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Mobile phone is a good technology which is not lacking from our lives. As the Manager of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, I am to write an analysis the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones. Today, mobile phone has become popular to everybody since it is very convenient. The most advantage of having a mobile phone is you can communicate to your family and your friends no matter what where you are (Alam, S., & Islam, Y. M, 2008). For instance, you can contact easily to your friends by calling or sending messages everywhere without electricity. It is maybe the main reason why almost all people today choose to own a mobile phone. From the customers point of view, it is obvious that mobile phones assist you in business a lot, such as, make schedule of working, surf the internet, and keep in touch with their companies (Dhanarajan, T., 2009). Moreover, you can relax with mobile phones applications, for example, play games, listen to music, or chat with your friends. In addition, the more you talk, the more you know how to talk and the better your communication skills become. This is applicable if youre a sensible person and keep note of your interacting habits over the phone. It can be a communication tutorial! Nothing more than a cell phone comes to great help in emergency. You are driving by the freeway and the vehicle jams and cell phone comes to your rescue. You are stuck in a lone place, again call somebody and ask for directions. Otherwise, parents can be a little less worried about their kids by being in constant touch with them. If youre a net-savvy, you can have Internet handy all the time and anywhere the signal of your cell phone provider can reach. Trendy



and stylish cell phones can be used as a bait to receive attention. It can be part of fashion and styling (Batchuluun, B., Ramos, A. J., & Trinona, J. P. 2007). From the industy and economy point of view, cell phone companies is flourishing as mushrooms with market capital in billions. This is a good thing for the economy to be smooth and healthy. Companies find it yet another medium to advertise their products; so another medium to reach the consumers. Nowadays, cell phones are not just phone calls; theyre about messaging, vidoe, songs, games, alarm clock, notes, calendar, reminder, etc. So one equipment, lots of uses! Although cell phone use can be dangerous while driving but sometimes it can be a time-saver - you are driving and simultanesouly discussing some urgent matter as well. As sensible and only urgent usage during driving can be a great help at times. As reported in mobile magazine Times Magazine 2013 edition of February, there are more than 3.4 billion cell phone users worldwide, making cell phones more common than PCs. Cell phones are a modern phenomenon with a greater impact than the Internet. Increased mobility, access to a myriad of new technologies and the ability to travel throughout the world with an added sense of security have afforded us the opportunity to explore all that life has to offer as well as the mobility. The home telephone requires users to be tethered to one locale in order to usetheir voice calling services. The original cell phone improved upon this dilemma by providing mobile telephone devices that could be installed in cars or carried around in large, weighty bags. Though obsolete by today's standards, the original cell phone provided a glimpse into a future where home phones would no longer be necessary.



Today, technologically advanced devices fit in our pockets and travel with us wherever we go. Improvements in technology have increased cell phone coverage on a global scale. The increased accessibility to global phone coverage allows us to make and receive voice calls wherever we are in the world. In other of point of view, mobile phones began as very limited devices that provided only voice services. Today, these devices also provide a myriad of data services that allow us to browse the Internet, send SMS and MMS messages; check email, watch movies, listen to music, take pictures, record videos, play video games and read documents (United Nations. 2008). Some phones even provide a variety of specific applications, including the ability to review every dining option in a three-mile radius. All of these data options have changed the way we stay connected and how we entertain ourselves. Mobile phones have also made long-distance calling affordable. Most cell phone plans include nationwide long-distance calling as a part of their service at no additional cost. International calling costs are also greatly reduced, allowing users to call all over the world at extremely low rates. Possibly the greatest feature of the mobile phone is the added sense of safety it provides. Whenever we are in need of help, cell phones give us the ability to contact friends, relatives and local emergency services, while family calling plans have given parents and children the ability to stay connected. Additionally, cell phones are equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) that doubles as a directional guide and homing device. The former keeps us from getting lost, while the latter allows police to find us in the event of emergency.



Mobile phones have changed the world by becoming a mandatory component for living and thriving in modern society. Cell phones have enriched our lives on a variety of levels, and rapidly increasing technology assures us that they will continue to add new possibilities in the years to come. In other hands, given that social interaction is central to effective learning, as indicated by theories of new learning, mobile phones should also impact educational outcomes by facilitating communication(Alam, S., & Islam, Y. M, 2008). Mobiles permit collaborative learning and continued conversation despite physical location and thus advance the process of coming to know, which occurs through conversations across contexts and among various people. Via mobile technology, learners engage in conversation whereby they resolve differences, understand the experiences of others, and create common interpretations and shared understanding of the world On the other hand, considering that fact a serious question arises. Are there disadvantages of using a mobile phone? I believe that possessing a mobile phone hides numerous disadvantages with social problems, health and economic issues being the leading ones on a lengthy list Using a lot mobile phone can harm your brain, particularly teenager and children who are under 16 years old. If you use mobile phones too much, you will get bad effects like dizzy, blood-brain barrier, or ears problems. In addition, when you use mobile phones while you are driving, you will get an accident.



The most widely spread disadvantage though the most unseen, is the addictive relation developed between a mobile telephone and its user. Psychiatrists and sociologists believe that mobile phone addiction is becoming one of the biggest non-drug addictions in the 21st century. Along with the age drop of the mobile phone users and the ease of prepaid method provide by the system operators, most teenagers now own their own mobile phone and network service. Teenagers are engaged on their mobile phones all the time, no matter on phone calls, using SMS text messages, personalizing the mobile phones with ringtones and pictures etc. . In addition ,it is essential not good for you and others. Moreover, radiations emitted from the phone are dead harmful for the eardrum, has proved by many scientist. It is inevitable that a mobile phone would create a certain level of radiation while being used much. Scientific research has pointed out that such amount of radiation would potentially lead to serious diseases, such as cancer and tumor. Thus a long-time use of mobile phones might harm ones health. Another problem often observed is how the inappropriate use of a mobile phone interferes with peoples activities. For example, during an important conference, calling or receiving mobile phones would distract audience attention and impair the quality of the conference. Some students like to create bomb threats by calling emergency numbers on their phones. They may try it in restrooms when no one is nearby. They might do so between classes. Which means, that will put a delay for all the classes at school, before an emergency team arrives. Once the students are accused for the threat, they could get arrested and suspended.



Another type of problematic social behavior resulted from the emergence of mobile phones is losing good habits, such as punctuality. When we couldnt keep in touch so easily, if we had a date with someone, we tried our best to arrive on time. But now, because of the mobile phone, we are not afraid of being late any more. If we are likely to be late, we will call him and say I am sorry I will be late, it seems that I am on time if I give him a late call. Repeating it makes us develop an irresponsible behavior.

The increased risk that mobile phones pose to driving is clear-cut and widely acknowledged and commonly called a Fatal distraction. It may seem harsh but unfortunately it is the plain truth. This increased risk is due to the inability of the human brain to fully focus on driving while, and shortly after, talking on a cell phone leading into an accident. Matter of factly it is so dangerous that in many countries has been legally penalized Mobile phones can also be a distraction in the classroom. Students whose minds wander during a lecture or discussion may find the temptation of texting instead of listening hard to resist. They are also potentially a distraction to the class if the student forgets to set their phone to vibrate rather than ring during calls. Even the vibration can be distracting, and it does not take much for a teacher to lose their momentum. The using of mobile phone also can be as the rumor mill: in the old game telephone, a message was whispered into the ear of a child who then passes that message on by whispering into the ear of the next child, and so on, until all students have heard the message. When the last person hears the message, he or she stands up and repeats the message to the rest of the class, finding much to his dismay that his final story bears little resemblance to the message as it began. Todays telephone game is similar and texting



messages can spread through students much faster, oftentimes setting off unnecessary and unfounded rumors and fears (Wagner, D., & Kozma, R, 2005). To conclude, it is inarguable that mobile phones are not perfect so far, but they can produce more valuable and beneficial influences. For the recommendation, I am loudly suggest as the modern citizen, as well as we provided with good ethics,obey to the religion, and connect to the society, we must first have faith and trust worthy to each other due to evaluate somethings that are equipt with technologies because they can be friends and would be an silence enemy. Think, evaluate and be responsible enough on what we are using for. Thus, I am convinced that their advantages outweigh the disadvantages.



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