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Story of the Tower of Babel

By Patsy Pugh

Quest for Rebellion

Babel is a Hebrew word meaning confusion, and is derived from a root word which means to mix. It was the name given to the city which the disobedient descendants of Noah built so that the next catastrophe would not catch them by surprise and so they would not be scattered abroad, but remain a unified entity. Babel is also associated with the world spiritual system seen in Revelation in the form of Modern Spiritual Babylon. The tower (Ziggurat), and the surrounding cities of pagan idolatry were intended to be a monument of human pride for they sought to make a name for themselves (Gen. 11 and 4). It is also a monument to mankinds continued disobedience! This is the first instance of a still sought after Global Order, for instead of replenishing or refilling the earth, they sought for unification in order to command the earth! Furthermore, it was a monument to human engineering skills for their technique of brick making is described as the use of fire seasoned bricks! In those days the whole earth is described as being of one language and of one speech. They traveled from the east and found the plain of Shinar, and they dwelt there and they said one to another-Go let us make brick and burn them thoroughly, and they had brick for stone and slime for mortar. Let us build a city and tower whose top may reach unto heaven! The LORD came to see the tower and city, and He knew they were of one speech, and the LORD confounded their language so that they could not understand one another-thus construction ceased! The very first pagan satanic base-station had been dispersed-but this colossal global deceptive worship system continued on in every age of time in the form of world ruling empires! The base-station at Babel headed by Nimrod (A hunter of Mens souls in place of the LORD), is Satans first command station for falsehood! Yahwehs command central is somewhere in the heaven of heavens, and

on earth-first in Eden, and then on top of Sinai-after the Hebrew Exodus! Babel happened between the two base-stations of celestial divinity. Gods base-station is established on His law of love, as is all other worlds spread out through the vast universe! Satans worship system is based on rebellion against the Sacred Oracles (10 Commandments), of which the spirit of rebellion was launched first in heaven and was transferred to earth! The deceiver of Gods people in every age of time is the global apostate worship system whose foundation is that of the sun-cult of world ruling governmental powers! This is the power that caused the destruction of Israel and Judah, and is also the power that will deceive Gods people at the end of the age (or this current world system)! In addition it is of GRAVE importance to note that this deceptive power is seen in Revelation in the form of a coalition of Beast, Dragon, and False Prophet, with lying signs and wonders, and that its main goal is to steal away human worship from the creator! However, all those who keep the commandments of Yahweh, and the testimony/faith of Jesus, become the children of eternal peace, and avoid the plagues of the worship system of confusion!

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