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In this article, organic colloidal synthesis by using

Communication different oleic acid (OA)/2-ethylhexanoic acid (EHA)

ratio was reported for the first time. We found that all
Organic Synthesis with Different synthesized Sb2S3 nanowires show the flower-like orga-
nization and that the optical band-gap energy is
OA/EHA Ratios of Sb2S3 Nanowires independent of OA/EHA ratio. Also, Sb2S3 nanowires
of Flower-Like Organization grow predominantly along the [010] direction, and a
and [010] Orientation significant decrease in unit cell parameters a, b, and c
followed by decreasing the OA/EHA ratio was observed.
It seems that the shorter branched hydrocarbon chain in
IVANA Lj. VALIDŽIĆ, NADICA D. ABAZOVIĆ, excess leads to the better structural stability. No similar
and MIODRAG MITRIĆ results were found in the literature concerning the
as-synthesized Sb2S3 nanomaterial.
We report the first time as-synthesized antimony trisul- All chemicals (antimony [III] chloride [SbCl3] [99.0 pct
fide (Sb2S3) nanowires with flower-like organization by min Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA], sulfur powder [S]
using different oleic acid (OA)/2-ethylhexanoic acid [99.999 pct Alfa Aesar], paraffin liquid [J.T. Baker,
(EHA) ratio. The resulting optical band-gap energy is Phillipsburg, NJ], OA [C18H34O2] [65 pct GC Fluka;
1.6 eV, and it is independent of the OA/EHA ratios. Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO], EHA [99 pct, Alfa Aesar),
Sb2S3 nanowires grow predominantly along the [010] oleylamine techn. [70 pct Sigma Aldrich], hexan [J.T.
direction, and a significant decrease in unit cell param- Baker], isopropyl alcohol [J.T. Baker], methanol [J.T.
eters was observed. It seems that the shorter branched Baker], and benzene [J.T. Baker]) were of the highest
hydrocarbon chain leads to the better structural stability purity available, and they were used without subsequent
of the synthesized Sb2S3 nanowires. purification.
In a typical synthesis of Sb2S3 nanowires of flower-like
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-012-1097-5 organization, both the Sb(III)-complex precursor solution
Ó The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM and sulfur precursor solution were prepared at the same
International 2012 time. The Sb(III)-complex solution was prepared by
adding 1.8 mmol of SbCl3 to a mixture containing
different OA/EHA ratios [(1) 4 mL OA and 1 mL EHA,
(2) 2.5 mL OA and 2.5 mL EHA, and (3) 1 mL OA and
One of the most interesting sulfide materials is anti- 4 mL EHA]. Mixture was kept at 363 K (90 °C) and
mony trisulfide (Sb2S3) that crystallizes in the ortho- stirred for 30 minutes until Sb-fatty acid complex was
rhombic system (pbnm space group).[1] It is well known formed. The other flask was loaded with 2.7 mmol of
that stibnite (Sb2S3) is a common mineral.[2] As a member S powder, 2 mL oleylamine, and 25 mL of paraffin liquid.
of V-VI group binary chalcogenides possessing good The mixture was kept at 513 K (240 °C) for approximately
photosensitivity and high thermoelectric power, it is 30 minutes, i.e., until transparent yellow mixture was
regarded as a promising material for solar energy con- formed. Then, a Sb- fatty acid complex was injected swiftly
version because of its band gap that covers the range of the into the S-precursor solution. The mixture was maintained
solar spectrum.[3] Therefore, various methods have been at 513 K (240 °C) with continuous stirring. Immediately
employed to synthesize this material at the nanoscale.[4–6] after reaching the temperature of 513 K (240 °C), the
Sb2S3 nanostructures with different morphologies and color of the mixed solution turned from orange-yellow to
architectures were prepared by some convenient meth- gray black, indicating the formation of the Sb2S3 species.
ods,[6–8] but colloidal organic syntheses of antimony The as-synthesized Sb2S3 precipitates at 513 K (240 °C)
trisulfide (Sb2S3) nanomaterials are rare in the scientific were heated for 6 minutes from the moment when Sb-fatty
papers. So far, Deng et al.[9] reported the first synthesis acid complex was injected. After this time, the reaction
of Sb2Se3 xSx nanotubes across the entire compositional was stopped by an injection of hexane/isopropyl mixture
range (x = 0 to 3) via a colloidal synthetic method. We (1/1, vol/vol). The resulting solid products were retrieved
report the first synthesis of the Sb2S3 nanorods/bars by by centrifugation and washed/precipitated few times with
the modified colloidal synthetic method.[10] Until now, methanol/benzene mixture, until paraffin liquid was
the developments regarding the synthesis of this material removed. The final products were dispersible in organic
are few, especially related to the growth using organic solvents such as isopropyl alcohol.
colloidal methods. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observa-
tions and measurements were performed using JEOL
JSM-6460LV instrument (JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
The Sb2S3 samples were coated with a thin layer of gold
IVANA Lj. VALIDŽIĆ, Senior Scientific Associate, and NADICA deposited by the sputtering process.
D. ABAZOVIĆ, Scientific Associate, are with the Laboratory for Absorption spectra of the Sb2S3 samples in isopropyl
Radiation Chemistry and Physics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, alcohol were recorded using PerkinElmer Lambda 9 UV-
University of Belgrade, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia. Contact e-mail: VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer, Waltham, MIODRAG MITRIĆ, Scientific Adviser, is with
the Laboratory for Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, Vinča MA).
Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade The X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) patterns of
Manuscript submitted September 16, 2011. the investigated samples were obtained on a Philips


PW-1050 automated diffractometer (Philips, Amsterdam, differences were observed between the samples. The
the Netherlands) using CuKa radiation (operated at lengths of the nanowires range from 5 to 10 lm and the
40 kV and 30 mA). A fixed 1 deg divergence and 0.1 deg diameters ranged from 40 to 140 nm in all the samples
receiving slits were used. Diffraction data for structural observed. The mixture of two fatty acids (OA:EHA =
analysis were collected in the 2h range 10 deg to 120 deg, linear:branched) provided not only the growth of Sb2S3
counting for 12 seconds in 0.02 deg steps. A structure nanowires, but also what we strongly believe is respon-
analysis was conducted by the use of the KOALARIE sible for flower-like organization. In fact, the particles
computing program ([11] based that nucleated at higher temperatures have smaller radii
on the Rietveld full profile refinement method.[12] This than those nucleated at lower temperatures. This finding
program is suitable to obtained microstructural param- indicates that nucleation is substantially faster as the
eters such as crystallite size, microstrain, R-factor, and temperature increases and that the growth kinetics is less
the preferred orientation parameter.[11] Samples for strongly dependent on temperature. Primacy in the
XRPD measurements were prepared using standard growth kinetics takes over the solvents.[15] As far as we
protocol.[13] are aware, a more complex form than a flower-like
The current synthetic method is modified, well-developed organization has not been obtained to date.
technique for colloidal synthesis established by Deng The Sb2S3 is a direct band gap semiconductor. Optical
et al. by using ‘‘green’’ and low-cost paraffin liquid as absorption measurements were carried out to elucidate
the solvent.[14] This technique avoids the use of trioc- information on the band gap energy, which is one of the
tylphosphine (TOP), as TOP is unstable, hazardous, most important electronic parameters for semiconduc-
expensive, and environmentally harmful solvent, tor nanomaterials. Because all experimental results,
whereas paraffin liquid is a nontoxic, environmentally including XRPD and SEM observations, suggest that
friendly, and stable solvent with boiling point above Sb2S3 nanowires of flower-like organization are in pure,
573 K (300 °C). Also, the synthesis can be carried out high-quality crystalline phases, we suppose that the
under nitrogen or open to air. To the best to our absorption spectrum represents the true absorption
knowledge, this is the first colloidal synthesis of Sb2S3 behavior of the Sb2S3 nanowires. The absorption spectra
nanowires where the mixture of two fatty acids (nonco- of slightly turbid Sb2S3 dispersions with different OA/
ordinating solvents) was used and where nanowires of EHA ratios represented in Figure 3(A) were analyzed
flower-like organization were observed. Low-magnification using the following well-known relation: a = k(hm) 1
SEM micrographs of Sb2S3 nanowires and Sb2S3 nano- (hm – Eg)n/2 where k is the constant, hm is the photon
wires dispersed in isopropyl alcohol are shown on energy, and n is equal to 1 for the direct band gap. Plots
Figure 1. The initial Sb2S3 nanowires are gray-black in of (ahm)2 vs (hm) for the Sb2S3 samples are shown in
color and stuck with each other, and therefore, they are Figure 3(B). As can be observed, all three plots are
visible to the naked eye. linear. The values obtained by extrapolating the straight
The morphologies of the Sb2S3 nanowires of the portion to energy axis at zero absorption coefficients
flower-like organization were examined with an SEM. gave the direct band gaps of 1.6 eV for all three plots,
Figure 2 shows the product of the as-synthesized Sb2S3 respectively. The optical band-gap energy of the Sb2S3
powders, which were obtained for different OA/EHA nanowires of flower-like organization is independent of
ratios: A column (OA/EHA = 4), B column (OA/ the OA/EHA ratios. The band gap of the Sb2S3 varies
EHA = 1), and C column (OA/EHA = 0.25); all between 1.5 and 2.1 in the literature because of the
powders were heated for the same time and compared changes in the crystallinity, size, and shape in the nano
at the same magnification. No significant morphological regime.[1,4–6,9,16] So, the direct band gap energy of each

Fig. 1—Low-magnification SEM micrograph and photographs of Sb2S3 nanowires dispersed in isopropyl alcohol.


Fig. 2—SEM images of the as-synthesized Sb2S3 powders obtained for different OA/EHA ratios: A column (OA/EHA = 4), B column
(OA/EHA = 1), and C column (OA/EHA = 0.25) heated for the same time and compared using the same magnification.

sample at 1.6 eV corresponds to the optical transitions structure, where all diffraction peaks could be indexed to
expected for Sb2S3 in the literature. a pure phase of Sb2S3 (JCPDS 03-065-2432). The
The refinement of the diffraction data showed that structure refinements were done in the space group Pnma
Sb2S3 powder belongs to the orthorhombic type of (no.62). The results of the final Rietveld refinements for


Fig. 3—Ultraviolet-Vis absorption spectra (A) and plots for determination of Eg (B) of the Sb2S3 nanowires dispersed in isopropyl alcohol and
obtained for different OA/EHA ratio: a (OA/EHA = 4), b without column (OA/EHA = 1), and c without column (OA/EHA = 0.25), heated
for the same time.

Fig. 4—Final Rietveld plots of Sb2S3 powders obtained for different OA/EHA ratios: A without column (OA/EHA = 4), B without column
(OA/EHA = 1), and C without column (OA/EHA = 0.25), heated for the same time, with corresponding planes (JCPDS 03-065-2432).


all three samples with different OA/EHA ratios are different ratios precipitated at 513 K (240 °C). We also
depicted in Figure 4. The structure of antimony trisul- presented that Sb2S3 nanowires with flower-like organi-
fide was refined down to the R-factor of 10.76 pct zation grow predominantly along the [010] direction and
(Figure 4(a)), 10.87 pct (Figure 4(b)), and 10.49 pct that an excess of EHA fatty acid with the shorter
(Figure 4(c)). The values of estimated standard devia- branched hydrocarbon chain better stabilizes the system
tions as well as reliability factors confirmed that these structurally than linear OA fatty acid.
data are reliable and that the structure was well refined
(not shown). The unit cell parameters are as follows:
a = 1.13230 nm, b = 0.38438 nm, and c = 1.12426 nm
(Figure 4(a)); a = 1.13192 nm, b = 0.38418 nm, and
c = 1.12389 (Figure 4(b)); and a = 1.13191 nm,
b = 0.38415 nm, and c = 1.12384 nm (Figure 4(c)). Financial support for this study was granted by
As can be observed, the unit cell parameters (a, b, and the Ministry of Science and Technological Develop-
c) decrease with a decreasing OA/EHA ratio, implying ment of the Republic of Serbia (Project 172056 and III
that the smaller unit cell dimensions are more energy 45015).
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