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PHN I : Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A.

cheese B. children C. chemical D. teacher 2. A. game B. bridge C. against D. garage 3. A. iron B. celebrate C. parent D. restaurant 4. A. happy B. husband C. hobby D. honest 5. A. who B. where C. when D. why 6. A. home B. hold C. hour D. her 7. A. invited B. attended C. celebrated D. finished 8. A. arrives B. washes C. passes D. catches 9. A. floppy B. sneaky C. terrify D. friendly 10. A. excited B. kind C. nice D. Quick PHN II : Choose the best correct answer 1. He usually gets to school..............time. B.for C.on 2. This assignment must be 3000 woods in............ A.weight B.length C.width D.depth 3. Bob.................very little when there are strangers present. A.always says B.always said always saying D.was always saying 4. Your composition is much better.............his. A.than 5. We get used to..............morning exercises early in the morning. Adoing B.making C.playing D.forming 6. His master is never angry..............him when he is late. B.with C.about D.on 7. He drive when he was 17. A.what B.when D.who 8. When you came, I was ...............on the phone. A.talking B.catching C.telling D.having 9. Every Sunday Bob is with his father................him with his work. A.helping B.helps C.helped D.has helped 10. While you lunch some one came and looked for you. A.out D.on 11. You dropped the receipt, I didnt hear said the shop assistant to me. Awith B.but C.for 12. I dont need to tell them everything, ................I? B.need C.have D.must 13. On looking at learning English, I find prepositions very............. A.interested B.interest C.interesting D.interestingly 14. ...............a car coming from the other end of the street. A.there is B.this is C. it is D.that is 15. When people are eighteen, they can..............driving lessons A.use B.make D.take 16. Please, dont let her know about your are told to.

A.because B.for C.since D.until 17. Do the exercises by ................dont ask your brother to do it for you. B.yours C.yourself D.your 18. I have known a person...............hometown is famous for grapes fruits. A.who B.whose C.that D.whom 19. John drivers very.............hes never had any accidents. A.careful B.carefully C.careless D.carelessly 20. Weve decided to interview only six..............for the job A.applications B. appliances C.applicants D.applies 21. It takes her ten school everyday. A.get get C.getting 22. You look.................Have you had a busy day? A.tire B.tired C.tiring D.tiredly 23. I failed my exam. I worked really very hard for it. Im so............ A.boring B.bore C.bored D.boredom 24. This is the most interesting book A.never B.ever C.just D.already 25. Would you mind..............this essay for me? A.type B.will type type D.typing 26. When the sun................, it gets dark. A.rises B.goes down C.hides D.shines 27. Ive managed................smoking several times. A.give up give up up D.given up 28. He was at the party last night. A.see see C.seeing D.saw 29. Dont make such............... A.noise B.noisy C.noisily D.noisier 30. We have not had.................interesting talk to each other for a long time. A.such C.such an an 31. Have you got any plans for the weekend ? Yes, parents A.will visit B.visit C.have visited going to visit 32. Have you Paris? A.been B.gone C.go D.visited 33. We are trying to work...............a solution for this problem. B.out C.on 34. He didnt get..............well with his boss,so he left the company. B.on C.up 35. They.................hard these days to finish their work on time. B.are working C.worked D.will work 36. What is.............river in the world? A.longest B.the most long C.the longest D.longer 37. Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is.............. A.harm B.harmful C.harmless D.harming 38. My colleagues are very pleasant,but the manager is a little.............. A.friend B.friendly C.unfriendly D.friendship

39. For a longtime after the accident he suffered from his back A.hurt B.ache C.pain D.injury 40. The dentist told me...............more careful when I brush my teeth. A.being be D.have been 41. Much farmers have already gone to other areas. A B C D 42. The scientists have found off the cause of the new disease. A B C D 43. These farmers are worried that the storm and flood will happened again A B C next year D 44. Many people stop to smoke because they are afraid it may be harmful to A B C D their health. 45. I usually talk to people who ideas are very interesting and creative. A B C D


III. c on vn v chn phng n tr li thch hp. Insects such as bees,wasps,ants,and termites have intricate societies in which different members are specialized in food-gathering,defense,and reproduction. The life of a worker honeybee is even separated into successive occupations. During the first three weeks the young worker takes care of the queen and her eggs,cleans out the hive,cools the hive by fanning its wings at the entrance,and attacks or walls in intruders. Only after this apprenticeship is the graduate allowed to leave the hive and hunt for nectar and pollen.

46. The insect groups in the passage are mentioned together because they each have. A. relationships that are similar to those of humans B.division of labor among members C.comparable methods of defense and reproduction D.environmental needs that conflict with other groups 47. According to the passage,which of the following is true of a worker bee in the first phase of its life? mates and lays eggs is assigned to a permanent job does many jobs within the hive constructs a new hive 48. According to the passage,a worker bee does which of the following in the second phase of its life? A.makes trips independently B.starts producing nectar C.settles in a different location D.trains younger bees 49. According to the passage,a bee defends its hive by. A.leading enemies away B.attacking its enemies

C.fanning its wings D.hiding behind walls 50. What is the main topic of the passage? A.a comparison of bees,wasps,ants,and termites B.reproductive behaviour in insect societies C.occupations of different kinds of insects patterns of individual worker bees
D. SENTENCE BUILDING 1. Peter/ my close friend A. Peter is my close friend. B. Peter is one of my close friends. C. Peter is one my close friend. D. Peter is the one of my close friend. 2. I/ eager/ look forward to/ enjoy/ it A. I am too eager to looking forward to enjoying it. B. I am enough eager to looking forward to enjoying it. C. I am so eager to looking forward to enjoy it. D. I am so eager to look forward to enjoying it. 3. We/ be / friends / last school year A. We have been friends since last school year. B. We were friends since last school year C. We have been friends last school year D. We are friends since last school year 4. John/ good / Maths A. John is very good at Math. B. John is too good at Math. C. John is very good for Math. D. John is too good for Math.

p n
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D

1.C 6.B 11.B 16.D 21.B 26.B 31.D 36.C 41.A 46.B
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B D A A D

2.B 7.C 12.A 17.C 22.B 27.B 32.A 37.B 42.C 47.C

3.A 8.A 13.C 18.B 23.C 28.B 33.B 38.C 43.C 48.B

4.A 9.A 14.A 19.B 24.B 29.A 34.B 39.C 44.B 49.B

5.A 10.A 15.D 20.C 25.D 30.C 35.B 40.C 45.B 50.D

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