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The Save the Children Alliance Advocacy Strategy on Children and Work Draft (Feb 2003) Introduction This

s is a strategy for co-ordinated advocacy on child work in SC Alliance from March 2003-June 2006. The key target for this strategy is the ILO-IPEC. ILO-IPEC were chosen because: They are a key player on child work around the world. They work in a large number of countries, have an ever expanding programme and provide links with government. In the recommendations to C182, ILO recognise the importance of taking consideration to the views of children directly affected. SC believe that we can complement the work of IPEC in this regard in a mutual struggle to improve the lives of children covered by C182. The focus of the advocacy strategy will be on enhancing childrens participation in programmes which address worst forms of child labour. Worst forms have been selected as this is an area where SC have a level of agreement/ overlap with the ILO-IPEC (i.e. we are both committed to C.182). It is therefore felt that we have a good chance of impact in this area. Childrens participation has been chosen as this is an area in which our analysis suggests that we can complement the work/experience of ILO-IPEC. Involving children is the cornerstone for appropriate responses to childrens work. We hope that engaging ILO-IPEC on this issue will lead to a new perspective on childrens work which recognises the complexity of working childrens lives. We also feel that there are many other organisations working on childrens work who do not take the issue of participation seriously enough. Secondary targets to be developed at a later stage might include UNICEF and NGOs such as the Global March. Goal IPEC at national level listen to/ involve children in the design, implementation, monitoring and reporting of their programmes on worst forms of child labour. Indicators of success for our advocacy issues/ sub-goals Design: Children involved in: Identifying the criteria used to define worst forms of child labour/ and in identifying the worst forms of child labour Determining priorities and expectations for programme addressing worst forms of child labour. Determining motivations for work and why they want to leave work/ what would need to happen to make this possible.

7th of May 2003

Identifying who is responsible for violations of their rights, and who is responsible for fulfilling the rights of children involved in worst forms of child labour. Identifying and selecting appropriate responses and methods to address worst forms of child labour. Identifying indicators of success and designing methods for actually measuring impact

Implementation: Where relevant/ appropriate children involved in making decisions about the implementation of programmes on worst forms of child labour (e.g. how children should be removed from worst forms of work, how to address the physical and psychological impacts of work, shaping viable alternatives). (NB: Experience suggests that children can be involved in all aspects of projects for working children) Monitoring: Children involved in: monitoring the progress and impact of programmes on worst forms of child labour (e.g. in the collection of data, identifying unintended impacts Formal reporting procedures: Children involved in formal reporting procedures on C.182. Over-arching issues: These issues will need to be further expanded on / applied as the advocacy strategy develops but include issues such as: Non-discrimination and how this affects childrens participation Participation that does not harm or endanger children Strategies Engage with IPEC at the national level to improve capacity and commitment to childrens participation in programming on worst forms of child labour. To support this, we need to: Engage with IPEC at the HO level Review and aggregate existing work on childrens participation and develop further research, analysis and documentation. Develop materials for capacity building (e.g. examples of good practice) Maintain good links and consistent information channels with IPEC at the international and national levels. Roles and responsibilities

7th of May 2003

Country programmes: Work with IPEC locally Participate in documentation and analysis of good practice of childrens participation. Share experience with other countries also working on this issue. Task group on children and work/ lead agency with a reference group: Work with IPEC centrally to make local work easier Gather evidence to provide examples of good practice Co-ordinate sharing of experience between countries Alliance office in Geneva: Facilitate engagement with IPEC head-quarters Killing factors If this happens, then we cannot proceed with this advocacy strategy: No interest from regional and country programmes to engage on this issue. No commitment from Alliance members to engage on child labour at the international level. Actions Action Finalise draft advocacy strategy to share with Kim (Finalise position statement: Pdf, covering letter, etc) Study which Provide examples of how to listen and involve children in programmes for working children Write to IPEC at global to indicate willingness to engage on this issue and to. This letter will use Alliance statement made at the International Labour Conference as a starting point which highlighted desire to co-operate with the ILO on this issue. Exact nature of co-operation will be kept vague at this point (letter sent out at the same time as sending them the position statement): Finalise a draft of advocacy strategy to share with regions and inform alliance programme forum/ participation group/ advocacy group of plans. Discuss advocacy strategy with experts working on CL with the ILO (Bill Myers and Judith Ennew) Get feedback from regions about willingness to participate in advocacy activities outlined in the strategy Ensure that there is a mechanism within the Alliance to carry Time Today 7th of March MarchDecembe r 2003 End of March 2003

By end of March 2003 April 2003 By end of April 2003 By end of

7th of May 2003

this forward (a lead agency is identified or there is commitment to maintaining a task group with a remit to carry out this work this is necessary due to changes in current lead agencies) TG members to talk to agencies (and co-ordinating group to be added to agenda of next CG meeting) Meeting with IPEC at HO level to hear if they are interested or not in engaging in childrens participation. Report on childrens participation and child work completed Meeting of IPEC, SC, partners (and children) to discuss the methods and value of childrens participation in addressing worst forms of work. This involve discussions on: Capacity building / motivation, and sharing initiatives. This should also lead to the development of an action plan on further building capacity/ developing work on childrens participation and worst forms of work. Follow up from outcomes of meeting action plan for developing further work on childrens participation. Document or event at C. 182 plus event (If ILO go ahead with the this event) International Labour Conference and the production of another situation analysis of Child labour (Future without CL +4) (Not necessarily our participation in conference that is key, but ensuring that our ideas feed into this report and conference)


May 2003 End Decembe r 2003 Early 2004

20042005 mid2004 ??? 2006

7th of May 2003

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