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Simple pendulum

Using a simple pendulum,plot L-T and L-T2 graphs. Hence find the effective length of seconds Aim: pendulum using appropriate graph Apparatus: Simple pendulum, stop clock, vernier callipers, retort stand, split cork and meter scale Theory: The maximum displacement of the vibrating body from its equilibrium position is called its amplitude. The time for one oscillation of the vibrating body is called its period(T).The acceleration of a freely falling body due to earths attraction is called acceleration due to gravity (g). Formula:

T = (2 (l/g))1/2 L = T2g/42

L = length of the pendulum Procedure : The diameter of the bob is determined 3 or 4 times using vernier callipers and its average radius is determined . Determine the diameter of bob(2r): Least count of vernier calipers = 1 main scale division (M.S.D)/No of divisions on the vernier scale = 1/10 =0.1 cm


Main scale reading M.S.R(a)cm

Vernier coincidence,n

Fraction b=n*L.C cm

Total reading (a+b) cm

The distance (a) from the point of suspension (c) to the bottom of the bob is measured using scale . From it radius of bob (determined by using v.c) is substracted (a-r) and length of the pendulum (l =ar) it is adjusted to a convenient value (50 cm)

a l =a-r


The bob is drawn to a side giving a small amplitude and released. Then it begins to oscillate in the same vertical plane. After the first few swings, a stop clock is started as the bob passes a fixed mark in one direction and count as zero. When the string passes the fixed mark in the same direction it is count as one. At the end of 20 oscillations, the stop clock is stopped and the time for 20 oscillations is noted. The experiment is repeated twice and the mean time for 20 oscillations is determined. The mean time is divided by 20 to get the time taken for one oscillation or period (T). The value of L/T2 is calculated. The experiment is repeated for different lengths and in each case the value of L/T2 is calculated.

(1) L,T2 Graph : A graph is drawn between L on the X axis and T2 on the Y-axis.The graph is a straight line passing through the origin. From the graph the value of L/T2 is calculated.

T2 4

0 A L

L,T GRAPH: A graph is drawn between the value of L on the X-axis and the value of T on the Y-axis. The graph is a parabola.

Length of seconds Pendulum: For seconds pendulum T=2 and hence T2=4. At 4 on the Y-axis a line parallel to X-axis drawn to cut the graph at a point. From that point a line perpendicular to X-axis is drawn meet on X-axis at A. Then OA gives the length of seconds pendulum.

Determination of L/T2: S.No Length of the Pendulum L cm Time For 20 Oscillations Trial 1 Trial 2 Time period Mean(X) T=X/20 sec



Average value of L/T2 =



1. Amplitude should be small. 2. The bob should not spin as it oscillates in the vertical plane 3. Vernier calipers should be used to find the radius of the bob. Result: The effective length of seconds pendulum =----------------------------------

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