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Frost Flowers Top

Finished measurements: bust 100 cm, length 67 - 68 cm Gauge: 20 stitches and 24 rows = 10 cm Yarn: 300 - 325 grams Novita Tennessee mercerized cotton or 7 balls Zettl Classic Cable mercerized cotton (little over 6 balls, there is 47 - 48 grams of yarn in one ball and the finished top weighed 295 grams) or yarn to obtain gauge Yardage: 620 650 meters (678 710 yards) Needles: US 4 / 3.5 mm and US 6 / 4.0 mm or suitable for your yarn choice and gauge You will also need a crocheting hook suitable for your yarn choice.

Chart key
knit (Lace chart 1: purl on WS) purl (Lace chart 1: knit on WS) yarn over (Lace chart 1: purl on WS) purl 2 together knit 2 together through back loop or ssk knit 2 together purl 2 together through back loop knit in back of stitch (Lace chart 1: purl on WS) double vertical decrease (sl2tog knitwise, k1, psso) , (Lace chart 1: purl on WS)

Note: There is one edge stitch on both sides. These edge stitches are not included in the Lace chart I or Frost Flowers chart. Knit the edge stitches on the right side and purl them on the wrong side (even) rows. Armhole shaping charts include edge stitches.

Back: With 3.5 mm needles cast on 104 sts. Repeat 17 stitches of the Lace chart I between edge stitches a total of 6 times. At the end of row 14 change to 4 mm needles and continue following Frost Flowers chart. From the row 21 of the 4th vertical repeat of Frost Flowers chart work both edges following armhole shaping charts. Work the first and last 8 stitches garter stitch and change three more stitches to garter stitch on every other row until there are 17 sts garter stitch on both edges. Start armhole shapings on row 5 of the 5th vertical repeat of Frost Flowers chart and bind off 6, 2 and 1 stitches on every other row at the beginning of a row on both sides. Now on work the first and last 8 stitches garter stitch on every row and knit the 9th stitch from the edge on the right side and purl on the wrong side. On the first row of the 7th vertical repeat of Frost Flowers chart bind off 30 center stitches for the neck and then every other row at neck edge 2 sts and 1 st. After 12th row set remaining 25 stitches aside and knit the other side in the same way. Front: Same as back, but start shaping neck on the first row of the 6th vertical repeat of Frost Flowers chart and bind off 24 center stitches and then every other row at neck edge 3 stitches, 3 x 1 stitch. Finishing: Join back and front shoulder stitches using three-needle bind-off or kitchener stitch. Crochet single crochet round all over the neck hole. Steam iron or block pieces and sew side seams.

Happy knitting and enjoy!

There is a discussion group for my patterns at Ravelry: Fans of Lankakomeros designs. Thank you for choosing my pattern! This pattern is for personal use only and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes without permission. * * Ravelry ID: Lankakomero PM Lankakomero 2007, 2010

Note! All rows are charted on Frost Flowers chart

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