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1 Read the text and answer the questions. Tick 'T' for true and 'F' for false.
Lets see what the typical school student has got in her locker at school. We asked some students to show us the things they take with them to school every day. We found some surprises. Mark has a diskman, an iPod and fifteen CDs. His locker also contains a couple of books and a sports magazine. Of course, he has a mobile phone, and some money too. All his things are new and expensive. Of course, students need to keep their lockers closed and locked during the day. Kara always takes a hairbrush, lipstick and a toilet bag to school. She says she uses these things every day in the breaks between lessons. She has a mobile phone, but she only sends text messages, she tells me, because calling her friends is too expensive. Damion has a locker thats almost empty. Hes got nothing except his mobile and the keys to his house. He says he hates leaving things around school; he prefers to keep them at home. Lisas locker is full. She never forgets anything. Five schoolbooks, a poster of Eminem and a diskman are things she always takes with her. She needs them for the train to school each morning. Then, of course, theres her old mobile and her dinner money, and theres a pair of jeans and a T-shirt: she says shes going to a party tonight and wants to look good. She likes having all her favourite things with her when shes in school. T 1. Music is important for Mark. 2. Mark is rich. 3. Kara wants to look good in school. 4. Karas phone is only good for sending messages. 5. Damion only has one book in his locker. 6. Lisa listens to music when she walks to school. 7. Lisa has clothes in her locker today. F

/16 8. All the students have a mobile phone.


1 Tick the correct answer for each question.
What type of food do you like? a) Its hot. b) Yes, I like it. c) I like all kinds. Whats she like? a) Shes Jane Smith. b) Oh, shes really nice. c) Oh, she likes music and sport.


What time does it start?

a) At about twelve oclock.

b) Its very early. c) Its very short. Do you play volleyball at the weekends? a) Yes, I play football. b) I never play football. c) Yes, I do. How often do you go shopping? a) Every Saturday. b) It costs a lot. c) No, I dont.

Complete the conversation using 'do', 'don't', 'does' and 'doesn't'.

A: Hello, is your name Thomas Jones? B: Yes, thats right. A: And do you live in Wardle Street? B: Yes, I (1) _______________________. A: And do you work at the City Bank? B: Um, no, I (2) _______________________. I work as a journalist. I write for the Sunday Sun. A: Ah, yes. (3) _______________________ the newspaper come out every day? B: No, it (4) _______________________. We have one paper a week, on Sunday. A: Of course, and (5) _______________________ you like working for the paper? B: Well, yes, because I like sport. A: Do you always write articles about sport? B: Yes, I (6) _______________________. I (7) _______________________ understand politics or economics. A: (8) _______________________ your boss like your work? B: Well, I think he (9) _______________________. Hes usually happy with me. A: And do you do any sport? B: Oh yes! I play tennis with my boss three times a week! A: Ah, so I imagine you dont win very often?

/20 B: No, my boss (10) _______________________ let me! 3 Write questions for these answers.
1. 2. 3. 4. (they/speak/English) Yes, they do. (he/work/in the factory) Yes, he does. (she/like/painting) No, she hates it. (we/need/passports) Yes, we do. (she/play/tennis/on Sundays) No, on ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________



Saturdays. 6. (you/sometimes/make/mistakes) Never! ______________________________________

Complete the text with the words below.

very quite begins always walk up never good difficult really

I often work on Saturdays, and I always work on Sundays. I normally get (1) _____________ at eleven thirty and (2) _______________ to work. Its only a few minutes away from where I live. When I arrive I (3) _______________ say hello to all of the animals: its a good idea to be polite to the lions and tigers. Then the real working day (4) _______________. I normally spend hours just to keep fit and to practise new moves and routines. I work (5) _______________ hard to make things perfect. I (6) ______________ relax during the afternoon. I dont have time. Our show is normally very (7) _______________, and so people who come to see me expect the best. I am (8) _______________ happy with my job, but its (9) _______________ to live as a circus acrobat these days: the pay is not (10) _______________ good, and the training /10 takes hours.

Complete the letter. Choose the correct word for each sentence.
Dear Kara, Thanks for your postcard. I'm (1) _______________ really good now. At the moment I (2) _______________ staying with my grandparents in Brighton. Oh, and I'm going out with John. He (3) _______________ working these days, but he (4) _______________ in a pop band, and I (5) _______________ he's sure to be famous one day. He (6) _______________ garage music, but the band plays everything. They (7) _______________ practicing at the moment, and I'm (8) _______________ this letter on my palmtop in their studio'. (9) _______________ not really a studio; it's just an old factory they're using. They (10) _______________ really good! They have a concert next week. Why don't you come and see them? See you soon, Sally a) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. feel am is sing think like is write They're sound b) feels is isn't sings thinks likes are writes I'm sounds c) feeling are aren't play thinking is aren't writing It's are sounding

/10 6


Present simple or present continuous? Write the correct form of the verb.

/10 e.g. He (live) is living in Paris for six months.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

They (play) __________________________ really good football today! She never (work) __________________________ after six in the evening. This wine (taste) __________________________ really bad! Shush! I (think) __________________________ about this maths question. You (not/work) __________________________ very hard at the moment. They sometimes (help) __________________________ us with the cleaning. We often (get) __________________________ the wrong answer. I (not/like) __________________________ apples. We (study) __________________________ a lot at the moment.

10. Mr Smith (hear) __________________________ everything we say in class.

Write questions using the words below and 'much' or 'many'.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How/milk/there/in/is/ the fridge How/people/are/there/in the room How/pens/you/have/got/in your pencil case How/perfume/is/there/in that bottle How/ice/there/is/in the freezer How/posters/have/you/got/in your bedroom How/coffees/would/you like How/have/money/you/got/in your purse How/are/cars/there/in the school carpark ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

/20 10. How/do/oil/you/put/on this bicycle 8 Complete with 'some' or 'any'.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Are there____________ good DVDs in your collection? Theres ____________ important information in the guidebook. Is there ____________ fruit juice in the fridge? Would you like ____________ tea and biscuits? There arent ____________ photos in this album! We cant make sandwiches. There isnt ____________ bread. Is there ____________ good music on this CD? Can I have ____________ more ice cream, please? There are ____________ great football players in the Premiership.

/10 10. Sorry, I cant come. Ive got ____________ homework to do. 9 Read the dialogue and choose the correct word.


Hey Mike! Its the first day of the holidays! What (1) _________________ we do?

will / shall / do

Mike: I dont know. Have you got any ideas? Sue: Yes! (2) ________________ go to the shopping centre. Can / Do / Lets

Mike: Hmm. Im not sure. I havent got much money. Sue: OK. We (3) ________________ go to the cinema. would / should / could ll / d / m rather / prefer / like will / would / can idea / drink / thing take / have / like many / much / any lend / borrow / take

Mike: OK, I (4) _________________ like to see a film, but Id (5) _________________ go this evening. Sue: Well, (6) _________________ you like a coffee?

Mike: Good (7) _________________! I think Ill have a cappuccino! Sue: Great! Id (8) _________________ a coffee, too. Have you got (9) _________________ money?

Mike: Yes, dont worry. I can (10)_________________ you some. Sue: Thanks a lot!

10 Complete the questions with 'much' or 'many'.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How _________________ are those designer jeans in the window? How _________________ people are there in your class? How _________________ cars can park in this carpark? How _________________ information can we put into this computer? How _________________ bread do you normally eat in a day? How _________________ money does Brad Pitt earn? How _________________ friends has Jackie got? How _________________ guitarists are there in the band? How _________________ milk do you drink a day?

/10 10. How _________________ rice is there? 11 Put the verbs into the present continuous or present simple tense.
Jake is tired this morning. At the moment he is walking (walk) to school. He usually (1)_______________ (go) to school on foot. His father sometimes (2)_________________ (take) him in the car, but not today. Jake's father (3)_______________ (stay) in Edinburgh this week. He has to be there for work. Jake's mother (4)________________ (travel) too, but she (5)________________ (not work) at the moment. She is on holiday in China. She (6)________________ (visit) the Great Wall with her sister. It (7)______________ (sound) fantastic, but Jake can't go. He can't leave school. He's only fifteen. At the moment, Jake's grandmother (8)__________________ (look after) him. She is probably cleaning Jake's room now. Jake (9) ________________(like) it when his grandmother (10)_________________ (come) /20 because she is a better cook than his mother!

12 Read the signs and decide what they mean. Choose the correct option.


a) Its open every day. b) Its closed on Fridays. c) It opens 12:00pm on week days.


a) They are selling jumpers here. b) Pullovers are available. c) Pullovers are reduced.


a) Hospital staff can wear their own clothes at all times. b) Police are always in uniform. c) Hospital staff can only wear the correct clothes.


a) You can swim if you are clean. b) The pool is open tomorrow. c) They are working on the pool now.


a) The lesson begins at a quarter to nine. b) Lessons start at around eight. c) Class ends early today.


a) You can buy jewellery second hand offers about 30. b) You can sell accessories and get about 30. c) You can buy accessories at reduced prices.


1 Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form.
e.g. The USA are (big) than Italy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My book is (interesting) than yours. Belinda is (clever) than me. Juventus are (good) than Lazio. This magazine is (cheap) than a CD That shop is (far) away than you think. The USA are bigger than Italy. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

/5 2

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. She's much more important _________________ you. 2. Be careful. That teacher is _________________ patient than you think. 3. You can take as much time_________________ you like. 4. Madonna is _________________ natural than Celine Dion.

as / than / like more / less / as as / more / what quite / as / more

/5 5. I'm sorry. The news is _________________ than you expected. bad / worse / good 3 Circle the correct comparative form in each sentence.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. French is easier / more easy than German. She looks naturaler / more natural than Annabel. The book is interestinger / more interesting than I expected. My mums cooking is better / more good than school dinners. Joe is smaller / more small than Pete. Lara is happier / more happy now that shes married. This ring is expensiver / more expensive than the one in the other shop. Milan is as big / bigger as Rome. Spain is cheaper / more cheaper than Italy.

/10 10. The story was seriouser / more serious than I imagined. 4 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. She's a bit / much quiet. 2. Hes much / more better than Eminem! 3. Mexico City is far / quite bigger than London. 4. America is a lot / fairly bigger than England. 5. It isnt good enough / much.

/6 6. Its really / a lot nice!

5 Read the text and decide if questions 1- 6 are true (T), or false (F).
Claire Collins: Christmas Consultant Yes, you may say Ive got a unique job. Its certainly something that not too many people do. I spend all my time from September to January rushing about the big stores looking for good things to buy as gifts, but they are things I am never going to give to anyone. Why? Because I go shopping with another person, someone who is looking for a special, unforgettable present, but just doesnt have any ideas about what to get. Or perhaps its a man or woman who simply doesnt like searching for toys or clothes or whatever alone. Maybe they find it lonely and rather sad to run up and down the high street carrying large bags of things and never talking to anyone. I make suggestions, give clues and tips based on my long experience in present-buying, and try to stop people from making disastrous (and often expensive) mistakes, but I dont decide. /12 The golden rule of the Christmas Consultant is to let the giver decide, always. You can never

really know the person wholl receive the gift, so you can only give general help and ideas, or ask intelligent questions. I have to remember that my role is limited: I facilitate, but I dont buy or give. You cant do Christmas for somebody else. You think I finish on Christmas Eve? Oh no! 26th December to about 5th January are my busiest days: helping people to change a present that wasnt suitable, or buy something for the person my customer forgot! You can imagine that I dont really enjoy getting presents for my family and friends. Work tends to reduce the pleasure. But I always find time to get one or two special things for my children and husband. And how do I decide? Price, of course, like everybody else! T 1. Claire doesnt give presents for Christmas. 2. Claire only helps people to buy presents. 3. Claire tells the customer what to buy in some situations. 4. Claire needs to get to know the recipient of a present to do her job well. 5. Claire only works from September to Christmas. 6. Claire believes her presents should always be expensive. F

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