Covering Letter To Shri. P C George On Arbitration 19 Aug 2013 Reg Arbitration Agreement To Establish Truth of Allegations Raised by Him Against Shaffi Mather PDF

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shaffl Mather Mather Estate

Thevakkal Coahln

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Government Chlef Whip

Keaala Leglglative Assmbly Complex


50O 0O5

Res Address: Shrl. P C George TC 12/741(1), Poonjar Bhawen

Varambassery Road

ilear Govemment law College Vanchlyoor P O Thiruvanathapuram

Xerala 695 03S


A!g!st, 2012

tnrdr or ot the Wlld .nd B-d63 AllrFtions rab.d bV Yon .n.In th. w Shour on 196.|uly, 2O!t - R.queil tor. FAIR AllO JUST ARBITMTIoI{ undcr THE ARSITRATION A D OOI{CILIATIOI{ ACI, 1996 $'lth oqr re.pectlv W..lth .3 Dama8. as challcnged by |nc In the TV l{awi Sho$ on $6 July, 2013.
Sob: Ertablbhirg


Shrl. P C George,

You have made several wlld and baseless allegations agalnst rne through Tv Channels, Newspapers and Presr Confrences. Your allegations and commenG are ofteh in too lowly, demeaning and condescendlng languate which is clearly agaanst our Ke.ala culture and standards. Unfortunately, my culture and backSround do not permit me to respond to you in the rather low, demeaning and condescending lan8uaSe you have been conductlng yourslf tor some time now. Yet, it is personally important to me that I tryto cle.r my name of the wild and baseless allegations raisd by you. As you are aheady awate, I akeady issued legal notice to you on 23 July, 2013 from the law Flrm M/5. Mather and lcishna. I reconfirm that lshall be pulslling both cdminal and civil defamatlon slits to sstablish my Inte$ity and the falsene3! ot the various wild and baseless allegatlons made by you atainst

ln the TV News Shows on 19h.lulY. 2013, you made a wild and baseless alleSatlon that that I drew Rs.73.50 Lacs asTA and DAfrom Governmentol Kerala while servinS as the Economic Advisor to the Hon. Chief Minister, Kerala lmmediately after you made this wild and you in baseless allegation in the respective TV News shows on 19'" luly, 2013, I challenged

the resoective TV News Show itselt to prove your allegation and I further committed that I will voluntarily and happily give away all my Pe.sonalwealth (wealth in my name)to you, your nominee Charitable Organiration or Slate of Xerala if yo! proved your alleSatiohs you al to made against me in the TV News Shows on 19th July, 2013. I also challenged whether vou are willinS to Sive awav your wealth to me, mV nominee Charitable Organization or State of Kerala ifyour alle8ations made aSainst me in the TV News Shows o'
19th July,2013 were proved talse.

am herewith enclosing an Arbitration Agreement under the Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996 on stamp Papers (3 copis) to be entered into between you and me which is already signed by me to establish the facts and truth about th allegations you have raised atainst me in the w News shows on 19n July, 2013 A! stated in the enclosed Arbitration Agreement, I am willing to subiect mvself to examining

ln the above context,

your allegation that I drew Rs. 73.50 Lacs as TA and DA trom Government of Ketala and elso enter into other Arbitration Agreements specifically for the other allegations you raised in the W News Shows on 19th JulY,2013: Your allegation5 regarding any wrongdoing by me in reSard to 108 Ambulance


b. c. d. e,

Service in Kerala?

Your allegations regarding my Foreign Travels while serving as Economic Advisor to

the Chief Minister, Ke.ala?

Your allegations regarding my Assets (including Liabilities)? Yourallegations regarding my Foreign BankAccounts? Your allegations regarding any Involvement from my side in Solarcase?

Whlle I am willing to submit to the examination of all your allegations as above, I am not proof willlng to 8et into continuing allegation slanSlng match from Vou without any basis or which has been your past and present practice defamlng others, blackmailing othe6 and intimidating others to submit to your blackmail. This has also been made clear in the enclosed Arbitration Agreement.

I have proposed Shri. M v Nikesh Kumat, Shri Vinu , Veliyath and Shri T M Harshan' the three TV News Show Anchors of Reporter TV, fuianet News and Mathrubhuml News on 19'" lulv, 2013 as the Arbitrators to establish the facts and truth about the allegatlons raised by you against me in the TV News Shows on 19n'luly, 2013 Shrl. M V tllkesh Kumar of Reponer TV 6nd Shri. T M Harshan of Mathrubhumi News have klndly consented to be the
Arbitntors in regard to establishlnS the veraclty (truth ortalseness) ot the alleSations raised on the by you against me in the Tv News Shows on 19rh July, 2013 and thereafter decide subJcct whose inttance at challenSe between us as to whose wealth should be Siven away vinu to you aP C GeorSel also sisnin8 the Arbitration Agreement l as'ait response from Shri I Veliyath ofAsianet News as to his consent to be one otthe Arbitrators'

have trust in Almithty God, my conscience is clear and I know thet TRUTH WlLl PREVAIL I to this Arbitration taken this step of putting my entire personal wealth on the llne in

establish the truth as I believe that the current socio_political culture espoused by valueless politicians like You oI tryin8 to blackmail individualt bV continually raising $'ild and baseless allegations without any proof whatsoever slmplv becaus you / they 8et w Time and Newspaperspae hasto be erposed to the Kerala public
You may kindly note that if the Arbitrators hold that the allegations raised by yo! atainst me you are true, then thev afe bound under this Arbitration AEreement to award my wealth to th or to your nominee Charitable Organization or to State of Kerala. On the othet hand, if are bound they you are false, thn aSainst me Arbitrators hold that the allegations raised by under this Arbitration Agreement to a\xard your wealth to me or to my nominee Charitable OrBani2ation or to State of Kerala.

tf you have any values left In you, lf you have any tnolals left In You, if you hav' 'ny you tnd if courdge left in you, if you have anv splna lctt In you, it you hav any guG left In you have any cthics left in you, rlgn the AAltratlon Agaeenent and empower the th'ec Arbhrators to establigh the t.uth ebout the allctations ralsed by you against mc. You may keep one saSned copy of the Arbltration Agreement with you and send two signed giving on agreements back to me at Mather Estate, Thevakkal, cochin 682 021. I shall be to copy to the Arbitrators. For want of closure of this matter, my ofter of submitting myself th; A.bitration as ehvisa8ed uhder the enclosed Arbitration ASreement shall be valid till 31" you, August, 2013 by which time il t don't recelve the signed Arbitration Agreement trom an your will be non acceptane the ofter contained herein shall stand expired, and admisslon by you that the allegations raised by you were false and false to your knowledge Separately, I reserve Iny riShts to proceed underthe law ih regard to the blataht detamation
undertaken by you aSaanst me.

you don'i sign thc A.bit6tion A8.eftem and sub.nh to th efforts lo establish the truth or falsenes.e ot yout allelations, I u.8e You to qult Rlblic Lite Includin8 the position ot Govemrnei* Chiet Whip ind MLA and apdlotlr! to ma and to all those whon you have d{amed with yosr v.riout wild end }raseless allc.tatlons and to the steerned pople ol Kerah publich for your irtetpon3ibl., illethlm.te and leptehcnslble aonduct.


sd.lShatfi Mather

(Preiently at TED Fellows Retreat, Whlstler, Brltl3h Columbia, Can.dal

paper si8ned bY Shaffi Mather Enclosures:3 copies of Atbftratlon agreement In Stamp

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