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THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM The main function of Cardiovascular System is transportation. The system carries oxygen, nutrients, cell wastes, hormones, and many other substances vital for body homoeostasis to and from the cells. The force to move the blood around is provided by the mascular pump of the heart and blood pressure. The circulatory system is the longest system of the body. Stretches way from earth to moon, or encircling the earth at least 2 times, approximately a distance of some 60,000 miles. The organs of the circulatory system include the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries form the cardiovascular system. The lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels form the lymphatic system. Two types of fluids move through the circulatory system: blood and lymph. The blood and the lymphatic system are part of the circulatory system.

Functions Of The Ciculatory System 1. The heart is the pump that circulates blood to all parts of the body. 2. Arteries, veins, and capillaries are structures that take blood from the heart to the cells and return blood from the cells back to the heart. 3. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells and carries the waste products away.

4. The lymph system returns excess fluid from tissues to the general circulation.

Changes In The Composition Of The Circulating Blood Organs Digestive Glands Blood Losses Blood Gains

Raw materials needed to make Carbon dioxide digestive juices and enzymes Water, urea, and mineral salts Excess glucose, amino acids, and worn-out red blood cells Carbon dioxide and water Glucose and oxygen Oxygen Carbon dioxide Released glucose, urea, and plasma proteins Oxygen Lactic acid and carbon dioxide End products of digestion (glucose and amino acid)

Kidneys Liver

Lungs Muscles Small Intestinal Villi

The Heart Approx. the size of the fist, hollow, cone-shaped heart weighs less than 0.6 kg. The importance is obvious, to circulate life-sustaining blood throughout the body. Snugly enclosed within the cavity of the thorax, flanked on each side by the lungs.

The heart is enclosed by a double walled sac called the pericardium, which help protect the heart and anchors it to surrounding structures, such as the diaphram and sternum. The heart walls are composed of 3 layers: the outer epicardium, the myocardium, and the innermost endocardium. The heart works as a single unit, but it is actually two pumps side by side, seperated by a muscular wall called septum. The blood leaves the heart through arteries and returns by vein. The blood uses two circulatory routes i.e. the systemic circulation, which carries oxygenated blood throughout the body and the cardiopulmonary circulation, which carries deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs and back.

The heart beats bet. 72 to 80 times/ min at rest. With each beat, bet. 60 to 80 ml of blood are ejected from the ventricles. Average adult body contains about 5 6 litres of blood, which means all the blood is pumped through the heart once every minute. Exercise increases cardiac output, because the heart rate is increased. The action of the heart beating is known as the cardiac cycle and represents one heart beat. Each cardiac cycle takes 0.8 sec. During exercise, muscles recieve about 60% of the cardiac output. At rest the muscles recieve only 27% of the cardiac output. The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet. The heart is equipped with four valves, which allow blood flow in only one direction through the heart chambers from the atria through the ventricles and out the great arteries leaving the heart. The atrioventricular valves prevent the backflow into the atria when ventricles contract.

Circulatory Routes

Head, neck, and arms


Heart Liver

Digestive System Kidneys

Sex Organs and Legs

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