Fallen : Preview Press

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By Jamie Wilkinson, MS

Second Draft - GOLD


1060 D Tamarack Circle Florence, Ky 41042 859-816-8062 Jamie.f.wilkinson@gmail.com



Int. Price Home Bathroom Night Camera starts in doorway and arcs to the bathtub. The bathtub is of 1920s style with lions feet. The water color is reddish pink with streaks of red above the water line that drip over the edge. A young man with blonde hair, green eyes, and of slender build is submerged in the discolored water. Audio overlay derives from the cloudy memory and voices of the past few hours, days, weeks, months, and years. The voices are mostly those of teenage classmates. SFX: Thud against school lockers MALE VOICE (VO) Watch where youre going, faggot. SFX: Sniffing FEMALE VOICE (VO) Do you smell something? FEMALE VOICE 2 (VO) Oh, Alex! Hi! SFX: Female(s) giggling ADULT FEMALE (VO) Alex, watch your brothers. Im going out. PRE-PUBESCENT MALE (VO) Alex, whens mom coming home? Im hungry. ADULT MALE (VO) Bitch, you got my money? ADULT FEMALE (VO) I just need another day or two. Our checks coming. Its the first of the month. You know how it goes.


ADULT MALE (VO) No more time. You give me my money or Im taking your oldest... ADULT FEMALE (VO) Thats it? (Laugh) How long do you want him for? ADULT MALE (VO) Two hours per ounce. FEMALE VOICE (VO) Sure. ALEX PRICE (VO) Unwanted, unloved, nothing more than a toy for others; I dont want to live my life like this... Camera is looking down into the discolored water. The teenage male erupts out of the water, unnaturally pulled upward, gasping for air. His eyes and mouth fly open. His eyes are a brilliant sapphire blue that radiates its own color. A demonic voice comes from the teenage male, ALEX PRICE. ALEX PRICE (DEMONIC VOICE) Freedom! ALEX looks down at his arms. There are massive cuts on each arm running from the elbow to the wrist. ALEX turns and looks at his left arm. The cut glows, stitching itself from the wrist back to elbow. The glow fades and the skin is healed. ALEX begins to stand up. He glances at his right arm and heals that one too. He bends over, and rises, revealing that he has found a bloody knife on the bathroom floor. ALEX looks at it with sadness. ALEX PRICE (DEMON VOICE) Was this really your only solution? ALEX steps out of the bathtub, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around himself. Camera angles behind ALEX- he begins to walk out of the 3


bathroom. As he walks into the darkness of the hallway, a light glow of blue radiates from him. The glow disappears as he leaves sight. TITLE: (over black) BLACK SCREEN TEACHERS VOICE In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth; the earth was without form and void. Darkness was upon the face of the deep. The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. God said Let there be light! and there was light. FALLEN

SFX: Class bell rings

Int. Public School 23 Literature 104 Day Students who are sitting in their desks get up to go to their next class. The last to exit is ALEX PRICE. He walks with his head down and his books to his side.

Int. Public School 23 Locker Hallway Day ALEX walks to his locker and places his books inside. He grabs his old, beat up black jacket and puts it on. Before he closes his locker, he takes a science text book and binder from the shelf. There are many students around him, but as ALEX takes his time to gather his things, all but a few of the students finish up and exit the hallway. As ALEX starts to close his locker, a MALE STUDENT of heavy build, clad in a letterman jacket. The MALE STUDENT goes out of his way to bump into ALEX, intentionally shoving ALEX into the open locker. ALEX hits his head on the locker. MALE STUDENT Watch where youre going, faggot. ALEX keeps his head down. MALE STUDENT stands for a second, awaiting a response. When ALEX refuses to respond, MALE STUDENT laughs and walks away. Under his breath, we can 4


hear MALE STUDENT Pussy... ALEX is lightly bleeding from where his head hit the corner of the locker. He wipes the blood away with his hand, finally letting his head up.

Ext. Broken Ditch Road Day ALEX is walking along the sidewalk with his jacket on, carrying his textbook and binder. As he walks, he generally keeps his head towards the ground. As he walks, and as a voice over narration plays, he begins to inaudibly cry. ALEX (VO) Thats when I decided to finally take control of my life.

Int. Price Home Bathroom Evening ALEX is lying in the tub, head back and relaxed with headphones in his ears. From another room, distant screams and thuds are heard. The parents are arguing again and children are crying. The light rock instrumental from ALEXs headphones leaks out and fills the scene with instrumental, effectively drowning out the world ALEX is living in. ALEX pulls the buds out and the instrumental cuts out. He hears the screaming, the crying, the begging, and all other thuds of abuse. He takes a deep breath and grabs a knife that has been waiting for him on the bathroom tile. As his hand rises, the rock instrumental plays on, once again covering the sounds from the rest of the house. Slowly, he allows the knife to bite into the flesh of his elbow. In one smooth motion, the knife cuts straight down the flesh of his arm. ALEX looks towards the ceiling, not flinching. As blood pours from his arm, ALEX does the same to his other arm. At this point, ALEX is sitting in the center of the tub. His eyes fixed on the ceiling, we see the eyes and the body loose its strength and hastily plummet into the pool of now reddening water. As the face begins to permanently sink down into the water, we see one final look of peace on his face. 5


Ext. City Street Night MATTHEW SOMMERS, the teenage male from a previous scene, is walking down the sidewalk of a busy city street wearing his letterman jacket. As he walks, the shadow of a hooded figure follows him. As MATTHEW continues walking, he turns into a dark alleyway. The camera does not follow him, but rather sees the figure pass into the alleyway, revealing that the hooded figure is an older male with scraggly features.

Int. Price Home Bathroom Night Camera is looking down into the discolored water. ALEX erupts out of the water, unnaturally pulled upward, gasping for air. His eyes and mouth fly open. His eyes are a brilliant sapphire blue that radiates its own color. A demonic voice comes from ALEX. ALEX (DEMONIC VOICE) Freedom! ALEX looks down at his arms. There are massive cuts on each arm running from the elbow to the wrist. ALEX turns and looks at his left arm. The cut glows, stitching itself from the wrist back to elbow. The glow fades and the skin is healed. ALEX begins to stand up. He glances at his right arm and heals that one too. He bends over, and rises, revealing that he has found a bloody knife on the bathroom floor. ALEX looks at it with sadness. ALEX (DEMON VOICE) Was this really your only solution? ALEX steps out of the bathtub, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around himself. Camera angles behind ALEX- he begins to walk out of the bathroom. As he walks into the darkness of the hallway, a light glow of blue radiates from him. The glow disappears as he leaves sight.


Ext. Alley Way Night MATTHEW stops, as does the FIGURE behind him. MATTHEW turns around. The figure continues walking towards him. MATTHEW Hey man, do we have a problem here? THOMAS Matt, man, its just me. The FIGURE emerges from the shadows. The once haggard elderly man is now THOMAS, a recognizable friend to MATTHEW, who happens to be wearing a letterman that matches MATTHEWs. MATTHEW Dude, what the hell? Why are you following me? THOMAS I have something to tell you. THOMAS walks closer. MATTHEW looks unsure. In an instant, THOMAS looks at his open hand and suddenly a medieval sword appears in his hand. MATTHEW starts to back away when the sword is plunged inside of his stomach with one smooth strike. THOMAS (DEMONIC VOICE) Sorry dude. THOMAS shifts back into the ELDERLY MAN. ELDERLY MAN (DEMON VOICE) Im hungry. The ELDERLY MAN lowers down But before the flesh can be ALEX grabs the ELDERLY MAN, ELDERLY MAN screeches, in a and bites into THOMASs neck. ripped, ALEX appears over him. pulling him up by the neck. The very bird-like manner.


ALEX (DEMON VOICE) This ones mine! The ELDERLY MAN recognizes the voice behind the innocent looking face. ELDERLY MAN (DEMONIC VOICE) Who are you? The ELDERLY MAN turns to ash from the bottom up and falls down in a pile in front of ALEXs leather boots. ALEX takes a step to approach MATTHEW who is still very much alive and shaking with fear and pain. ALEX moves toward MATTHEW. The pile of ash whirls away in a zephyr of wind. ALEX (DEMONIC VOICE) Zendariel. ALEX kneels over MATTHEW, who looks at him with a sharp look of terror. ALEXs voice returns to normal, but now has an undercurrent of strength and a newfound sense of infinite wisdom. ALEX You have tormented this one for the better-remembered part of his life... this would be a very fitting end. (DEMONIC VOICE/ZENDARIEL) I have other plans. ZENDARIEL lays his hand over MATTHEWs stomach. As he focuses, ZENDARIELs eyes glow a sapphire blue and MATTHEWs gashed skin stitches itself back together. Without breaking concentration, ZENDARIEL does the same with the neck. His eyes dim as he observes his work. ZENDARIEL I have repaired the damage that has been done to your form. You now have two choices. You can serve me and keep the gift I have given you MATTHEW leans up, interrupting.


MATTHEW Whats the second?

ZENDARIEL looks at MATTHEW, and his eyes glow again. Suddenly, the skin on MATTHEWs stomach pulls back apart and blood gushes onto the ground. MATTHEW lets out a scream in pain. ZENDARIEL I leave. Now. (BEAT) I leave. You die. It is your choice. ZENDARIEL extends his hand. MATTHEW pulls a bloody hand from his stomach wound. ZANDARIEL (CONTD) All you have to do is take my hand. MATTHEW, after taking a second, grabs his hand. In an instant, his physical health is restored.


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