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Last Will and Testament

Of ROMEL G TORRES Know All Men By These Presents: I, ROMEL G TORRES, of legal age, Filipino, married to ANNIE RODRIGUEZ TORRES, a native of Zamboanga City, now actually residing at Poblacion Titay, Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay Province, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, and not acting under influence, violence, fraud or intimidation of whatever kind, by these presents declare this to be my Last Will and Testament which I have caused to be written in English, the language which is known to me which I am well conversant and I hereby declare that: To my beloved wife ANNIE R TORRES, I give and bequeath the following properties to wit: - House and lot located at Purok Muauswagon, Titay, ZSP; - Rice Mill located at Purok Muauswagon, Titay, ZSP - Mitsubishi Hilux with plate number RGT 1234 - 4-Door Apartment located at Brgy San Address, Ipil, ZSP - Substantial Cash deposited at LB Ipil Branch with account no. AB1281 The following are my children and their addresses: 1. Andrew James Torres 2. John Paul Torres Titay, Zambo. Sibugay Province. Titay, Zambo. Sibugay Province.

I give and bequeath to my children, Andrew James Torres and John Paul Torres, in equal shares, the following properties, real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoevers located: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rubber Plantation located in Brgy Mabini, Titay, ZSP Ricefield located at Brgy. San Antonio, Titay, ZSP Ford Expedition with plate number JEM 2134 Mitsubishi Montero with Plate no. JAM 8888 SWER TEH as the sole executor of this Last Will and

I designate Testament.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12 th day of August, 2013, in Zamboanga City, Philippines. _______________________ ROMEL G TORRES


We, the undersigned attesting witnesses, whose residences are stated opposite our respective names, do hereby certify: That the donor, ROMEL G TORRES, has made known unto us the foregoing donation mortis causa consisting of three (3) pages numbered correlatively in letters on the upper part of each page, as her donation mortis causa and has signed the same and every page therein in the left margin, in our joint presence and we, in turn, at his request have witnessed and signed the same and every page thereof, on the left margin, in the presence of the donor and in the presence of each and all of us. ____________________________ (Jhulie ann Villanueva-Saidi) City) __________________________ (Camille Ann Rubio-Ignacio) City) (Talon-Talon, Zamboanga

(Tugbungan, Zamboanga

__________________________ (Michael J Badeo)

(Brgy Camino Nuevo, ZC)

JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT Republic of the Philippines) City of Zamboanga ) s.s. At the City of Zamboanga, on this 12th day of August 2013, personally appeared the Testator ROMEL G TORRES, and his three (3) instrumental witnesses to wit: Jhulie Ann Villanueva-Saidi, Camille Ann Rubio-Ignacio and Michael J Badeo, all known to me to be the same persons who executed and attested, respectively, the foregoing Last Will and Testament, consisting of three (3) pages, including this page on which this acknowledgment is written, and they all acknowledged to me that the Testator signed the will and every page thereof on the left margin in the presence of the instrumental witnesses, that the latter signed and witnessed the will on every page thereof on the left margin in the presence of the testator and of one another ; that all the pages of said will are numbered correlatively in letters placed on the upper part of each page, and that the attestation clause is in English, a language known to the instrumental witnesses; they further acknowledged to me that the said will and attestation are their own free and voluntary act and deed. The community tax certificates and competent evidences of identities of the said Testator and three (3) instrumental witnesses were exhibited to me, to wit:

a. Jhulie Ann Villanueva-Saidi- Com. Tax Cert. No. 000000 issued at Zamboanga City on January 5, 2013 with PRC ID with license number 09876. b. Camille Ann Rubio-Ignacio- Com. Tax Cert. No. 000001 issued at Zamboanga City on January 6 , 2013 with PRC ID with license number 12345; and c. Michael J Badeo Com. Tax Cert. No. 000002 issued at Zamboanga City on January 7, 2013 with PRC ID with license number 6789.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL at the place and date first above stated.

NO T. RIO Sr NOTARY PUBLIC Commission serial no. 12345 Until December 31, 2014 Office address: Torres and Torres Law Office, Valdersoa St., ZC Roll No.020089 PTR OR No. 12909 issued at Zamboanga City on January 12, 2013.

IBP Membership No.54321 Doc. No.123 Page No.456 Book No. 789 Series of 2013

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