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Perpetual motion of John Kiely The author warns that those who believe that almost everything in nature

has alr eady been studied and remains to clarify a detail, as well as those who are able to believe only in the fact that he tried "to the tooth", read the article is n ot recommended - it might shake their peace of mind. Imagine that in front of you on the table is a metal tripod that supports a copp er sphere with a diameter of about 30 cm around the base of the tripod - the num erous metal rods of different lengths and thicknesses, vibrating like a tuning f ork when their fingers touch. Within the scope of the plate and set the resonanc e tube, the relative positions of which can be changed using the handles. This w hole structure is called the sympathetic transmitter. Nearby is a cylindrical glass vessel over a meter in height, filled with water. Cap vessel and metal, is connected to the sphere by means of thick wire of gold, silver and platinum. At the bottom of the vessel are three metal balls, each we ighing about a kilogram. You explain that each of the balls, as well as any othe r material body has its own internal melody. The inventor is coming to a sympathetic transmitter and tuning forks to vibrate, turn the handle ... Suddenly a short trumpet sounds and the ball at the bottom of the vessel starts to wiggle, then slowly breaks away from the bottom and rush es up through the water. Here he hits the lid bounces up again, and finally calm s down, clinging tightly to her. Trumpet sounds again, and the second metal ball responds to her call and pops. T hen - the third. Music fades, but the balls continue to swim. However, they say that they do sometimes fall a little - apparently under the influence of foreign chords. Perpetual motion of John Kiely This and many other amazing experiments took place in the laboratory of John Ern st Warrel Keeley (1827 - 1898) in Philadelphia, United States, more than a hundr ed years ago. In 1873, Keely, according to his biographer, "accidentally made th e discovery of a terrible and mysterious power, which was later identified as th e force of the Ether. About a year went on different experiments before he could consciously, under the control of their own will, again receiving this energy. " The scientist has become widely known in America, and a lot of people over 25 years visited his studio. Eyewitness accounts paint a surprising picture of the connection of the human mind with the hidden forces of nature, which gives birth to the inexhaustible energy. But the discovery of Keely was not so "random", because a large part of his life was devoted to the study of sound as the forces that eventually became a minist er in his experiments, the primary impetus for the excitation of the mysterious energy. The scientist said that the sound - a "violation of the nuclear balance, destroying the existing atomic particles, and liberated at the same substance s hould certainly be essential current of a certain order." In his view, all varyi ng in nature, vibrating. It can be said that the basis of all Nature lie vibrati ons of different frequencies that create a variety of combinations. The "consona nt" harmonious combinations cause the attraction and are creative in nature, and disharmonious cause repulsion, destroy. An example of organized vibrations - music. When the two strings of a musical in strument customized orchestration (eg, third, fifth, octave), the movement of on

e of them gives rise to a response in the other. But since ancient times has bee n known and other music "music of the spheres", created by the sun, moon and pla nets. Today, we can hear the music in the computer transcription, but, perhaps, for the ancient initiates it sounded much richer and brighter. Keeley called them based science Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Physics sympatheti c (response) vibrations." He managed not only to unite in the fundamental physic al science concepts, but also to go beyond the traditional "physics" and connect it to the "metaphysics" that lies in the unknown, including those in the spirit ual realm. Physics of sympathetic vibration is reduced to forty laws that postulated, in pa rticular, the unity of force and matter, as well as the infinite divisibility of the principal of the latter. Keeley has the power to exempt matter, and matter is related power that brilliantly confirmed in the twentieth century in the form of the well-known even to the schoolboy formula E = mc2. According to the calcu lations Kiely, the energy contained in a bucket of water, just enough to move ou r world of course. The most important physical and metaphysical categories is at the center of a ne utral concept Kiely. Every body is manifested in the universe - from the atom to the solar system - is at the base of a neutral center, unbreakable focus, built around it all, we realize that as a matter that is its objective manifestation. This center - that EP Blavatsky calls in the "Secret Doctrine," a point or cent er of Laya. It encourages all facilities to the constant movement and provides t hem with vital impulse from the neutral center of higher hierarchical level. Thi s feature allows you to construct a neutral center "perpetual motion", which was demonstrated in experiments Kiely. Little primary pulse was enough to make the engine work eyelids, or at least as long as the wear of its parts. Perpetual motion of John Kiely For Keeley is the most important characteristic vibration frequency, as dependin g on the combination of the frequency of vibration can interact with each other. The strength or energy manifests itself in three forms: as a generative, active , perceived to match, and as a transmission that transports interaction. Consona nts form a harmonious vibration frequency, which leads to the attraction of suba tomic particles to each other. Dissonant vibrations cause the separation of the particles. Keeley laws bind electricity, magnetism and gravity, as they all are generated by vibrations and, therefore, are just special cases of a single law. Keely wrote: "My system in all parts and details of how to develop my strength, and in each method of application, and the rest is based on the sympathetic (res ponse) of the vibration. No other way to awaken or develop this force, and as it was impossible to give effect to my car on a different principle. " A few decad es later, the principle of resonance formed the basis of experiments and inventi ons of Nikola Tesla, who created the device to transmit electricity without wire s and "perpetual motion", tamed the fireballs. EP Blavatsky noted that although the devices Keeley and worked on the power of A ether, but the energy that leads them to the actions giving rise to the body of the inventor. It was a psychic energy, and she not only worked on technological devices, but with the help of the spatial energy Ether brings down to earth. Fro m the esoteric point of view, as Blavatsky wrote, this was perhaps the greatest achievement of John Kiely. So, perhaps, the secrets of energy Ether remained a m ystery, although it is a man, Dale Pond, which recreated the generator of sympat hetic vibrations - music dinasferu Kiely.

But Kiely extends the principle of sympathetic vibration not only on what is cal led the physical plane but also in the area of spiritual and mental life of the people , because, according to his ideas, humanity represents a single planetary collec tive. He believed that through the waves of the Ether feelings and emotions can be extended to any distance without reducing their intensity. This concept allow ed him to talk about "trans-sympathetic" communication through which a violent p erson can strengthen the hand of the killer on the distant continent, and the pe ople, inspired by compassion, may your thoughts and feelings to stop crime. And it is difficult to convey it in words more soulful and sublime than the Kili in "Consonance of life": "How do we determine the force which, being differentiated, reveals itself on th e lower planes of manifestation as charity, unselfishness, compassion and a desi re to unite all educated in the universal brotherhood? I believe that the One Supreme force, which we may call the incomprehensible, co ntains all these exalted qualities as octave includes all of its tone. This forc e is expressed in the human body, can be called a harmonizing consonance that is dominated by one or other of the above differentiations of the highest power. " Hence it follows naturally and moral philosophy: "With regard to the circumstances, it is necessary to stress most emphatically t hat they will never be allowed to suppress the highest aspirations of our nature . They should, like any life experience, together with the contained favorable o pportunities to act in the direction of a stronger influence of the heavenly or earthly. The circumstances do not deny it, but everyone is able to take advantag e of opportunities or reject at will, to the honor of initiation or be doomed to bitter remorse after committing mistakes. Only shrewd, subtle sense of soul can understand when the rise and fall of these opportunities. This ability can be won only by the many victories, when the sou l is inferior to the dictates of the heavenly powers. Winner of yourself - alway s a winner, even though he obeys forces far more powerful than he. Let the supre me desire of each of us will always be that these resonant centers, customized a ll-knowing Builders of the Universe for the perfect harmonization with the unfat homable Divine Power, and always in full power vibrated through countless cycles of time. In this way, each of us will escape suffering, regrets and disappointm ents inevitably following the suppression of these centers. " Another miracle Kiely The laboratory set large metal wheel weighing over 30 kg, which can freely rotat e around its axis. The hub wheel formed as a hollow cylinder within which are lo cated parallel to the axis of the resonance tube. The wheel has eight spokes, th e free end of each of which are fastened perpendicularly to drive the spoke. Rim of the wheel is not, but there is an external, not connected with the wheel rim width of 1.5 cm and a diameter of 80 cm This rim has on its inner side similar to nine discs and the outer - the same resonating cylinder connected to disks. From all of this construction is wire made of gold and platinum. It runs through a small window in the next room, where sits the man who invented and done it al l. It deals with tuning forks sympathetic transmitter, sound musical instruments , and suddenly your eyes wheel starts to spin. As time goes by, the wheel rotates rapidly and silently without any signs of slo wing down, and you spellbound listening to the inventor, who says that a small r otation generates more spin, that the wheels can not be stopped by any force (un less, of course, she did not break it into pieces) until you perezhmet fingers g old wire along which extends, as he puts it, "the flow of sympathetic vibration" , there is no reason that would prevent wheel spin forever, or at least for as l ong as izotrutsya its details. Alas! Another genius met the rejection of his ideas and those lofty principles o n which they were based. In the words of one contemporary scholar, for many year s, Keeley "worked day and night, despite the discouraging lack of recognition, w

hich would already killed the owner of less than heroic souls, despite the fact that he worked virtually alone. Slander, ridicule, open accusations of fraud, qu ackery, insanity - all stinging insults that can occur to the villain in order t o get ignorant people to believe in it, every vile insinuation, any malicious li e, which created prejudice, bigotry, and vanity, selfishness, greed, injustice, dishonesty, hypocrisy - that's "promotion", which is still the world awarded the discoverer of the deep truths and laws of nature, if he ever shared them with p rofane or at least hint at them outside the circle of loved ones .. . It is obvi ous that the modern world, whether such an opportunity would be ripped to pieces by Keely if he collapsed, exhausted from the struggle, he had so long endured, and its failure to approve its provisions would be met with cries of delight in evil classrooms in departments preachers and in the offices of the so-called civ ilized world! World rarely acknowledges its benefactors, until the time comes to erect monuments to them! " Keeley too ahead of its time, but that's why his ideas can serve as a beacon to generations of scientists, philosophers, and even mystics. And is not that big a deal that humanity has lost secrets of his instruments and devices, as may Keel ey mission was to spiritualize the world, not in the development of technologica l progress. This article contains material about John Ernst Worrell Keely of the Internet, i n particular, from the site, entirely dedicated to the Sympathet ic Vibratory Physics and offered for sale Musical Dynasphere Keeley and a series of books on the subject, including work Kiely (of course, all on English), as w ell as - Russian resource dedicated to the unknown. The original article is on the site of "New Acropolis":

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