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Planning Project for Preschool & Kindergarten Rainbow Learning Cente

The 9 Main Areas for School

Curriculum & Learning Program Administration & Management Organization & Structure Facilities Employees

Things that have been achieved and implemented positively

a. Calendar Academic, School Event b. SKM-SKH (English) c. Unit Plans, Monthly Theme, Daily Theme d. Program Extracuricullar (Adv.Math, Mandarin, Dancing, Computer, Taekwondo, Painting, Science Club, B.Indo, a. Filling School Data b. Softcopy & Hardcopy of Files c. Jobdesc of Office Staffs d. Employee Manual Book e. Policy of School Management a. Coordinator in level: - PS = Ms.Debora - KG = Ms.Hartaty & Ms.Erna duty are clear a. Musical Instruments: (handbells, keyboard, triangle, tambourine, angklung, guitar) c. Gardening Areas d. Netbook + OHP e. Bookcase for each class a. Teacher Training Program every Wednesday b. Jobdes for Teacher & TA have explained c. Monday meeting (1st & 3rd using English) d. Teacher & Staffs evaluation = 2 times in a year e. Some teachers have completed their degree (Ms.Rosian, Ms.Rahma, Ms.Karen, Ms.Shyntia)

b. Structure of communication, b. Bahasa Indonesia's room

Things that need to be improved and changed for the new school year
a. SKM - SKH start academic 2012-2013 must make in english & bahasa b. Program Extracuricullar: Choir/Vocal changes with Music (no students since 2 years latest) c. Fire Drill in school (4x in a year) a. Labeling All Ordners b. Giving devider paper so the files look tidy a. Making a new board of organizational structure b. PS - KG meeting schedule a. Making rules of room/area in each room b. Planning to have a music room c. Keeping cleanliness of each room d. Tidy up storage 1x in a month a. Monitoring teachers and staffs to come on time to school and always present. b. Making leadership training c. All teachers must speak english in school area d. Recruitment process at least before July in each new academic year f. Employees look fresh and full of smile everyday

Ways and strategies for improvement/change; Describe using specific de

a. There is no student in excul Choir/Vocal, it will be better if we change with excul Music (learn how to play music for earlychildhood) b. We will do fire drill on sept, nov, feb and apr (4x in a year) c. Dancing clothes, taekwondo clothes & painting tools must be ready before the excull started. a. Arranging a schedule for PS-KG meeting (meeting is many teachers have less experience in teaching in the new level. a. Pasting the rules of the room in each room, in room's wall, so everybody know b. Panting room moves to taekwondo's room so we can arrange music room in painting room (considering we have musical instruments that need to keep nicely a. The schedule of leadership training is ready b. Teachers and staffs must taking care of their healthiness and body. once in a month). Considering how to take care of the room

Time Target-When do you expect your targets to be achieved?

a. After the management approved b. Starts on sept 2012 c. In the new academic year a. On Sept 2012, I wiil make label all a. start from Sept 2012 the ordners a. start on Oct 2012, I will make the rules of the room b. After the management approved, we moved the painting room c. Tidyup storage start from sept 2012 a. Leadership training start from sept 2012 b. Teachers & staffs evaluation start on Oct 2012

arten Rainbow Learning Center Division at YAT 2012-2013

Finance & Budget Students Community Involvement Environment & Culture Promotion & Marketing

The 9 Main Areas for School

been achieved and implemented positively

a. Budget for students' activities b. Coodinators event submit the proposal of the event at least 2 weeks before the event. c. Ordering things for students (1x in a year) d. Ordering things for event and class ( 2 times in a year) a. Amount of students increase than last year c. Students' data has completed d. Observing students who have special needs a. Actively involved in giving donations b. PTOs are active to support and coordinate parents in school program c. Open Stand Bazaar in School Events d. Seminar education for parents (1x in a year) a. Jogging Day, Planting Plants, Go green b. Respect each other (Staffs, Teacher, Parents, Students) c. Developing a culture of diversity a. Quality of customer service in giving clear information to the prospective customers b. Study Trip and Field Trip c. Open House d. Distribute brochure b. Students are active to involved in many events during thanksgiving month

e improved and changed for the new school year

a. Determination of development fee discount must be fixed with the conditions prevailing. detail ( and extra facilities) a. Students come on time to school (no late) b. Parents pick up the students on time d. Calling parents for students who have special needs e. Klapper and Grafik murid d. Child's skill checklist a. Parents concern about kartu jemput siswa a. School concerns to the children who have minus behaviour. a. Enhance the ability of giving clear information about the school b. Having a good sponsors in supporting the school program b. Consider of budget in field trip and study trip c. Safety of students

mprovement/change; Describe using specific details

a. Need to make klapper and grafik murid. b. Child's skill checklist has distributed to the homeroom teacher a. Calling the parents who have children with a. Follow up prospective customer minus behaviour, so the school area will be conducive who have came to school by.calling them. b. Beware when the school is having field tip and study trip, because many eyes watch on us.

n do you expect your targets to be achieved?

a. Now on I'm making the klapper , grafik murid will start to make on Oct 2012 b. Child's skill checklisthas started to fill in on July 2012 a. Depend on homeroom teacher observation a. start now Sept 2012

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