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Perturbation Techniques in Nonlinear Acoustics

Vanessa Fotso Simo Ashwin Thomas

ME 6444 May 2, 2013

1 Introduction 2 Straightforward Expansion 2.1 Traveling waves in innite half-space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Multiple Scales 3.1 Sound generation by vibrating bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Nonlinear propagation in air ducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Coupled Homotopy and Lindstedt-Poincare Methods 3 4 5 7 7 10 11


Leonhard Euler pioneered the application of continuum physics to the theory of sound propagation in the eighteenth century, and dAlembert further developed the eld of acoustics by deriving the wave equation for string motion. Most acoustical phenomena can be described by this 1-D wave equation. In the mid-nineteenth century, however, it was discovered that linear acoustics is only applicable when the amplitude of the sound wave being studied is suciently small. As such, nonlinear acoustics can be described as the study of the eects of nite amplitude sound waves. The local eects of nite-amplitude sound waves can be approximated to commonly-used linear solutions. As such, the important aspect of nonlinear acoustics is the study of novel and substantial phenomena that can be produced by the accumulation of realtively small nonlinearities over a suciently large time or distance[1, 2, 10]. The standard method for deriving the 1-D wave equation of linear acoustics involves the manipulation and combination of an equation of state, a conservation of mass equation, and an equation of motion or momentumoften the linearized Eulers equation. A review of literature on the fundamentals of nonlinear acoustics revealed a variety of approaches. Pierce[10] started with ideal uid-dynamic equations in terms of velocity, neglecting viscous and other disspiative terms, and restricted the analysis to 1-D ow. Similarly, Crighton[1] studied the basic eects of nonlinearity on small-amplitude sound waves in the absense of dissipation and spreading, then included thermoviscous disspation to derive Burgers equation. Both Pierce and Crighton went on to describe nonlinear distortion of acoustic waves as well as the determination of the location of a shock wavewhere a discontinuity in the characterisitics of the medium occurs. Eno[2] introduced a complex derivation of Kuznetsovs equationa generalization of dAlemberts equation in terms of the velocity potential with new terms due to nonlinearity and disspationand then, applying various assumptions regarding these new terms, derived Burgers and Riemanns equations describing nonlinear plane waves. Unfortunately, all of the methods described above were dicult to compare to the classical nonlinear analysis techniques studied in ME 6444. Consequently, we rst review the perturbation expansion technique described in Kinsler[5] to produce solutions for systems featuring 1-D plane waves. Furthermore, we explore the application of the method of multiple scales[8] to describe sound generation by vibrating bodies[3] and plane wave propagation in ducts[7, 9]. Finally, we investigate homotopy and Lindstedt-Poincare methods[4, 6] in nonlinear acoustics, and compare results with the method of multiple scales.

Straightforward Expansion

Kinsler[5] presents a straightforward perturbation expansion techniquewhich is described in the text as fairly successful in regions not near the formation of shock wavesto analyze the nonlinear acoustic wave equation. Kinsler begins to derive the nonlinear wave equation by considering an innite homogenous medium with no boundaries. The text retains nonlinear contributions to constitutive equations only through second order in acoustic variables, and so the subsequent wave equation can be described as lossy, nonlinear, and only valid for small condensations. Equations 1 show the expressions for the adiabatic equation of state, continuity (conservation of mass), and motion (the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation) in terms of the dimensionless scaled acoustic pressure q = 0pc2 . 1 p = P0 [s + ( 1)s2 + ] 2 1 q 2 q +u= (qu) t 2 t u 4 [ + (u )u] = p + ( + B )( u) u t 3


Manipulations of equations 1 result in equation 2, the nonlinear lossy wave equation in 4 +B 3 terms of the dimensionless scaled particle velocity v = u and relaxation time = . c 0 c2 q 2 2q 1 2 1 c (1 + ) q 2 = (q 2 + v 2 ) + c2 2 (q 2 v 2 ) 2 t t 2 t 2


2 L

The nal form of the wave equation, while substituting in the lossy dAlembertian c2 (1 + q )2 and = +1 , is shown in equation 3. t 2 c
2 2 Lq

2 2 = 2 (q ) t


The perturbation method shown in the text can be described as a straightforward expansion[8], where we assume the solution q to be of the following form, with small ( 1) q = q1 + 2 q 2 + 3 q 3 + Plugging in the assumed solution q into equation 3 results in c
2 2 Lq

2 2 2 = 2 ( q1 + 2 3 q1 q2 + ) t

Finally, we arrive at the ordered equations 4 correpsonding to the powers of

1 2

: : :

c2 c2 c2

2 L q1 2 L q2

=0 = (4)

2 2 (q ) t2 1 2 2 q = (2q1 q2 ) L 3 t2


Traveling waves in innite half-space

The text investigates the propagation of a plane wave traveling in the +x direction in free space, generated by a pressure p(0, t) = P sin( t) at x = 0. In an earlier chapter of the text, the solution to the linear lossy wave equation for a plane wave (in a disspative, dispersive medium) traveling in the +x direction is given as p = P0 es x ej (tkx ) , where s is the spatial absorption coecient. Accordingly, we can assume that equation 5 is the solution to the rst ordered equation in equation 4 generated by the straightforward expansion. p1 = P es x ej (tkx) (5)

Substitution into the next ordered equation of the expansion results in equation 6. The solution to equation 6 can then be likewise substituted into the next higher ordered equation and solved. Equations 7 are the nonlinear corrections to the plane wave solution, where the Goldberg number 0P c2 s


2 L p2

= 2 2 P 2 e2s x cos(2t 2kx)


1 p2 = P (e2s x e4s x )sin(2t 2kx) 4 1 2 1 s x 1 3s x 1 5s x p3 = P [( e e + e )sin(t kx) 8 4 2 4 1 3 1 +( e3s x e5s x + e9s x )sin(3t 3kx)] 2 4 4


It should be noted that straightforward expansion, as detailed in Nayfeh & Mook [8], fails in the analysis of conservative single degree-of-freedom systems. In Nayfeh & Mook, ordering of an assumed expansion of x results in a x3 solution with secular terms that grow with time. With the secular terms, the expansion of x is not periodic, and moreover as t goes to innity, the 3 x3 term of the expansion grows larger than the x1 and 2 x2 terms. This violates the intention of the expansion, which is to provide small corrections to the linear solution.

For this example of plane wave propagation, it appears that the straightforward expansion does not result in the same failure. Although it appears that secular terms are contained in the p3 solution 7, the exponential decay characterized in the dissipative, dispersive medium limits the growth of the second and third harmonics. Figure 1 below shows the temporal behavior of an example sound wave.

kg Figure 1: The temporal waveform of a 100 khz traveling plane wave in dry air (0 =1.21 m 3, c = m 1 343 s ) with s =0.317s . The initially sinusoidal wave has an rms pressure amplitude of 20 Pa and a Goldberg number =3.19. [5]


Multiple Scales
Sound generation by vibrating bodies

Geer [3] uses a generally familiar version of the method of multiple scales in the derivation of the nonlinear acoustic wave equation. The acoustic eld is described as being generated by the surface of a solid body in an inviscid, isentropic uid. The equations of conservation of mass and momentum are given by equations 8, with the Mach number of the ow given U . by M c 0 + M (u) = 0 t u + M 2 (u )u] = 0 + 2 [M t


The multiple scales expansion is better interpreted in the simple 1-D example, with the only spatial coordinate being x. The equations 8 therefore become: + M (u) = 0 t t u u + 2 [M + M 2u ] = 0 x t t


The rst step for the multiple scales technique is to dene the spatial scales and differential operators. We generally dont scale time to solve these ODEs because the time dependency can just be determined by initial conditions. As such, we are more interested in the behavior of the propagation in the x-direction. xk = M k x, Dk = , xk k = 0, 1, 2... (10)

Assuming that u and are functions of these new scales, and setting = M , we expand the following variables = 1 + 1 +

2 + ,

u = u0 + u1 +

u2 + ,

= + + xk x0 x1


Plugging in the expansions into equations 9, we generate the following ordered equations

1 + D0 u0 t u0 D0 1 + t 2 + D0 u1 t u1 D0 2 + t

=0 =0 (12) = (D1 u0 + D0 1 u0 ) = [u2 0 D0 + (2 )1 u0 + D1 1 ] t

To derive the solutions for order 1 , we use a function dened as you can see in equations 13. As a result, the general form of the 0th order velocity and 1st order density is found. The 2nd order equation is a little bit harder to solve. Geer[3] derives the general solution and then eliminates what would correspond to secular termsthe terms that would make the 2nd order expansion terms grow faster than the 1st order termsin regular multiple scales expansion.

solution :

1 =

, t

u0 =

, x0

2 2 2 =0 t2 x0 1 = u0 = f (t x, x1 , x2 , ...) (13)

solution :

= F (t x, x1 , x2 , ...) 1+ D0 f 2 = 0 D1 f + 4

We end up with the denite form of the function f, the general form of the 1st order terms. ( ) = f (t x + 1 + x1 f ( )) f =f 2 (14)

from the boundWe can then proceed to recursively compute terms of the function f ary/initial conditions. Figure 2 presents solutions assuming as initial conditions a sinusoidal displacement for dierent values of M. We can clearly see, for M=0.04, the solutions approaches a N-wave as the propagation distance gets bigger.

1 Figure 2: Approximations to M for the simple 1-D example, plotted as a function of distance from the source with (a) M = 0.01 and (b) M = 0.04 [3]


Nonlinear propagation in air ducts

Nayfeh[7, 9] also uses multiple scales to derive solutions for the propagation of nite-amplitude plane waves in ducts. The method is the same as the one outlined in the previous section, so step-by-step details are omitted, but there are interesting features that are inherent to the acoustics aspect of the problems. These considerations would be useful to be able to eciently apply multiple scales to any nonlinear acoustics situation. The choice of the spatial scales Nayfeh uses is peculiar. In the quasi-one-dimensional problem[7], the spatial scale chosen is solely x1 = x. The reason for this choice of spatial scale is to consider the effect of the variable cross-sectional area of the duct on the wave propagation, assuming the cross-section changes as a function of the 1st order slow scale. Adversely, the two-dimensional solution[9] only uses x0 = x and x2 = 2 x as spatial scales. The eects being analyzed are the wavelength (fast scale x0 ) and the amplitude modulation (2nd order slow scale). Furthermore, in the 1-D problem, new scale variables are dened to couple time and space as shown in equations 15 and 16. These variables allow better characterization of the forward-backward moving waves. The expansions of u and s assume forms that depend on the following variables: =t dx , c0 =t+ dx c0 (15)

Also, the temporal and spatial derivatives transform according to = + t 1 = ( )+ x c0 x1


The main takeaway from these studies is that the scales used in this method are not merely mathematical tricks, but can be used and interpreted with the physics of the considered problem. Depending on the eect one wants to look at, it is possible to tailor the scales in order to amplify those eects in the derived solution.


Coupled Homotopy and Lindstedt-Poincare Methods

He[4] presents a homotopy method that is a useful perturbation method for strongly nonlinear problems, as it is really easy to construct the perturbation equation regardless of the problem. We are going to look at an example of homotopy used on a Klein-Gordon wave equation. The interesting feature of this technique is that after constructing the perturbation equation using the homotopy parameter p, Mohyud-Din[6] used the Lindstedt-Poincare expansion to get a higher order approximate solution. The specic Klein-Gordon equation considered here is given by:
2 2u 2 u + 2 u = u t2 x2


The rst step here is connecting the time and space variables into a single one wave variable given by: = x ct (18)

We obtain the following equation, by substituting 18 into 17, and constructing a homotopy with parameter p, where the prime expresses the derivative with respect to our coupled variable : u + 2 u pu3 = 0 c2 2 c2 2 (19)

We use the frequency expansion scheme from the Lindstedt Poincare method to get equations 20: u = u0 + pu1 + p2 u2 + 2 = 2 + p1 + p2 2 2 2 c The ordered equations obtained from plugging the expansions into equation 19 are: po : p1 : u0 + 2 u0 = 0 u1 + 2 u1 = 1 u0 + u3 2 c 2 0 (21) (20)

We then proceed to the normal steps of all the perturbation methods. First, we assume a solution for the 1st ordered equation, then remove the secular terms in the following equations


to get the corrected frequency. We obtain the following set of expressions: u0 = Acos( ) 1 = 3A2 4(c2 2 ) A3 [cos(3 ) cos( )] u1 = 32 2 (c2 2 ) (22)

For the homotopy equation 19 to be fully nonlinear, we set p to 1. Replacing in the frequency expansion, we get the following expression of the frequency: = 4 2 3A2 4(c2 2 ) (23)

When we do the same for u, we get the nal solution: U = Acos( ) A3 [cos(3 ) cos( )] 32 2 (c2 2 ) (24)

We have derived the corrected frequency for this same problem using the multiple scales method outlined in lecture, and found = 8 2 3A2 2 8(c2 2 ) (25)

We can see a dierence between the frequencies resulting from the homotopy analysis (equation 23) and the multiple scales method (equation 25). The second term in the numerator of the frequency found from multiple scales is roughly a quarter of the corresponding term from the frequency generated by homotopy/Lindstedt-Poincare. It is still dicult to compare the two results because of the perturbation parameter 2 . The advantage of the homotopy appears to be in presenting a solution independent of terms.


[1] Crighton, D.G., et al. Modern Methods in Analytical Acoustics - Lecture Notes. SpringerVerlag, 1992. [2] Eno, Bengt O., and Claes M. Hedberg. Theory of nonlinear acoustics in uids. Vol. 67. Springer, 2002. [3] Geer, J.F., and Pope, D.S. A Multiple Scales Approach to Sound Generation by Vibrating Bodies. Computational Aeroacoustics, pp. 69-84, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993. [4] He, Ji-Huan. Application of homotopy perturbation method to nonlinear wave equations. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 26.3 (2005): 695-700. [5] Kinsler, L.E., et al. Fundamentals of Acoustics. 4th Edition. ISBN 0-471-84789-5. WileyVCH, 1999. [6] Mohyud-Din, S.T., Ahmet Yldrm, and Mustafa Inc. Coupling of homotopy perturbation and modied LindstedtPoincar methods for traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear KleinGordon equation. Journal of King Saud University-Science 24.2 (2012): 187-191. [7] Nayfeh, Ali H. Finite amplitude plane waves in ducts with varying properties. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 57 (1975): 1413. [8] Nayfeh, Ali H., and Dean T. Mook. Nonlinear oscillations. Wiley-VCH, 2008. [9] Nayfeh, Ali H., and Ming-Shing Tsai. Nonlinear acoustic propagation in two dimensional ducts. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 55 (1974): 1166. [10] Pierce, Allan D. Acoustics: an introduction to its physical principles and applications. McGraw-Hill, 1981.


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