four mega-deals

Global Highlights Europe US


JPMorgan came top of the global financial advisor league table with deals valued at US$ 124.2bn. The firm also led the US financial advisor table by deal value The last time JPMorgan led in an annual financial advisor table was in 2008 and by quarter it was Q1 2011 Lazard (US$ 70.1bn) goes from strength to strength as it crossed over into the top five global financial advisors - in fourth position from thirteenth in Q1 2012 (US$ 30.2bn) The last quarter that Lazard was in the top five for the global financial advisor league table by deal value was in Q1 2011 - in fourth place with 35 deals worth US$ 102.6bn Morgan Stanley was the most active in the global financial advisor league table by deal count having worked on 56 deals

Q1 (US$ 116.1bn) attempts to haul itself towards levels seen in the same period in 2012 but drops by 28.2% from US$ 161.7bn Goldman Sachs leads the way in the league tables once again with 25 deals worth US$ 56.5bn The US sets the bar high for 2013 with deals valued at US$ 167bn surpassing the Q1 2012 value JPMorgan (US$ 98.7bn) leads the advisor league tables by value and deal count (28 deals)


19-28 29-36 37-40 41-43 44-45 46-48 49 50 51

Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan)

Inbound deals in Q1 worth US$ 11.1bn outstripped Q1 2012 (US$ 9.5bn) Morgan Stanley leads (US$ 7.9bn) in the advisor tables by deal value

Deal values cant keep up with Japans record H2 2012 with deals worth US$ 8.1bn in Q1 mostly from domestic deals Morgan Stanley beats Japanese advisors with deals valued at US$ 5bn

Africa & Middle East

One of two areas in this report to see deal values exceed Q1 2012 with deals valued at US$ 18.5bn EFG-Hermes Holding jumps from eleventh to first position in the advisor league table with deals valued at US$ 6.4bn

Emerging Markets
Outbound deal values increased but aggregate deal value (US$ 88.2bn) is down to a level not seen in four years for a Q1 US buyout values contributed 69.6% to total buyout M&A - a level never before seen on Mergermarket record Exits worth US$ 32.8bn in Q1 2013 were down compared to both Q1 and Q4 2012 Q1 2013 is the fourth quarter in a row to have an average deal size above US$ 300m The US mid-market quarterly value in Q1 2013 moves ahead of Europe for the fifth consecutive quarter

Fortune Fortnight
Februarys flurry of mega-deals this year brings 2013 up to four mega-deals valued at US$ 87.7bn compared to US$ 70.7bn (three deals) last year. This was the highest Q1 value for mega-deals in a first quarter since Q1 2010 which was valued at US$ 116.3bn (seven deals) Every year that has experienced 5+ mega-deals in the first two months has ended with an increased deal value and volume compared to the previous year with the exception of the boom year in 2007 Dells buyout announcement has become one of four deals announced this year to enter into a go-shop period, according to Dealreporter

Private Equity

Deal Value and Mid-Market

Criteria What can Mergermarket do for you

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Global: Overview for Q1 2013

A fortnight of mega-deals failed to push Q1 2013 ahead of Q1 2012, down 10.3% on the same period last year JPMorgan leads the global league table by deal value with US$ 124.2bn-worth of deals, including four of the top ten deals

Global Q1 2013 Trend Comparison

1,600 1,400 1,200

Quarterly M&A Trend Breakdown

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0

Value of Deals (US$bn)


800 600 400 200 0

Value of Deals (US$bn)


2,407.5 2,245.3 2,090.1 2,251.5


European M&A


Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan M&A)


Number of Deals


2013 began with Q1 deal value (US$ 405.9bn, 2,547 deals) 10.3% down on the corresponding period in 2012 (US$ 452.3bn, 3,264 deals). It was the slowest opening quarter in ten years (Q1 2003, US$ 232.9bn)



732.8 709.2

737.1 568.6






After the highest quarterly value in five years (Q4 2012, US$ 737.1bn, 3,559 deals), Q1 2013 saw a decrease in total M&A value of 44.9%. It is the seventh year in a row to see lower totals in Q1 than in the preceding Q4 The year has already seen four mega-deals adding up to US$ 87.7bn. Last years mega-deals in the same period totalled US$ 70.7bn







Q1 2013

Only the US and Africa & Middle East saw higher totals in Q1 2013 than in the same period in 2012, with increases in deal value of 33.6% and 101.4% respectively

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Q4 Previous Year


Number of Deals


Global: Industry & Geography analysis for Q1 2013

Q1 2013 vs (Q1 2012) Value and Market Share Percentage Comparison
Business Services: US$ 13.8bn (US$ 23bn) Consumer: US$ 59.2bn (US$ 30.8bn)
Energy, Mining & Utilities: US$ 85.3bn (US$ 161.1bn)

Q1 2013 Geography and Cross-Border Focus


3.4% 14.6%

2.3% 9.7% 25.7% 6.1% 4.3% 6.5%


Financial Services: US$ 39.6bn (US$ 45.7bn)

Industrials & Chemicals: US$ 39.5bn (US$ 61.3bn)


Despite only one cross-border mega-deal, cross-border deals accounted for an increased proportion of global M&A compared to Q4 2012. In Q1, cross-border deals valued at US$ 142.4bn (893 deals) contributed 35.1% to the global total, up from 28.1% in Q4 (US$ 270.9bn from 1,216 cross-border deals) The number of cross-border deals in Q1 was down 22.3% compared to the same period in 2012 (1,149 deals), although value was down just 4% (from US$ 148.3bn)

Other: US$ 16.5bn (US$ 29.3bn)



Pharma, Medical & Biotech: US$ 13.4bn (US$ 19.5bn) Real Estate: US$ 12.9bn (US$ 27.4bn) TMT: US$ 104.2bn (US$ 43.9bn)

13.6% 3.2% 3.3% 10.1%

Four of the top ten global deals involved cross-border acquisitions but the rest were mostly US domestic deals which accounts for North America having a 46.5% market share by deal value in global M&A

4.1% 9.7%

Global Cross-Border M&A

4,500 4,000 3,500

Transport: US$ 21.2bn (US$ 10.3bn)


Value of Deals (US$bn)


2,000 1,500

Countries including China are likely competitors for overseas acquisitions of new shale gas export projects in North America. Chinese acquisitions of US targets in the energy, mining and utilities sector hit their highest aggregate value on Mergermarket record in 2012 (US$ 3.9bn) Global energy demand permeates into other sectors such as transport where rail and shipping companies are being acquired to filter into price competitive geographies and avoid pipeline constraints. The transport sector increased 105.8% in deal value (US$ 21.2bn from US$ 10.3bn) with US$ 6.5bn deriving from the US
Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report 4




500 0

Global Cross Border - value (US$bn)

Global M&A - value (US$bn)

Global Cross Border - volume

Global M&A - volume

Number of Deals

After TMT (bias due to the mega-deals), energy, mining & utilities was the second largest sector by market share at 21% with US$ 85.3bn-worth of deals. This activity is boosted by a search for gas supplies which is visible in three of the top ten global deals with a combined value of US$ 12.6bn


Global: Top Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 14-Feb-13 Bidder Company Berkshire Hathaway Inc; and 3G Capital Partners Liberty Global Inc Bidder Financial Advisor JPMorgan; Lazard; Wells Fargo Securities Credit Suisse; LionTree Advisors Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Barclays; Citi; Credit Suisse; Deutsche Bank; RBC Capital Markets Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Morgan Stanley Target Company HJ Heinz Company Target/Seller Financial Advisor Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Centerview Partners; Moelis & Company Goldman Sachs; JPMorgan Seller Company Deal Value (US$m) 27,362


Virgin Media Inc



Silver Lake Partners LP; and Michael Dell (private investor) Comcast Corporation

Dell Inc

Evercore Partners; Goldman Sachs; JPMorgan; Lazard



NBCUniversal Media LLC (49% Stake) Repsol SA (LNG Assets)

Advising seller: Centerview Partners; JPMorgan Advising seller: Goldman Sachs

General Electric Company Repsol SA



Royal Dutch Shell Plc




EFG-Hermes Holding

Orascom Telecom Holding SAE US Airways Group Inc Barclays; Millstein & Co

VimpelCom Ltd



AMR Corporation

Lazard; Mesirow Financial Holdings; Moelis & Company; Rothschild Citi



Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP China National Petroleum Corporation LINN Energy LLC

Copano Energy LLC

Barclays; Jefferies & Company Eni SpA



Eni East Africa Spa (28.57% Stake) Citi; Evercore Partners; Greenhill & Co Berry Petroleum Company Credit Suisse




Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Global: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to Global M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 1 9 13 7 6 3 5 37 4 15 22 43 12 11 14 21 36 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name JPMorgan Goldman Sachs Bank of America Merrill Lynch Lazard Credit Suisse Morgan Stanley Barclays Citi Centerview Partners Deutsche Bank Evercore Partners Moelis & Company Wells Fargo Securities LionTree Advisors RBC Capital Markets Rothschild UBS Investment Bank HSBC Greenhill & Co Jefferies & Company Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 124,158 103,543 90,276 70,109 68,868 57 ,354 55,195 52,376 48,079 41,025 37 ,323 35,921 31,807 25,189 24,966 19,014 16,323 10,791 10,007 9,748 46 54 29 36 30 56 36 36 4 24 21 15 8 3 17 38 25 14 6 13 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 116,569 121,088 63,084 30,203 94,634 97 ,408 112,980 102,450 6,577 105,100 15,963 11,178 5,472 30,464 31,801 16,929 11,574 6,734 12,898 6.5% -14.5% 43.1% 132.1% -27 .2% -41.1% -51.1% -48.9% 631% -61% 133.8% 221.4% 481.3% -18% -40.2% -3.6% -6.8% 48.6% -24.4%

League Table of Financial Advisors to Global M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 3 2 6 1 7 8 13 14 5 4 12 11 19 16 9 18 10 23 21 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs JPMorgan PwC Rothschild Lazard Barclays Citi KPMG Deloitte Credit Suisse Bank of America Merrill Lynch M&A International UBS Investment Bank Deutsche Bank Nomura Holdings Ernst & Young Evercore Partners Stifel/KBW RBC Capital Markets Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 57 ,354 103,543 124,158 3,515 19,014 70,109 55,195 52,376 2,767 1,631 68,868 90,276 76 16,323 41,025 7 ,387 1,375 37 ,323 1,806 24,966 56 54 46 46 38 36 36 36 34 32 30 29 28 25 24 24 23 21 21 17 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 62 66 52 76 52 48 37 36 54 55 38 39 30 34 45 31 45 21 23 35 -6 -12 -6 -30 -14 -12 -1 0 -20 -23 -8 -10 -2 -9 -21 -7 -22 0 -2 -18

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Global: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to Global Buyouts*: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 33 3 19 15 1 2 40 24 4 18 50 16 11 21 51 14 1 2= 2= 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name Lazard JPMorgan Wells Fargo Securities Barclays Deutsche Bank Citi Credit Suisse Bank of America Merrill Lynch RBC Capital Markets Handelsbanken Capital Markets Nordea Corporate Finance Morgan Stanley KPMG Eidos Partners PwC
Nomura Holdings

League Table of Financial Advisors to Global Buyouts*: Volume

Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 319 8,617 1,359 2,398 13,071 11,107 167 595 7 ,926 1,360 106 2,240 3,497 708 100 2,639 10,059% 218% 1,913% 999.7% 81.1% 108.4% 13,717% 3,597% 174.7% 86.5% 1,411% -35.1% -58.7% 72% 927% -68.9% Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 24 8 21 18 5 2 3 23 15 1 11 13 6 37 16 27 75 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20= 20= 20= Company Name KPMG Ernst & Young Lazard Barclays Deutsche Bank Deloitte Citi Credit Suisse Morgan Stanley PwC Nomura Holdings HSBC Goldman Sachs Bank of America Merrill Lynch Handelsbanken Capital Markets BNP Paribas Lincoln International Hottinguer Corporate Finance BDO Accuracy Altium Capital UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 1,602 192 32,406 26,372 23,676 124 23,148 23,074 2,537 1,454 1,443 820 601 21,997 3,289 863 52 24 14 6 6 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Deal Count 2 4 2 2 4 6 5 2 3 11 3 3 4 1 3 2 1 3 Q1 2012 Count Change 4 2 3 3 1 -1 -2 1 0 -8 0 0 -1 1 -1 0 1 -1

Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 32,406 27 ,362 27 ,362 26,372 23,676 23,148 23,074 21,997 21,775 3,289 3,109 2,537 1,602 1,488 1,454 1,443 1,218 1,027 863 820 5 1 1 5 5 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 6 1 3 3 1 1 2 3

SEB Macquarie Group BNP Paribas HSBC

* Based on the target geography only and the adviser advising the buy-side only

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Europe: Overview for Q1 2013

Deal value in Q1 (US$ 116.1bn, 1,017 deals) struggled to beat Q4 (US$ 234.6bn, 1,369 deals), down 50.5% Goldman Sachs was lead advisor in the European league table by deal value with deals worth US$ 56.5bn

Europe Q1 2013 Trend Comparison


Value (US$bn) 600 Number of Deals

Quarterly M&A Trend Breakdown

1,800 1,600


Value of Deals (US$bn)

1,400 1,200 1,000



800 600 400


Value of Deals (US$bn)


100 200 0 0





European M&A in Q1 2013 saw 1,017 deals worth US$ 116.1bn, a drop of 28.2% in value from the same period last year (US$ 161.7bn, 1,355 deals) Despite the eurozone crisis negative impact on M&A activity, Q1 2013 recorded 13 deals over US$ 2bn, worth a combined value of US$ 57.5bn, driving up Europes share of global M&A activity to 28.6%. To compare, in Q1 2012 there were also 13 deals over US$ 2bn although overall value (US$ 90.6bn) was distorted by the Xstrata mega-deal Of these 13 deals, only Liberty Globals US$ 21.9bn acquisition of Virgin Media topped US$10bn, the next biggest deal being Italys US$ 4bn merger between Atlantia and Gemina



















Q1 2013


Q4 Previous Year


Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Number of Deals

Europe: Industry & Geography analysis for Q1 2013

Q1 2013 vs (Q1 2012) Value and Market Share Percentage Comparison
Business Services: US$ 5bn (US$ 3.5bn)

Q1 2013 Geography and Cross-Border Focus

Consumer: US$ 7.2bn (US$ 9.6bn)




Energy, Mining & Utilities: US$ 21.4bn (US$ 69.2bn)


2.2% 4.6% 5.9% 18.4%

As Morgan Stanley analysts cut eurozone growth rates for 2013, the area racks up just US$ 43.6bn-worth of deals, putting Q1 on course to being the slowest performing quarter since Q2 2009 (US$ 37.3bn) Italy, sliding deeper into recession and with concern building about its political landscape since the election, has been cushioned by Europes second largest deal, the Atlantia-Germina merger (US$ 3.9bn) Although inbound investment in Q1 (US$ 43.9bn, 145 deals) was off to a better start than Q1 2012 (US$ 39.6bn, 230 deals), outbound investment failed to keep up. A total of US$ 18.3bn was spent on 150 outbound deals, making it 27.1% lower in value than Q1 2012 (US$ 25.1bn, 188 deals) and the lowest quarter since Q4 2004 (US$ 15.6bn)

Financial Services: US$ 17.5bn (US$ 17.8bn) Industrials & Chemicals: US$ 6.3bn (US$ 17bn) Other: US$ 15.8bn (US$ 17.3bn)



10.7% 42.8% 10.5%

Pharma, Medical & Biotech: US$ 5.4bn (US$ 3.9bn) TMT: US$ 29.4bn (US$ 15.9bn)



Quarterly Cross-Border European M&A

13.6% 5.4%
Inbound Value (US$bn) Outbound Value (US$bn) Inbound Volume


Transport: US$ 8.1bn (US$ 7.4bn)


Outbound Volume




A dramatic nine-fold increase in total deal value in the media sector was driven by the mega-deal between Liberty Global and Virgin Media. The deal also led to the sector accounting for a 24.2% share of the European market compared to only 1.8% of the market in Q1 2012 The real estate sector struggled with 64% fewer deals last quarter, bringing down the total value by 89%, from US$ 7.1bn in Q1 2012 to US$ 750m in Q1 2013
Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report 9





Number of Deals

All sectors witnessed a lower deal count in comparison to Q1 2012 although four sectors had increased deal values including business services at 42.9% and 38.5% in the pharma, medical & biotech sector

Value of Deals (US$bn)



Europe: Top Deals for Q1 2013

Announced Date 06-Feb-13 Bidder Company Liberty Global Inc Bidder Financial Advisor Credit Suisse; LionTree Advisors Banca IMI/Intesa Sanpaolo; Deutsche Bank; Goldman Sachs; Intermonte Securities Corporate Finance; Mediobanca; Rothschild; Royal Bank of Scotland Group VTB Capital Target Company Virgin Media Inc Target/Seller Financial Advisor Goldman Sachs; JPMorgan Barclays; BNP Paribas; Credit Suisse; Leonardo & Co; UniCredit Group Seller Company Deal Value (US$m) 21,855


Atlantia SpA

Gemina SpA



Private investors

Polyus Gold International Ltd (37.75% Stake) Tele2 Russia Telecom

JPMorgan Cazenove; Advising seller: Societe Generale Advising seller: Morgan Stanley Advising sellers: Citi; Deutsche Bank; Morgan Stanley Advising seller: Citi; Ondra Partners Advising seller: Goldman Sachs; PK Partners Goldman Sachs; JPMorgan Leonardo & Co; Advising seller: Barclays; JPMorgan

Onexim Group




VTB Capital

Tele2 AB



Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding as Biogen Idec Inc


Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel AS (49% Stake) Elan Corporation Plc (Tysabri assets) ICA AB (60% Stake)

GDF Suez SA; and E.ON Ruhrgas AG Elan Corporation Plc



Centerview Partners



Hakon Invest AB

Handelsbanken Capital Markets; Nordea Corporate Finance Cushman & Wakefield Healey & Baker; Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs; Houlihan Lokey; Morgan Stanley

Royal Ahold NV



Government of the Netherlands ORIX Corporation

SNS Reaal NV



Robeco Groep NV (90% Stake) UA Inter Media Group Limited

Rabobank NV



Group DF Limited


Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to European M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 3 6 5 1 4 7 12 10 9 11 48 47 26 57 81 20 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Credit Suisse LionTree Advisors Morgan Stanley Barclays Deutsche Bank Citi Rothschild Bank of America Merrill Lynch BNP Paribas Lazard Banca IMI/Intesa Sanpaolo UniCredit Group Leonardo & Co EFG-Hermes Holding ING VTB Capital HSBC Handelsbanken Capital Markets Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 56,480 47 ,132 29,232 22,620 20,919 14,841 14,800 12,696 12,270 9,035 8,687 8,288 7 ,592 7 ,142 6,588 6,403 5,379 5,320 4,905 4,747 25 23 13 2 22 21 11 14 32 7 14 10 4 10 8 1 7 2 5 7 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 82,108 76,330 65,015 68,893 85,874 76,079 60,121 18,518 39,514 54,501 22,809 1,817 1,872 5,627 1,133 460 7 ,274 2,713 -31.2% -38.3% -55% -69.6% -82.7% -80.5% -78.9% -33.7% -77 .1% -84.1% -63.7% 317 .8% 281.5% 17 .1% 374.8% 1,057% -32.6% 75%

League Table of Financial Advisors to European M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 2 3 6 8 7 12 4 14 5 17 20 28 16 15 10 11 9 24 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name PwC Rothschild KPMG Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Morgan Stanley Barclays Deloitte M&A International Ernst & Young DC Advisory Citi BNP Paribas Credit Suisse UBS Investment Bank Deutsche Bank BDO Lazard UniCredit Group Lincoln International Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 2,476 12,270 1,974 56,480 47 ,132 20,919 14,841 542 26 1,100 961 12,696 8,687 29,232 4,239 14,800 8,288 7 ,142 152 35 32 26 25 23 22 21 21 19 17 17 14 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 10 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 51 41 41 31 29 30 19 37 19 36 16 12 8 16 17 24 21 28 11 13 -16 -9 -15 -6 -6 -8 2 -16 0 -19 1 2 6 -3 -5 -13 -10 -18 -1 -3

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to European Buyouts*: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 23 4 10 20 12 39 7 5 1 2 3 4= 4= 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14= 14= Company Name Handelsbanken Capital Markets Nordea Corporate Finance Lazard Deutsche Bank Eidos Partners PwC Morgan Stanley SEB KPMG Barclays BNP Paribas E&H Partners Rothschild Axys Finance Swedbank First Securities Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 3,289 3,109 1,488 1,488 1,488 1,454 1,352 1,218 1,212 1,021 863 609 474 363 363 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 319 4,671 2,122 440 708 106 2,398 2,998 366.5% -68.1% -31.5% 207 .3% 72% 1,043% -57 .4% -84.2% -

League Table of Financial Advisors to European Buyouts*: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 12 7 1 2 30 20 8 28 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12= 12= 14 15 Company Name KPMG Ernst & Young PwC Deloitte Handelsbanken Capital Markets Lazard BNP Paribas Goldman Sachs Hottinguer Corporate Finance Accuracy Nordea Corporate Finance Deutsche Bank Eidos Partners Morgan Stanley SEB Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 1,212 192 1,454 23 3,289 1,488 863 147 24 3,109 1,488 1,488 1,352 1,218 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 2 3 8 5 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 -5 -2 1 1 -1 0 0

* Based on the target geography only and the adviser advising the buy-side only

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisors to UK M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 4 14 8 11 1 18 9 6 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15= 15= 15= Company Name Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Cazenove Credit Suisse LionTree Advisors Deutsche Bank HSBC Barclays UBS Investment Bank Gleacher Shacklock Rothschild ING Banca de Inversion Bancolombia Morgan Stanley UniCredit Group Banca IMI/Intesa Sanpaolo Eidos Partners Lazard Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 26,744 26,183 23,052 22,620 4,439 3,588 3,511 3,452 3,023 2,725 2,380 2,100 1,987 1,515 1,488 1,488 1,488 9 9 6 2 4 2 6 5 2 11 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 21,562 12,506 2,671 7 ,602 4,960 25,307 2,273 6,464 8,484 610 24.0% 109.4% 763% -41.6% -27 .7% -86.1% 51.9% -57 .8% -

Financial Advisors to UK M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 4 5 1 12 10 35 6 15 8 3 37 7 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name PwC KPMG Rothschild Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Cazenove Ernst & Young Credit Suisse Barclays DC Advisory Deloitte BDO UBS Investment Bank Morgan Stanley Canaccord Genuity Deutsche Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 748 495 2,725 26,744 26,183 755 23,052 3,511 582 115 3,452 1,987 1,341 4,439 14 13 11 9 9 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 16 13 12 16 8 9 2 11 7 10 14 2 11 7 6 -2 0 -1 -7 1 -2 4 -5 -1 -4 -8 3 -6 -2 -2

-76.6% 143.9%

Financial Advisors to Irish M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 10 1 1= 1= 1= 4 5= 5= 7 8 9= 9= Company Name Centerview Partners Citi Ondra Partners Bank of America Merrill Lynch Deutsche Bank Goldman Sachs Greentech Capital Advisors Rothschild Barclays JPMorgan Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 3,249 3,249 3,249 1,739 1,739 1,739 180 173 160 160 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 7 ,300 41 7 ,300 -76.2% 322% -97 .8% -

Financial Advisors to Irish M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 12 6 5 1 2 3= 3= 3= 6= 6= 8 9= 9= Company Name Bank of America Merrill Lynch Rothschild Centerview Partners Citi Ondra Partners Deutsche Bank Goldman Sachs Greentech Capital Advisors Barclays JPMorgan Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 1,739 173 3,249 3,249 3,249 1,739 1,739 180 160 160 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 1 1 1 1 0 0 -

Press Release: 13

Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisors to German M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 1 10 4 29 15 13 39 20 84 74 83 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name JPMorgan Deutsche Bank Citi Morgan Stanley KPMG Bank of America Merrill Lynch Credit Suisse Barclays UniCredit Group Yapi Kredi Yatirim Menkul Degerler HSBC DC Advisory BNP Paribas Houlihan Lokey Lazard Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 7 ,467 3,872 3,758 2,669 1,395 1,198 1,111 1,021 992 940 782 373 240 208 178 5 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 5 1 1 4 2 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 7 ,118 8,006 3,119 4,936 332 1,228 2,243 68 651 4,717 4.9% -51.6% 20.5% -45.9% 320.2% -2.4% -50.5% 1,402% 52.4% -

Financial Advisors to German M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 9 94 14 12 8 13 3 74 87 1 33 6 5 4 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Lincoln International Perspektiv JPMorgan UniCredit Group PwC Transfer Partners KPMG DC Advisory Livingstone Partners Deutsche Bank Citi Morgan Stanley Rothschild Deloitte Ernst & Young Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 152 7 ,467 992 31 1,395 373 3,872 3,758 2,669 120 59 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 5 1 3 4 6 4 7 1 1 7 1 6 6 7 5 2 5 2 1 -1 1 -3 3 3 -4 2 -3 -3 -4 -2


Financial Advisors to Germanic M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 1 6 3 27 38 10 4 15 8 103 49 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name JPMorgan Deutsche Bank Citi Morgan Stanley UniCredit Group KPMG Bank of America Merrill Lynch Credit Suisse Rothschild Barclays Yapi Kredi Yatirim Menkul Degerler RFC Ambrian HSBC DC Advisory BNP Paribas Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 7 ,467 3,872 3,758 3,644 1,492 1,439 1,198 1,187 1,120 1,021 940 914 782 373 284 5 3 3 6 6 5 1 5 5 1 1 2 1 5 4 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 56,943 60,616 51,656 55,001 651 332 13,272 54,869 5,386 48,605 71 48,537 -86.9% -93.6% -92.7% -93.4% 129.2% 333.4% -91% -97 .8% -79.2% -97 .9% 425.4% -99.4%

Financial Advisors to Germanic M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 14 2 18 114 11 6 8 13 24 1 5 106 19 43 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12= 12= 14 15 Company Name Lincoln International Morgan Stanley UniCredit Group Perspektiv JPMorgan KPMG Credit Suisse Rothschild DC Advisory Deloitte PwC Livingstone Partners Transfer Partners BNP Paribas M&A International Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 152 3,644 1,492 7 ,467 1,439 1,187 1,120 373 59 31 284 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 6 11 4 1 6 9 7 6 3 13 10 1 4 1 3 1 -5 2 5 -1 -4 -2 -1 2 -8 -5 4 1 3 1

Press Release: 14

Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisors to French M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 4 18 15 97 6 2 8 16 24 14 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7= 7= 7= 7= 7= 12 13 14 15 Company Name BNP Paribas Citi Credit Suisse UBS Investment Bank Rothschild Goldman Sachs Bank of America Merrill Lynch Barclays LionTree Advisors Macquarie Group Nomura Holdings HSBC Axys Finance Swedbank First Securities Clairfield International Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 3,136 1,694 1,427 1,391 875 765 765 765 765 765 765 535 383 363 260 6 1 2 6 8 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 3,053 526 923 2,319 4,457 2,183 918 319 1,022 1,844 2.7% 222.1% 54.6% -62.3% -82.8% -65% -16.7% 139.8% -25.1%

Financial Advisors to French M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 11 97 6 7 26 20 14 15 10 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10= 10= 12 13 14 15 Company Name M&A International Rothschild BNP Paribas UBS Investment Bank DC Advisory Hottinguer Corporate Finance Goldman Sachs Axys Finance Credit Agricole CIB Leonardo & Co Lincoln International Credit Suisse Clairfield International Ernst & Young Financiere Cambon Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 11 875 3,136 1,391 120 30 765 383 152 1,427 260 36 7 9 8 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2012 Deal Count Count Change 9 4 1 6 5 2 2 4 3 5 3 -1 2 5 -2 -2 1 1 -1 -1 -3 -1

Financial Advisors to Benelux M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 16 6 8 1 28 9 50 3 19 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9= 9= 9= 12 13 14 15 Company Name Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley JPMorgan EFG-Hermes Holding Barclays Citi Rabobank Lazard Handelsbanken Capital Markets Nordea Corporate Finance PK Partners Cushman & Wakefield Healey & Baker Bank of America Merrill Lynch BNP Paribas Leonardo & Co Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 18,286 10,943 7 ,272 6,403 5,758 3,904 3,701 3,223 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,001 2,900 2,705 2,590 7 6 4 1 4 2 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 1,611 403 1,054 995 2,298 195 971 8 1,327 306 100 1,035% 2,615% 589.9% 478.7% 69.9% 1,798% 231.9% 37 ,413% 118.5% 784% 2,490%

Financial Advisors to Benelux M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 7 17 24 32 2 21 8 13 34 23 1 5 10 28 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Deloitte Goldman Sachs Rabobank Rothschild PwC Morgan Stanley ING JPMorgan Barclays BNP Paribas KPMG M&A International Lazard Leonardo & Co UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 149 18,286 3,701 1,766 1,495 10,943 99 7 ,272 5,758 2,705 76 5 3,223 2,590 782 8 7 7 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 5 2 2 2 9 2 4 3 1 2 10 5 4 2 2 3 5 5 5 -2 4 1 1 3 2 -6 -1 -1 1 1

Press Release: 15

Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisors to Iberian M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 23 18 11 1 19 13 48 26 9 21 1 2 3 4 5 6= 6= 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Goldman Sachs Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Bank of America Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley Barclays Blackstone Group UBS Investment Bank Santander Global Banking and Markets Nomura Holdings Credit Agricole CIB DC Advisory Credit Suisse Macquarie Group Bank Zachodni PwC Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 8,700 2,632 2,000 635 587 587 587 430 307 264 259 235 135 132 129 3 7 1 4 7 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 845 1,529 4,136 11,026 1,361 4,136 492 4,195 928 929.6% 72.1% -51.6% -94.7% -56.9% -89.6% -46.3% -94.4%

Financial Advisors to Iberian M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 11 5 27 2 24 28 6 8 4 22 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11= 11= 13 14= 14= Company Name Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Barclays Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs DC Advisory PwC Santander Global Banking and Markets Societe Generale Banco Espirito Santo de Investimento Sabadell Corporate Finance Ernst & Young KPMG Bank of America Merrill Lynch Blackstone Group UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 2,632 587 635 8,700 259 129 430 108 102 77 2,000 587 587 7 7 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 4 5 1 10 1 1 5 5 6 1 3 3 2 2 -7 1 1 -3 -3 -4 0 -2


Financial Advisors to Spanish M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 10 11 4 33 9 16 7 1 2 3 4 5 6= 6= 8= 8= 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Goldman Sachs Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Bank of America Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley Barclays Blackstone Group UBS Investment Bank Nomura Holdings Santander Global Banking and Markets Credit Agricole CIB DC Advisory Credit Suisse Macquarie Group Bank Zachodni PwC Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 8,700 2,509 2,000 635 587 587 587 307 307 264 259 235 135 132 129 3 6 1 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 472 472 1,361 492 59 928 431.6% 24.4% -56.9% -46.3% 298.3% -86.1%

Financial Advisors to Spanish M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 14 9 1 7 6 33 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11= 11= 13= 13= 15 Company Name Barclays Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs DC Advisory PwC Societe Generale Sabadell Corporate Finance Ernst & Young Bank of America Merrill Lynch Blackstone Group UBS Investment Bank Nomura Holdings Santander Global Banking and Markets Credit Agricole CIB Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 587 2,509 635 8,700 259 129 108 77 2,000 587 587 307 307 264 7 6 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 1 2 10 5 3 1 1 6 4 -7 -3 -2 0 0

Press Release: 16

Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisors to Nordic M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 11 10 2 20 39 21 4 26 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7= 7= 7= 10 11 12 13= 13= 13= Company Name Goldman Sachs Handelsbanken Capital Markets Nordea Corporate Finance Morgan Stanley VTB Capital PK Partners CIMB Group Sdn ING Maybank Investment Bank SEB Rothschild E&H Partners CITIC Securities Co Nomura Holdings Southwest Securities Company Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 6,788 4,747 3,734 3,710 3,550 3,109 2,900 2,900 2,900 1,337 683 609 600 600 600 3 7 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 2,571 2,713 6,030 1,669 72 1,048 5,392 506 2,273 164% 75% -38.1% 122.3% 3,928% 27 .6% -87 .3%

Financial Advisors to Nordic M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 5 2 1 9 17 62 19 13 3 79 27 6 11 1 2 3 4 5 6= 6= 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Handelsbanken Capital Markets PwC Nordea Corporate Finance ABG Sundal Collier Danske Bank Corporate Finance M&A International Translink Goldman Sachs Ernst & Young Millington DC Advisory Keystone Morgan Stanley SEB Rothschild Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 4,747 73 3,734 99 16 6,788 196 160 128 3,710 1,337 683 7 7 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 6 10 10 4 3 1 3 3 7 1 2 6 3 1 -3 -5 1 1 3 1 0 -4 2 0 -4 -1

-73.6% -

Financial Advisors to Swedish M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 3 2 11 9 48 51 5 7 1 2 3 4= 4= 6 7 8 9= 9= 9= 12 13 14 15 Company Name Handelsbanken Capital Markets Goldman Sachs Nordea Corporate Finance Morgan Stanley VTB Capital PK Partners SEB E&H Partners Axys Finance Rothschild Swedbank First Securities Barclays JPMorgan Millington DC Advisory Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 4,567 3,888 3,734 3,550 3,550 3,109 1,337 609 363 363 363 347 300 160 128 4 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 2,708 2,398 2,594 340 506 2,398 2,328 68.6% 62.1% 43.9% 293.2% 20.4% -85.5% -87 .1% -

Financial Advisors to Swedish M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 5 6 1 33 8 3 10 4 45 9 48 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8= 8= 8= 11= 11= 13 14 15= 15= 15= Company Name Handelsbanken Capital Markets Nordea Corporate Finance PwC ABG Sundal Collier Goldman Sachs SEB DC Advisory Danske Bank Corporate Finance Ernst & Young Keystone Morgan Stanley VTB Capital PK Partners E&H Partners Axys Finance Rothschild Swedbank First Securities Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 4,567 3,734 73 15 3,888 1,337 128 3,550 3,550 3,109 609 363 363 363 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 3 3 8 1 2 5 2 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 -4 2 0 -3 0 -3 1 -1 0 0

Press Release: 17

Europe: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisors to Italian M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 12 4 10 15 5 9 11 31 8 2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7= 7= 7= 7= 7= 7= 13 14 15 Company Name Banca IMI/Intesa Sanpaolo Rothschild Goldman Sachs UniCredit Group Deutsche Bank BNP Paribas Barclays Credit Suisse Intermonte Securities Corporate Finance Leonardo & Co Mediobanca Royal Bank of Scotland Group JPMorgan Lazard Natixis Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 7 ,592 6,224 5,651 5,510 5,458 4,714 3,970 3,970 3,970 3,970 3,970 3,970 3,815 3,622 2,134 4 4 2 6 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 1,817 4,103 3,133 614 3,918 3,635 2,162 7 3,735 4,358 3,742 317 .8% 51.7% 80.4% 797 .4% 39.3% 29.7% 83.6% 56,614% 6.3% -8.9%

Financial Advisors to Italian M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 11 10 1 12 30 13 6 4 9 31 8 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13= 13= 13= 13= 13= 13= Company Name UniCredit Group Banca IMI/Intesa Sanpaolo Rothschild BNP Paribas JPMorgan Deloitte Goldman Sachs Deutsche Bank Lazard Vitale & Associati Lincoln International Altium Capital Barclays Credit Suisse Intermonte Securities Corporate Finance Leonardo & Co Mediobanca Royal Bank of Scotland Group Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 5,510 7 ,592 6,224 4,714 3,815 59 5,651 5,458 3,622 53 52 20 3,970 3,970 3,970 3,970 3,970 3,970 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 3 3 6 2 1 2 3 4 3 1 3 5 3 1 -2 1 2 0 -1 -2 -2 0 -2 -4 -

-3.2% -

Financial Advisors to CEE M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 13 8 11 25 14 2 22 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9= 9= 9= 12 13= 13= 15 Company Name JPMorgan EFG-Hermes Holding Morgan Stanley VTB Capital Societe Generale Citi Deutsche Bank Goldman Sachs BMO Capital Markets Canaccord Genuity GMP Securities Credit Suisse Barclays KPMG Rothschild Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 10,807 6,403 5,576 5,320 3,662 1,899 1,839 1,786 1,525 1,525 1,525 1,111 1,021 1,021 320 4 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 315 746 460 43 237 2,373 66 2,652 3,331% 647 .5% 1,057% 8,416% 675.9% -24.7% 1,447% -87 .9%

Financial Advisors to CEE M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 20 10 1 9 3 7 28 11 6 4 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name JPMorgan Morgan Stanley Citi Rothschild Deloitte UniCredit Group Grant Thornton Corporate Finance VTB Capital Societe Generale Deutsche Bank Goldman Sachs Bank Zachodni Ernst & Young Raiffeisen Centrobank EFG-Hermes Holding Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 10,807 5,576 1,899 320 209 192 36 5,320 3,662 1,839 1,786 292 46 6,403 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 1 2 8 3 5 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 -5 0 -2 -1 1 0 -1 -2 1 -

Press Release: 18

US: Overview for Q1 2013

US M&A in Q1 2013 (US$ 167bn) overtook Q1 2012 (US$125bn) by a third JPMorgan (US$ 98.7bn) moves from third to first place in the league table by deal value. Lazard (US$ 66.8bn) leaps to fourth place from thirteenth

US Q1 2013 Trend Comparison

Value (US$bn) Number of Deals

Quarterly M&A Trend Breakdown


1,400 1,344.8
Value of Deals (US$bn)



1,000 400 800 300 600 200 400


Value of Deals (US$bn)

817.4 835.0




751.0 687.7





361.0 247.1
242.7 228.5 204.6

The US market looks optimistic amid the Dow Jones breaking records and mega-deals sparking hope for M&A resurgence. With a total value of US$ 167bn from 703 deals, Q1 surpassed the deal value for Q1 2012 (US$ 125bn, 925 deals), by 33.6% It was a little more than half of the deal value seen in Q4 2012 (US$ 306.9bn, 1,103 deals), but this was the strongest quarter of 2012


198.9 144.5











There were three transactions over US$ 5bn with a combined value of US$ 65.8bn. In comparison, Q1 2012 had three of such transactions with just under half of that deal value (US$ 24.2bn)

Q1 2013

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Q4 Previous Year


Number of Deals

US: Industry & Geography analysis for Q1 2013

Q1 2013 vs (Q1 2012) Value and Market Share Percentage Comparison
Business Services: US$ 4.6bn (US$ 7.7bn) Consumer: US$ 38.1bn (US$ 8.4bn)

Q1 2013 Geography and Cross-Border Focus


Energy, Mining & Utilities: US$ 27.7bn (US$ 32.6bn) Financial Services: US$ 9.7bn (US$ 6.7bn)
30.7% 11.6%

0.5% 6.7%

Outbound investments from the US into the rest of the world increased by deal value from US$ 27bn in the same period of 2012 to US$ 48.4bn in Q1 2013 following the Virgin Media deal

Asia is becoming more of a target for US companies. Investment into Asia from the US in Q1 2013 increased to US$ 5.8bn from US$ 1.6bn in Q4 2012, up 263% Outbound deals were slightly steadier in the first quarter of 2013 from Q4 2012 compared to inbound deals. Outbound deals were down 25% (Q4 2012 valued at US$ 64.5bn for 257 deals) whereas inbound cross-border transactions (US$ 15bn, 114 deals) were down 81.5%. This inbound activity was the lowest level seen in eight years (Q1 2005, US$ 13.5bn)

Industrials & Chemicals: US$ 17.9bn (US$ 21.7bn)

12.2% 26.1%

Other: US$ 3bn (US$ 6.3bn)

8.9% 5.0% 5.4% 17.4%

Pharma, Medical & Biotech: US$ 3bn (US$ 11.1bn) Real Estate: US$ 5.2bn (US$ 15.2bn)

1.8% 1.8%

Quarterly Cross-Border US M&A


TMT: US$ 51.3bn (US$ 14.5bn)

140 130 120

Inbound Value (US$bn) Outbound Value (US$bn) Inbound Volume Outbound Volume

300 275 250 225 200 175

Transport: US$ 6.5bn (US$ 0.6bn)

Value of Deals (US$bn)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

125 100 75 50 25 0

In Q1 2013, the dominant un-consolidated sector was consumer with a 22.8% market share by deal value (US$ 38.1bn, 62 deals) The Heinz deal resulted in this sector surpassing Q1 2012s 6.7% market share (US$ 8.4bn, 85 deals) and also the previous leading sector, energy, mining & utilities, which had a 26.1% market share in Q1 2012 (US$ 32.6bn, 71 deals)

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Number of Deals

Comcasts acquisition of NBCUniversal Media for US$ 16.7bn was responsible for an upsurge in technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) activity in the US this quarter. TMT transactions in the US totalled US$ 51.3bn in Q1 2013 compared to US$ 14.5bn last year


US: Top Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 14-Feb-13 Bidder Company Berkshire Hathaway Inc; and 3G Capital Partners Silver Lake Partners LP; and Michael Dell (private investor) Bidder Financial Advisor JPMorgan; Lazard; Wells Fargo Securities Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Barclays; Citi; Credit Suisse; Deutsche Bank; RBC Capital Markets Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Morgan Stanley Lazard; Mesirow Financial Holdings; Moelis & Company; Rothschild Citi Target Company HJ Heinz Company Target/Seller Financial Advisor Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Centerview Partners; Moelis & Company Evercore Partners; Goldman Sachs; JPMorgan; Lazard Seller Company Deal Value (US$m) 27,362


Dell Inc



Comcast Corporation

NBCUniversal Media LLC (49% Stake) US Airways Group Inc

Advising seller: Centerview Partners; JPMorgan Barclays; Millstein & Co

General Electric Company



AMR Corporation



Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP LINN Energy LLC

Copano Energy LLC

Barclays; Jefferies & Company Credit Suisse



Citi; Evercore Partners; Greenhill & Co Gleacher & Company; Morgan Stanley; UBS Investment Bank Simmons & Company International; UBS Investment Bank Evercore Partners

Berry Petroleum Company Spirit Realty Capital Inc



Cole Credit Property Trust II Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co LP Energy Transfer Partners LP




Gardner Denver Inc

Goldman Sachs



ETP Holdco Corporation (60% Stake)

Advising seller: Credit Suisse

Energy Transfer Equity LP



Cerberus Capital Management LP; Kimco Realty Corporation; Klaff Realty LP; LubertAdler Partners LP; Schottenstein Real Estate Group

Barclays; Lazard

Star Markets Company Inc; Shaw's Supermarkets Inc; Jewel-Osco stores (Supervalu); Acme Fresh Markets; and SuperValu (Albertsons stores)

Advising seller: Goldman Sachs; Greenhill & Co

SuperValu Inc


Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Americas: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to Americas M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 4 3 2 11 8 25 5 1 9 10 17 28 6 7 18 27 14 23 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name JPMorgan Bank of America Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs Lazard Credit Suisse Centerview Partners Citi Barclays Morgan Stanley Evercore Partners Moelis & Company Wells Fargo Securities Deutsche Bank LionTree Advisors RBC Capital Markets UBS Investment Bank Greenhill & Co Jefferies & Company Rothschild HSBC Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 101,683 89,621 80,486 67 ,122 60,408 48,079 45,158 42,982 37 ,609 36,650 35,804 31,807 29,936 25,189 24,574 14,692 9,903 9,421 9,134 7 ,538 31 26 33 29 21 4 22 19 30 19 13 8 15 3 16 16 5 10 12 7 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 41,046 41,426 45,865 14,863 26,021 6,577 37 ,531 48,751 20,698 15,873 11,092 5,472 33,932 28,972 10,920 6,016 12,748 7 ,385 4,166 147 .7% 116.3% 75.5% 351.6% 132.2% 631% 20.3% -11.8% 81.7% 130.9% 222.8% 481.3% -11.8% -15.2% 34.5% 64.6% -26.1% 23.7% 80.9%

League Table of Financial Advisors to Americas M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 2 7 4 8 10 12 11 6 13 3 16 22 9 17 33 15 19 5 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Morgan Stanley Lazard Bank of America Merrill Lynch Citi Credit Suisse Stifel/KBW Barclays Evercore Partners RBC Capital Markets UBS Investment Bank Raymond James & Associates Deutsche Bank PwC William Blair & Company Moelis & Company Rothschild Houlihan Lokey Sandler O'Neill & Partners Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 80,486 101,683 37 ,609 67 ,122 89,621 45,158 60,408 1,806 42,982 36,650 24,574 14,692 1,133 29,936 2,637 1,279 35,804 9,134 2,917 1,910 33 31 30 29 26 22 21 21 19 19 16 16 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 12 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 47 32 27 31 26 24 22 23 27 20 32 19 14 25 18 9 19 14 29 15 -14 -1 3 -2 0 -2 -1 -2 -8 -1 -16 -3 2 -10 -4 5 -6 -2 -17 -3

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Americas: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to US M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 3 5 2 13 9 17 6 1 12 7 8 20 4 11 15 19 16 35 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name JPMorgan Bank of America Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs Lazard Credit Suisse Centerview Partners Citi Barclays Moelis & Company Morgan Stanley Evercore Partners Wells Fargo Securities Deutsche Bank LionTree Advisors RBC Capital Markets UBS Investment Bank Greenhill & Co Jefferies & Company Rothschild HSBC Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 98,741 87 ,681 68,647 66,799 60,332 48,079 45,158 41,961 35,783 35,535 33,707 31,807 28,197 25,189 23,254 11,857 9,903 9,421 7 ,949 5,438 28 23 28 27 20 4 22 18 12 27 17 8 14 3 11 14 5 10 8 6 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 34,057 27 ,805 34,636 10,470 13,910 6,577 23,419 40,711 11,092 20,612 15,753 5,472 32,542 11,139 9,452 6,016 8,589 1,763 2,085 189.9% 215.3% 98.2% 538% 333.7% 631% 92.8% 3.1% 222.6% 72.4% 114% 481.3% -13.4% 108.8% 25.4% 64.6% 9.7% 350.9% 160.8%

League Table of Financial Advisors to US M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 4 1 2 5 9 11 8 15 6 10 22 7 16 26 12 17 13 3 18 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name JPMorgan Goldman Sachs Lazard Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Citi Stifel/KBW Credit Suisse Barclays Evercore Partners Raymond James & Associates Deutsche Bank UBS Investment Bank William Blair & Company Moelis & Company Sandler O'Neill & Partners RBC Capital Markets Houlihan Lokey PwC Jefferies & Company Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 98,741 68,647 66,799 35,535 87 ,681 45,158 1,806 60,332 41,961 33,707 951 28,197 11,857 1,246 35,783 1,910 23,254 2,834 2,448 9,421 28 28 27 27 23 22 21 20 18 17 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 27 39 29 26 21 18 22 16 24 19 13 22 15 9 18 15 17 28 15 17 1 -11 -2 1 2 4 -1 4 -6 -2 2 -8 -1 4 -6 -3 -6 -17 -4 -7

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Americas: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to US Buyouts* M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 20 4 9 14 1 3 2 1 2= 2= 4 5 6 7 8= 8= 10 Company Name Lazard JPMorgan Wells Fargo Securities Barclays Credit Suisse Citi Deutsche Bank Bank of America Merrill Lynch RBC Capital Markets HSBC Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 30,918 27 ,362 27 ,362 25,075 23,074 22,828 22,188 21,775 21,775 500 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 7 ,150 1,359 167 10,610 7 ,150 7 ,926 282.7% 1,913% 13,717% 115.2% 210.3% 174.7% -

League Table of Financial Advisors to US Buyouts* M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 20 15 8 1 9 11 2 1 2 3 4 5 6= 6= 8= 8= 10 Company Name Lazard Barclays Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank Citi JPMorgan Wells Fargo Securities Bank of America Merrill Lynch RBC Capital Markets HSBC Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 30,918 25,075 23,074 22,188 22,828 27 ,362 27 ,362 21,775 21,775 500 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 -1 0 0 -2 -

* Based on the target geography only and the adviser advising the buy-side only

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Americas: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisers to Canadian M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 3 6 15 27 10 31 18 4 12 78 1 39 30 11 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14= 14= Company Name Bank of America Merrill Lynch Canaccord Genuity JPMorgan Deutsche Bank Morgan Stanley Evercore Partners Goldman Sachs BMO Capital Markets GMP Securities Wells Fargo Securities RBC Capital Markets Houlihan Lokey Rothschild Barclays KPMG Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 4,741 4,607 3,501 3,435 3,348 2,858 2,839 2,342 2,164 1,770 1,560 1,327 1,293 1,021 1,021 6 4 5 2 5 1 2 8 5 2 7 2 2 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 10,532 7 ,981 1,533 401 3,096 210 1,250 9,428 2,208 18,968 86 223 2,909 -55% -42.3% 128.4% 756.6% 8.1% 1,261% 127 .1% -75.2% -2% -91.8%

Financial Advisers to Canadian M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 1 7 11 17 8 5 4 37 32 78 28 22 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name BMO Capital Markets RBC Capital Markets Bank of America Merrill Lynch JPMorgan Morgan Stanley GMP Securities Canaccord Genuity Scotiabank Stifel/KBW Deutsche Bank Goldman Sachs Wells Fargo Securities Houlihan Lokey Rothschild Citi Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 2,342 1,560 4,741 3,501 3,348 2,164 4,607 813 128 3,435 2,839 1,770 1,327 1,293 753 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 9 18 5 4 3 5 8 8 1 1 1 2 3 2 -1 -11 1 1 2 0 -4 -5 1 1 1 0 -1 0

479.8% -64.9% -

Financial Advisers to Central & South America M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 10 4 13 31 18 15 49 5 9 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12= 12= 12= 15= 15= Company Name Bank of America Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs Lazard Morgan Stanley UBS Investment Bank HSBC Banca de Inversion Bancolombia Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Banco BTG Pactual Rothschild DNB Markets Carnegie Investment Bank Rabobank SEB Deloitte Proyectos Financieros Especializados Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 5,014 4,300 3,223 3,205 2,835 2,350 2,100 2,000 1,023 892 735 735 735 735 699 699 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 5,191 9,979 4,393 86 1,172 1,715 8,332 5,399 56 -3.4% -56.9% -26.6% 3,627% 141.9% 37% -87 .7% -83.5% 1,213% -

Financial Advisers to Central & South America M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 12 3 8 49 11 1 9 13 32 15 34 10 5 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Banco BTG Pactual Bank of America Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs UBS Investment Bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Rothschild Banco Itau BBA Vinci Partners Lazard Morgan Stanley HSBC DNB Markets JPMorgan Banco Bradesco BBI Credit Suisse Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 1,023 5,014 4,300 2,835 2,000 892 544 162 3,223 3,205 2,350 735 300 280 269 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 11 3 7 4 1 3 13 4 3 1 3 1 3 6 6 -7 0 -4 -1 2 0 -10 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -4 -4

Press Release: 25

Americas: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisers to US North East M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 3 6 10 4 7 15 20 18 14 1 5 2 9 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Bank of America Merrill Lynch JPMorgan Lazard Centerview Partners Goldman Sachs Citi Credit Suisse Wells Fargo Securities Moelis & Company Morgan Stanley Barclays Evercore Partners Deutsche Bank RBC Capital Markets UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 81,737 71,371 59,671 47 ,311 42,242 33,317 32,130 31,036 29,179 27 ,204 27 ,072 26,619 26,577 22,043 7 ,224 15 12 14 3 16 12 14 5 7 13 9 9 8 6 8 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 19,511 13,283 7 ,934 16,593 12,626 4,907 1,939 2,142 5,325 24,541 13,986 23,289 8,267 5,521 318.9% 437 .3% 652.1% 154.6% 163.9% 554.8% 1,501% 1,262% 410.9% 10.3%

Financial Advisers to US North East M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 8 2 12 7 9 6 14 5 4 11 20 18 29 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Goldman Sachs Bank of America Merrill Lynch Lazard Credit Suisse Morgan Stanley JPMorgan Citi Barclays Evercore Partners Deutsche Bank UBS Investment Bank Stifel/KBW Moelis & Company Raymond James & Associates Lincoln International Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 42,242 81,737 59,671 32,130 27 ,204 71,371 33,317 27 ,072 26,619 26,577 7 ,224 494 29,179 329 37 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 23 11 18 9 12 11 12 8 14 14 9 7 7 5 9 -7 4 -4 5 1 1 0 1 -5 -6 -1 1 0 2 -2

14.1% 166.6% 30.8%

Financial Advisers to US Mid-West M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 5 8 10 14 11 32 2 4 3 6 19 16 9 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Lazard Bank of America Merrill Lynch JPMorgan Wells Fargo Securities Moelis & Company Centerview Partners Goldman Sachs Citi Barclays Morgan Stanley UBS Investment Bank Credit Suisse Greenhill & Co HSBC Simmons & Company International Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 33,052 32,508 31,685 28,476 27 ,393 27 ,362 12,833 6,734 4,843 4,705 4,541 4,337 4,155 3,950 3,850 12 4 9 4 2 1 8 7 5 7 3 4 3 4 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 7 ,550 5,606 5,170 3,380 4,600 449 12,751 7 ,551 10,336 6,723 1,744 2,431 5,230 795 337 .8% 479.9% 512.9% 742.5% 495.5% 5,994% 0.6% -10.8% -53.1% -30% 160.4% 78.4% -20.6% 396.9% -

Financial Advisers to US Mid-West M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 6 1 32 9 3 5 42 27 11 12 15 24 17 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Lazard JPMorgan Goldman Sachs William Blair & Company Citi Morgan Stanley Barclays Raymond James & Associates M&A International Bank of America Merrill Lynch Wells Fargo Securities Credit Suisse HSBC PwC Evercore Partners Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 33,052 31,685 12,833 1,021 6,734 4,705 4,843 522 24 32,508 28,476 4,337 3,950 692 529 12 9 8 8 7 7 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 11 7 12 2 6 10 8 2 3 6 6 5 3 5 6 1 2 -4 6 1 -3 -3 3 2 -2 -2 -1 1 -1 -2

Press Release: 26

Americas: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisers to US West M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 4 15 3 1 5 10 7 24 58 13 30 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11= 11= 13 14 15 Company Name Goldman Sachs Credit Suisse LionTree Advisors JPMorgan Barclays Morgan Stanley Citi Moelis & Company Lazard Rothschild Mesirow Financial Holdings Millstein & Co UBS Investment Bank Evercore Partners Greenhill & Co Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 29,528 26,068 24,424 24,110 9,730 7 ,589 6,567 6,241 5,449 4,905 4,905 4,905 4,497 4,200 4,093 11 3 2 9 6 11 5 5 6 2 1 1 5 3 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 12,930 2,166 13,443 17 ,178 12,761 3,601 6,492 590 60 2,700 359 376 128.4% 1,104% 79.3% -43.4% -40.5% 82.4% -3.9% 823.6% 8,075% -

Financial Advisers to US West M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 3 4 7 36 6 8 11 31 2 18 12 10 14 49 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley JPMorgan William Blair & Company Barclays Lazard Bank of America Merrill Lynch Citi Moelis & Company UBS Investment Bank Raymond James & Associates Stifel/KBW Deutsche Bank SunTrust Robinson Humphrey Capital Markets D.A. Davidson & Co Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 29,528 7 ,589 24,110 1,014 9,730 5,449 2,203 6,567 6,241 4,497 317 134 1,017 231 96 11 11 9 8 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 11 11 8 2 8 8 6 2 12 3 6 7 5 2 2 0 0 1 6 -2 -2 0 3 -7 2 -1 -2 -1 2 2

66.6% 1,070% 988.6%

Financial Advisers to US South M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 5 9 4 36 10 8 3 1 7 12 34 11 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15= 15= Company Name Citi Credit Suisse Evercore Partners Barclays Lazard Bank of America Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Deutsche Bank RBC Capital Markets Moelis & Company Greenhill & Co Jefferies & Company Rothschild Mesirow Financial Holdings Millstein & Co Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 34,426 34,060 33,181 31,530 29,792 27 ,711 26,897 26,266 23,096 22,688 8,229 6,347 5,555 5,315 4,905 4,905 12 10 12 7 12 8 11 10 6 3 6 3 5 3 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 18,607 10,404 9,140 16,945 364 8,369 9,887 18,275 18,686 9,895 6,216 410 6,839 1,237 85% 227 .4% 263% 86.1% 8,085% 231.1% 172% 43.7% 23.6% 129.3% 32.4% 1,448% -18.8% 329.7% -

Financial Advisers to US South M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 9 10 14 8 4 12 2 17 11 1 3 5 7 30 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Citi Evercore Partners Lazard Stifel/KBW Goldman Sachs Credit Suisse JPMorgan Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Houlihan Lokey Barclays Deutsche Bank Moelis & Company Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co Simmons & Company International Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 34,426 33,181 29,792 1,325 26,897 34,060 26,266 3,667 27 ,711 1,787 31,530 23,096 8,229 2,249 1,513 12 12 12 12 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 6 6 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 9 9 8 10 11 8 14 6 9 16 11 10 10 3 7 3 3 4 2 0 2 -4 3 -1 -8 -4 -4 -4 3 -1

Press Release: 27

Asia-Pacific (excl.Japan): Overview for Q1 2013

Inbound deals are ahead of Q1 2012 with deals valued at US$ 11.1bn Morgan Stanley (US$ 7.9bn) was lead advisor in Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) and CIMB Group (US$ 6.4bn) entered into third position from 46th in Q1 2012

Asia-Pacific Q1 2013 Trend Comparison


Quarterly M&A Trend Breakdown

Value (US$bn)
Number of Deals 800



Value of Deals (US$bn)














Value of Deals (US$bn)





141.0 132.0

M&A in Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) got off to a slow start in 2013 with 438 deals worth US$ 59.8bn, 28.7% below the deal value seen in the same period of 2012 (US$ 83.8bn, 483 deals)
89.7 83.8 88.4 73.9 59.8



85.1 91.8




Q1 for Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) M&A was the slowest in four years since Q1 2009 (US$ 45.8bn) Total value tumbled 32.4% from US$ 88.4bn (632 deals) in Q4 2012 giving little confidence for investors in the region going forward









Q1 2013


Q4 Previous Year


The biggest transaction of the quarter was in the energy sector SapuraKencana Petroleum acquired the tender rigs business of Seadrill. The cross-border deal between Malaysia and Singapore was valued at US$ 2.9bn. Malaysia also saw the second-biggest deal, where Petroliam Nasional made an offer for the remaining shares in MISC for US$ 2.9bn

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

Number of Deals






Asia-Pacific (excl.Japan): Industry & Geography analysis for Q1 2013

Q1 2013 vs (Q1 2012) Value and Market Share Percentage Comparison
Business Services: US$ 1.7bn (US$ 3.9bn) Consumer: US$ 7.1bn (US$ 3.3bn)

Q1 2013 Geography and Cross-Border Focus

2.9% 12.1% 4.6% 1.4%

Inbound deals into Asia-Pacific were slightly up from US$ 9.5bn (120 deals) in Q1 2012 to US$ 11.1bn (110 deals) in Q1 2013, but were down compared to US$ 17.6bn (135 deals) in the last quarter of 2012 Outbound activity saw a decline in momentum: a second consecutive quarterly decrease brought deal value down 13.6% to US$ 16.9bn (63 deals) from Q4 (US$ 19.6bn, 88 deals). It was however slightly above a full Q1 2012 (US$ 16.5bn, 83 deals)

Energy, Mining & Utilities: US$ 14.8bn (US$ 29.1bn) Financial Services: US$ 5.2bn (US$ 16.4bn) Industrials & Chemicals: US$ 11.3bn (US$ 14.1bn)
10.6% 2.0% 3.5%
1.5% 5.5% 16.8% 4.3% 9.3%



Other: US$ 2.3bn (US$ 3.6bn)


China remained the most attractive target (inbound and domestic) in Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) M&A with 137 deals worth US$ 24.2bn, although the value of Chinese M&A was down by 32.2% compared to the same period last year Singapore was one of the major countries in the region which saw increased activity compared to Q1 2012, with deals worth US$ 4.5bn, up 522% from US$ 723m due to Asia-Pacfics highest valued deal

Pharma, Medical & Biotech: US$ 3.2bn (US$ 2.9bn) Real Estate: US$ 0.9bn (US$ 1.7bn)




TMT: US$ 6.2bn (US$ 7.8bn)


Quarterly Cross-Border Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) M&A

Inbound Value (US$bn) Outbound Value (US$bn) Inbound Volume Outbound Volume


Transport: US$ 6bn (US$ 1.2bn)

55 50


Value of Deals (US$bn)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


China (US$ 9bn) and Singapore (US$ 3.4bn) were the main targets in the energy, mining and utilities sector, while Australia saw only eleven deals worth US$ 973m There was a decline in deal value in all but three sectors compared to Q1 2012, with the notable exceptions of the transport and consumer sectors which saw increases of 400% and 115.2%, respectively. The transport sector featured the US$ 2.9bn offer of MISC. The consumer sector featured a deal worth US$ 1bn where US TPG Capital acquired Australian Ingham Enterprises
Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report





Number of Deals

Once again energy, mining & utilities played the largest part in deal making with US$ 14.8bn-worth of deals accounting for 25.2% of all Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) targeted M&A

45 40


Asia-Pacific (excl.Japan): Top Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 11-Feb-13 Bidder Company SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad Petroliam Nasional Berhad Guangxi Guiguan Electric Power Co Ltd Bidder Financial Advisor CIMB Group; Goldman Sachs; ING; Maybank Investment Bank CIMB Group Target Company Seadrill Ltd (Tender rigs business in Asia) MISC Berhad (37.33% Stake) LongTan Hydropower Development Co Ltd (85% Stake) AmInvestment Bank Targe/Seller Financial Advisor Seller Company Seadrill Ltd Deal Value (US$m) 2,900




CITIC Securities

Guangxi Investment Group Co Ltd; China Datang Corporation; and Guizhou Industrial Investment Co Ltd Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation


05-Mar-13 28-Jan-13

Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Ltd Hana Financial Group

Bank of China International Holdings Goldman Sachs; Hana Daetoo Securities

Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Mining Co Ltd Korea Exchange Bank (40% Stake)

1,912 1,774


Shanxi Meijin Energy Co Ltd

Caitong Securities

Shanxi Meijin Group Dongyu Coal Mining Co Ltd; Shanxi Fenxi Taiyue Coal Mining Holdings Co Ltd (79.96% Stake); Shanxi Meijin Coking Co Ltd; Tianjin Meijin International Trading Co Ltd; and Meijin Energy Group Dalian Co Ltd Agila Specialties Private Limited; and Agila Specialties Asia Pte Limited Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited Jian Group Co Ltd Companhia de Telecomunicacoes de Macau SARL (79% Stake) Advising seller: Jefferies & Company

Meijin Energy Group Co Ltd



Mylan Inc

Morgan Stanley

Strides Arcolab Limited


21-Feb-13 13-Mar-13 13-Jan-13

Zhejiang Zheneng Electric Power Co LTd Anhui Shanying Paper Industry Co Ltd CITIC Telecom International Holdings Ltd

China International Capital Corporation Chinalion Securities Barclays; CITIC Securities

Morgan Stanley Advising seller: Zheshang Securities Advising seller: JPMorgan Taisheng Industry Co Ltd Cable & Wireless Communications Plc; and Portugal Telecom SGPS SA

1,508 1,236 1,161

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Asia-Pacific (excl.Japan): Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 6 46 8 5 23 12 10 160 72 50 61 16 17 7 3 47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs CIMB Group Sdn CITIC Securities Co JPMorgan Bank of China International Holdings Macquarie Group Maybank Investment Bank HSBC ING AmInvestment Bank Jefferies & Company Nomura Holdings Barclays UBS Investment Bank Rothschild Bank of America Merrill Lynch Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co Hana Daetoo Securities Co Caitong Securities Co Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 7 ,940 7 ,628 6,415 6,374 4,501 3,658 3,574 3,127 2,981 2,900 2,877 2,842 2,545 2,318 2,271 2,132 1,922 1,870 1,774 1,628 12 11 6 7 7 6 9 2 7 1 1 4 6 4 5 9 2 2 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 14,537 11,827 428 7 ,645 12,389 1,205 4,474 5,732 175 395 304 2,015 1,958 8,150 13,606 427 -45.4% -35.5% 1,399% -16.6% -63.7% 196.6% -30.1% -48% 1,544% 619.5% 737 .2% 15% 16% -73.8% -85.9% 315.5% -

League Table of Financial Advisors to Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 3 5 1 30 6 15 13 11 4 14 44 8 18 61 2 79 17 19 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs PwC Macquarie Group Rothschild CITIC Securities Co JPMorgan HSBC Ernst & Young CIMB Group Sdn Bank of China International Nomura Holdings Citi UBS Investment Bank Somerley KPMG Jefferies & Company Barclays RHB Investment Bank Deloitte Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 7 ,940 7 ,628 905 3,574 2,132 6,374 4,501 2,981 507 6,415 3,658 2,545 1,272 2,271 1,569 487 2,842 2,318 240 110 12 11 10 9 9 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 11 9 16 3 9 5 6 7 11 6 2 8 5 1 12 1 5 5 7 1 2 -6 6 0 2 1 0 -4 0 4 -2 0 4 -7 3 -1 -1 -3

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Asia-Pacific (excl.Japan): Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) Buyouts* M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 Company Name Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 146 1,250 -41.8% -

League Table of Financial Advisors to Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan) Buyouts* M&A: Volume
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 11 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6= 6= 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Company Name Nomura Holdings HSBC BDO Macquarie Group KPMG Avendus Capital Citi CITIC Securities Co Barclays Bank of America Merrill Lynch Deloitte Morgan Stanley HMC Investment Securities Co Ambit Corporate Finance Deutsche Bank Mummert & Company Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 1,346 320 14 1,027 390 320 320 319 276 222 101 85 83 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 1 1 1 0 0 -

1 Nomura Holdings 1,346 2 2 Macquarie Group 1,027 1 3 KPMG 390 1 4 HSBC 320 2 5= Avendus Capital 320 1 5= Citi 320 1 7 CITIC Securities Co 319 1 8 Barclays 276 1 9 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 222 1 11 10 Deloitte 101 1 3 11 Morgan Stanley 85 1 12 HMC Investment Securities Co 83 1 13 BDO 14 2 14 Ambit Corporate Finance 1 2 15 Deutsche Bank 1 16 Mummert & Company 1 * Based on the target geography only and the adviser advising the buy-side only

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Asia-Pacific (excl.Japan): Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisers to Asia-Pacfic (excl. Japan & Australasia) M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 6 42 8 5 12 10 135 63 46 18 16 7 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Morgan Stanley Goldman Sachs CIMB Group Sdn CITIC Securities Co JPMorgan Bank of China International Maybank Investment Bank HSBC ING AmInvestment Bank Jefferies & Company UBS Investment Bank Barclays Rothschild Bank of America Merrill Lynch Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 7 ,241 7 ,034 6,415 6,374 4,501 3,658 3,127 2,981 2,900 2,877 2,842 2,271 2,042 1,975 1,922 10 6 6 7 6 6 2 7 1 1 3 5 3 7 2 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 14,391 10,870 428 7 ,645 11,954 4,474 5,312 175 395 1,899 2,015 8,050 12,523 -49.7% -35.3% 1,399% -16.6% -62.3% -30.1% -43.9% 1,544% 619.5%

Financial Advisers to Asia-Pacfic (excl. Japan & Australasia) M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 3 14 10 6 1 9 12 13 8 18 53 39 4 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Morgan Stanley CITIC Securities Co HSBC Rothschild PwC Goldman Sachs CIMB Group Sdn JPMorgan Bank of China International Citi UBS Investment Bank Somerley Nomura Holdings Ernst & Young Macquarie Group Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 7 ,241 6,374 2,981 1,975 574 7 ,034 6,415 4,501 3,658 1,272 2,271 1,569 1,518 95 1,419 10 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 10 5 6 7 15 6 6 5 6 4 1 2 9 1 0 2 1 0 -8 0 0 1 0 1 4 3 -4 3

1.3% -75.5% -84.7%

Financial Advisers to Australasian M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 6 18 9 22 20 45 51 24 39 1 2= 2= 4 5 6 7 8= 8= 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Macquarie Group Investec Nomura Holdings RFC Ambrian Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley UBS Investment Bank ANZ Bank Flagstaff Partners Ernst & Young PwC Gresham Advisory Partners Barclays Spurrier Capital Partners Standard Chartered Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 2,565 1,027 1,027 914 699 699 525 468 468 412 331 287 276 222 192 6 1 1 2 6 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 1,105 254 957 146 194 9 119 19 132.1% 304.3% -27% 378.8% 170.6% 4,478% 141.2% 910.5%

Financial Advisers to Australasian M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 9 5 51 3 27 12 16 2 49 1 6 7 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14= 14= Company Name Macquarie Group Goldman Sachs PwC KPMG RFC Ambrian Morgan Stanley UBS Investment Bank Ernst & Young Gresham Advisory Partners Lazard Rothschild BDO Deloitte Investec Nomura Holdings Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 2,565 699 331 91 914 699 525 412 287 185 157 14 1,027 1,027 6 6 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 4 1 4 3 3 1 4 3 2 0 1 0 0 -2 1 -2 -1 -1 0 -

Press Release: 33

Asia-Pacific (excl. Japan): Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisers to Greater China M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 35 6 24 8 5 13 7 4 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name CITIC Securities Co Bank of China International JPMorgan Morgan Stanley Barclays Bank of America Merrill Lynch HSBC UBS Investment Bank Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co Caitong Securities Co China International Capital Somerley Nomura Holdings Rothschild Macquarie Group Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 6,374 3,658 3,217 2,688 2,042 1,922 1,849 1,836 1,700 1,628 1,590 1,569 1,428 1,272 1,268 7 6 4 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 5 4 3 3 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 7 ,645 290 2,463 513 2,234 3,131 1,764 2,355 3,791 100 -16.6% 1,009% 9.1% 298.1% -14% -40.9% 4.1% -33.4%

Financial Advisers to Greater China M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 28 45 5 20 9 19 4 60 40 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name CITIC Securities Co Bank of China International Somerley JPMorgan Nomura Holdings Morgan Stanley Barclays HSBC UBS Investment Bank Rothschild Macquarie Group China Securities Co Houlihan Lokey Minsheng Securities Co Bank of America Merrill Lynch Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 6,374 3,658 1,569 3,217 1,428 2,688 2,042 1,849 1,836 1,272 1,268 782 737 337 1,922 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 5 1 1 4 2 3 2 4 1 1 2 2 4 3 -1 1 0 1 -1 2 2 0

-66.4% 1,168%

Financial Advisers to Indian M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 11 21 10 7 19 24 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8= 8= 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Morgan Stanley Jefferies & Company Macquarie Group Rand Merchant Bank Rothschild Standard Chartered Axis Capital Barclays Sawaya Segalas & Co Avendus Capital Arden Partners BNP Paribas JM Financial SMC Capitals Ernst & Young Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 2,148 1,600 688 548 537 537 408 190 190 161 151 148 84 71 58 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 11,773 395 92 931 1,096 104 43 1,021 -81.8% 305.1% 483.7% -56.2% -82.7% 54.8% 95.3% -94.3%

Financial Advisers to Indian M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 15 10 1 14 26 19 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12= 12= 14 15 Company Name Ernst & Young Rothschild Axis Capital Morgan Stanley Macquarie Group Avendus Capital JM Financial SMC Capitals Jefferies & Company Rand Merchant Bank Standard Chartered Barclays Sawaya Segalas & Co Arden Partners BNP Paribas Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 58 537 408 2,148 688 161 84 71 1,600 548 537 190 190 151 148 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 5 2 2 5 2 1 1 2 -1 1 1 -3 0 1 0 -1 -

Press Release: 34

Asia-Pacific (excl.Japan): Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

Financial Advisers to South East Asia M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 13 1 3 52 20 12 4 9 2 25 17 15 26 1 2 3= 3= 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14= 14= Company Name CIMB Group Sdn Maybank Investment Bank Goldman Sachs ING AmInvestment Bank JPMorgan HSBC Rothschild Standard Chartered Macquarie Group Morgan Stanley Deutsche Bank Citi Avendus Capital UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 6,392 3,127 2,900 2,900 2,877 1,284 1,132 830 737 688 599 505 320 320 320 5 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 428 4,474 3,137 175 454 2,198 532 3,213 155 321 406 135 1,394% -30.1% -7 .6% 1,544% 182.8% -48.5% 56% -77 .1% 286.5%
57 .3%

Financial Advisers to South East Asia M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 2 4 6 20 7 17 1 22 3 24 8 52 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13= 13= 15 Company Name CIMB Group Sdn RHB Investment Bank HSBC Rothschild DBS Bank Hong Leong Financial Group Maybank Investment Bank JPMorgan Standard Chartered Macquarie Group Citi 3 Seas Capital Partners Goldman Sachs ING AmInvestment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 6,392 240 1,132 830 235 185 3,127 1,284 737 688 320 2,900 2,900 2,877 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 6 4 3 1 3 1 8 1 4 1 2 1 2 -1 0 0 2 0 2 -6 1 -2 1 -1 0 -1

-21.2% 137%

Financial Advisers to South Korea M&A: Value

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 9 4 3 8 7 2 1 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10= 10= 12= 12= 14 15 Company Name Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley Hana Daetoo Securities Co RBC Capital Markets Houlihan Lokey PwC Woori Investment & Securities Co Samsung Securities Co Rothschild Citi KPMG Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co Wells Fargo Securities Locus Capital Partners UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 3,009 1,806 1,774 1,100 654 536 465 416 410 390 390 170 170 126 115 3 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Value % Val. (US$m) Change 130 427 567 145 308 3,655 4,324 117 2,215% 315.5% -5.5% 220.7% 35.1% -88.8% -91% 7 .7% -

Financial Advisers to South Korea M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 10 8 6 9 5 2 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10= 10= 12= 12= 14 15 Company Name Morgan Stanley PwC Goldman Sachs Samsung Securities Co Hana Daetoo Securities Co RBC Capital Markets Houlihan Lokey Woori Investment & Securities Co Rothschild Citi KPMG Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co Wells Fargo Securities Locus Capital Partners UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 1,806 536 3,009 416 1,774 1,100 654 465 410 390 390 170 170 126 115 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 7 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 -3 2 1 0 0 0 -3 0 -

Press Release: 35

Japan: Overview for Q1 2013

Japans currency war manifests itself in weaker outbound activity, which after two successive quarterly increases fell to the lowest level since Q2 2010 Morgan Stanley (US$ 5bn) pushed ahead of Japanese advisors from sixth place to top the financial advisor league table by deal value

Japan Q1 2013 Trend Comparison

45 40 35 Value (US$bn) Number of Deals

Quarterly M&A Trend Breakdown


100 90 80 70
Value of Deals (US$bn)



30 25 80 20 60 15 10 5 0 40

78.4 72.2

Value of Deals (US$bn)


60 50 40 30 20




17.3 10.6



Japans 101 deals in Q1 2013 M&A amounted to US$ 8.1bn, plunging 52.5% from Q4 2012 (US$ 17.1bn, 87 deals) and mirroring the sluggish M&A activity in the rest of Asia-Pacific





10 0


The dramatic drop in Q1 made it the lowest quarterly total since Q4 2010 (US$ 6.8bn, 83 deals) Several sizeable domestic consolidations, most notably Hitachi Metals merger with Hitachi Cables, took place in Q1 2013. These underscore the tendency of Japanese corporations to merge in order to enhance their competitiveness visa-vis overseas competitors








Q1 2013


Q4 Previous Year


Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Number of Deals



Japan: Industry & Geography analysis for Q1 2013

Q1 2013 vs (Q1 2012) Value and Market Share Percentage Comparison
Business Services: US$ 0.8bn (US$ 1.2bn) Construction: US$ 0.6bn (US$ 0.1bn)

Q1 2013 Cross-Border Focus


Consumer: US$ 1.7bn (US$ 1.7bn)

3.3% 8.0% 0.7% 11.3%


Outbound acquisitions of foreign firms by their Japanese counterparts in Q1 2013 totalled US$ 4.4bn over 35 deals, the lowest quarterly value since Q2 2010 (US$ 3.6bn, 40 deals). The yens relentless fall from US$/ 75.8 in October 2012 to US$/ 94.6 appears to be the main catalyst in dampening the appetite for overseas assets This is demonstrated by only one outbound acquisition accounting for over half of the outbound value. Orix Corporations US$ 2.6bn acquisition of Dutch Robeco Groep reaffirms the desire of Japanese firms to reduce dependence on the domestic market

Energy, Mining & Utilities: US$ 0bn (US$ 5bn) Financial Services: US$ 0.5bn (US$ 0.1bn)



0.7% 2.4%

Industrials & Chemicals: US$ 2bn (US$ 4.1bn)

Leisure: US$ 0.6bn (US$ 0.1bn)


27.3% 33.3% 0.7%

Acquisitions of Japanese targets by foreign bidders decreased for the second successive quarter to US$ 1bn, the lowest level of inward investment since Q2 2010 (US$ 1bn). This underscores the poor fundamentals of the Japanese market, which failed to entice overseas bidders in spite of a sharp decrease in the value of the yen Japan Quarterly Cross-Border M&A
60 Inbound Value (US$bn) Oubtbound value (US$bn) Inbound No. of Deals Outbound No. of Deals 80

Pharma, Medical & Biotech: US$ 0.2bn (US$ 0.2bn)


Real Estate: US$ 0.7bn (US$ 2bn)


TMT: US$ 1.1bn (US$ 0.5bn)



40 50

Industrials & chemicals deal value fell from US$ 4.1bn to US$ 2bn but accounted for the highest market share at 24.5% The construction sector was one of the few silver linings in a torrid start to the year, rising from US$ 0.1bn in Q1 2012 to US$ 0.6bn this quarter



20 20 10 10

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Number of deals

Key sectors for Japanese M&A experienced diminished activity when compared with Q1 2012. The value of deals in the business services sector fell from US$ 1.2bn to US$ 0.8bn

Value of Deals (US$bn)


Japan: Top Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 13-Feb-13 Bidder Company Hitachi Metals Ltd Bidder Financial Advisor Nomura Holdings Target Company Hitachi Cable Limited Target/Seller Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Seller Company Deal Value (US$m) 863


Temp Holdings Co Ltd

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group

Intelligence Holdings Ltd

Nomura Holdings

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co LP



Aeon Co Ltd

The Daiei Inc (80.11% Stake) Komeda Limited

Mizuho Financial Group; Nomura Holdings Morgan Stanley Advantage Partners LLP; and Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Ltd Sony Corporation



MBK Partners LP



Nomura Securities Co Ltd Tokyu Community Corp Mizuho Financial Group

DeNa Co Ltd (11.75% Stake) United Communities Co Ltd Asahi Fiberglass Co Ltd (96.09% Stake) Peacock Stores Ltd Advising seller: KPMG Advising seller: Nomura Holdings



Advantage Partners LLP



ORIX Corporation

Global Insulation



Aeon Co Ltd

J. Front Retailing Co Ltd



Sumitomo Life Insurance Company Mitsubishi Corporation Morgan Stanley

Medicare Life Insurance Co Ltd (10.9% Stake) Kirin Kyowa Foods Company Limited

Mitsui Life Insurance Company Limited Kirin Holdings Co Ltd




Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Japan: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to Japanese M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 6 2 1 3 23 5 11 37 10 14 15 24 29 17 1 2 3= 3= 3= 3= 3= 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Company Name Morgan Stanley Nomura Holdings Barclays Goldman Sachs Houlihan Lokey JPMorgan Leonardo & Co Mizuho Financial Group Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Daiwa Securities Group KPMG Citi Deloitte Lazard GCA Savvian Group Q1 2013 Value Value (US$m) (US$m) 4,951 4,238 2,590 2,590 2,590 2,590 2,590 1,855 1,286 472 373 259 243 223 222 14 17 1 1 1 1 1 16 2 8 6 1 4 2 4 Q1 2012 Deal % Val. Count Change 3,016 10,065 10,209 8,086 371 5,388 2,181 29 2,314 1,476 1,040 279 132 885 64.2% -57 .9% -74.6% -68% 598.1% -51.9% -14.9% 4,335% -79.6% -74.7% -75.1% -12.9% 68.9% -74.9%

League Table of Financial Advisors to Japanese M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 1 3 2 5 8 7 6 4 22 11 14 18 9 31 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14= 14= 14= 14= 14= Company Name Nomura Holdings Mizuho Financial Group Morgan Stanley Daiwa Securities Group KPMG PwC Deloitte GCA Savvian Group Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Lazard Credit Suisse William Blair & Company Macquarie Group Barclays Goldman Sachs Houlihan Lokey JPMorgan Leonardo & Co Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 4,238 1,855 4,951 472 373 89 243 222 1,286 223 202 175 52 2,590 2,590 2,590 2,590 2,590 17 16 14 8 6 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 23 11 12 8 6 6 7 9 2 4 3 2 4 1 2 -6 5 2 0 0 -1 -3 -5 0 -2 -1 -1 -3 0 -1 -

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Africa & Middle East: Overview for Q1 2013

Deal value not short of momentum as it increases on Q1 2012 and only just falls short of Q4 2012

Africa & Middle East Q1 2013 Trend Comparison


Quarterly M&A Trend Breakdown

Inbound Value (US$bn) Outbound Value (US$bn) Inbound Volume



Outbound Volume


90 80 70

Value of Deals (US$bn) 20



Value of Deals (US$bn)




50 40

50.4 44.3





30 20

25.3 19.7 18.5

Q1 2013 deals (US$ 18.5bn, 59 deals) dropped by only 5% compared with the previous quarter (US$ 19.5bn, 80 deals) and M&A activity in the region has surpassed Q1 2012 levels (US$ 9.2bn, 87 deals) by 101.4% Inbound investment in Q1 2013 (US$ 15.1bn, 34 deals) is off to a better start than Q1 2012 (US$ 5.7bn, 40 deals) by deal value, up 167% On the other hand, outbound deal value shrunk by 52.2% with deals valued at US$ 2.8bn (21 deals) in Q1 2013 compared to US$ 5.8 (39 deals) in Q1 2012 Energy, mining & utilities was the most active sector behind TMT, accounting for a 27.5% share of the market and the regions top deal: China National Petroleum Corporations 28.6% acquisition in East Africa for US$ 4.2bn supports the growing tendency for China to invest in the regions energy supplies






10 0









Q1 2013


Q4 Previous Year


Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report



Number of Deals

Africa & Middle East: Top Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 31-Mar-13 Bidder Company Altimo Bidder Financial Advisor EFG-Hermes Holding Target Company Orascom Telecom Holding SAE Eni East Africa Spa (28.57% Stake) Allen & Company; Barclays Orascom Construction Industries SAE (25% Stake) CI Capital Holding; Citi; Rabobank Targe/Seller Financial Advisor Seller Company VimpelCom Ltd Deal Value (US$m) 6,403


China National Petroleum Corporation Abraaj Capital Holdings Limited; and the Sawiris Family

Eni SpA





Aldar Properties PJSC

Credit Suisse; Goldman Sachs; National Bank of Abu Dhabi Morgan Stanley; Rand Merchant Bank

Sorouh Real Estate PJSC

Morgan Stanley



Cipla Ltd

Cipla Medpro South Africa Ltd


10-Jan-13 08-Mar-13

Qatar Foundation Actis LLP Societe Generale

Ahli Bank QSC (29.41% Stake) Redal; Amendis Tanger; and Amendis Tetouan

Ahli United Bank BSC Veolia services a l'environnement Maroc; and Veolia Water - CGE Indonesia Bessemer Venture Partners Fenchurch Advisory Partners; HSBC; Advising seller: Goldman Sachs Evercore Partners Investec Limited

531 481

23-Jan-13 14-Mar-13

Cisco Systems Inc Investec Asset Management (Senior management) Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc

Intucell Limited Investec Asset Management Holdings Limited (15% Stake) dbMotion Ltd

475 272


University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System; Gemini Israel Funds Ltd; Vertex Venture Capital; and Pitango Venture Capital


Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Africa & Middle East: Financial Advisor League Table Q1 2013

League Table of Financial Advisors to Africa & Middle East M&A: Value
Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 11 3 14 1 5 28 27 17 20 7 13 1 2 3 4 5 6= 6= 6= 9= 9= 11 12 13 14= 14= 16 17 18 19 20 Company Name EFG-Hermes Holding Morgan Stanley Citi Barclays Goldman Sachs Allen & Company CI Capital Holding Rabobank Credit Suisse National Bank of Abu Dhabi Societe Generale HSBC Rand Merchant Bank JPMorgan UBS Investment Bank Deutsche Bank AG Bank of America Merrill Lynch Qinvest Fenchurch Advisory Partners Evercore Partners Q1 2013 Value Value (US$m) (US$m) 6,403 2,774 2,660 2,417 2,302 2,210 2,210 2,210 2,030 2,030 914 722 592 500 500 450 433 400 272 226 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal % Val. Count Change 991 2,406 853 3,250 2,000 140 140 390 335 1,700 935 546.1% 10.6% 183.4% -29.2% 1.5% 415.7% 322.9% 28.2% 49.3% -73.5% -53.7% -

League Table of Financial Advisors to Global M&A: Volume

Ranking Q1 Q1 2012 2013 11 15 1 7 10 33 2 42 4 24 21 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12= 12= 14 15= 15= 15= 18= 18= 20= 20= Company Name Morgan Stanley Citi Rand Merchant Bank Standard Bank Group Barclays Goldman Sachs Societe Generale HSBC Simmons & Company International PwC Lazard Deloitte Ernst & Young EFG-Hermes Holding Allen & Company CI Capital Holding Rabobank Credit Suisse National Bank of Abu Dhabi JPMorgan UBS Investment Bank Q1 2013 Value Deal (US$m) Count 2,774 2,660 592 164 2,417 2,302 914 722 191 172 150 113 113 6,403 2,210 2,210 2,210 2,030 2,030 500 500 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 2012 Deal Count Count Change 2 2 4 3 2 1 4 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 -1 -1 0 1 -2 1 -2 0 0 -1 -1

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Emerging Markets: Overview for Q1 2013

Deal values dwindle to a level not seen in an opening quarter in four years Morgan Stanley jumps to lead position with 16 deals valued at US$ 16bn

Emerging Markets Q1 2013 Trend Comparison

Other EM (Value) BRIC (Value)

Quarterly M&A Trend Breakdown


EM M&A as % of Global M&A 200 25%

Value of Deals (US$bn)


20% 150 15% 100 10%


502.4 482.4

Value of Deals (US$bn)








173.6 179.2 130.3 123.5 142.2 105.6 110.7 94.5 192.9

After the most productive year for emerging markets on Mergermarket record in 2012, Q1 took a downward turn with significantly lower deal value than in Q4 2012 at US$ 88.2bn (526 deals), down from Q4 (US$ 192.9bn, 706 deals)
150.5 103.8




Emerging market M&A deal value and deal count were both down 16.5% in Q1 compared to the same period in 2012 (US$ 105.6, 630 deals) Emerging market M&A contributed 21.7% to global M&A (US$ 405.9bn), down from 23.3% in Q1 2012







2012 Q1

Q1 2013

The largest deal was the acquisition of Orascom Telecom Holding by Altimo for a total consideration of US$ 6.4bn


Q4 Previous Year

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


% of Global M&A

Emerging Markets: Industry & Geography analysis for Q1 2013

Q1 2013 vs (Q1 2012) Value and Market Share Percentage Comparison
Agriculture: US$ 1.2bn (US$ 0.6bn)

Q1 2013 Geography and Cross-Border Focus

Business Services: US$ 2.3bn (US$ 10bn) Construction: US$ 2.7bn (US$ 2bn)

2.6% 1.4%

3.1% 10.1%


Consumer: US$ 8.9bn (US$ 9.2bn)

2.3% 7.0% 4.1%

9.7% 1.9%

Deal value of BRIC M&A (US$ 44.4bn, 282 deals) was down 43.9% by deal value compared to the comparative period in 2012 (US$ 79.1bn, 373 deals) and 66.6% down from Q4 2012 (US$ 132.7bn, 395 deals)

Defence: US$ 0.4bn (US$ 0bn)

3.2% 14.1%


China was the most active of the BRIC countries, contributing 27.4% (US$ 24.2bn, 137 deals) of all emerging market activity. Russia was the second most active country, contributing 14.1% (US$ 12.4bn, 30 deals) Investor confidence in the emerging markets may be waning with Q1 2013 inbound total deal value (US$ 19.4bn, 163 deals) at its lowest in just over three years (since Q4 2009, US$ 19.1bn, 201 deals)

Energy, Mining & Utilities: US$ 25.2bn (US$ 33.3bn) Financial Services: US$ 11.7bn (US$ 20bn) Industrials & Chemicals: US$ 9.8bn (US$ 14.6bn) Other: US$ 7.6bn (US$ 4.2bn)


19.3% 11.1%



Private equity firms are avoiding the emerging market countries as Q1 saw a second quarterly decline for buyouts at US$ 6.8bn, the lowest value since Q2 2012 (US$ 4.8bn, 68 deals) Emerging Markets Quarterly Cross-Border M&A
Inbound Value (US$bn) Outbound Value (US$bn) Inbound Volume Outbound Volume

Pharma, Medical & Biotech: US$ 2.8bn (US$ 2.4bn) TMT: US$ 15.5bn (US$ 7.3bn)





Value of Deals (US$bn)

The second largest deal in the emerging markets was in the energy, mining & utilities sector - a 37.8% stake in Polyus Gold International was acquired by two private investors, Gavril Yushvaev and Zelimkhan Mustsoev, for a total consideration of US$ 3.6bn





Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Number of Deals

Energy, mining and utilities had the largest market share for deal value in Q1 2013. Deals worth US$ 25.2bn equated to a 28.6% market share


Emerging Markets: Top Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 31-Mar-13 22-Feb-13 Bidder Company Altimo Gavril Yushvaev (private investor); and Zelimkhan Mutsoev (Private investor) VTB Bank OAO Bidder Financial Advisor EFG-Hermes Holding VTB Capital Target Company Orascom Telecom Holding SAE Polyus Gold International Ltd (37.75% Stake) Tele2 Russia Telecom JPMorgan Cazenove; Advising seller: Societe Generale Advising seller:Morgan Stanley Advising seller: Lazard; Morgan Stanley Target/Seller Financial Advisor Seller Company VimpelCom Ltd Onexim Group Deal Value (US$m) 6,403 3,616


VTB Capital

Tele2 AB



Constellation Brands Inc

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Compania Cervecera de Coahuila

Anheuser-Busch InBev NV



Petroliam Nasional Berhad Guangxi Guiguan Electric Power Co Ltd

CIMB Group

MISC Berhad (37.33% Stake) LongTan Hydropower Development Co Ltd (85% Stake)

AmInvestment Bank



CITIC Securities

Guangxi Investment Group Co Ltd; China Datang Corporation; and Guizhou Industrial Investment (Group) Co Ltd CI Capital; Citi; Rabobank Advising seller: JPMorgan RWE AG




Allen & Company; Barclays Barclays; KPMG

Orascom Construction Industries SAE (25% Stake) NET4GAS sro



Allianz Capital Partners GmbH; and Borealis Infrastructure Management Inc MetLife Inc



Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of China International Holdings

Provida Internacional SA

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria; Advising seller: Goldman Sachs

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation



Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Ltd

Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Mining Co Ltd


Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Private Equity: Buyouts

Global buyouts (US$ 84.8bn) accounted for the highest share of global M&A activity in one quarter since Q2 2007 (28.2%) at 20.9% Lazard was the lead financial advisor by deal value with deals worth US$ 32.4bn including the Heinz deal Global Buyout Activity
900 800 25% 700 600 20% 30%

These US-based deals resulted in the country accounting for 69.6% of the global buyout activity a level never before seen by any region on Mergermarket record The consumer sector (bolstered by the Heinz mega-deal) accounted for US$ 39.9bn in Q1 2013, an increase of 425% compared to Q1 2012s US$ 7.6bn The technology sector (including the Dell mega-deal) was the next most active sector, accounting for US$ 23.2bn-worth of buyout M&A in Q1 2013, an increase of 548% compared to Q1 2012s US$ 3.6bn The debt-to-EBITDA ratio increased to the highest level on Mergermarket record, from 5.5x to 6.7x A March report from the Bank of England said that the peak buyout leverage ratios (total debt to total funding) in the boom years will surface in 2014 - the current average ratio increased from 59.5% last year to 59.7% in 2013 so far, the highest average since 2007 Global Debt Financing Ratios Trend (US$ 200m+buyouts, excl. buyins)
8 80%

Value of Deals (US$bn)

500 15% 400 300 200 5% 100 0 0% 10%

Europe (Value)

US (Value)

Asia-Pacific ex Japan (Value)

Rest of the World (Value)

Buyouts (% of Total M&A)

7 70%

Global buyouts totalled US$ 84.8bn in the first quarter of 2013 the highest quarterly total since Q4 2010 (US$ 85.6bn)
Debt/EBITDA Multiple (x)

Percentage of Global M&A


In contrast, deal numbers were down, with Q1 2013 seeing 372 deals, the lowest quarterly number since Q2 2009 (323 deals) Compared to Q4 2012, European and Asia-Pacific total deal values decreased in Q1 2013 by 36.4% (US$ 26.7bn to US$ 17bn) and 23.1% (US$ 7.9bn to US$ 6.1bn), respectively as the US mega-deals took over The US more than doubled its value, up 114% (US$ 27.6bn to US$ 59.1bn) this was driven by the top two mega-deal buyouts which contributed 83.2% of the total US buyout value, with the remaining 16.8% coming from the other 131 deals
Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report















Q1 2013


Debt/EBITDA Multiple (x)

Debt/Total Funding (%)


Debt/Total Funding (%)

Private Equity: Exits

Lowest exit multiples on Mergermarket record show why investors are holding on to companies longer Goldman Sachs topped the financial advisors league table by value advising on six deals valued at US$ 5.7bn including the top exit Global SBOs versus Trade Sales
400 350

80% 70%

Secondary buyout exits (SBOs) valued at US$ 8bn and trade sales valued at US$ 24.8bn, both decreased to levels not seen since Q3 2009, a dire year for exits (US$ 92.6bn)
Percentage of Total Exits (excl. IPOs)

Value of Deals (US$bn)

250 200 150 100 50 0

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

The largest exit in Q1 2013 was the US$ 2.6bn sale of a 27.3% stake in Charter Communications by Apollo Global Management LLC, Crestview Partners LP and Oaktree Capital Group LLC to Liberty Media Corporation

22 20

Average Exit EBITDA Multiples

SBOs (Value)

Trade Sales (Value)

Trade Sales (% of total exits)

SBOs (% of total exits)

EBITDA Multiple (x) - Average

18 16 14 12 10 8 6

Private equity exits in Q1 2013 totalled US$ 32.8bn (288 deals), a decrease of 50.5% on Q4 2012 (US$ 66.3bn, 376 deals) and 34% on Q1 2012 (US$ 49.7bn, 334 deals) The lowest EV/EBITDA multiple on Mergermarket record at 8.2x was a significant decrease from last years 10.4x, showing that portfolio companies are being exited at lower valued rates. However, these figures are slightly higher for Europe (8.6x) and the US (8.5x)




2007 Global


2009 US

2010 Europe



Q1 2013

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Private Equity: Top Buyout Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 14-Feb-13 05-Feb-13 Bidder Company Berkshire Hathaway; and 3G Capital Partners Silver Lake Partners LP; and Michael Dell (private individual) Cerberus Capital Management LP led consortium Target Company H.J. Heinz Company Dell Inc Target Industry Consumer Technology Seller Company Deal Value (US$m) 27,362 21,775


Star Markets Company Inc; Shaw's Supermarkets Inc; Jewel-Osco stores(Supervalu); Acme Fresh Markets; and SuperValu (Albertsons stores) ICA AB (60% Stake) NET4GAS sro


SuperValu Inc


11-Feb-13 28-Mar-13

Hakon Invest AB Allianz Capital Partners GmbH; and Borealis Infrastructure Management Inc

Consumer Energy, Mining & Utilities

Royal Ahold NV RWE AG

3,109 2,043

Private Equity: Top Exit Deals in Q1 2013

Announced Date 19-Mar-13 Bidder Company Liberty Media Corporation Target Company Charter Communications Inc (27.3% Stake) Target Industry Telecommunications Seller Company Oaktree Capital Group LLC; Apollo Global Management LLC; and Crestview Partners LP Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC; and GS Capital Partners Marshall Capital Partners Bain Capital LLC; and Clessidra SGR SpA Aurora Capital Group Deal Value (US$m) 2,569


Cardinal Health Inc

AssuraMed Holding Inc



28-Feb-13 02-Jan-13 05-Feb-13

Arkady Rotenberg (Private Investor) CVC Capital Partners Limited Praxair Inc

Rostelecom OAO (10.7% Stake) Cerved Group Spa NuCo2 Inc

Telecommunications Business Services Industrials & Chemicals

1,546 1,488 1,100

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


Deal Value and Mid-Market: Overview for Q1 2013

Average deal size stays above US$ 300m for the fourth quarter in a row The US makes up a 33.1% market share of global mid-market deals and over took Europe again as a result

Q1 2013 Deal Value Breakdown - % based on value

100% 90% 15.4% 24.4% 32.0% 26.7% 29.4% 29.6% 14.9% 19.6%

Q1 2013 Mid-Market (US$ 251m - US$ 2bn) Analysis

Mid-market transactions (226 deals) totalled US$ 152.4bn, down 38.6% from Q4 2012 (US$ 248.1bn, 359 deals) and the lowest quarterly total in three years (Q1 2010, US$ 149.3bn, 220 deals) Europe took a steep fall with 63 deals, dropping 17.3% to US$ 42.5bn in value compared to Q1 2012 (US$ 51.3bn, 83 deals). As a result the US mid-market moved ahead of Europe for the fifth consecutive quarter with US$ 50.4bn-worth of deals, marking 33.1% of total global mid-market acquisitions Energy, mining & utilities remained the most active sector with 27.7% of total market share (based on deal value) with US$ 42.2bn-worth of deals US-based MetLifes acquisition of Chile-based Provida Internacional for US$ 2bn was the biggest mid-market deal of the quarter. All of the top three deals were acquisitions by North American companies



70% 25.5% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 28.0% 10% 0% 23.5% 20.1% 20.4% 23.4% 22.5% 24.7% 24.7% 23.4% 23.7% 24.5% 22.0% 20.8% 23.0% 19.3% 20.5% 30.0% 27.0% 29.9% 27.9% 27.5%









Global Mid-Market Deal Distribution

2010 2011 2012 Q1 2013
1,200 40%




2007 $501m - $2,000m



$0m - $500m

$2,001 - $10,000m

mega deals (over $10,001m)



Value of Deals (US$bn)

The average global deal size in Q1 2013 was US$ 323.1m, the fourth consecutive quarter to witness an average deal size of over US$ 300m. However, it was down 17.8% from Q4 2012 (US$ 393.3m) despite the mega-deal flurry in February Global deals between US$ 2-10bn totalled US$ 109.1bn. US deals in this bracket, valued at US$ 35.9bn, accounted for 21.5% of US M&A this quarter, the lowest level since Q2 2009 (21.3%) Four mega-deals totalled US$ 87.7bn accounted for 21.6% of Q1 2013s global M&A below the 27.1% chalked up in Q4 2012 (US$ 199.7bn) but above the US$ 70.7bn in the same period last year Mega-deals in the US worth US$ 65.8bn contributed a sizeable 39.4% to US deal value in Q1 2013, just trailing Q4 2012 (41.4%)
Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report

30% 800 25%



15% 400 10% 200 5%


European Mid-Market M&A Asia-Pacific ex Jp Mid-Market M&A % of Global M&A

US Mid-Market M&A RoW M&A


All data is based on transactions over US$5m. Q1 for this report is based on 1st January 2013 and 31st March 2013, unless stated otherwise. Deals with undisclosed deal values are included where the targets turnover exceeds US$10m. Deals where the stake acquired is less than 30% will only be included if their value is greater than US$100m. Activities excluded from the league tables include property transactions and restructurings where the ultimate shareholders interests are not changed. The M&A activity table and league tables are based on the dominant geography of any of the target, bidder or seller. The overall trend graph and pie charts are based on the dominant geography of the target only. The cross-border trend graph and pie charts are based on the dominant geography of the target and the bidder. All sector breakdowns are based on the dominant sector of the target only. The trend graphs are based on transactions announced in the given time periods. For this report, inbound refers to deals where the dominant geography of the target is X and the dominant geography of the bidder is outside X; outbound refers to deals where the dominant geography of the target is outside X and the dominant geography of the bidder is X. Mega-deal is the term used for deals above US$ 10bn Industry consolidations: TMT refers to consolidated sectors of Technology, Media & Tellecommunications OTHER refers to consolidated sectors of Lesire, Defence, Agriculture & Construction for Global, Europe, US & Asia-Pacific sections OTHER refers to consolidated sectors of Leisure, Real Estate and Transport in the Emerging Markets section All data correct as of 1st April 2013 Deal Criteria
Part of The Mergermarket Group About mergermarket mergermarket is a mergers & acquisitions (M&A) intelligence service. mergermarket is part of The Mergermarket Group which has nearly 1000 employees worldwide and regional head offices in New York, London and Hong Kong. In any market, the life blood of advisors is deal flow. mergermarket is unique in the provision of origination intelligence to the investment banking, legal, private equity, acquisition finance, public relations (PR) and corporate markets. With an unrivalled network of analysts covering M&A in the Americas, Europe, Middle-East, Africa and Asia-Pacific, mergermarket generates proprietary intelligence and delivers it together with daily aggregated content, on its platform and by real-time email alerts to subscribers. This wealth of intelligence, together with a series of deal databases, individual and house league tables, profiles and editorial have proven time and time again that this product can and does generate real revenues for clients. This is apparent when you see that mergermarket is used by over 1500 of the worlds foremost advisory firms to assist in their origination process.
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Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


What can Mergermarket do for you

Mergermarket is a business development tool designed specifically for the M&A sector, providing proprietary news, intelligence and analysis on corporate strategy before that strategy becomes public knowledge. Over 2000 of the worlds foremost advisory firms, investment banks, law firms, private equity firms and corporates use mergermarket to drive their origination process and capture lucrative business opportunities. Click the buttons at the bottom of the page to find out about the real benefits mergermarket can bring to your company.
Our global team of 400 dedicated M&A journalists, spread in over 65 locations worldwide, gathers proprietary information about corporate strategy through its network of industry contacts and executives. This is M&A intelligence you wont find anywhere. The insight we provide often doesnt become public knowledge until 6-24 months after our journalists first start reporting, giving you a large window of opportunity to take early action.

Mergermarkets comprehensive Deals Database offers you the opportunity to search a global library of historical M&A transactions with fully-sourced financials and exit multiples. You can analyze volumes and values of M&A activity in specific regions or sectors to discover deal patterns and identify trends ahead of competitors.

Because we are always up-to-speed on which advisers are working on which deals, our detailed Whos who in M&A league tables have become an industry standard among investment professionals. Tailor-build individual or house league tables to analyze firm performance and enhance your marketing strategy, competitor analysis or pitch book efforts.


Our customizable Private Equity Search facility provides you with extensive analyses of more than 1,000 of the worlds biggest private equity firms. Analyse specific PE firms in terms of current portfolio, historical exits, potential investments, firm profile, historical advisor and investment relationships, as well as rival bidders to monitor competitors and stay on top of your market.

Our multilingual team of journalists monitors more than 3,000 global media sources daily, analyzing and translating the most relevant information into summarized articles that subscribers receive in their alerts, together with our proprietary intelligence.

Mergermarket Q1 2013 Report


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