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Feasibility Study Template

1. Executive Summary
On July 4, 2009, at the Community Independence Day Celebration, Clarence Goodfellow announced an important bequest to the city. He is retiring in one year and moving to a new home in Florida, leaving his mansion and the surrounding property to the City of Canalport. The mansion will be used for a combination community house, museum, and library. This report addresses the feasibility of extensively redeveloping the land.

2. Introduction
2.1. Author of This Study My consulting company has been advising municipalities on planned redevelopments for more than a decade. We have 400 projects under our belt. 2.2. Purpose of Study The initial reason for this study was to determine if redevelopment by the town is feasible at all, given that some city officials prefer selling to a corporation for a manufacturing or office headquarters. 2.3. Benefits But we discovered quickly that redevelopment would bring extensive tax benefits to the town. This study focuses solely on redevelopment for commercial use, such as a shopping mall. 2.4. Relation to Other Studies An earlier study on selling the property is tangentially related and we will refer to it but only in passing because of the far different purpose.

3. Situation Summary
3.1. Importance of Study The development of Goodfellow Center and Gardens is a keystone in the revitalization of the East Side of Canalport. Although surrounded by housing, industry, and educational establishments, the East Side has been underutilized. 3.2. Potential Results Adopting the proposals of the committee has the potential to transform the area into a destination place that will satisfy the social, athletic, and relaxation needs of Canalportians from all parts of the city and even become a tourist attraction for the entire region. Having once visited the Goodfellow Center and Gardens, a year-round schedule of programming and festivals will bring people back again and again from near and far.

4. Project Management

4.1. Steering Committee Shortly after the announcement by Mr. Goodfellow, a steering committee was formed of city officials and neighborhood leaders. Community members were invited to three public meetings, and their ideas were solicited at these working meetings and through questionnaires. Various consultants were also hired to provide input. 4.2. Approach to Project Response to drafts of this report elicited overwhelming support for the ideas that will make the Center and Gardens accessible and enjoyable for visitors of all ages. 4.3. Continued Community Input To ensure continued support, community input will continue throughout the process with the assistance of local councils. With the aid of a shuttle bus and a newly formed association to plan programming, a gateway to the East Side will be provided. Local businesses, especially restaurants and coffee shops, will benefit from increased clientele. As the plan's elements are completed, the preferences of an expanded population of users will become clear. This site is ideally suited to become one of the area's premiere attractions, as it generated excitement and interest on its own as a destination.

5. Proposed System
5.1. Initial Development The steering committee has studied various options and concluded that, for the next five years, the land should be used for year-round gardens. Other developments that may be pursued in the future include a horticulture center; a skating rink and warming house; a children's playground/garden; and water and land to promote health and healing. 5.2. Landscaping Of course there are currently gardens and landscaping. But the steering committee is proposing planned sites for a variety of activities. Low plantings such as shrubs will surround playing fields to catch stray balls. 5.3. Athletics Panels under athletic fields will be raised 12 to 18 inches and crowned for better drainage; turf will be improved for better field play; and manholes will be lowered flush to the turf or removed so they will not interfere with ball games. New and safer paths for jogging and bicycling will be added. 5.4. Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian-friendly lampposts and accent lighting will be added along main passageways. Trash receptacles and benches will be placed in high-traffic areas. Sculptures may be added in appropriate locations. Information kiosks and directional signs will guide visitors to numerous destinations. Although the goal will be to remove visual clutter, rows of existing trees will be preserved. Traffic will be halted during special events, and visitors will be transported from parking lots via trolleys. 5.5. Proposed Activities

Examples of activities include ethnic festivals, kite festivals, book fairs, storytelling, and antique fairs. A grassy knoll will provide a venue for outdoor performances and the showing of movies under the stars. Although plantings will lend brightness and fragrances year-round, special attention will be given to winter plantings such as prairie grasses, evergreens, and red berries. 6. Production


We estimate that this project can be completed in less than a year. That is an ambitious schedule, and one that depends in part on good weather. However, similar developments in Station West, Mecklenburg, and Vima were completed in 6, 9, and 11 months, respectively, so we feel our estimate is reliable. Acquire site: 2 months Clear site: 1 month Construction: 6 months Utilities/networking: 3 weeks Furnishing/landscaping: 3 weeks Total time required: 10.5 months

7. Cost Analysis
We estimate that this project will cost $200,000 to $300,000. This can be broken down into the following: Clear property: Construct field house: Landscaping: Lighting: Seating and facilities: Create lake: $20,000 Running track: $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 $145,000 $25,000 $10,000

8. Recommendations
When funds allow, the steering committee would like to propose the establishment of a horticulture center. It will be a site for garden information, planting demonstrations, gardens, and horticultural education and training, as well as a place to purchase planting and gardening supplies. Studies have shown that gardening is one of the most popular recreational hobbies. Both amateurs and professionals can be found in all classes, races, ethnicities, and income groups. The center will house classrooms, lecture halls, a library, an art gallery, an office, and retail spaces. Display and demonstration gardens will be maintained nearby. A glass tea house will offer ceremonial tea ceremonies. Master gardeners will give advise upon request, assist in neighborhood beautification projects and community gardens, inform visitors about area plants, and

provide training for those who wish to pursue careers in gardening. Programs and lectures will be held onsite, and field trips will be arranged in advance. The next vision of the steering committee is to build a warming house next to a skating rink. The rink will be a space for not only ice skating in the winter but also for summer uses that include inline skating, dancing, and theater and movie presentations. The warming house will feature fireplaces and a cafe. A children's garden playground will require not only careful planning with the help of a team of child development specialists but also a staff of trained educators to oversee its use. The garden will incorporate concepts of mystery, stability, privacy, flexibility, and discovery. All senses will be stimulated, with a special emphasis on accessibility. Children with various physical, emotional, and developmental handicaps will use their imaginations and their skills with materials, themes, and elements not found in typical playgrounds. Huge objects representing familiar things can be used for climbing and exploring. Plants will be chosen that are particularly fragrant, and water and wind chimes will add auditory interests. Care will be taken to attract butterflies and birds. Although listed last, a space for healing and maintaining health is another priority for the steering committee. Effective outdoor design has often revolved around water, and fountains and reflecting pools will be added as funds allow. Inventive light is another way of creating a focal point, especially when combined effectively with bridges, plantings, and sculptures. The steering committee would like to build special spaces for yoga and tai chi, combined with spaces for health awareness seminars. In addition to places to relax, a perimeter walking or jogging path will have signs indicating distance markers. From bike races to picnics, flag football to festivals, the Center and Garden will become a preferred site for a variety of activities for all citizens.

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