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Memoir: A Story of Perseverance and Success

RHET 1311: Composition I, Section 32

In your memoir, you will be telling us, an audience of your instructor and classmates, a story about an obstacle you faced on the path to an achievement that has continued meaning in your life. This can be about success in any area: academicsathletics, professional life, etc. but should focus on one specific instance, struggle, or achievement. You will use skills of description and narration to pull your readers into your story (pathos). Be sure you convey the significance of your story; this will make your readers care about what you are saying. ( 125 total possible points) In the Proposal, you will receive instructor suggestions and approval for your memoirs writing plan. Your proposal should include: A summary of the story you plan to tell, including all major events in that storys timeline What you learned from that experience How you believe that learning still influences you today Any questions you may have

Length: At least 1 full page (10 possible points) In the Memoir, you will learn how to: Craft a narrative arc to organize and pace your essay for ultimate impact Create sentences and paragraphs that flow from one to the next Use concrete descriptions to draw a reader into your story Explore the use of written dialogue Use figurative language to add meaning to your writing Reflect on the significance of a specific incident and then show how the lessons learned continues to influence your life (and perhaps, through the reading of your essay, the life of your readers) Practice peer review as both the reviewer and author reviewed Revise an essay based on peer and instructor feedback

Length: Whatever it takes, yes; but it should be at least 4 full pages (100 possible points) Cover Letter: A Letter of Reflection The cover letter will be divided into the two parts: 1. Summary of your memoir: a. Summary of the plotWhat happens? b. Summary/discussion of the lesson learned and the transformation that occurs in the piece you wrote (the significance).

2. Your reflection on what you have learned while completing this assignment, including but not limited to: a. Writing and skills you can use in later writing assignments b. Your experience of peer review c. Your experience of the revision process d. Your evaluation of your final essay (Is there anything you wish youd done differently, or would like to change in future assignments?) e. Any questions or suggestions you still have about this assignment Length: 2-3 pages (15 possible points) Format: MLA style for the proposal, essay, and cover letter (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font, 12-point). Make sure you are also using the proper heading for your essay (your name, RHET 1311, assignment name and draft #, and the date of the draft as you are revising it) in the upper left corner of the first page, single-spaced. Assignment Memoir Proposal Memoir Essay (peer draft) Memoir Essay (instructor draft) Memoir Essay (final) Due Dates T, 8/27, due emailed to me before class AND with a printed copy brought to class T, 9/3, bring a printed copy to class TH, 9/5, due emailed to me by noon M, 9/9, due emailed to me by noon

**As for every assignment, two points of extra credit can be earned if you conference with a tutor from The Writing Center on your draft and give me documentation of this visit.

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