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PROJECT PROPOSAL PROJECT TITLE: TARGET DATE: TARGET VENUE: MARKSTRIFE 2013 Battery Competition September 26, 2013 and October 5, 2013 Bulwagang Balagtas, NALLRC Bldg, PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila

NATURE OF THE PROJECT The MARKSTRIFE 2013 Battery Competition is the departmental co-curricular activity among different sections of 3rd year level and 4th year level marketing students; organized by the PUP Junior Marketing Executives who will be looking for the clients to provide the company cases to challenge the perspectives and paradigms of marketing students. OBJECTIVES Short-term: Provide the students an opportunity to create feasible marketing plan for a private company within a given budget, coverage, and duration Showcase the collaborative talents and skills of every marketing section of 3rd year level and 4th year level with their utmost creativity and ingenuity in different touch points of marketing Help professors in providing the real-life and timely marketing education and competition for the development and advancement of their marketing students Long-term: Develop and equip future marketing leaders with profound understanding and appreciation of marketing as a dynamic field Encourage marketing students to specialize their strengths and practice teamwork to perform effectively and efficiently Strengthen the relationship of the organization with its members and the marketing faculty HIGHLIGHTS MARKSTRIFE Seniors Marketing Plan Orientation Seminar MARKSTRIFE Seniors Marketing Plan Competition MARKSTRIFE Juniors 360 Degree Branding Orientation Seminar MARKSTRIFE Juniors 360 Degree Branding Competition

TARGET MARKET MARKSTRIFE Seniors Marketing Plan Orientation Seminar Seniors Marketing Plan Competition MARKSTRIFE Juniors 360 Degree Branding Orientation Seminar Juniors 360 Degree Branding Competition Note: Minimum of 45 students per section 40 representatives 13 sections 40 representatives 13 sections

MECHANICS SENIORS MARKETING PLAN COMPETITION JULY 24 REGISTRATION & ORIENTATION Fill-out the registration form and MOA upon entrance Each participating section must be represented by three students in the orientation SEPTEMBER 6 SUBMISSION OF FIRST DRAFT Submit your first draft of marketing plan in PDF File to All drafts will be subject for pre-evaluation by the client for the purpose of clarifications and improvement PUP JME will get back to you for the results of the pre-evaluation as soon as possible SEPTEMBER 20 SUBMISSION OF ENTRIES Send your plan and presentation in PDF Format to Submit five hard-copies of your plan (follow the assigned color) together with your creative standee (2ft X 6ft) at JME Office located at N400, Main Bldg, PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila SEPTEMBER 26 GENERAL PRESENTATION All students are expected to wear semi-formal attire Each section must prepare a 15 second yell for the roll-call Each section must have only four presenters and a technical person Each section will be given 15 minutes to present and another 15 minutes to answer the questions JUNIORS 360 DEGREE BRANDING COMPETITION AUGUST 6 ORIENTATION-SEMINAR Fill-out the registration form and MOA upon entrance Each participating section must be represented by four students in the orientation SEPTEMBER 13 INITIAL ENTRY Submit your first draft of marketing plan in PDF File to All drafts are subject for pre-evaluation by the client SEPTEMBER 27 FINAL ENTRY Send your plan and presentation in PDF Format to Submit five hard-copies of your plan (follow the assigned color) together with your creative standee (2ft X 6ft) at JME Office located at N400, Main Bldg, PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila OCTOBER 5 GENERAL PRESENTATION All students are expected to wear semi-formal attire Each section must prepare a 15 second yell for the roll-call Each section must have only four presenters and a technical person Each section will be given 15 minutes to present and another 15 minutes to answer the questions

FORMAT SENIORS MARKETING PLAN COMPETITION I. II. Executive Summary Situational Analysis a. Product Review b. Price Review c. Place Review d. Promotion Review e. Competitive Review SWOT Analysis Marketing Objectives Market Strategy a. Targeting b. Segmenting c. Positioning Marketing Strategies And Tactics a. Product Planning And Development b. Channels Of Distribution c. Integrated Marketing Communication 1. Advertising 2. Sales Promotion 3. Public Relation 4. Publicity 5. Personal Selling 6. Merchandising Action Plan a. 1st Quarter b. 2nd Quarter c. 3rd Quarter d. 4th Quarter Marketing Budget Controls JUNIORS 360 DEGREE BRANDING COMPETITION I. II. III. IV. V. Executive Summary Situational Analysis SWOT Analysis Objectives 360 Degree Branding a. Market Strategy b. Product Strategy c. Distribution Strategy d. Communication Strategy Action Plan a. 1st Quarter b. 2nd Quarter c. 3rd Quarter d. 4th Quarter Budget Proposal Appendices







CRITERIA SENIORS MARKETING PLAN COMPETITION 20% 40% 25% 15% 100% STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Ability to create well-defined marketing objectives Ability to create targeted, insightful, relevant, and superior means of achieving objectives Use of relevant research in strategy development A clear target market is identified and key insights are utilized MARKETING STRATEGIES AND TACTICS Ability to come up with a creative, holistic and synergistic MARKETING strategy Ability to come up with a feasible and sustainable plan in the Philippine setting Ability to come up with a defensive and competitive advantageous strategy CREATIVE EXECUTION Ideas and campaigns are fresh and innovative Effectively and clearly presented the copy, visuals and other communication materials PRESENTATION Informative and appropriate exhibit in presentation materials Ability to match visual and verbal presentation Stage presence and smart delivery Ability to answer questions clearly with justification TOTAL JUNIORS 360 DEGREE BRANDING COMPETITION 20% 40% 25% 15% 100% STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Ability to create well-defined marketing objectives Ability to create targeted, insightful, relevant, and superior means of achieving objectives Use of relevant research in strategy development A clear target market is identified and key insights are utilized 360 DEGREE BRANDING PLAN Ability to come up with a creative, holistic and synergistic BRANDING strategy Ability to come up with a feasible and sustainable plan in the Philippine setting Ability to come up with a defensive and competitive advantageous strategy CREATIVE EXECUTION Ideas and campaigns are fresh and innovative Effectively and clearly presented the copy, visuals and other communication materials PRESENTATION Informative and appropriate exhibit in presentation materials Ability to match visual and verbal presentation Stage presence and smart delivery Ability to answer questions clearly with justification TOTAL

PROGRAM FLOW MARKSTRIFE Seniors Marketing Plan Competition September 26, 2013 Bulwagang Balagtas, NALLRC Bldg, PUP Manila Time Limit 5 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 4 minutes 2 minutes 3 hrs (30 minutes each) 5 minutes 3 hrs (30 minutes each) 10 minutes 5 minutes 1 minute Activity Invocation Opening remarks AVP of MARKSTRIFE Presentation of Company Case Introduction to the panel of judges Presentation and defense of first batch (maximum of 6 teams) Break-time/ Intermission number Presentation and defense of last batch (maximum of 6 teams) Ice breaker Awarding ceremony Closing remarks

1:00 PM 1:05PM 1:07 PM 1:09 PM 1:13 PM 1:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:20 PM 7:20 PM 7:30 PM 7:35 PM

MARKSTRIFE Juniors 360 Degree Branding Competition October 5, 2013 Bulwagang Balagtas, NALLRC Bldg, PUP Manila 10:00AM 1:05PM 1:07 PM 1:09 PM 1:13 PM 1:15 PM 4:15 PM 4:20 PM 7:20 PM 7:30 PM 7:35 PM 5 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 4 minutes 2 minutes 3 hrs (30 minutes each) 5 minutes 3 hrs (30 minutes each) 10 minutes 5 minutes 1 minute Invocation Opening remarks AVP of MARKSTRIFE Presentation of Company Case Introduction to the panel of judges Presentation and defense of first batch (maximum of 6 teams) Break-time/ Intermission number Presentation and defense of last batch (maximum of 6 teams) Ice breaker Awarding ceremony Closing remarks

Prepared by: CARLOS S.D. ARENAS JR. Executive Vice President, PUP JME Project Chairman, MARKSTRIFE Battery Competition Approved by: RONNEL M. BONADOR VP for Research and Development, PUP JME Endorsed by: DON KIM V. PAGALILAWAN President, PUP JME Noted by: PROF. ANGELINA G. GOYENECHEA Chairperson, Department of Marketing Adviser, PUP JME CYRUS M. IGNACIO VP for Projects, PUP JME

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