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Dear PhD Scholar,

The Dean of Arts invites you to participate in the Faculty of Arts PhD Writing Programme. This cross-disciplinary
programme has been developed to support all PhD scholars in the Faculty of Arts through a series of workshops, a
two-day writing lab and a residential retreat, during which students will have the opportunity to develop a specific
piece of writing.

Writing workshops have proved particularly successful in progressing specific writing projects and in building
confidence in conceptualising research findings and presenting the results effectively. Workshops also provide
valuable opportunities for you to interact with others at a similar stage in their writing processes and to build a sense
of shared identity and endeavour.


Writing Workshops

Workshop One: The Arts PhD: Induction, Supervision and Advice

WEDNESDAY, 27 May, 2-4pm, Pacific Studies, Room 107
This session provides an overview of the services and sources of support offered through the Faculty of Arts.
Following on from the Doctoral Induction Day workshop on the supervisory relationship, this session will also focus
on important factors such as what you can reasonably expect from your supervisor and how you can get the most
out of your supervisor’s time and input,

Workshop Two: Stucturing a Thesis

TUESDAY 9 June, 2-4pm Pacific Studies, Room 104
This session covers the questions of how to structure and set out an argument, as well as more technical matters
such as the organisation of chapters, word length and why most of the references should be found initially in the first
third of the thesis.

Workshop Three: Creating PhD Communities Online: Writing Wiki

TUESDAY 23 June 2-4pm Pacific Studies, Room 104
The Faculty of Arts is developing a PhD online community site using wiki to enable PhD scholars to build their own
profiles and connect with other PhD scholars. This session will offer a run-down on how to write wiki.

Writing Labs
WEDNESDAY 1 July - THURSDAY 2 July, All day, Fale Pasifika Building 274 Computer Lab.
The Fale Pasifika computer lab has been booked to enable you to come and write over two full days without
interruption. Feedback from previous writing retreats indicates that students would like more opportunities to have
unbroken writing time. Academic support and lunch will be provided.

Workshop Four: Obstacles to Writing

THURSDAY 16 July, 3-5pm Pacific Studies, Room 104
This workshop identifies the main obstacles to completing the thesis on time. These range from the technical to
the psychological to just bad planning. Many feel a deep sense of anti-climax at the end. Strategies for facing and
resolving such obstacles are discussed.
Workshop Five: How to Write for Academic Publication
TUESDAY 18 AUGUST 2-4pm, Pacific Studies, Room 107
PhD scholars are increasingly encouraged to publish as they go. This can be a good idea; it can also be a bad idea. We
discuss what is involved in publishing, including intellectual property matters, the process of academic publication, and
whether it is a good idea to aim for publication as you complete the thesis itself.

PhD Writing Retreat Briefing:

THURSDAY 22 OCTOBER, 3–4pm (Strata, Kate Edger Building)
Followed by drinks
It is essential that you attend to ensure that you are well prepared for the retreat.

PhD Writing Retreat

From 9.00am Monday – 4pm Thursday
Waikato University College, 451 Taupiri Road, Hopuhopu, (near Ngäruawähia)

Drawing on the experience and success of the National Programme for Mäori and Indigenous Postgraduate Advancement
(MAI), which has offered successful writing retreats for a number of years, this retreat will provide an environment that is
conducive for students to be able to work on a sustained piece of writing. Prior to attending, participants (in consultation
with their supervisors,) are expected to specify clear writing tasks and objectives that they intend to fulfil during the retreat
Waikato University College is a Tainui funded purpose-built residential tertiary college that provides outstanding
facilities. Participants will be provided with single room accommodation and meals. While the focus is on completing
individual pieces of writing, there will also be opportunities for group meetings and discussions with other students in the

The retreat will be led by Dr. Jennifer Curtin, Associate Dean (Postgraduate) from the Department of Political Studies and
Dr. Tracey McIntosh from the Department of Sociology. Before coming to the University of Auckland, Jennifer worked at
ANU and Monash Universities. She is a 2007 recipient of an Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary
Education Award. Tracey has had extensive experience with the MAI Programme, and is a recipient of a University of
Auckland Distinguished Teaching Award. Other academic staff will also be available to provide feedback and assist with
writing, and supervisors will be invited to attend.

All costs associated with the workshops and retreat will be met by the Faculty of Arts, including transport,
accommodation and food. To register for the programme please complete the attached form.

Associate Professor Jan Crosthwaite

(Acting) Dean of Arts


Michael Clayton – Faculty of Arts Co-ordinator
Telephone: 373 7599 ext 87687 Facsimile: 373 7478 Email:
Faculty of Arts Office, Human Science Building , 10 Symonds St, Eden Terrace 1010
Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142
Faculty of Arts
2009 Doctoral Writing Programme
Phone: 373 7599 ext 87687 Fax: 373 7478 Email:
Address: The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre 1142


Date: / / Student ID Number: I am in my year of my PhD

Family Name(s): First Name:

Phone / Home: Mobile:

Email Address:



Suburb: Town:

Name of Supervisor(s):



Workshop One: WEDNESDAY 27 MAY 2-4pm The Arts PhD: Induction, Supervision and Advice

Workshop Two: TUESDAY 9 JUNE 2-4pm Stucturing a Thesis

Workshop Three: TUESDAY 23 JUNE 2-4pm Writing Wiki

Pre-Retreat Writing Labs: WEDNESDAY 1 - THURSDAY 2 JULY All day

Workshop Four: THURSDAY 16 JULY 2-4pm Obstacles to Writing

Workshop Five: TUESDAY 18 AUGUST 2-4pm How to Write for Academic Publication

PhD Writing Retreat: MONDAY 9 NOVEMBER 9am - THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER 4pm


Do you have any dietary requirements? Please Specify:

Laptop: Will provide my own Will require Transport: Will provide my own Will require

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