DHI Friends Newsletter - Issue 3

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Bath Half Marathon

See page 3

Focus on... Irene McDonald, A DHI Trustee See page 4

DHI Friends
DHI friends newsletter #3 Summer 2013
We attended our first group meeting and I remember coming away afterwards thinking that this was exactly what I needed
Ros from Bath speaking about attending Family Support Groups.


Reach Out...

this issue Reach Out Conference 1 A word from our CEO 2 Bath Half Marathon Think Different Exhibition 3 Focus on... Irene McDonald 4 Sainsburys Community Grant Family Focus Programme 5 Focus on... Matt Willis 6 Become a DHI Friend Make a Donation 7 News in Brief Coming up next time Have your say 8

eveloping Health and Independences (DHI) annual regional conference for the families and carers of service users in April put the spotlight on the vital importance of families having the opportunity to be heard by service providers. So often, when someone has an addiction, the focus is mostly on them but DHI recognises that families are just as affected and need support too. Our free two day conference was attended by a mixture of people from families of those with addictions to social/outreach workers, counsellors and professionals. The Thursday evening was led by Dr Phil Hammond GP and satirist who gave a GPs perspective of addiction, and compred a question and answer panel made up of two local service commissioners, an ex service user who shared his recovery story, a mother of a person affected by alcoholism, a young carer and the Director of Adfam. The audience asked powerful questions that included How can you better support families when a loved one goes to prison?, and Do families of addicts receive right care and info from GPs, and how can we engage GPs more effectively? Friday was a jam-packed day of information sharing which incorporated

Amazing... so thankful that I came along. I feel more informed and empowered as a result

Good mix of talks, entertaining poetry and workshops. Liked having research/ practical mix

presentations on current ideas and latest research (such as child to parent violence), networking opportunities, break-out sessions which included stories of recovery, and performances from The Royal Mail Choir and spoken word poet Steve Duncan. The whole event was extremely well received, and we look forward to next years conference. Our hope is that our annual conference continues to grow and interest people as we feel that it is vital for all professionals working with families to listen, understand, take action and offer appropriate support. Look out for news about the conference, and other future events on our website www.dhi-online.org.uk

The recovery break out session was inspirational, thank you so much

DHI Friends

Issue no.3

A word from our CEO

lthough very few of DHIs services are dedicated to working with families, we rarely find ourselves working with individuals in isolation: life is simply not like that. While this Friends issue gives some insight into DHIs work with families, our involvement with them goes much wider as it is clear to DHI that in most cases, by involving those who share their lives with our clients our impact is so much more effective. None of us live in isolation, and even if we are estranged from our immediate family, their impact is lasting and we all need the bonds of close friendships to sustain us and make life worth living. A quick trip on the internet for quotes about family demonstrates this admirably: Having a place to go - is a home. Having someone to love - is a family. Having both is a blessing Donna Hedges. The thing about family disasters is that you never have to wait long before the next one puts the previous one into perspective Robert Brault. Strong and stable families are the foundation of a strong and stable society and are key to ensuring children develop into healthy, happy and successful adults DoE. That last quote is actually from the Department of Education, at the introduction of the Troubled Families initiative. Government data from 2011 estimates that 9 billion is spent annually on troubled families an average of 75,000 per family each year. Of this, an estimated 8 billion is spent reacting to the problems these families have/cause, with just 1 billion being spent on helping families to solve and prevent problems in the longer term, yet we know, for instance: 24% of adult prisoners have been in care  Children aged 13-14 from troubled families are 36 times more likely than others to be excluded from school

 Children who grow up in a home where there is domestic violence are more likely to become perpetrators or victims of domestic violence as adults DHI is in an excellent position to deliver services to help turn the lives of families around in a positive and proactive way. In our experience, if you can get alongside families and help them to work out solutions to their own problems in a co-ordinated way, it can be incredibly effective. I came across a great example of this: Mike, one of our Project 28 staff who work with young people, worked with a young drug user, John*, whose relationship with his family was at breaking point. John was facing homelessness, exclusion from school and was in a rapid downward spiral. Mike arranged a meeting with Johns whole family where it was identified that they had some pressing practical problems, including housing and debt, that were putting added strain on their

relationship as a family, and on their ability to support John. Mike set up an appointment with a debt agency, solving an immediate crisis, and gave appropriate housing advice. Addressing the communication breakdown was more difficult. Not all members of the family were keen so Mike suggested 10 Badminton sessions with his involvement instead of formal family therapy! While not a standard DHI intervention, this innovative approach had a huge impact on family relations, alongside the practical work Mike had completed with the family. Six months on and John has been through rehab and is now in training as a Jockey. The familys relationship has improved with Johns dad saying at the exit interview that Mikes been the best thing that has happened to this family in a long time. They have continued, without Mike, to play badminton as a family on a weekly basis!
*This is an pseudonym

Summer 2013

DHI Friends

Bath Half Marathon

e were extremely grateful for the support shown to DHI by those who took part in the Bath Half Marathon raising 2354.10. Ten people - including ex and current service users, staff and friends - found the energy to run the 13 miles. Once they had completed the race they were treated to a massage from a DHI member of staff, Spike, and given some DHI goodies! We would like to say a big thank you to all those involved, and for raising much needed funds for our clients. If you would like to take part in the 2014 Bath Half Marathon on 2nd March, please contact Amy Goode on 07730 289221 or amygoode@dhibath.org.uk

Our top three fundraisers:

Sean raised a fantastic 455, with some of the sponsorship coming from Sainsburys.

Winnie raised 443 which was 221% over the 200 she was aiming to get through donations.

Dominics fundraising skills were very impressive - he raised over 800.

Think Different

s part of an event to celebrate and promote Social Enterprises in Bath, our HandyHelp team manned a stall at Bath Abbey for the Think Different exhibition. The Handy Help team built three wooden planters; one was raffled off to people who attended the exhibition, one was for sale and a fully flowered one had been commissioned by the Bath Abbey. Handy Help was set up in November 2011 by DHI and Clean Slate Training & Employment. This Social Enterprise provides training and support to people who are long-term unemployed, or who are facing barriers in employment. As a result of training at Bath College, trainees are then taking on paid work for jobs such as painting and decorating, gardening,

garden clearance, removals and house clearances. The workers offer reduced costs and they aim to make life easier for people who need a hand in the Bath community. In addition, a display of art and poetry produced by clients attending a DHI art group at the Beehive Centre in Bath, and clients at the Midsomer Norton hub were on display. What is Social Enterprise? It is a business that trades for a social and/ or environmental purpose. It has a clear sense of its social mission: which means it will know what difference it is trying to make, who it aims to help, and how it plans to do it. It will bring in most or all of its income through selling goods or services, and also has clear rules about what it does with its profits, reinvesting these to further the social mission.

DHI Friends

Issue no.3

Focus on... Irene McDonald

In the first of two Focus on pieces, we talk to DHI Board member Irene MacDonald.
What is your job title? I sit on the Board of Trustees for DHI which I joined in 2011 and I am CoDirector of Carer and Parent Support Gloucestershire (www.cpsg.org.uk) Tell us a little about CPSG Initially I came into the substance world because my son got involved in the heroin scene in the 1990s. At that time, what I knew about heroin could have been written on the back of a postage stamp. I just knew that it was a frightening drug. Like most families, when this happened I just wanted to keep it in the family I didnt want anyone to know. You have this unshakeable belief that you can fix it, partly because as a mum you are used to fixing things. Back then, there was no support for us at all, and in the middle of all this, my son Robin died of an accidental overdose. We were totally devastated. We knew we wanted to do something; we didnt want his death to count for nothing. It took a long time to know what we wanted to do but one day, my husband and I asked ourselves As parents, what did we want? We wanted someone to tell us everything about heroin, drugs, addiction and recovery to just point us in the right direction. And we decided to start our own service. It started very small with a phone line and a website. After training with the local drug agency I eventually went on to manage the local needle exchange service, which I have a great passion for. I never lost sight of the fact that I was speaking to

somebody elses son or daughter. Sometimes the needle exchange is the only place where injecting drug users get a little bit of respect, kindness and understanding. Why did you want to get involved with DHI in the first place? Through Families Also Matter work I met DHI staff and I was invited to speak at a Reach Out Conference. I got to know Rosie Phillips, DHIs CEO, who invited me to sit on the Board in 2011. At first I thought Im not qualified! and questioned if I have the right knowledge to take on the role. But after thinking about it I realised I am qualified. I have massive respect for Rosie and I thought If Rosie thinks I can do it, then I can! I found the other Board Members very friendly and we all had different areas of expertise. My knowledge which I bring is life experience which is a very useful quality on a Board. What do you find mostrewarding about your role as a Board member of DHI? Sitting on the Board allows me to put forward the familys and users voice. I find it rewarding to have someone listening to my thoughts and ideas. I have been encouraged to be more and more active, and I recently sat in on a bid meeting. Its useful for the Board to know just how much work goes into writing a bid! Its a great advantage being in this position because you get to see how things work. How have things changed since you got involved with the substance misuse sector? Ive seen massive changes during the past 15 years, and on the whole things have changed for the better. When my son was desperately looking for treatment, there was a six months wait to even get an appointment. Now you can walk in and be scripted and gain a lot of other useful support. But the flip side is that our treatment services are very stretched. Its ironic that I have found my way into the substance world and perhaps looking back, its not surprising. All through my childhood, I wanted to be a doctor. I never realised that ambition despite having the right qualifications, and I followed a career in international marketing instead. Yet I have been able to have some influence and help shape services for families and users.

Summer 2013

DHI Friends

Sainsburys Community Grant

e were delighted to be awarded a Sainsburys Community Grant of 500 from the store on Monmouth Street, Bath. The grant is funded by the sales of Bags for Life, and came as a result of a nomination by ex DHI service user and Sainsburys Team Leader Sean Forster. Sean recently ran the Bath Half Marathon raising money for DHI, and continued to support the Charity through his place of work with the encouragement of his Store Manager Jon Millard. Jon said that Sean is a great Team Leader, and when we heard about the help he had received from DHI, and given that their Information Takeaway Hub is just around the corner from the store, we all felt that it was a great charity to support. CEO Rosie Phillips met with both Sean and Jon to receive the grant. Thanking

Sean and John present a cheque for 500 to Rosie

them for the cheque she commented that its great to be recognised by the Sainsburys local for the important work that we do, and even more pleasing that

the nomination came from someone that used our service as this grant will go towards helping others in the Bath community.

Family Focus Programme

Following the governments statement about its aim to turn around the lives of Troubled Families, a new Family Focus Programme is being provided in Somerset. The programme has four main outcomes:  To reduce the number of individuals involved in crime/anti-social behaviour To get children back into school To help parents get back to work To reduce costs for public services The Programme is being run in the Mendip and Sedgemoor areas by a team of family co-ordinators who engage with other services in their area with the aim of getting the family to a point where it can support itself. The teams work hard to: Join up local services  Deal with each familys problems as a whole rather than responding to each problem, or person, separately  Appoint a single key worker to get to grips with the familys problems and work intensively with them to change their lives for the better and for the long term using a mix of methods that support families and challenge poor behaviour

Julie Hughes, Operations Director, said of the service the staff get alongside the families and roll their sleeves up to help with practical issues such as debt, housing, isolation and lack of positive routines. We have found that by addressing these we have been able to make positive and lasting impacts on the families.

DHI Friends

Issue no.3

Focus on... Matt Wills

In the second of our Focus on pieces, we talk to South Gloucestershire service commissioner Matt Wills.
What is your job title? Joint Commissioning Manager for South Gloucestershire Drug Action Team. Tell us what your role involves I am responsible for community treatment services across South Gloucestershire and adult prison settings, including HMPs Leyhill, Eastwood Park. The Drug and Alcohol Team (DAAT) is governed by Joint Commissioning Group which is a strong partnership arrangement, and includes all of the major stakeholders and partners who commit funding to the substance misuse Pooled Treatment Budgets. This approach involves collaborative working with Public Health, Police and Crime Commissioners, Local Authrioty Safer and Stronger Groups and National Commissioning Board Teams. From April 1st 2013 health and crime governance structures altered significantly and the landscape for substance misuse services changed. Localism and decentralisation gave greater control locally over commissioning services that meet our population needs. Localism allows us to commission much more in line with local need and target specific issues more effectively. This is a benefit to an area such as South Gloucestershire as its geographical profile has a very different demographic to Bristol and now commissioners have the flexibility to commission accordingly. The previous idea which really embedded a One size fits all approach, did not allow us to truly meet the needs of those clients with substance misuse issues relating to secondary substance issues. We commission services which manage drug treatment problems across all the tiers of substance misuse interventions, and in some cases evidence suggests that every pound invested in drug treatment can save up to 16 in other areas such as crime, health costs, lost productivity and so on. For example, a needle exchange service manages health issues related to poor injecting, safe flow of injecting paraphernalia and ensures we are aware of local trends and potential dangers. It ultimately should therefore reduce the associated costs on health services, slow rapid interventions, ensure a continuous flow of intelligence and data is available. One of the biggest issues relating to effective needle exchanges as far as public perceptions are concerned is there should be less needles being disposed of inappropriately in public spaces.

of people and services, and that has certainly been the case with DHI. I like innovative ideas and service providers who have an ability to change direction when needed and drive development in the service forward.

And the hardest part of the role? Were all working in a political environment, What is your involvement with DHI? and there is a great need out there, with I came into role five years ago and inherited many providers all competing for funding. DHI as a provider. I re-commissioned all Sometimes you have to make decisions that services 18 months due to the EU regulations are not popular, but necessary. Its vital to and the alterations which the recovery agenda always ensure that in spite of the politics, demanded, this include the services DHI the service users and carers needs remain delivered. DHI were successful at regaining the at the top of priorities. We need to be on contracts and were the best provider as selected top of targets and making sure that services through the procurement process. DHI has perform. delivered a range of effective services from clinical interventions through to after care What qualities are needed to be a services, as well as the Families Also Matter successful commissioning manager? service. DHI has had to grow rapidly and adapt Youve got to understand your business and to working in a very competitive market and it display strong leadership as we are in times has responded well to action plans. when there is little direction available. Being Its important for communities to honest is a top priority in terms of explaining understand that drug and alcohol services What do you enjoy about the role? where we are and where were going. have the public welfare at heart, and do work The pressure on commissioners has to make their communities better places increased significantly in the last few years. What does DHI do well? to live and work. The spectrum of drug The economic climate has demanded that DHI understands what it does really well, treatment which is available across both better value and better quality services and it delivers very good services to clients. statutory and non-statutory settings seeks are commissioned and transparency and In the current climate, theres never been to offer a range of stepped interventions, appropriate use of public money is always at more opportunity for innovation and this is a this is designed to ensure the right people the heart of local authorities. I enjoy the fact massive opportunity for DHI which is adept are in the right treatment at the right time. that in challenging times you get the best out at adjusting to the market.

Summer 2013

DHI Friends

Become a... DHI Friend

By becoming a friend of DHI, you will receive a free regular newsletter either by email or posted directly to you. Our newsletters are a great way to keep you updated with the work that we are doing, the latest news and events at DHI and information about the progress of our clients. To sign up Please call the PR team on 01225 478730, or email rosiehopley@dhibath.org.uk

How to donate
Donations from the public, companies and charitable trusts enable DHI to continue with our innovative work, and provide services over and above those funded by statutory bodies. This means we can tailor programmes to the individual client and offer them what they need to build a better future for themselves.

There are several different ways that you can do this: Make a donation
You can send a cheque made payable to DHI to 15 16 Milsom Street, Bath, BA1 1DE, or make a monetary donation to any of our sites.

This is a quick and easy way for you to support DHI, and it doesnt cost you a penny. Simply sign up and register us as your chosen charity. When you shop online, if you do it through their website a percentage of the money you spend gets donated to us by the retailer (even if all you do is search for a product/item with them) www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/dhi

Just Giving
You can make a donation to DHI online through the Just Giving Website www.justgiving.com/dhi You can make a single or monthly donation.

Your time
We are always looking for people to volunteer with us - anything from admin support to running a book or writing/craft club. If you would like to know more, call Mike Strathdee on 01225 478730, or email mikestrathdee@dhibath.org.uk

DHI Friends

Issue no.3

News in Brief
Here are some other exciting DHI events that have happened over the past few months.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment System Launch In April a very successful launch day was held to celebrate the newly commissioned treatment services in B&NES. The event was well attended by service users and professionals and provided information about the new services available, as well as a range of workshops on interesting topics. The service is being run in partnership with DHI and Project 28, B&NES, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust. Award for DHI Apprentice Maria Woolley has been awarded the Student of the Year Award for Level 2 Apprenticeship from the Centre for Housing and Support Apprenticeship Scheme. Well done Maria! ReSTARt Programme A mentoring programme recently took place to help DHI clients gain business confidence and support in starting a business. The programme was run in partnership with Enactus Bath at the University of Bath, with four clients taking part. The Restart programme has helped. I would recommend it to anyone who is thinking of starting a business said one client who took part. Home Achievement Programme (HAP) Award Eight DHI clients have completed the first Open College Network (OCN) accredited course which provides prospective tenants with the skills and confidence to live independently, and sustain a tenancy.

Coming up next time

South Gloucestershire Open Day Showcasing DHIs Drug and Alcohol Service in Warmley, Bristol. Meet Dr Ian Orpen, Chair of the BANES Clinical Commissioning Group A chance to learn more about Dr Orpen, and how CCGs are working with providers like DHI. A client story Get to know more about one of our clients, the services they have received from DHI, and how they have regained their zest for life. Information about our Brokerage and Information Service (BIS) Find out how the team help clients to find/get involved with activities and services in their community.

Bristol here we come... A unique new drug and alcohol service for families, carers and service users will be introduced into Bristol at the end of 2013 thanks to a successful new bid made by DHI. Find out more about this brand new service that involves helping peers to spread their experience and success to support others.

Have your say...

What would you like to see featured in the newsletter? Please email your suggestions to amygoode@dhibath.org.uk DHI Head Office 15-16 Milsom Street, Bath BA1 1DE Tel: 01225 478 730 Fax: 01225 589 411 Registered Charity No. 1078154 Company No. 3830311

Follow DHI on twitter @dhi_online


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