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I. A. Objectives 1. Show enjoyment in listening to a story. 2. Answer a question based in the selection listened to. 3.

Pronounce words with /f/ correctly. 4. Decode the words with /f/ written as f, gh and ph. 5. Write legibly and neatly observing correct letter form.

B. Strategies: Reading Aloud Answering Questions Group Activity

C. Values: Helpfulness


Subject Matter: A. The Boy from Africa B. Comprehensive Skills: Answering questions based on the story. C. Language Stuc ture: Pronouncing words with /f/ correctly. D. Deciphering and Decoding: Decoding the words with /f/ written as f, gh, and ph. E. Writing: Writing legibly and neatly observing correct letter form. References: English for You and Me (Language) p. 121-122 Language and Reading Workbook Teachers Manual p. 1-3 Language and Reading Workbook p. 1-2

F. Materials: Charts, pictures, flashcards


Learning Activities: A. DMR 1. Pre Reading 1.1Motivation (Show a picture of an African boy) What can you say about this boy? From what country is he? Why do you say so? 1.2Unlocking of Difficulties: Grassy Clothing Loosen Frightens Scarecrow (through picture) (real objects) (through action) (through gesture/facial expression) (through picture) Complete the sentences with the correct words. Choose the word from the box.

Clothing Frightens Grassy Loosen


1. The boys are playing in the backyard. They cannot see the black ball which falls in a __________ place. 2. A loud thunder __________ the little child. 3. A person needs not only food and shelter but also __________. 4. The birds cannot go to the ricefield because of the big __________ that guards the place. 5. The soil in the garden needs to be __________ to allow water to go down. 1.3Motive Question: What do you want to know about the boy in the picture I showed you?

B. CM 2. Active Reading: 2.1First reading of the story. (The teacher will read the story without interruptions.) 2.2Secong reading of the story. (The teacher will read aloud the story. Ask questions to monitor the pupils comprehension and enable them to make predictions.)

3. Post Reading: 3.1Answering the motive questions and other comprehensive questions. Who is the main character in the story? Where does the story happen?

3.2Engagement Activity: Engagement I (Small Group Activity) Group I Draw Me Draw Malik who is the main character in the story. Group II-Describe Me Describe Malik based in the story. Group II-Act Out Act out some of Maliks work in the story Group IV-Hear Us Make sounds produce by the animals found in Maliks place.

Engagement 2 (Discussion of the story) Who is the African boy? What characteristics does the boy have? Where does Malik live? What does his father do? How does Malik keep away the cows, birds and monkey from the garden? What character trait is shown by Malik in the story? Do you think they will have enough foods from the garden? Why?

C. DELC: 1. Preparatory Activity: 1.1Drill Read the words and tell if the words begin with a vowel or consonant letter.

1. African 2. Peanuts 3. Elephants 4. Corns 5. Scarecrow 1.2Review Read the sentences. Underline the word with the consonant blend. 1. The blue water in the sea is beautiful. 2. The plants give us foods. 3. The colourful flowers make the garden bright. 4. The prince wants to marry a pretty lady. 5. They clean the room everyday.

2. Lesson Proper: 2.1Presentation Have the pupils read the story The Boy from Africa aloud. 2.2Comprehension Check-up Who is the boy from Africa? Who has the garden with growing peanuts, corns beans and sweet potatoes? What is his fathers work? How do his brothers and sisters do to help his father? How does Malik help his father too? Will they have enough foods from the garden? Why do you think so?

2.3Discussion Read the sentences. Read the underlined words. 1. Malik is the boy from Africa. 2. His father has the growing peanuts, corns beans and sweet potatoes. 3. His father is a farmer. 4. There are lions, elephants, zebras and giraffes. 5. They will have enough foods from the garden because they take care of the plants.

What sound is produced in the underlined words? What letters is produced this /f/ sound based in the given underlined words?

/f/ F African enough Father Farmer Giraffes Foods From ph Elephants Gh

2.4Generalization: What sound is produced by the words with f, gh, and ph? How will you pronounce these words?

2.5Oral Practice Read the following sentences. Encircle the words with /f/. 1. Grandfathers nephew laughs at himself. 2. The dolphin phoned the fat elephant. 3. A riffle is safe if one is skilful. 4. Fanny wore a fashionable uniform. 5. Grapes fruits grow in the Philippines.

2.6Practice Exercises A. Guided Practice: Read the poem. Encircle the words with /f/ sound.

B. Independent Practice The teacher will group the children into four. Group I-Circle the letter that makes the /f/ sound Farm Fork fence dolphin chief cough face alphabet paragraph enough typhoon xylophone

Elephant laugh Half enough

Group II-Pronounce the words. Write f on the blank if the word produces /f/ sound and no if it doesnt produce /f/ sound. __dolphin __factory __cough __lemon __fairy __elephant __laugh __tough __enough

__paragraph __megaphone

__geography __teelephone

__phonics __half

Group III-Read the letter encircle. Encircle the words with the /f/ sound.

Twelfth Street Tacloban City September 14, 2008

Dear Judith, This is my fifth day in Tacloban City. I am enjoying my stay here. This morning, Uncle Ben, Aunt Thelma and I went to San Juanico Bridge. It is the longest bridge in the Philippines. This bridge connects the provinces of Samar and Leyte. One end of the bridge is in Samar. The other end is in Leyte. One half of the bridge looks like a camels back. The other half looks like a snake. It is beautiful bridge. I hope you can see the bridge too.

Your cousin, Kenneth

Group IV-Choose the word with the /f/ sound. Cross out them. Laugh Graph Fireworks Dolphy cough alphabet floral telegram phonics

Parents Parenthesis

rough pharmacist

firefly plain

2.7Application Read the paragraph. Box the word that have the /f/ sound.


Evaluation: Read the following words. Put a check (/) if it has a /f/ sound. 1. Myself 2. Lip 3. Graph 4. Piano 5. Rough 6. Photo 7. Fire 8. Gift 9. Plant 10.Playground


Assignment: List 5 other words with /f/ sound. Use them in a sentence.

D. DDSS 1. Preparatory Activities 1.1Drll What word has the same pronounciation?

1. Ate 2. It 3. Write 4. So 5. Bright eat real see breed

eight eight right saw brite


1.2Checking of Assignment 1.3Review Guess the word. 1. Family member who works for their needs (father) 2. A group of sentences. (paragraph) 3. Thing that creates kring sound. (telephone) 4. An ailment that goes with common colds. (cough) 5. A country where Filipino live in. (Philippines)

2. Lesson Proper 2.1Presentation a. Do you still remember The Boy from Africa? who is that boy? b. Have the pupils read the words from the story and added words which are used in the sentences.

Father enough Fruits tough Frightens giraffes

elephants African after

1. Malikss father has gardens. 2. The birds and monkeys steal fruits in the garden. 3. The scarecrow frightens the animals. 4. There are lions, elephants, zebras and giraffes. 5. Malik is an African boy. 6. He looks after the cows. 7. They will have enough foods from the garden. 8. Malik and his father are tough guys.

2.2Discussion What sound is common in the words you read? What letters produce this /f/ sound? What words have f with /f/ sound? Words with /f/ sound in gh? /f/ sound in ph?

2.3Read the short paragraph. Copy the word with /f/ sound.

2.4Generalization What letters produce the /f/ sound?

2.5Practice Exercises A. Guided Practice Copy the word to complete the sentence. Choose the word from the list. Laugh Cough Telephone

Philippines Father

1. Cover your mouth when you __________. 2. The __________ is ringing somebody must calling. 3. Funny stories make us __________. 4. My __________ is a fireman 5. __________is my country.

B. Independent Practice The teacher will group the pupils into four. Each group will be give flashcards with words incompletely written. The pupils will write the missing letter which produce /f/ sound.

Group I _____armer _____ireman _____eathers _____ish _____an

Group II cou_____ enou_____ tou_____ rou_____ lau_____

Group III _____ilippines Tro_____y ` Gra_____ics Cell_____one

Group IV bookshelf_____ giraf_____es gi_____ts butter_____ly



2.6Application Write the names of the following pictures. a. Picture of a (leaf) b. Picture of a (telephone) c. Picture of a (elephant) d. Picture of a (coughing man)) e. Picture of a (fairy)

2.7Group Activities Group I. Cross out the misspelled words. Write the correct spelling. 1. Fonecard 2. Geography 3. Couf 4. Lauph 5. Leaph 6. Alfabet 7. Philippines 8. Trofy 9. Knife 10.Friend

Group II. Arrange the scrambled letter to form words with /f/ sound. 1. I R E F (FIRE)

2. E R E F (FREE) 3. D L O P Y H (DOLPHY) 4. E S L E (DELF) 5. U G H C O (COUGH) 6. G F I T (GIFT) 7. T H Y R P O (TROPHY) 8. F E E B (BEEF) 9. A U L G H (LAUGH) 10.N I P H O L D (DOLPHIN)

Group III. Write the correct word in the space provided for. Choose from the words in the box.

Leaf Laughs paragraph Fish

telephone xylophone Philippines Fork



1. The ___________ is a country in Asia. 2. The girl __________ because of a comedian . 3. The __________ is ringing in the office. 4. The boy catches a __________ in a river. 5. The __________ of the plants is green. 6. The band members plays a __________. 7. Robitussin is a medicine for __________. 8. The teacher writes a __________.

9. The little girl learn to use a spoon and ___________ in eating. 10.I want a birthday __________on my birthday.

Group IV- complete the spelling of the words with the /f/ sound. 1. P a r a g r a _ _ 2. L e a f _ l e t s 3. _ o n e c a r d 4. T o u _ _ 5. A l _ _ a b e t 6. L a u _ _ 7. _ i s h e r m a n 8. _ _ i l i p 9. D o l _ _ i n 10.R o u _ _

2.8Writing Activities Write the words legibly and neatly with correct letter form. Philippines Phrase Laugh Cough Rough File Friend


3. Evaluation: Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. Choose your answer from the words in the box.

Leaf Friend

fly trophy

cough laugh

1. Can a kite __________ in the sky. 2. The clown makes us ___________ loud. 3. My classmate received a __________ for the quiz bee. 4. The __________ of the plant fell on the ground. 5. My dog is my close __________.

4. Assignment Use the following words in sentence. 1. Beef 2. Uniform 3. Golf 4. Photograph 5. Enough

E. Differentiated Activities: DELC Review What letters produce the /f/ sound?

Group I-Read the short poem. Underline the letter that produce /f/ in the words. Group II.-Read the two paragraph part of the story The Cat and the Fiddler. Encircle the words that have /f/ sound. Group III-Read the words. Tell if the /f/ sound is initial, medial or final. 1. Telephone 2. Feelings 3. Graph 4. Cough 5. Enough 6. Feather 7. Alphabet 8. Favor

9. Offer 10.Laugh Group IV-Read the dialogue of the fiddler and the cat. Write the words with /f/ sound in strips or cartolina. Fiddler: You are such a beautiful animal but you have no home. Here are some food for you to eat. Cat: Sir, Nicholas, it is very rare that somebody will offer food for a stranger. And it is more rare, if it is done to a cat. Thank you, but I am not hungry. Fiddler: Then come and share my bed. It is not big but you are welcome to it. Cat: Thank you, I am here to ask you a favour. We are holding a party tonight. Will you come and play for us? Fiddler: Of course I will. Thats the best offer I have this week. Cat: How much will the fee be?

Fiddler: Let it be a gift. If my music will make you happy, Ill be happy too. Cat: Then please come with us.

F. Differentiated Activities (DDSS) Group I-Draw Me Choose the word with /f/ sound in each of the sentences. Draw the picture of each word. 1. The flowers make the garden pretty. 2. The girl is beautiful. 3. The fish swims in an aquarium. 4. The glass is full of water. 5. The frypan is heated in the oven.

Group II-Arrange Me Arrange the letters to form words with the /f/ sounds. Complete the sentences using these words. UTHOG (TOUGH) LUAGH (LAUGH) FIREND (FRIEND) PHELENAT (ELEPHANT) SIFHMERAN (FISHERMAN)

1. Clarissa is my __________ in the school. 2. The __________ goes to the sea to catch a fish. 3. The __________ is a big animal in the forest. 4. The children __________ with the tricks of the clown.

5. Many Pacquiao is a __________ boxer who always win in boxing.

Group !!!-Speii Me Right Choose the words with correct spelling. Underlini the word from the parenthesis.

1. The (graph, graft) shows the scores of a pupil. 2. The (phone, fone) rings loudly. 3. Thelma and Carla have (cuff, cough). 4. My mother prepared the corned (beep, beef) for our dinner. 5. The (leaf, lift) of the plant look like a heart.

Group IV-Guess who Am I Choose the word that fits the description in column A. Connect the pair of words with an arrow. Column A 1. Part of the plant that make foods for itself. 2. Formed by heavy rains. 3. An action of being happy. 4. Piece of cloth that is a symbol of our country. 5. A story with fairies as characters Column B A. Firytale B. Philippine flag C. Leaf D. Laugh E. Flood

I. A. Objectives: 1. Show enjoyment in listening to a dialogue. 2. Answer questions based on the dialogue. 3. Pronounce correctly words with /th/ 4. Decode and spell words with /th/. 5. Write words with correct spelling.

B. Strategies: Reading Aloud Answering Questions Group Activity

C. Values: Helpfulness


Subject Matter: A. Dialogue: Come lets Play. B. Comprehensive Skills: Answering a questions based on the dialogue. C. Language Structure: Pronouncing correctly words with /th/. D. Deciphering and decoding: Decoding and spelling words with /th/. E. Writing: Writing words with correct spelling. References: Language and Reading Workbook Teachers Manual pages 3-7. Language and reading Workbook pages 3-5 English at All Times (Reading) page 19 F. Materials: Charts, pictures, flashcards


Learning Activities: A. DMR 1. Pre Reading 1.1Motivation What do you usually want to do during weekends? Do you play with your friends on Saturday and Sunday? Why?

1.2Unlocking Difficulties: Leave (through picture/gesture) Bath (through picture/action) Angry (through gesture) Playhouse (through picture)

Complete the sentences. Choose the right words from the box.

Bath Leave Angry Playhouse

1. The children very noisy to the teacher got __________. 2. When were little children, we enjoyed playing in the __________. 3. The pupils clean the room before they __________. 4. Danil gives his dog a good __________.

1.3Motive Question Beth and Thelma are classmates. They usually play on Saturday afternoon. Would you like to know what they played?

B. CM: 2. Active Reading 2.1First reading of the dialogue. (The teacher will read the dialogue without any interruptions.) 2.2Second reading of the dialogue. (The teacher will read aloud the dialogue. Ask questions to monitor the pupils ccomprehension.)

3. Post Reading 3.1Answering the motive question and other comprehensive questions What did Thelma and Beth played?

3.2Engagement Activity Engagement 1 (Group Activity) Group I : My Playmates Pupils will list down the names of their playmates. Group II : Move Please Pupils will show through actions three of their favourite games. Group III : I Can Draw Draw the activities that you do to help at home. Group IV : Color Me

Choose and color the pictures of the faces that show the feeling of not being join to their playmates in playing.

Engagement 2 Who are the classmates in the dialogue? What does Thelma want to do? What is Beths reason for not joining Thelma in playing? What does Thelma want to do with tin-tin? Does Beth agree with what Thelma s idea of taking Yin-tin in the playhouse and giving her a bath? If you are Beth will you do the same? What character trait is shown by Beth in the dialogue?

C. DELC Learning Activities 1. Preparatory Activities 1.1Drill Read the words correctly. Beef Uniform Golf Photograph Enough

1.2Review Which word doesnt belong to the group? Encircle the word. a. Culf bluff top leaf

b. Knife c. Lip d. Photo e. Pot

save beef alphabet off

foof giraffe plan five

puff thief telephone graceful

2. Lesson Proper 2.1Presentation Read the dialogue Come Lets Play aloud.

2.2Comprehension Check-up Answer the questions based on the dialogue read. a. Who are the two girls in the dialogue? b. What did mother ask bet what to do? c. What did Beth say to Thelma before she leaves?

2.3Discussion What can you say about the words Thelma, Beth, bath and thank? What letters are common to these words? What sounds do they produce?

2.4Generalization What sound do the letters th produce?

2.5Oral Practice Read the following sentences correctly. Box the word with the th sound.

1. The faithful thief is toothless. 2. The wealthy earthworm has a throne. 3. A moth had its tooth pulled out last Thursday. 4. We heard thunder from the north to the south. 5. Theres a thin thorn in my thirsty throat.

2.6Practice Exercises A. Guided Practice Read the sentences and encircle the word with th sound. 1. Living things are found in the earth. 2. The toothbrush is used to clean the teeth. 3. Then earthworm loosens the soil. 4. She bought bread worth fifty pesos. 5. Marie had a bad fall that made his thigh ached.

B. Independent Practice The teacher will group the class into four.

Group I-Read each phrase beside a picture then rewrite the words with /th/ sound on the blank. 1. Thin book 2. Thick book 3. Going north 4. Going south 5. Narrow path __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Group II-Rewrite the words with /th/ sound on the blanks. (A picture of the word should be drawn beside the word) 1. Little thumb __________ 2. Bad thief __________ 3. Thorns of rose __________ 4. Throw a ball __________ 5. Needles thread __________

Group III-read the prayer and encircle all the words with /th/ sound. Thank you God

Thank you, God ............... For my father, mother, brother, sister, For giving me good health, For leading me in the right path, For keeping my great faith in you, Thank you, God for everything!

Group IV-Choose the correct word with /th/ sound from the box tto complete each sentence. Write your answer on the blank.

Bath Teeth Three Wealth Toothache 1. We always say that health is __________. 2. I take a __________ everyday before going to school. 3. We are in Grade __________. 4. Do not each too much candies because you might have a __________. 5. I brush my __________ regularly.

2.7Application: Read the rhyme correctly. Give the words with /th/ sound from the rhyme. Three thin thinkers Wanted to take a bath The thinnest led the path To the sea yonder The three thin thinkers To a wrong path set forth Went up yonder north Instead of the south


Evaluation: Im going to say five words. Draw a star if the word has a /th/ sound. 1. Thread

2. Trend 3. Math 4. Meat 5. Thirteen V. Assignment: List ten words with the /th/ sound.

C. DDSS 1. Preparatory Activities 1.1Drill Spell the words: 1. Bath 2. Tooth 3. Faith 4. Cloth 5. Wealth 1.2Checking of Assignment. 1.3Review Give the word with /th/ sound based in the given phrases. 1. Cleaning the whole body (bath) (math)]

2. A subject deals with the numbers. 3. Opposite of north. 4. Worn by people.

(south) (cloth)

5. Part of the face which contains teeth, gums and tongue. (mouth)

2. Lesson Proper

2.1Presentation Read the following words: Beth Bath Both Thelma thank thin

2.2Discussion/Analysis What letters are common among these words? Where can you find these letters? What sound can be heard from those words?

2.3Ask the class to recite the verse. Copy words with the /th/ sound. Faith in birth, faith in growth Birthdays and toothaches for both. Faith in youth, faith in truth Health, wealth and love for both.

2.4Generalization What letters produce the /th/ sound?

2.5Practice Exercises A. Guided Practice Read the tongue twister correctly to decode words with /th/ sound. The tenth youth thought his toothache was the tenth tooth.

B. Independent Practice: Each group will be given words in the flashcards. Members getting words with the /th/ sound wil go in front of the class and will read the words.

Tin Mat Tree Bat Tip Ate

thin math three bath thief eight



team theme tick tank pat torn thick thank path thorn

2.6Application Fill the blanks with words having /th/ sound. Complete each sentence with the correct word.

Before I go to school, I take a __________ to make my body clean. I also brush my __________ after I eat my breakfast. I always wear clean __________ when I go to school. These things can make my body __________ and strong.

2.7Group Activities Group I-Look at the words below. Cross out the words with /th/ sound. 1. Tin 2. Three 3. Bath 4. Taste thin tree torn tooth path throat thorn youth math thief eight both

5. Forth 6. Team 7. Tank 8. Tick 9. Throw 10.Bathing

fort theme thank thick growth

foot tie thin south grow

booth thigh tan took brow resting



Group II-Complete the word using the /th/ sound. 1. Four____ 2. Fai____ 3. ____ird 4. ____ought 5. ____under 6. ____root 7. Bro____er 8. Ma____ematics 9. Mou____ 10.____umb 11. Group III-write the correct word with /th/ sound that fits the given description. Thigh Thumb thick toothbrush thanks path south thread earth truth

1. __________ material used for sewing. 2. __________ opposite of north.

3. __________ used in cleaning teeth.

4. __________higher part of leg. 5. __________ opposite of thin. 6. __________ another word for fact. 7. __________ one of the five fingers. 8. __________ word of gratitude. 9. __________ planet where we live. 10.__________ another word for way.

Group IV-arrange letters to form words with /th/ sound. 1. YDABRITH (BIRTHDAY) 2. HYTEALH (HEALTHY) 3. BRAEHT (BREATH) 4. BTAHMROO (BATHROOM) 5. OBOHTS (BOOTHS)

2.8Writing Activities Write the correct spelling of the words I will say: Bath Math birth thin faith north health

thick south wealth

3. Evaluation Complete the sentence with a word that has a /th/ sound. Write the correct words in the blanks. 1. The Philippines is the land of our __________. (birth) 2. May is the merry __________ of flowers and fiestas. 3. Do you brush your __________ after each meal? 4. The children will take a __________ in the river. (bath)

5. __________ you, Lord of everything! (thank)

4. Assignment Underline the words with /th/ sound. 1. An alligator took the south path. 2. Throw the dart gently into the booth. 3. Thelmas team thinks that the tiger is them.

Differentiated Activities DELC

Review What letters produce the /th/ sound? Where can it be found?

Group I-Underline the words which should be pronounced with the /th/ sound. 1. Grandmother plants corn and vegetables in the farm and the earthworms help her. 2. May I invite you to my birthday party. 3. I will ask my mother first. I will tell the truth. 4. Thanks for inviting me. 5. Mathematics is my favourite subject. 6. I pray that we will always be healthy. 7. A thick cloud covered the sun. 8. A family needs different things in order to live. 9. Father thinks to go abroad to earn more. 10.We have twelve months in a year.

Group II-Rewrite each word under the proper column to indicate where the sound /th/ is found.

Healthy Thought

Mathematics Arithmetic fifth

thousand south

thankful path





Group III-Answer the questions with the words with /th/ sound. 1. What do you take everyday before going to school? 2. What do you use in cleaning the teeth? 3. What planet is giving life to living things? 4. What subject deals with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers. 5. What happens to the body when you eat nutritious foods, rest and eexercise?

Group IV-Read the letter and encircle all the words with the /th/ sound.

214 Mabini Avenue Batangas City August 28, 2009

Dear Rico,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party last Sunday. I am very sorry because I did not come to attend it because I had a bad toothache that day. I always brush my teeth but still I experienced that kind of terrible ache. I thought I would stop eating too much candies now. It affects all my schedule. I hope you will understand me and next time that you invite me, I promise to come.

Your friend, Sony

Differentiated Activities Group I-Draw Me Read the sentences and choose the word with /th/ sound. Draw the picture of each word. 1. Dont speak when your mouth is full. 2. The girl has the shining white teeth. 3. Change the toothbrush every three months. 4. My mother buys two yards of cloth for her dress. 5. The thumb is used in requesting for the residence certificate.

Group II-Arrange Me Arrange the letters to form words with /th/ sound. Complete the sentences using these words.





1. She always eat candies, chocolates and sweets so she experiences __________. 2. God created __________ on earth. 3. __________ is the science of numbers involving four fundamental operations. 4. Mother always pay the __________ bill for the electricity. 5. Because of walking for a long time, Mindas __________ ache a lot.

Group III-Spell Me Right Choose the word with correct spelling to complete the sentences. 1. A little boy carries a (tin, thin) book in going school. 2. My mother prepares a (brought, broth) for my sick father. 3. He drinks very cold water that makes his (through, throat) ache. 4. Rizas mother told him the story the (mote, moth). 5. The king always depend his (thrown, throne).

Group IV-Guess Who am I Choose the word from column B which is described in column A. Connect the pair with arrow.

Column A 1. Strong rains with lightning and thunder. 2. Added to the paint

to mix well. 3. Feeling when someone gives you a gift. 4. Another need of a person

besides from food and house. 5. Small constructed passage from one place to another. Column B A. Pathway B. Clothing C. Thinner

D. Thankful E. thunderstorm

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