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Subject: Mcq feb 2011 Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 21:15:33 +0000 1) for the assessment of the ischemic

heart disease what is the most important risk factor? a) smoking b) hypertension C) hdl and LDL D) alcohol 2) 32 years old female planing for pregnancy aftet 3 months ,she is more concern about congenital abnormalities because one if her friends baby complicated with congenital disease, she starts taking folic acid, what else would you advice her In this regards? a) iodine b) vit B complex C) thimine D) iron 3) 38 years old female, financial counslor just had fighting with her boy friend she thinks that she become a good actress so she will be rich. She also lost her job. a) narssistic b) mania C) histrionics D) depression E) anxiety 4) picture of liver showin some opacities at side and at the centre. a) hydatid cyct b) ameobic abbess C)Metastasis D)Hepatocelluler carcinoma 5) 54 years old male having black color irragular lesion on right side of his face (picture giving) this lesion is for last 2 years and is slowly growing. a) lentigo malinga 6) 15 years old boy developed palpable purpra all over his body, on examination there is 3 cm swelling at left costal margin. a) ITP B) HSP

C) glandular fever D) syphilis 7) 45 years old male is on anitdepressant and he has develop sexual dysfunction. A) stop treatment B) stop medicne 4 hours before sexual activity C) change to ( name giving) another antidepressant D) continue treatment. 8) 28 years old female on ocp developed thrombophlebitis. A) decrease estrogen B) pop C) LOw molecular weight heprin 9) 62 years old male for elective surgery, he is on warfrin for atrial fibrillation. A) stop warfrin B) start low molecular weight herprin C) continue warfrin D) start unfraction haprin 10) 28 years old office worker has pain at left elbow he has to use computer mouse all day during work. on examination there is tenderness at left epicondyl. A) epicondylectomy B) splint elbow C) splint one finger D)prednisolone 11) the most common cause of cva? A) smoking B) increase cholesterol C) hypertension D)obesity 12) for the assisment of the psychiatric patient what is the most Important thing to be assess. A) depression B) harm to others C) suicidal ideation 13) 32 years old male thought that some one is going to kill him and he know the person. What is the most important thing that you would like to assess in this patient.

A) self harm B) harm to others C) 14) 33 year old female trying for pregnancy for last 7 months, her bmi is 38. What is the first step of management. A)Clomifen citrate B) Sperm count C) Weight reduction D) IVF 15) 20 year old male, has nephrotic range protienurea 3-4 days now developed heameturia what is the cause if secondry heameturia? A) IgA nephropathy B) nephrosclerosis C) poststreptococcal GN 16) patient diagnosed minimal change disease developed heamituria. What is the cause? A) RpGN B) poststreptococcal GN 17) patient with right side blindnesss and oppsite side paralysis. A) right carotid artery stenosis B) right vestibulobesiller stenosis C) left carotid stenosis 18) 40 years old history of surgery present with constipation, and distented abdomen ( picture given) A) small bowl obstruction B) small bowl obstruction 19) 2 years old child found to have systolic murmur on screening, cause? A) ASD B) VSD C) physiological D) PDA 20) meningitis. CSF analysis giver Increase lymphocytes

Increase protien A) viral B) bacterial C) TB 21) patient has swelling at right side of the neck moving with swallowing. A) thyroid B) brachial cyst C) throglosal cyst 22) lung x Ray given. Homogenious opacity covering most of lung area except upper lobe. A) TB B) metastasis C) small cell carcinoma D) plural effusion 23) 12 years old girl lives with her divorse mother. She has patchy hair distribution . Mother planning for 2nd marriage with her boy friend. Cause of her hair condition? A) alopacia areata B) tricotillimania 24) picture of arm given show red skin over arround elbow and forearm.. Cellulitis?? What is the treatment? A) di flucoxacilline B) penicillin C) ciprofloxin D) ceftrixon 25) 27 years old female, present with discharge per vaginum. She has Previous 2 episodes of same problem in last two months and she used clorimazole vaginal cream for that. What is the next step of management? A) clotrimazole orally B) flucanazole C) contineue local cream D) nystatin vaginal cream 26) 32 years old pragnant present with painless vaginal bleeding she has history of CIN2 2 years ago which was treated. What is the cause of bleeding? A) plecenta preavia

B) ca cervix 27) 12 month old child present with fever, inspiratiry wheez and experatroy crackles A) pnumonia B) bronchitis C) bronchiolitis 28) 27 year old male developed fever sore throat, rash and spleenomegaly. Causative organism? A) HIB B) parvovirus C) siphilis D) EBV 29) 64 years old man complin of dificultuy swallowing fluid then solid, cause? A) acalasia B) ca oesophagus C) barrate oesophagus D) ca stomach 30) child present with projectile vomiting few hours after meal, non bile stain. What is investigation? A) barium meal B) endoscopy C) US 31) patient history of infection developed parasthesia of lower limbs. management? A) ct B)MRI C) plasmapheresis D) lumber puncture 32) 26 years old male developed headache, half side, involving frontal area with nausea and vomiting. WhT is the first step of management? A) ct head B) amitriptiline C) paracetamol 33) ECG .. WPW 34) 57 years old male suddenly collasps in the toilet what would be his ECG pattern?

A) ECG compelete heart block B) ECG atrial fibrillation C) ECG ventricular fibrillation D) ventricular trachcardia 35) ct abdomen... Gall stone 36) 32 years old male present with pain in his loin to groin. What is the first investigation of choice.. A) ct B) IVP C) MRI D) erect abdominal x ray 37) ECG.... St elevation in many leads.. Treatment? A) asprin B) indomethacin C) Glycerin trinitrate D) thrombolytic 38) 28 years old 26 week pregnant lady her baby is 2 years old this is her second pregnancy. She had elective surgery one year ago, and she been transfused one point of blood during surgery. On her routine investigation she has little anti d antiboies in her blood. What is cause of this anti d antiboies in her blood. She is rh neative. A) privious blood transfusion B) recent fetometernal transfusion C) Anti d given at 28 week during her first pregnacy D) anti D given during current pregnancy. 39) baby developed jaundice 10hours after birth, what is the cause A) heomophilia B) ABO imcompability C) rh 40) picture dupuytren contracture, which system failure cause this? A) lungs B) pancrase C) kidneys D) liver

41) 28 year old male, pain and redness in lest testis. Cause A) orchitis B) epididymitis C) thrombosed vericocele D) torsion of testis 42) baby with undesend testis the most important risk factor? A) inflammation B) torsion C) local injury D) neoplasm 43) 58 years old male present with lower back pain what will u do first? A) PSA B) ct lungs C) ct lumber spine D) MRI 44) history of fall and seeking at knee joint with 24 hours. How will u manage? A) leave it for spontaneous resolution B) aspirin C) aspiration 45) 12 years old obese boy doesn't like to go school because other children laugh on him and make joke on him. What is your first step on investigation? A) growth hormone level B) testosterone level C) cortisol level D) ct 46) 34 years old lady call you and asking for your advice. She said that her husband beats her everytime he drink, and also gamble he spent lot of money in his gambling. What would your advice.? A) tell her that she should call the police now B) you call the police C) call social worker D) call domestic violence team 47) 58 years old male with COPD now developed corpulmonale what is first step of management?

A) B2 agonists B) oxygen therapy C) diuretics D) ace inhibitor

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