GAMP Overview Presentation 04-03-2012 FINAL

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Risk-Based Validation The Benefits of the GAMP Approach

Kevin C. Martin
Chair, GAMP Americas Sr. Vice President Azzur Group LLC

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show

20 Years of the GAMP Organization

GAMP Benefits
GAMP Contribution

Validation Productivity
Lean Validation

Current Technology Trends

Current Regulatory Activity
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20 years of GAMP Development Validation Productivity!

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ISPE CASA Technology Show

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show

GAMP Americas Leadership

Chairman: Kevin Martin, Azzur Group Co-Chairman: Michael Rutherford, Eli Lilly Secretary: Lorrie Schuessler, GSK

Steering Committee

Scott Ludlum

Winnie Cappucci* , Retired- Bayer Waunetka Clark, Abbott Jim John, ProPharma Group Paige Kane, Pfizer Klaus Krause, Allergan Eugene Longo , GAMP Puerto Rico Randy Perez, Novartis Judy Samardelis, Medimmune Eric Staib, Covance Robert Tollefsen, FDA Bob Wherry, Sunovion

Blue indicates GAMP Council *Denotes GAMP Council Chair

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Active GAMP SIGs

GAMP Americas GAMP Europe

Laboratory Systems

Manufacturing Execution Systems (co-chaired with Europe)

Risk Management Joint Equipment Transition Team (JETT)

R&D / Clinical Systems (coordinated D-A-CH GAMP with Europe) Supplier Cooperation Automated Testing (sub-set of Testing SIG)

Process Control Systems

Testing (with USA)

Supplier Relationships Outsourcing and Offshoring (with USA) Calibration

GxP Controls Framework (proposed)

Outsourcing and Offshoring (with Europe)

IT Infrastructure Control & Compliance (with Europe)

Open Source Software

Development Models and Methods

Equipment Qualification Workgroup

GAMP Italia GAMP Nordic



April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show

Active GAMP SIGs - Brazil

GTG "Validation of IT Infrastructure and Processes GTG " Validation of PLCs, Automated Systems, Shop-floor Systems, MES and BMS GTG "Change Management for Computerized Systems and Maintenance of Validated Status: GTG Understanding e-records and e-signatures (ANVISA / EMA Annex 11 / 21CFR Part 11 / GAMP) GTG Validation Master Plan and Validation Plan for CSV GTG Legacy Systems GTG " Qualification and Suppliers Assessment GTG "Testing GxP Systems (base GPG GAMP) GTG "Organizational Structure for CSV

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show

GAMP Good Practice Guides

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Validation of Process Controls Systems (Second Edition Feb 2011)
Calibration Management (Second Edition Nov 2010) Manufacturing Execution Systems A Strategic and Program Management Approach (Feb 2010) A Risk-Based Approach to Operation of GxP Computerized Systems - A Companion Volume to GAMP 5 (Jan 2010) Electronic Data Archiving (Jul 2007) Testing of GxP Systems (Dec 2005)* (2nd Edition 3Q2012) Global Information Systems Control and Compliance (Nov 2005) IT Infrastructure Control and Compliance (Sep 2005) Validation of Laboratory Computerized Systems (Apr 2005) (2nd Edition 2Q2012)

10. Risk-Based Approach to Electronic Records and Signatures (Feb 2005)

11. Legacy Systems (Nov/ Dec 2003)*

* Available as a download at no cost to ISPE Members Only
April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 8


GAMP 5 Overview
Published: Feb 2008

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show

GAMP 5 Continues to Address

Current regulatory initiatives

FDAs cGMPs for the 21st Century PIC/S Guidance Risk-based Part 11 Guidance

Global Standards

ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 ASTM E2500 Facilitate a single company QMS Need to take full advantage of supplier capability Better compliance with less cost!
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Escalating cost pressures mandate efficiency

April 10, 2012

GAMP 5 Simplified V-model

Verifies Validation Validation This model better illustrates scalability options for phases

Validation Activities Blended specifications (e.g. URS/FS, FS/DS, even URS/FS/DS) Design review as opposed to formal DQ Blending User of classical qualification Acceptance of Verifies(e.g. IOQ, OQ/PQ, melding Requirements testing computer validation with equipment C&Q) (URS) (PQ) Plan Functional
Specification (FS)



Development Activities

Design Specify Specification (DS)

Risk Management throughout the Verifies process


Functional testing (OQ)

Report Verification Activities

Installation Verify (IQ)

GAMP 5 stresses that this model does not imply a waterfall development System Build methodology Activities
April 10, 2012

This can be applied to nonlinear approaches like spiral or Build or System Build Developer tests iterative methodologies, agile (Structural, unit, & (including Configure integration) software development, etc. developer tests)

ISPE CASA Technology Show


GAMP 5 Life Cycle Concept

Repetitive V Activities Within the Life Cycle

Features: Simplified Vmigration





GxP Assessment

Plan Specify Build Verify Report Risk mgmt throughout process





Repetition of Vactivities for changes Incorporates end-of-life activities

Supplier Involvement*

* This could be a complex supply chain

Supplier may provide knowledge, experience, documentation & services throughout lifecycle

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Risk Management Goals

Systematic process for identifying, assessing, mitigating,
controlling, and communicating risk, based on

Good science
Process and product understanding

Recognize that zero risk is impractical and unattainable

Aim is for acceptable risk

Consistent with risk-based approach based on ISO

14971 (and ERES GPG) as well as other contemporary risk based tools

April 10, 2012

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5-Step Quality Risk Management Process

Step 1 Perform initial risk assessment & determine system impact
Step 2 Identify functions impacting patient safety, quality, and data integrity Step 3 Perform functional risk assessments & identify controls Step 4 Implement & verify appropriate controls Step 5 Review Risks and monitor controls

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The Desired State

Historical State
1990s Validation Approach

Desired State
Risk Based Approach

Focus Validation Effort

Focus Validation Effort

High Medium Low




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ISPE CASA Technology Show


Stakeholders the GAMP Benefits

All stakeholders depend on reliable

Performing as expected from the beginning continuously with minimal attention

A proven roadmap when going from

We have a great responsibility!

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manual to automated systems

GAMP 5 Enables Increased Validation Productivity

Focussed on efficient and effective
validation Making validation productive OED: producing abundantly Webster's: Yielding results, benefit or profit Eliminate the Waste!!!
April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 17

Universal Approach
GAMP methodology applies to all
types of systems Large database systems Process control systems Spreadsheets etc. Needs tailoring to each project for maximum efficiency

Consider all the elements of the validation process

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April 10, 2012

Uniform Approach
The V model is almost universally
applicable It is capable of considerable flexibility Many dialects exist Fundamentals remain
Design Review Document Handover

Plan >Check > Do > Record

Planning Specifications
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Protocols Change management

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QMS* for Systems Validation

The Validation Process is well-documented Based on QMS principles Widely understood Adopts standard elements of QMS

Planning Specifications Risk-based approach Verification Documentation Change management Continuous improvement

*QMS = Quality Management System

April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 20

Knowledge of Systems
To validate effectively we need to know our

Why we want them What they do How they do it Where the risks lie How the risks are controlled

Follow a System Life Cycle - Use GAMP5 as a

tool Payback is immediate increased efficiency of operation
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Benchmarking for Continuous Improvement

12 Good Validation Practices

Policies and Procedures Good Project Management Practices Validation Planning Validation Strategy Specifications and Design Review Protocols
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Documentation Change Management Practices Training Handover Maintaining Control in Operation Post-project reviews

Acknowledgment: David Selby, NSF-DBA

ISPE CASA Technology Show 22

Benchmark Assessment Highest scores highlighted Green Next lowest highlighted Yellow Lowest Scores highlighted Red Absolute numbers not meaningful Averages are more reliable Look at the concentration of colour

Acknowledgment: David Selby, NSF-DBA

April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 23

Benchmarking Results - Typical

8 7 6 8 7 6 7 4 7 7 6 9 9 7 8 8 6 8 5 8 5 7 4 6 4 4 6 7 9 7 10 9 5 9 6 8 5 6 8 4 7 6 5 5 7 5

Protocols, 6 8 6 Documentation 6 8 8 Change 8 7 8 Management

7 7 7 6 6 8 8 8 7 7 8 7 6 8 7 7 8 6 154 9 7 6 7 8 8 9 7 7 7 6 7 8 9 8 8 8 6 165 8 8 8 7 9 9 8 6 7 7 8 6 7 6 6 9 8 7 162

5 3 8 10 6 8 6 4 7 3 6 4 5 4 4 3 2 6 Training 6 8 7 6 121

4 5 4 8 4 4 5

5 7 5 5 5 3 2

1 6 6 3 7 2 5

4 6 Specifications and 5 6 5 Design Review 5 7 6 6 5 3 5 8 4 6 5 7 5 8 5 7 5 5 7 6 6 3 126 6 7 3 6 5 6 6 5 3 5 6 6 6 4 120

Handover 4 4 3 Control in Operation 3 6 5 Post-project Reviews

4 3 2 4 4 5 5 3 4 5 7 5 5 97 3 6 2 4 3 3 5 4 5 6 8 6 4 101 1 4 0 1 1 5 3 3 3 6 5 5 4 79

Policies and 4 Procedures 7

8 7 6 3 7 7 8 8 7 145

Project 2 4 Management 5 4 Planning 5 7 Strategy 7 4

7 7 137 5 3 133













Acknowledgment: David Selby, NSF-DBA

Example 1: Ampoule Filling Line

Mid 90s Comparison of validation of
two liquid injection filling lines
Specification Development
Protocol Development FAT Testing Initial efficiency Final Efficiency


5 days
1 week 3 days 35% 65%

Specification Development Protocol Development FAT Testing Initial efficiency Final Efficiency

5 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks 75% 95%

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Cost Effective Approach How much does Validation Cost?

Some figures (% of total project cost):

Current industry average 20 25% Major pharma company (top 10) 16% GSK 4%* Pfizer 4%* Best in class ~ 1.2%

* Figures published in 2008

April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 26

Example 2: SAP Financials

GAMP methodology applied to global
implementation of SAP Financials

Lead site Decision to use validation rigor (GAMP Methodology) for all modules Lead by QA validation expert Tough to get Finance to understand what that meant IT Project manager: This guy has no idea how to implement a finance system. Testing went like a dream! Project on time and on budget Weve never had a test phase that went so smoothly with so few problems

Acknowledgment: Randy Perez, Novartis April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 27

Example 3: Re-engineering the Verification Process

Validation Waste
Inactive players Long lead times for meetings High training requirement Physical document circulation

Slow project initiation Priority conflicts Wrong skills mix

Sequential activities Late detection Effort to re-work

Staff turnover

Implementation of optional features Multiple planners Multiple forms Too many signatures Too many people Too many documents

Unclear purpose

Acknowledgment: Guy Wingate, GSK April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show


Extra Processing

Example 3: Re-engineering the Verification Process

Savings identified:
Adopting good practices
Adopting standardized practices Focussing of GMP activities

~30+% ~20%

Scaled approach ~10% Leverage supplier expertise Rigorously applied risk-based approach

Average Cost of Validation

Acknowledgment: Guy Wingate, GSK April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 29

Example 3: Re-engineering the Validation Process

Upgrade Projects 1 2 3

Cost Savings* 50% 58% 72%

Total Savings


Cost savings comparing V model alone (GAMP 4) vs. V model + E 2500 (GAMP 5)

Acknowledgment: Lily Mo, Pfizer Global Quality Operations April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 30

Example 4: Application of Risk Management (Scaleability)

High Definition Medium Low

Severe potential harm to patients, (e.g. death, hospitalization, long term effects). Product is unusable or ineffective such that harm is likely. Loss or corruption of records has potential for severe harm to patients. ....and so on for your organisation.

Risk has potential for nonserious impact on patient safety and/or product quality. Impacts product quality but with no or negligible impact on patient safety (e.g. cosmetic defect). Loss or corruption of records would have non-serious impact on patient safety or product quality. ..... and so on for your organisation.

Risk has little or no potential impact on patient safety and/or product quality. Regulatory requirement with little or no impact on product quality and/or patient safety. Loss or corruption of records would violate regulatory requirements but have no impact on patient safety or product quality ...and so on for your organisation.


...Think carefully here...

Possible Examples

Training management for staff operating in aseptic area. Dispensing of active ingredients for production, sterilization hold times.

Incomplete break line on OTC tablet. Checkweigher detection of incompletely filled blister packs.

Training management for nonproduction staff. Corrupt electronic signature on audit report.

Acknowledgment: Ellis Daw, GSK April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 31

Example 4: Application of Risk Management (Scaleability)

Probability of Failure (Development Classification)
Severity High (H) Medium (M) Low (L) 1 (Customised) Intensive Intensive Standard 2 (Configurable) Standard Standard Minimal 3 (Non-Configurable) Minimal Minimal Minimal

Rigor of Verification
Positive and negative testing (as appropriate) -evidence required (e.g., critical screen shots, report(s), witness signatures - QA and 2nd person review required Positive testing, including multiple/alternative path testing -standard evidence required (outcome, tester initials, date) - 2nd person review required (QA review not required) Minimal testing -Vendor or leveraged documentation - verification may be required to test requirement - 2nd person review required (QA review not required)



High: functions impacting product release, process control, batch records, complaints, recall, regulatory filings, adverse event recording etc. Medium: functions impacting support processes driven by GMP regulations, critical business processes Low: functions impacting supporting processes NOT driven by regulation
Acknowledgment: Lily Mo, Pfizer Global Quality Operations April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 32

Example 5: Leveraging Supplier Testing

Business Workflow Mapping Tool Limited configuration required to implement at customers site

Extended audit to verify Supplier Functional Risk Assessment and Testing Additional effort, 4 days to conduct the review of Functional Risk Assessment and Supplier Testing

Regulated company testing more spot checks of high impact functions (3 days) Original regulated company test plan allowed for 6 man weeks testing
Acknowledgment: Chris Reid, Integrity Solutions Ltd. April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 33

Example 6: Business Benefits

Pre GAMP Business processes not defined Requirements unclear/incomplete Projects over-ran User expectations not met

Post GAMP Adoption of lifecycle approach Brought discipline (painfully!) Users understood business processes Users understood business needs Requirements and quality attributes traceable to business process Requirements prioritised Compliance to timelines and costs (mostly) System understood by users Systems accepted by users Traceability made maintenance easy

Acknowledgment: Winnie Cappucci (formerly Bayer) April 10, 2012 ISPE CASA Technology Show 34

What is Lean Validation?

Lean Validation is defined as the
delivery of validation services with as little waste as possible.

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History of the Problem

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Problem Statement

~ 25% of the total capital

Inadequate cycle times Effort takes too long Inability to support timelines based on business needs


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What have we typically seen?

No uniform practice Unclear expectations Unclear roles and responsibilities Duplication of effort and rework Significant resource commitment Inconsistencies Functionally siloed activities Re-interpretation of requirements leading to re-drafting of protocols Multiple reviews / approvals for each protocol
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What is the impact?

Major cause of contract breaks

schedule cost stress anxiety morale


Work environment

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ISPE CASA Technology Show

Current Qualification Practice

rework IQ

OQ PQ rework

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ISPE CASA Technology Show


Lets Re-design the Process

Integration and alignment of Qualification &
Capital execution Application of Front-End Loading (FEL) principles Early cross-functional involvement, understanding, consensus and commitment Conformance to regulatory and cGMP expectations from the start

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Re-design Tools
Defined, integrated work flow process
Identification of key milestones identified interdependencies between construction & qualification activities Responsibilities Matrix Defined roles and responsibilities Standard Qualification templates Process & Packaging Equipment Laboratory Systems Any Automation!!!

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Cost Savings
Reduced cost to less than 20% of
capital expenses Achieved a cost profile of 10% or less of capital expenses Eliminating or reducing non-value added work

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Some Other Cost Savings Measures

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Document Approvers
Typical approval cycle is five
validation documents approvers Lean Approach: Should be two document approvers

System Owner Quality

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ISPE CASA Technology Show


Benefits (of reduced approvers)

Reduced cycle times Faster turnaround of verification
documents Cost efficient Reduced numbers of EDM users

Lower license cost for reduced number of document approvers

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ISPE CASA Technology Show


Verification Forms
Implementation of verification forms instead of protocols Driven by SOP Individual Forms are pre-approved Installation & Functional Verification forms Forms can be created by leveraging existing

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Verification Forms (cont.)

Forms can be created from requirements and
design documents Forms can be used for the validation of changes to existing systems Examples of verification forms

Security verification Recipe verification Audit trail verification Parameter verification P&ID verification Loop check verification
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April 10, 2012

Benefits of implementing verification forms

Cycle time reduction Faster turnaround time Only one approval cycle Cost reduction: ~ $ 750 per form vs $ 5,000 per protocol

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Productive Validation its Very Important!

Companies need systems for:

operations to make much-needed products for patients increased assurance of product quality sustainability

And to promote:

Systems need validation Validation needs to be efficient and effective by:

having an efficient validation process applying effective governance good in-depth training and expertise continuous improvement

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


So what is left to do?

Improve our validation processes

Standardize the approach Judiciously apply risk management

and E 2500 Spend project time on the front end of the system life cycle process Look at the final steps around handover Get into the continuous improvement mind-set

theyre capable of much further refinement

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Validation Productivity Priorities

Upgrade the validation system Focus on the

the front end (validation planning, strategy and specification development) the back end (handover and maintaining control in operation)













April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Validation Productivity Priorities

Standardize the approach across the
organization Focus on

Defining the deliverables Scalability Integration of E 2500 into the process Involvement of SMEs and QA Applying Globally
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April 10, 2012

Validation Productivity Priorities

Focus on

Integrating risk management into the entire process Apply it ruthlessly Spread it throughout the organization once its right

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Validation Productivity Priorities

Spend project time

on planning using risk management using the expertise of SMEs on design review

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Validation Productivity Priorities

and dont forget

data accessibility for users knowledge transfer measured performance criteria

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


Validation Productivity Priorities

Continuous Improvement

Embrace new approaches Learn from each project Build the learning back into the validation process Spread the word

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ISPE CASA Technology Show


Validation Productivity The target?

Continuous improvement

cost effective validation projects

a few % of project cost


be part of the solution

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April 10, 2012

Thank You!
Resources / More Information
Kevin C. Martin GAMP Americas Chair Azzur Group LLC Sr. Vice President + Michael L. Rutherford GAMP Americas Vice Chair Consultant Business Systems Support Development Center of Excellence Eli Lilly and Company 317-276-1473

ISPE GAMP Community of Practice (COP) Website

April 10, 2012

ISPE CASA Technology Show


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