The Ministers Black Veil

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Anthony Martinez Ms.

Mueller English 11 December 5, 2012 The Ministers Black Veil

Most citizens get judged or get discriminated against because of the way the dress, look or act. The Ministers Black Veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne is written as a short story. Nathaniel Hawthorne was into writing dark romantics. He was also a dark and mysterious man. He originally changed his last name because he was embarrassed of his Puritan ancestors. The Ministers Black Veil is written as a parable. The Ministers Black Veil contains a moral dilemma, familiar daily experiences, unusual expectations and hidden truths.

The moral dilemma Mr. Hooper faces is the decision to either take off the veil or conform to societys expectations or to stay true to his convictions and experience the ridicule and rejection of society. But what if the world would not believe that it is the type of an innocent sorrow? Urged Elizabeth. Beloved and respected as you are, there may be whispers, that you hide your face under the consciousness of secret sin. For the sake of your holy office, do away with this scandal. Elizabeth is telling Mr. Hooper to take the veil off, but in the end he chooses not to. He has a decision to take it off, but decides not to. The tone is one of disappointment when Mr. Hooper experiences this moral dilemma he faces the opinions of the religions community. The color rose unto her cheeks, as she intimated the nature of the rumors that were already abroad in the village, but Mr. Hoopers mildness did not forsake him. He even smiled again that same sad smile, which always appeared like a faint glimmering of light, proceeding

from the obscurity beneath the veil. If I hide my face for sorrow, there is cause enough. Elizabeth is sadly disappointed that Mr. Hooper does not want to take off the veil. She then becomes embarrassed. Moral dilemma is something we face on a daily basis.

The familiar daily experiences that Mr. Hooper faces include being judged and feeling the need to hide himself. Tremble, also at each other! Have men avoided me, and women show no pity and children screamed and said, only for my black veil. Mr. Hooper faces many familiar daily experiences. How people avoided him, how children always made fun of him and how women judged him. The mood demonstrates how Mr. Hooper feels empathy toward everyone who judged him and avoided him. He could not walk the streets with any peace of mind, so conscious was he that the gentle and timid would turn aside to avoid him, and that others would make it a point of hard hood to throw themselves. We feel empathy for Mr. Hooper because all the judgments and because of that, Mr. Hooper wasnt able to go anywhere in peace without people staring, judging or making fun of him. He was always disrespected because of the black veil. Familiar daily experiences sometimes cause unusual expectations.

The unusual expectation is the authors use of ambiguity because it leaves the reader in thought. First lay aside your black veil: then tell me why you put it on. Mr. Hooper smiled glimmered faintly. There is an hour to come, said he. When all of us shall cast aside our veils. Take it not amiss, beloved friend, if I wear this piece of crape till then. Mr. Hooper didnt wear the veil for fun or just because. He wore it for a purpose that no one knew about. The storys central symbol is left ambiguous and leaves the readers in thought of why he wore a veil. I cant really feel as good. Mr. Hoopers face was behind that piece of crape, said the Sexton.

The minister wearing the veil was an unusual experience for the townspeople because they didnt expect the minister of all people to be dressed like that. Although the townspeople did not understand the purpose behind the veil, there was a purpose to it.

The hidden truth/moral lesson within The Ministers Black Veil is that many people judge a book by its cover without knowing the truth. I look around me, and, lo! On every visual a black veil. Mr. Hooper comes in with a black veil. Everyone judges him already saying hes weird. The theme that everyone has a black veil is meant to express that everyone has something to hide. He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face. People think Mr. Hoopers awful because he has a black veil on, hiding his face. Once again, hes being judged. The hidden truth/moral lesson does analyze the parable The Ministers Black Veil.

In conclusion, moral dilemma, familiar daily experiences, unusual expectations, and hidden truths/moral lessons was analyzed in the parable The Ministers Black Veil. Mr. Hooper experiences people and problems that we ourselves have to face every day.

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