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City Voices

Hobbs too big to fire John McCain won a landslide against

Obama in the state in 2008. The GOP took a
numerical majority in both houses of the state
he could make things very messy for this new
chairman. A chairman, as it happens, stands ac-
cused of being the puppet of the party’s moder-
It wasn’t 24 hours after Chris Devaney POST POLITICS Legislature. With a strong Democratic tide ate faction. How comfortable will the ideologues
was elected GOP Chairman two Saturday’s ago against the party nationally, TNGOP came up be with the new chairman if one of his first acts is
when the inevitable speculation began. Surely, native Somali garb, more than smelling like a rose. Where Republicans across to put the right-wing, new media communica-
the consensus seemed to be, Bill Hobbs’ con- a few media outlets wrote of the country could do no right, Hobbs and the tions director out on the street?
troversial stint as communications director of Hobbs’ eventual demise as a TNGOP were golden. You think that’s not gonna make Red State,
the Tennessee Republican Party would now be virtual certainty. Now, it’s possible all that would have hap- National Review Online, Politico and Instapun-
coming to a close. No longer a matter of if, but Yet Hobbs persevered. He pened regardless of whether Hobbs was at the dit? Devaney will have it hard enough convinc-
a matter of when. was not fired after producing a party or not. But in politics, you get the blame ing folks he is not in the back pocket of Tom
Putting his tumultuous tenure, the departure video about Michelle Obama when things are bad and the credit when it’s Ingram, Bob Corker and Bill Haslam. Firing
of Hobbs in the near term would not be an un- A.C.
which caused the now-Pres- good. And things were very good for Republi- Hobbs is a mess he doesn’t need.
safe bet. New party chiefs like to bring in their KLEINHEIDER
ident to call out the TNGOP cans in 2008. Just like only Nixon could open up China,
own people. That’s the way political jobs work. on national television. It happened on his watch. He gets the credit. only an ideological conservative can fire Hobbs.
Leaders like to have people who they trust. A But after each and every Deserved or undeserved. The establishment may not like Bill Hobbs but
loose cannon holdover from a previous regime controversy, the rumors would begin anew. Does Devaney have the power to fire Hobbs? the man is wearing a bulletproof vest embla-
is not an incoming chairman’s ideal candidate “He’s got another month,” they’d say. “They are Sure, he does. The question is: Does he want all zoned with the year 2008.
for his message man. gonna wait until the end of session,” you’d hear. that goes with it? TNGOP would do better to hire a Press Sec-
And Hobbs is no ordinary loose cannon. But after each incident, he was still standing in While Devaney can take Hobbs’ title and his retary to deal with the media and let Hobbs pur-
Ever since he was installed as communications charge of the party message. paycheck, he can’t control him. As many inside sue various strategies online at his leisure if they
director in October of 2007, betting pools have “That was then, this is now” is what those and out of the TNGOP have learned, Hobbs have a beef with his media relations skills. Going
been organized around predicting the end of the constantly prophesying Hobbs’ demise will say is not one who plays “the game.” Most people to war with Bill Hobbs in the blogsphere is just
controversial blogger’s tenure at the TNGOP. now. With this new chairman, they say, a skilled in politics, when their number is called, they not an option for the TNGOP as they prepare to
Yet, through controversy after controversy, pragmatic operative with ties to the moderate go quietly. They take the opportunity to resign add the governor’s mansion to control of both
Hobbs has remained. After his most infamous faction of the party, Hobbs is certain to fall. without incident. houses of the legislature in 2010.
episode, the Anti-Semites for Obama press re- Maybe he does fall this time. But, after all Does Hobbs strike you as that kind of per- You can start up your pools again and place
lease, where Hobbs referred to Obama by his that has happened, can you really bet against the son? No? Me neither. your bets, if ya like, but my money is on Hobbs
full name while displaying a picture of him in man? If Hobbs doesn’t like the way he is taken out, leaving the party voluntarily — or not at all. CP

6 June 8, 2009

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