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Testimonies of Faith
Article Five

Story of Jonah By Patsy Pugh


Wrong Turn

The word of YHWH came unto Jonah the son of Amittai saying, Arise and go into Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it, for their wickedness is come up before me. But Jonah went another way to go into Tarshish and went down to Joppa and found a ship heading that direction! This was an attempt by Jonah to flee from the presence of the LORD, and avoid the sure and present dangers of a wicked and corrupt Pagan Society! While on their journey Yahweh sent a great wind and the tempest thereof was great, and their ship was in the midst of a tremendous storm, and was about to be destroyed! So in a desperate strategic op the mariners gave order for every man to call upon their god. However, Jonah disappeared and went down under and went to sleep. Soon he is awakened by these men and encouraged to call upon his God. Finally, when they smelt something rotten in Denmark-they cast lots to discover the origin of the evil, and the lot fell upon Jonah! After inquiring of him they found out that he was a Hebrew, and even though they were probably pagans-they knew full well that Jonahs God is YHWH! Then it was very evident what the source of the problem was, and Jonah told them to cast him into the sea that they may live! So with sacrifice and prayers the mariners cast Jonah into the sea, and the seas ceased from violence, and Yahweh prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights! This great fish is called by Christ in Matthew chapter 12 and verse 40 a whale. This would probably be either a hump-back, or Orca killer whale! Thus, while Jonah was in the darkened cold hell of the whales belly, he cried out to Yahweh, and after a heart stricken penitent prayer, he became willing for to accomplish the LORDS

JONAH 3 work. YHWH spoke to the whale and it regurgitated Jonah and spit him out on dry shore, and Jonah was indeed willing now to accept the assigned task no matter what may befall him! Why cannot we listen to the voice of GOD when he calls out for us to lead and guide us into truth? He could never send us anywhere He would not be willing to go Himself! Jonah was in the belly of a giant whale for three long days and nights, before he could adhere to Gods light! We need to always heed to the voice of God, because His hearts desire is for us to be happy, and be His disciples! He speaks to every single human on planet earth, if only we would be quiet enough to listen for His soft, small, still voice! My prayer is to all that reads this to come to know the loving creator-the GOD that I know, and come to worship and love him while the day of grace, mercy, and atonement is still in cession in heaven-Love you all-Pat Pugh!!

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