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Web Manual for XBRL Website

Reserve Bank of India

Web MANUAL for XBRL Website

(Bank Super Users perspective)

XBRL Based Electronic Filing Platform

(Guide for using the XBRL website)

Documented By: IRIS Business Services Pvt. Ltd.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

The following types of users can log in to XBRL website using the link ( RBI Admin / Maintenance Admin Domain Admin Bank Super User Bank Checker Bank Maker RBI Admin and Domain Admin are RBI Users and Bank Super User, Bank Maker and Bank Checker are bank users. Bank Super User: Each bank needs to have at least one Super User for filing returns to the xbrl website. A bank super user is created by Domain Admin for a bank. A bank super user creates maker and checker for his/her bank. Bank Checker and Maker have less number of functions than a bank super user. Bank super user has rights on the forms as decided by the Domain Admin / RBI Admin of RBI.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

Functionalities accessible to the Bank Super User in XBRL Web Application

User Management
A bank super user can add maker and checker users for his / her bank only. A bank maker / checker gets rights to the subset of forms Bank Super User has rights to. A super user can edit maker / checker user which is created by any bank super user of his / her bank. A bank super user can add / revoke rights on a form to a checker / maker, from the list of forms the bank super user himself/herself has access to.

Steps to Add Maker / Checker

1. The user selects role as Bank Checker if he wants to add bank checker or Bank Maker if he wants to add bank maker. 2. The user gives unique user-id, first-name, last-name and email-id 3. The user checks the checkboxes for the forms for which the maker / checker will have rights to. 4. The bank super user then clicks on Submit to add the new bank checker. 5. A mail is sent to the created user, with login credentials.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

Steps to Edit Maker / Checker

1. Select the user-id from the list of available users in Select User field. 2. Other method to select a user is to fill partial or complete user-ids in User ID field and click on search button. This will fill list of available users with matching userids. Select the required user-id from the list. 3. The details of the selected user are shown in the form below. 4. Bank Super User can modify first name, last name and email-id fields. 5. Bank Super user can modify the access rights to the forms by checking on the checkboxes for the forms which are to be accessible by the user and un-checking the checkboxes for the forms which are not to be accessible by the user. 6. Bank Super user can reset the users password by checking on the checkbox for Reset User Password field. 7. Bank super user can disable the user by un-checking on the checkbox for Is Active field. 8. Click on the Update button to save the changes.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

Register Digital Certificate (* Optional)

If a digital certificate is used for encryption of the filings, the same digital certificate must also be registered on the website by the user by going to Register Digital Certificate menu. The bank super user has to register .cer file of the digital certificate which is used for encryption of the files uploaded by his / her bank.

Steps to Register Digital Certificate

1. The user browses to the path where digital certificate is located by clicking on browse button. 2. The user selects the .cer file from open file dialog. 3. The user clicks on register button to register the digital certificate.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

Download Returns Package

A bank super user can download form package for the forms he/she has access to. This package contains the files which are used for filing a return for that particular form. Package corresponding to most recent valid- from date is to be used for filing of a return greater than that particular valid-from date.

Steps to Download Returns Package

1. The user selects the form for which he wants to download package from list of returns as shown in select returns field. 2. A table with all the versions available for that particular form is shown. 3. The user has to download the package depending on the period of reporting by clicking on the Download Now link for that record as shown in the figure below. 4. The user must use the package which has most recent valid-from date related to the reporting period.
for e.g. for filing of returns for 30-Sep-2008 for RCA2, the user has to use RCA2 V1.1 package, since it is valid from 30-Jun-2008 till 30-Dec-2008. For filing returns for 31-Dec-2008, RCA2 V1.2 package has to be used by the user.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

Upload Returns
A bank super user can upload filing for a particular date for a particular form that he / she has access to for his/her bank.

Steps to Upload Returns

1. The user selects the returns type that he/she wants to upload in Select Returns field. The user gives reporting end date in period ended field. The period ended must be a valid reporting date for the selected returns type. 2. The user browses to the .enc file containing the returns data by clicking on the browse button. The enc file is generated from the returns package for that return. 3. User has to provide the option whether enc file is encrypted using e-token, digital certificate or symmetric encryption. 4. The user has to enter if the filing is provisional or is audited. 5. Form A users also need to mention the details of the witness. 6. The user then clicks on upload button to upload the filing. 7. User can view the status of the filing in publish filings functionality.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

View Publish Filings

The super user can view report for the bank he/she belongs to and for the forms he/she has access on. This report is similar to the excel template which is used in returns filing.

Steps to View Publish Filings

1. The user selects the returns type in Select Returns field. 2. The Selected Bank field is non editable and is set to the bank of currently logged in user. 3. The user gives date range by setting start date and end date in Select From Date and Select To Date fields. 4. The list of filings is displayed in a table below as shown. 5. User clicks on the hyperlink in Uploaded Return field to open a pop-up window in which the published report is displayed.

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A user can view one section at a time by clicking on floating menu Return Sections as shown.

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View Error Log A bank super user can view error report for his / her bank only, for a selected form he/she has rights to, in a particular date range for different error types like general, validation, db-import or all.

Request for Revision

In case the bank needs to submit revised filings for a particular reporting period, it needs to send the request for approval of the same. Only the concerned RBI admin can grant the permission for revised filings. This functionality will help the bank super user to send the request for revision mail to the RBI user.

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Web Manual for XBRL Website

Contact us:
In case of any further queries / feedback you can always get in touch with us on our help line details given on the website.

Have a Happy XBRL Filing and Reporting!

Documented By: IRIS Business Services Pvt. Ltd.

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