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No. of Assignments: Credits course) (per No of Assignments (per course) No of Assignments to be submitted 4 Credits 6 Credits 8 Credits 2 assignments 2 assignments 3 assignments Calculation of Marks 1 best assignment out of 2 1 best assignment out of 2 2 best assignments out of 3

Weight age (Continuous Assessment): 20% Syllabus Coverage* If number of Assignments = 2 Assignment I: First 40% of the Syllabus Assignment II: Next 30% of the Syllabus If number of Assignments = 3 Assignment I: First 30% of the Syllabus Assignment II: Next 20% of the Syllabus Assignment III: Next 20% of the Syllabus Structure of Assignment (Each assignment will contain 3 questions as follows:

Course Credits Course with 4 Credits

No of Assignments (per course) 2 Assignments

Maximum Marks 20 Marks each

Pattern of Assignments

Basis of Marks calculation

Courses with 6 Credits

2 Assignments

20 Marks each

Type of Questions: Memory based Total Number of Questions: 3 Q1: 10 Marks (having 5 sub parts); Q2: 5 Marks; Q3: 5 Marks Type of Questions: Memory based Total Number of Questions: 3 Q1: 10 Marks (having 5 sub parts); Q2: 5 Marks; Q3: 5 Marks Type of Questions: Memory based Total Number of Questions: 3 Q1: 3 Marks; Q2: 3 Marks; Q3: 4 Marks

1 best assignment out of 2

1 best assignment out of 2

Courses with 8 Credits

3 Assignments

10 Marks each

2 best assignments out of 3

Important Instructions: 1. Students are required to make handwritten assignments in his or her own handwriting. 2. Students are required to submit the assignments in their respective study centre (in case of change of study centre, assignments are required to be submitted in the newly allotted study centre)in a prescribed format (Annexure i). 3. Students are required to make assignments on their own. Direct copying of assignment from another student(s)/ SLM/ Internet/ or any other resource material is not allowed. If found guilty, zero marks will be awarded to the student(s). 4. Assignments and Submission Dates will be provided to the student through their LPU e-Connect as per the schedule given in Academic Calendar. 5. Late submission of assignments will not be accepted in any case and the student(s) who fail to submit the assignments will be awarded zero marks. 6. The marks of the assignments will be made available for students to view through their LPU eConnect account. 7. The assignment should be solved according to Medium of Instruction explained in Programme Guides. General Guidelines

1. Paper Size must be A4 and margins should be maintained on all pages as follows:
Left margin = 1.5 (wider for binding) Top, right & bottom margins = 1


Assignment should contain page numbers (1, 2, 3.) starting from first question.

3. Students should use blue/ black colour pen only. 4. Page number should be placed at the bottom- center of page.
Sequence of Items Required in Assignment

1. Title page (Annexure i) 2. Table of Contents 3. Main Description

Annexure i Lovely Professional University Directorate of Distance Education

Submitted To: Study Centre Code:


Submitted by: Registration Number: Programme Code: Course Code: Assignment No.: Name of the Student: Programme Name: Course Title: Mobile No.:

Signature of Student: Date of Submission:




Cr. 4 4 4 4 4

CA 20 20 20 20 100

ETE(Th.) 80 80 80 80 0

ETE(Pr.) 0 0 0 0 0

Course Code: DCAP606 Course Title: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ASSIGNMENT 1 Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) Define data warehouse. (b) What is business intelligence? (c) What is parent-child dimension? (d) What is the wizard to create a cube? (e) What are surrogate keys? Ques 2: How can you create and modify dimensions? Ques 3: Write a note on data extraction and transformation. ----------------------------------------------Course Code: DCAP607 Course Title: WIRELESS NETWORKS ASSIGNMENT 1 Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) Define the term OFDM. (b) What is the use of NIC in Networking? (c) Discuss 802.11 wireless standards. (d) What do you mean by Wireless Networking? (e) Discuss various Wireless System Components. [2*5=10] [2*5=10] [5] [5]

Ques 2: Explain the Architecture of Wireless Network in detail. Ques 3: What is Modulation? Explain in Detail. ----------------------------------------------------

[5] [5]

Course Code: DCAP608 Course Title: REAL TIME SYSTEMS ASSIGNMENT 1 Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) Define Real Time System. (b) What is stimulus-stimulus constraint? (c) What are parameters of resources? (d) What is periodic task model? (e) What is a tracker? Ques 2: Write a note on signal processing? Ques 3: Differentiate hard real time systems and soft real time systems. -----------------------------------------------Course code: DCAP609 Course Title: CLOUD COMPUTING ASSIGNMENT 1 Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) What is cloud computing? (b) What is a Cloud Service? (c) How many types of deployment models are used in cloud? (d) What is the SPI model? (e) Write short notes on SaaS. [2*5=10] Ques 2: Explain Advantages of Cloud Computing. Ques 3: What are the advantages of cloud services? --------------------------------------------------------[5] [5] [2*5=10] [5] [5]

Course Code: DCAP606 Course Title: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ASSIGNMENT 2 Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) Define aggregate functions. (b) What is KPI? (c) How to create a reference? (d) How to interact with a cube? (e) How to create a standard? Ques 2: How can you use MDX to retrieve values? Ques 3: Write a note on MDX queries. ----------------------------------------------Course Code: DCAP607 Course Title: WIRELESS NETWORKS ASSIGNMENT 2 Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) What is base station in mobile network? (b) How we can implement security in WI-FI? (c) Differentiate between public and private Network. (d) What do you understand by wireless networking? (e) Discuss virtual private network. [2*5=10] [2*5=10] [5] [5]

Ques 2: Discuss the concept of user authentication in wireless networking. Ques 3: Why do we need wireless security? Discuss. ----------------------------------------------------Course Code: DCAP608 Course Title: REAL TIME SYSTEMS ASSIGNMENT 2

[5] [5]

Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) What is clock driven approach? (b) Why priority driven algorithm is greedy? (c) Differentiate dynamic system and static system.

(d) Why is EDF algorithm important? (e) Define run time schedule. Ques 2: Discuss about round robin approach. Ques 3: Discuss about resource parameters of job. ---------------------------------------Course code: DCAP609 Course Title: CLOUD COMPUTING ASSIGNMENT 2 Maximum Marks: 20 Ques 1: Answer the following (a) What is the need of Web-based application defined in brief? (b) What is EC2? (c) What is Community Cloud Computing (C3)? (d) Which services are provided by Window Azure operating system? (e) Write short notes on AOL Calendar. [2*5=10] Ques 2: Explain Abstractions of Cloud Computing. Ques 3: Explain the Maturity Level of Cloud Services. [5] [5] [2*5=10] [5] [5]


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