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147 thefieldreporter

6/24/12 9:37 AM

thefieldreporter Just another WordPress.com site

June 21, 2012 // 0

Trazado oculto. JUAN JOS CALARCO (Mandorla 2012) Trazado Oculto is about the enigmatic, the guessed forms behind the translucent, the moving of sounds in the built space without knowing anything about their identity, their genesis, our ears are confronted at first with an animated uproar where one believes to detect handymen neighbours, a workroom in turmoil, a session at a craftsman, a dentist, or perhaps the
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147 thefieldreporter

6/24/12 9:37 AM

wings of an undertermined public place grinding, drilling, diverse manipulations noises, muffled and distant voices, echoes of the passage in other rooms actually a whole train of familiar sonorities, though indirect, modified by the surfaces or pipes they go through This sustained indistinctness around the sources, the shift in perception probably impede every accurate interpretational attempt, but most of all, it sets the ground for the elaboration of our own stories, engaging the gears of imagination Juan Jos Calarco gives birth here to a largely disquieting and nervous montage Resorting to different planes, various listening positions, he makes us actors of scenes in a state of flux, and involves us into a sort of mystery in motion The about 20 minutes composition only offers a brief reassurance around the half of its length where suddenly everything seems more internal, under control, wrapped upNext, initial sounds re-emerge, re-liven us up, only to regain a certain peacefulness in the very end Trazado Oculto questions the nature of sounds itself, their propagation through matters & surfaces, our connection to the artificial world An emphasis on contents instead of container A straight incision in the everyday anatomy where obscure vessels lead us to a still unknown heart -Daniel Crokaert


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147 thefieldreporter

6/24/12 9:37 AM

[Juan Jos Calarco photo courtesy of Unatrombamarina] (French version) Trazado Oculto nous parle du sibyllin, des formes devines derrire le translucide, du dplacement des sons dans lespace construit sans connatre leur identit, leur gense, nos oreilles sont confrontes un vif tumulte o lon pense dtecter voisins bricoleurs, atelier en bullition, sance chez un artisan ou un dentiste, ou alors, les coulisses dun endroit public indtermindes bruits de meulage, de fraisage, de manipulations diverses, des voix sourdes et distantes, des chos de passage dans dautres pices en fait, tout un cortge de sonorits familires cependant indirectes, dtournes, modifies par les surfaces ou conduits quelles traversent Ce flou entretenu autour des sources, et le dcalage de la perception empchent sans doute toute tentative correcte dinterprtation, mais posent surtout les jalons pour llaboration de nos propres histoires, nous forant enclencher les rouages de limagination Juan Jos Calarco accouche ici dun montage largement intranquille et nerveux


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147 thefieldreporter

6/24/12 9:37 AM

Par le recours diffrents plans, diffrentes positions dcoute, il nous rend acteurs de scnes en devenir et nous fait participer une sorte de mystre en mouvement La composition de plus ou moins 20 minutes ne connat quun bref apaisement autour de la moiti de sa dure, o soudain tout est plus en dedans, matris, enveloppensuite les sons initiaux r-mergent, nous rebousculent pour ne retrouver une certaine quitude quen toute fin Trazado Oculto interroge la nature mme des sons, leur propagation travers matires et surfaces, notre rapport au monde artificiel Un accent sur le contenu plutt que le contenant Une incision franche dans lanatomie du quotidien, o dobscurs vaisseaux nous dirigent vers un coeur encore inconnu -Daniel Crokaert Juan Jos Calarco on Mandorla website Mandorla website Categories Field recordings, Musique concrete, Phonography, Sound art

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