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TweetChat #accredchat

TrishFreshwater #FollowFriday #blogchat 9 p.m. EST Sundays; #pr20chat 8

p.m. Wednesdays; #accredchat 1 p.m. EST Fridays -2:08 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kristen_okla Sorry I missed #accredchat. Will have to catch up. -2:05 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @alextanPR It's a bit more complicated, check out the KSAs that are tested #accredchat -1:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

maxhansen @vargasl You want to make it last!? After trying to follow both chats, I
need to walk it off! Very stimulating indeed. #accredchat #cmtychat -1:43 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl I love to feel like this-so inspired by #accredchat & #CmtyChat

discussions...jittery with excitement and passion. How to make this last? -1:39 PM Jun 5th,

Buffalo_MBA @vedo But probably less so that with an MBA or other degree
#accredchat -1:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

Buffalo_MBA @shonali That's interesting. I had no idea. Definitely a consideration for

those contemplating an MBA #accredchat -1:37 PM Jun 5th,

RickOpp @BPrickett I'm APR too (& CPRC). Big believer. I'll check out #accredchat.
-1:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

maxhansen @vedo I agree the free-for-all was a bit much. Upside: means
#accredchat was popular. Perhaps a moderator and panel make sense for big group
-1:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

archanaverma Great insights & comments on today's #accredchat w/ @shel

@shonali, @kamichat @arikhanson. If you missed it, see
/qfs8vg -1:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BPrickett @RickOpp Thanks for the RT. It was a lively #accredchat today! -1:33 PM Jun
5th, 2009

gail_nelson @alextanPR: Besides teaching ethics & more, accred is a "proof point"
for industry professionalism (Sorry, had to duck out. ) #accredchat -1:33 PM Jun 5th, 2009

wvpmc Thanks for organizing this chat + advancing the convo about APR/ABC

1 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
@shonali @kamichat @arikhanson #accredchat -1:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shonali Some great insights from you today during #accredchat.
Thx for answering my Q's. I've got a lot more :) -1:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

RickOpp RT @BPrickett: If APR is not the "bar" we should at least include it in

defining what the "bar" is. #accredchat (APR defines PR Pro) -1:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

gail_nelson @shonali Thanks, shonali. Great chat, by the way!! #accredchat -1:29 PM
Jun 5th, 2009

gail_nelson @kamichat Makes sense-In my MA program though, almost all were

practicing professionals. Program was designed/marketed that way #accredchat -1:28
PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @PaulBartonABC Better than you're fired, right? #accredchat -1:27 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ValerieSimon Thnx so much @shonali @kamichat @bethharte @arikhanson & all

others who participated in #accredchat. Had to go early but great #pradvice! -1:25 PM
Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @BryanPerson #accredchat was really good today for first time. Might be
better w/ Q's instead of free for all. How was #cmtychat ? -1:23 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ValerieSimon Great post @vedo ! Some PR people are like star-belly Sneetches, #accredchat -1:19 PM Jun 5th, 2009

PaulBartonABC @shel Or it could be "Always Be Closing" if you want the knife set (a
la Glengarry Glen Ross). #accredchat -1:19 PM Jun 5th, 2009

TiffanyTSmith @shel Thanks for the great advice and food for thought! #accredchat
-1:18 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz Blog post on APR; Some PR people are like star-belly Sneetches, (via @vedo) #accredchat -1:18 PM Jun 5th, 2009

maxhansen @BryanPerson Yes, Bryan, sorry but the #accredchat got more of my
attention than #cmychat . Both were good discussions. -1:17 PM Jun 5th, 2009

2 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
wvpmc @vedo that was a great post!! #accredchat -1:17 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR thanks to all who hosted, promoted and participated in #accredchat - not
sold by any means but appreciate your feedback. -1:17 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo Blog post on APR; relevant in light of today's #accredchat - Some PR people are
like star-belly Sneetches, -1:16 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BryanPerson Looks like a missed a stimulating #AccredChat today! -1:15 PM Jun 5th, 2009

PaulBartonABC RT @shel: People ask me what ABC means. I tell them it's as far as I
got. ;-) #accredchat -1:14 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl Now...jumping into read #CmtyChat thread...too busy in #accredchat to

jump over more than once...@rhappe was on FIRE! -1:14 PM Jun 5th, 2009

lantweets Reading #accredchat. My business master's was a great experience. I

think comm. accreditation, too, would broaden my understanding,contacts. -1:12 PM Jun
5th, 2009

vargasl Agree RT @vedo: @MelWebster Healthy debate is always welcome esp. w/

something as personal as choosing accreditation. Cheers #accredchat -1:11 PM Jun 5th,

alextanPR RT @vargasl: For those studying APR...I am creating falshcards for exam
using cobo cards...will post RSS feed on Twtr #pradvice #accredchat -1:11 PM Jun 5th,

IABCChicago RT: IABCGreat discussion on accreditation. We're following and taking

notes here at IABC HQ. #accredchat -1:11 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BillSledzik @shel When folks see my APR, I just tell them I used to peddle car loans!
#accredchat -1:11 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vanhoosier There are desirable job postings where APR is required or highly
suggested. That is a pro to earn the APR. #accredchat -1:10 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster Gotta go, but I would love to have someone convince me of the value of
APR or ABC. Thanks all. #accredchat -1:10 PM Jun 5th, 2009

3 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
JodiEchakowitz @juliebonnheath Good feedback, thanks #accredchat -1:09 PM Jun 5th,

vedo @MelWebster Healthy debate should always be welcome esp. w/ something as

personally subjective as choosing accreditation. Cheers #accredchat -1:09 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl For those studying APR...I am creating falshcards for exam using cobo
cards...will post RSS feed on Twitter next week. #accredchat -1:09 PM Jun 5th, 2009

wvpmc @BethHarte and the answer is...? #accredchat -1:09 PM Jun 5th, 2009

martinwaxman RT @shel You earn accred b/c you're a solid communicator; it

doesn't MAKE you a solid communicator & you don't NEED it to be one #accredchat
-1:08 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte JodiEchakowitz thanks for the #accredchat idea! @kamichat, @vargasl

@vanhoosier @arikhanson @shonaliburke thx for making up my mind! :) -1:08 PM Jun
5th, 2009

BillSledzik @BethHarte That's pretty much it. I also don't think the process is
rigorous enough to merit letter after the name. #accredchat -1:08 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR @vargasl well, at least i know its in the exam. do you teach it to your
students? #accredchat -1:08 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @vargasl Required accreditation would be a disaster for the PR industry.

Thanks for the chat all. Sorry for being a contrarian. #accredchat -1:07 PM Jun 5th, 2009

SashaHalima @wvpmc ah ha, thank you for that! #accredchat -1:07 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @vanhoosier Thanks I appreciate your reply. #accredchat -1:07 PM

Jun 5th, 2009

SashaHalima @mlhujber but does that make the ABC better than the APR? I
apologize if my Qs seem outlandish, btw, just trying to learn :) #accredchat -1:07 PM Jun
5th, 2009

alextanPR @kamichat but that seems very basic and is learned throughout high
school and college across disciplines don't you think? #accredchat -1:07 PM Jun 5th, 2009

4 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
ljstarnes Amen! RT @vedo: I don't *need* to get accredited. My work ethic and mad
Comm/PR skills speak for themselves. I *want* APR. #accredchat -1:07 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @JodiEchakowitz I think specific questions would be good. I think it

ran a little dry. No offense. #accredchat -1:07 PM Jun 5th, 2009

deegospel @JodiEchakowitz Yes. thanks for inviting me. #accredchat -1:07 PM Jun 5th,

TiffanyTSmith @kamichat Thanks for a great conversation! #accredchat -1:06 PM Jun

5th, 2009

vanhoosier @juliebonnheath benefits of APR for me? More knowledge, greater

understanding of field, opportunity to grow, level playing field #accredchat -1:06 PM Jun
5th, 2009

wvpmc @alextanPR definitely part of the hook for membership retention

#accredchat -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @TiffanyTSmith Accreditation process helped me directly apply

communication theory to my daily work. #accredchat -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @MelWebster It's not yet...and I think that is part of the problem.
#accredchat -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

mlhujber @SashaHalima #1 benefit is being able to organize PR programs that are

consistent with what other pros in the field would design.#accredchat -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BillSledzik @kamichat #accredchat Holy cow, Kami. I just got here and haven't
found the bar yet! Chat soon! :-) -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @shonali @kamichat @vedo @vargas1 @amymengel @shel

@bethharte & others thanks for your input--great discussion today! #accredchat -1:06
PM Jun 5th, 2009

ljstarnes @alextanPR would it be easier for employers to understand, but colleges

can be both good and awful. APR is what u make of it. #accredchat -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

RobinMarie @kamichat Thanks for coordinating. #accredchat -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

5 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
vargasl Respectful discussion...thank you! #accredchat -1:06 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR good question RT @amymengel: Anyone have insight into the revenue
these programs create for their respective organizations? #accredchat -1:05 PM Jun 5th,

shel @MelWebster There's a difference between requiring it and valuing it.

#accredchat -1:05 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz Thanks all for joining the discussion. Did we want to continue the
discussion next week? Do we need to? Perhaps specific Q's? #accredchat -1:05 PM Jun 5th,

MelWebster @vargasl But why is accreditation required to continue to learn and

improve? #accredchat -1:05 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @wvpmc I suppose it depends on your definition of a major conference.

#accredchat -1:05 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BillSledzik @BPrickett #accredchat That's great to hear, Bill. Most important is the
accred process. Exposes folks to theory and lit most haven't seen. -1:05 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte RT @amymengel: Anyone have insight into the revenue these programs
create for their respective organizations? #accredchat (Tough question!) -1:05 PM Jun 5th,

shel It's been fun, everyone. #accredchat -1:05 PM Jun 5th, 2009

janeco Gotta hop off; thanks all for a great discussion #accredchat -1:05 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR @shel so why do folks feel the need to get one? i tend to feel the same
way but there seems to be a logic gap somewhere. #accredchat -1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

maxhansen @kamichat Kami, thanks for a(n over)stimulating hour! #accredchat

-1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

wvpmc To expoand knowledge we need NOW - are resources better invested in

accreditation or in going to a major conference? #accredchat -1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

6 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
MelWebster @BPrickett Agreed, I would never denigrate it, but also would never
require it in someone I was hiring. #accredchat -1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @kamichat That's probably it... but perhaps accreditation is the best
place to learn. #accredchat -1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura @BethHarte @kamichat GREAT chat today on accreditation. Thanks!

#accredchat -1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @kamichat Correct, I don't *need* to get accredited. My work ethic and mad
Comm/PR skills speak for themselves. I *want* APR. #accredchat -1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @BillSledzik Agree. But isn't responsibility with current APRs to promote too?
#accredchat -1:04 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat Okay guys, the official #accredchat is over since it has been an hour, but
please feel free to continue talking amongst yourselves. -1:03 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @BillSledzik Why don't you display? Do you no longer find value in it?
#accredchat -1:03 PM Jun 5th, 2009

amymengel Anyone have insight into the revenue these programs create for their
respective organizations? #accredchat -1:03 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @MelWebster The point aren't that way always. You need to have
solid fundamentals. We need to prove that as industry. #accredchat -1:03 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vanhoosier @alextanPR @ljstarnes agree graduate degree & APR work together. So
enjoyed experience of both. ABC or media law degree next? #accredchat -1:03 PM Jun 5th,

wvpmc @SashaHalima ABC= accreditation from IABC (Int'l Assoc of Biz

Communicators)- more corporate people are members #accredchat -1:03 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BPrickett I respect those who d/n think they need APR, but have issues w/those who
feel need to denegrate it & folks who have it. #accredchat -1:03 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura RT @shel You earn accred b/c you're a solid communicator; it doesn't
MAKE u a solid communicator,& you don't NEED it to be one. #accredchat -1:03 PM Jun
5th, 2009

7 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
shel People ask me what ABC means. I tell them it's as far as I got. ;-) #accredchat
-1:02 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BillSledzik @vargasl True. And with APR the marketing falls to PRSA. (Ugh!) For the
record, I'm APR for 23 years, but don't display letters. #accredchat -1:02 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat The problem is, most of you that are here don't NEED accreditation, you
obviously are looking to learn and expand #accredchat -1:02 PM Jun 5th, 2009

CarlaGEE I'm convinced APR will be good on a personal level & continue to enhance
the profession. Thanks for the info. all! #accredchat -1:02 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @vargasl Yes -- I would assert that for a period of time, the agency I an
my partners ran was the best. #accredchat -1:02 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR @ljstarnes do you think your APR would be more valuable had you
received it from a university instead of IABC or PRSA? #accredchat -1:01 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura I've always been hired for my experience. #accredchat -1:01 PM Jun 5th, 2009

fortworthPRSA Excellent Twitter chat going on about PR Accreditation via the

#accredchat hashtag, -1:01 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel You earn accred because you're a solid communicator; it doesn't MAKE you a solid
communicator, and you don't NEED it to be one. #accredchat -1:01 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @MomonMars You can be consistent with that, but you are not
everyone..Some others may need process and learning more is good. #accredchat
-1:01 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @MelWebster Thanks for the context. #accredchat -1:01 PM Jun 5th,

vargasl @MelWebster For a snapshot in time? You are NEVER the best. takes
constant learning and practice. #accredchat -1:00 PM Jun 5th, 2009

missusP @BethHarte @vargasl @kamichat @vedo - I am on same page as Beth

re: PR, marketing and social media. #accredchat -1:00 PM Jun 5th, 2009

8 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
MelWebster @JodiEchakowitz sold it to Omnicom. #accredchat -1:00 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @MelWebster You keep using past tense. If you 'were' the best,
why are you no longer the best? #accredchat -1:00 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BPrickett @BillSledzik As I mentioned, I got an interview BECAUSE of my APR and I

did get the job at that time. #accredchat -1:00 PM Jun 5th, 2009

FrancoPRGroup Great accreditation discussion going on right now. Follow the

#accredchat hashtag for updates. -1:00 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ljstarnes @alextanPR I found MBA & APR worked together. MBA courses focused
more on theory and APR is 100% focused on real world app #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun
5th, 2009

alextanPR RT @shel: @BethHarte Yep. But like @BillSledzik, I'm not a fan of
licensing or certification in PR. #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @tressalynne Like @BillSledzik I worry about how you would get past the
first amendment issues #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @vargasl There was no need for them to take or pass an exam. We
were the best in our industry. What's the point? #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th, 2009

SashaHalima @shonali wait so what's the difference? I've never heard of ABC before.
#accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @BillSledzik Depends on who's marketing it. ;) #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th,

MomonMars @kamichat Why? Can't I be consistent based on the depth of experience

and willingness to learn? #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath I think it's great to hear some many different opinions on it. Thanks
all. #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @alextanPR Not being institutionalized is probably part of the reason for that.
+ to inform newer pros. #accredchat -12:59 PM Jun 5th, 2009

9 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
vargasl @MelWebster That's great. So what's the problem? Afraid the other 398
couldn't pass exam? #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BillSledzik Accred enhances one's view of the practice, but I've never known anyone
who got a job because of it. Little market value. #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BPrickett If APR is not the "bar" we should at least include it in defining what the "bar"
is. #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @MelWebster What do you mean 'had'? What happened to your

agency? #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th, 2009

TiffanyTSmith RT @shel: Remember, accred shows that you are well-versed in the
fundamentals of managing communication, not a superstar. #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun
5th, 2009

shonali @SashaHalima :) To clarify, I'm not an APR, I'm an ABC. To me the benefit is
knowing you meet a standard for comms. excellence. #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th, 2009

RobinMarie RT @shel: Remember, accred shows that you are well-versed in the
fundamentals of managing communication, not a superstar. #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun
5th, 2009

vargasl @juliebonnheath Sure...Dm me later? #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th, 2009

archanaverma RT @IABC: Great discussion on accreditation. We're following and

taking notes here at IABC HQ. #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat RT @BillSledzik...Problem is you have to regulate it with a licensing

structure. Good luck ... Too many 1st Amendment issues. #accredchat -12:58 PM Jun 5th,

MelWebster @vargasl We had 400 employees at the ageny my partners and I ran. I
think one or two were accredited. #accredchat -12:57 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @sherster You shouldn't be. I was petrified, but it was the best part of the
entire process for me. #accredchat -12:57 PM Jun 5th, 2009

benlucier @MelWebster I don't think we should use accred as the bar, just like we
wouldn't hire somebody simply because they have an MBA. #accredchat -12:57 PM Jun 5th,

10 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM

alextanPR @shonali we've spen significant time on the perception of ABC/APR. main
reason=MBAs rarely need to have this conversation. #accredchat -12:57 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @vargasl VERY glad to hear of that. Do you have a list of others?
Most of my interns have had zero so mark training. #accredchat -12:57 PM Jun 5th, 2009

calpolyprssa Great convo taking place right now about PR acceredidation.. Jump in
students. hashtag is #accredchat -12:57 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl RT @kamichat: As @shel says, accred doesn't make you a superstar, but it
does make you more consistent #accredchat -12:57 PM Jun 5th, 2009

SashaHalima @shonali lol, most of you are :-) What do you see as the no.1 benefit
to the APR? #accredchat -12:56 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BillSledzik @vargasl Problem is you have to regulate it with a licensing structure.

Good luck with that. Too many 1st Amendment issues. #accredchat -12:56 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat As @shel says, accred doesn't make you a superstar, but it does make you
more consistent #accredchat -12:56 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura RT @shel: Remember, accred shows that you are well-versed in the
fundamentals of managing communication, not a superstar. #accredchat -12:56 PM Jun
5th, 2009

MelWebster @JodiEchakowitz 1. Do they have common sense 2. Can they write. 3.

Can they talk to people and develop relationships. Top 3 #accredchat -12:56 PM Jun 5th,

BPrickett I was told in a job interview once that I was there BECAUSE of my APR. The
hiring manager was APR also. #accredchat -12:56 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura RT: BPrickett: In the same way that APRs shouldn't gloat about
designation, those w/o shouldn't dismiss. [it] as unnecessary. #accredchat -12:56 PM Jun
5th, 2009

vedo RT @shel: Remember, accred shows that you are well-versed in the
fundamentals of managing communication, not a superstar. #accredchat -12:55 PM Jun
5th, 2009

vargasl @juliebonnheath I am teaching it at Northwood University...and a lot of

11 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
educators are integrating into current curriculum. #accredchat -12:55 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @BethHarte Yep. But like @BillSledzik, I'm not a fan of licensing or certification
in PR. #accredchat -12:55 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali RT @shel: Remember, accred shows that you are well-versed in the
fundamentals of managing communication, not a superstar. #accredchat -12:55 PM Jun
5th, 2009

kamichat RT: BPrickett: In the same way that APRs shouldn't gloat about designation,
those w/o shouldn't dismiss. [it] as unnecessary. #accredchat -12:55 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @vanhoosier Agreed! #accredchat -12:55 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo RT @shonali: @vedo A degree doesn't necessarily give you real world
experience, or test it. #accredchat [AMEN] -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @vedo See, THIS is what disappoints me... #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th,

shonali @alextanPR What's wrong with having a professional certification?

#accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @BillSledzik Why not? Afraid people wouldn't pass? #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun
5th, 2009

BethHarte @shel But standards (like planning) ususally stay the same, no?
#accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @vargasl Where is it being taught at? I hear it's very limited, if at all,
in most schools. #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @BethHarte Not an option for me either...this is my last chance...

#accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel Remember, accred shows that you are well-versed in the fundamentals of
managing communication, not a superstar. #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

12 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
susancellura Wouldn't that restrict practitioners? @kamichat Should PR practitioners
be required to be certified in order to practice? #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @MelWebster So what do you consider when hiring someone on

your team? #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

SashaHalima @arikhanson link me to the post, please :) #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th,

TiffanyTSmith @rayatkinson I'll prob get APR as evid of common sense & training &
results. Plus I'm seeing more positions that ask for it #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BillSledzik @kamichat Required? You'd have to license practitioners, and that isn't
gonna happen, nor do we want it to happen. #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR @shonali many would contend that an MBA is as much about exper. and
practice but it comes with univ. value. why not legitimize? #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th,

vanhoosier @JodiEchakowitz painstakingly thoughtful is my hope! #accredchat

-12:54 PM Jun 5th, 2009

sherster This is the part I'm worried about. RT @shel: ABC oral exam is a crisis
communication scenario. You have to think on your feet. #accredchat -12:54 PM Jun 5th,

BPrickett In the same way that APRs shouldn't gloat about designation, those w/o APR
shouldn't dismiss the designation as unnecessary. #accredchat -12:53 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @vargasl Me too! I did terrible on both the GMAT and GRE. Failure at
APR/ABC is not an option for me... #accredchat. -12:53 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @vedo A degree doesn't necessarily give you real world experience, or test it.
#accredchat -12:53 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @MelWebster I did say, "all other things being equal," didn't I? #accredchat
-12:53 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @juliebonnheath It is...gotta have the right educators. ;) #accredchat -12:53

PM Jun 5th, 2009

13 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
MelWebster @CarlaGEE The only value I am adding it to tell you that neither
accreditation nor certification is necessary in PR. Simple. #accredchat -12:53 PM Jun 5th,

shel @BethHarte Too many variables in communication for certification. Not like
accounting, where there r limited correct approaches #accredchat -12:53 PM Jun 5th, 2009

benlucier @MelWebster I don't argue that common sense is a requirement in any

industry. But companies should strive for standards- always. #accredchat -12:53 PM Jun
5th, 2009

vargasl Give me an oral exam or written and I could kick butt! (Afterall I do have an
APR Study Fairy!) #accredchat -12:53 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @BethHarte I agree. And frustrating to me that social marketing (for

instance) isn't taught in schools. #accredchat -12:53 PM Jun 5th, 2009

epoeschl @shel I'm not quite in the game yet, but from my POV I think it will give us
credibility. No more "what's pr?" questions #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo RT @arikhanson: Good to see @iabc joining the discussion and taking notes.
Where's @prsa? #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vanhoosier @shonali it is a super book! Re: Effective PR. I keep it handy. You are not
alone. =) #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BPrickett I have an APR, 10+ years of experience AND common sense...but I'm
unemployed. Go figure! <grin> #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @BethHarte You mean like now? Only 1 percent of test is around tech
now. That's gotta change. #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @IABC Glad to have you participate. Some interesting comments re:
ABC maintenance u should take note of. #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @shel Too bad, because you won't end up with the best employees if
certification/accreditation is the bar. #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl I DESPISE computer exam...makes me all nervous like I was for LSAT and
ACTs... #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

14 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
vedo @shonali common argument against, "I just finished a PR degree, APR doesn't
sound any different than course work, why bother?" #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @kamichat I often think certification should be req'd, but then I worry
about the certifiers not staying up on trends/changes. #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @SashaHalima Of course! Just wrote a post on @bethharte 's blog.

Check it out. Explains the "why." (at least my take) #accredchat -12:52 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shel Mine :) We're a small virtual agency. Love that I can make
money doing what I love, but client results r a priority. #accredchat -12:51 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali I'll say this, I was terrified of the oral exam when I took my ABC, but it was the
most fun part of the whole thing. #accredchat -12:51 PM Jun 5th, 2009

iabcrichmond RT @IABC: Great discussion on accreditation. We're following and

taking notes here at IABC HQ. #accredchat -12:51 PM Jun 5th, 2009

CarlaGEE @melwebster I don't understand what value U are trying to offer here on
the #accredchat. Are you challenging the APR to what end? -12:51 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @PRsarahevans Agreed. =) #accredchat -12:51 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @shel Way to wrongly generalize agencies. The agency I and my

partners ran had one of the best reputations in the tech industry. #accredchat -12:51 PM
Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @SashaHalima You're talking to people who are accredited, LOL, of course
you should! #accredchat -12:51 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson Good to see @iabc joining the discussion and taking notes. Where's
@prsa? #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vanhoosier @jonratliff Yes! I found it to be a great big, important job interview

where I shared all I knew. Re: readiness review #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson RT @IABC: Great discussion on accreditation. We're following and taking

notes here at IABC HQ. #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

15 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
MelWebster @kamichat My guess -- the best PR pros in the business are not and
never will be certified. #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel As a hiring mgr, I'd pick an accredited candidate over one who isn't, all other
things being equal. It tips the scales. #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz RT: @krestivo @JodiEchakowitz if accreditation equals smarter

pitches, then yes 'absolutely' and 'please' are my answers. #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th,

shonali @vedo Both APR and ABC are for professionals, not grad-levels necessarily.
#accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

SashaHalima @shonali @themuna @arikhanson I still wonder though if when I

qualify I should get the APR, what do you think? worth it? #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th,

JodiEchakowitz @msullivan It's still on now. Come join us #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun
5th, 2009

shel @JodiEchakowitz I'd like to meet that agency. #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

TiffanyTSmith @rayatkinson Agreed! But that's the line being drawn by those who
disagree with PR accred. as a concept/need. #accredchat -12:50 PM Jun 5th, 2009

IABC Great discussion on accreditation. We're following and taking notes here at IABC
HQ. #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @kamichat I figured APR was geared for professionals and not grad-level. That
seems to be the common misconception. #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th, 2009

PRsarahevans @juliebonnheath I think it's nice to have something to show you

"know ur stuff." doesn't mean I'm doing it (right now) #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @amymengel Employer paid at the time, but now I pay for my
membership and APR maintenance. Worth every penny! #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th,

kamichat Which brings us to a long debated idea: Should PR practitioners be required

to be certified in order to practice? #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th, 2009

16 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
juliebonnheath @MelWebster Perhaps you should have defined that before saying it
had no value, etc. (grin) #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @kamichat The 5yrs exp requirement was always a rub for me, but now I
understand why... #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR RT @JodiEchakowitz: I'm not an IABC or PRSA member. So how do I

choose? #accredchat -12:49 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shel Unless the agency focuses first on results and second on
billable hours :) #accredchat -12:48 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @gail_nelson Really good question, I don't know about PRSA but I *think*
we are trying to at IABC. Not sure, though. #accredchat -12:48 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @amymengel My employer sponsored both ABC and APR. Hopefully

because they recognize the value. #accredchat -12:48 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @MelWebster Agencies only care about what makes you billable. If they don't
see accred as improving billings, they don't care. #accredchat -12:48 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster Someone tell me exactly what is getting "accredited" in the PR business.

#accredchat -12:48 PM Jun 5th, 2009

RobinMarie @rayatkinson I'd add that it helps define dfrnt PR disciplines +

importance of four-step process. #accredchat -12:48 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @vedo @BethHarte Oh this is a great new discussion for later...

#accredchat -12:48 PM Jun 5th, 2009

nicolefjohnson @amymengel - I was very fortunate. My employer sponsored my

ABC accreditation #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @alextanPR But it's not much theory. It focuses strongly on experience and
practice. #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun 5th, 2009

amymengel Hehe RT @rayatkinson A lot of PR practitioners have common sense,I

hope, but that's not exactly a global standard of measurement #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun
5th, 2009

17 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
ljstarnes @amymengel My employer paid for it. The SW district of PRSA has a
scholarship that you can apply for. #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @gail_nelson APR/ABC were tests developed for professionals with some
years of real world experience, not a grad level focus #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun 5th, 2009

gail_nelson @shonali: Sure. To clarify: I was in school "mode" when I got my M.A.
Does IABC or PRSA partner with universities to promote? #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun 5th,

benlucier You can be great in PR if you have common sense? Perhaps, but that
myopic statement does PR people a grave injustice. #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @shel Must be the rare case. I have never seen any value placed on
accreditation in the PR biz. #accredchat -12:47 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @epoeschl That would make it a certification, which has been a subject of debate
as long as I've been in the game (30+ yrs) #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @shonali Me too. #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR @shonali from that perspective then since much is theory, would you
support this process moving to a univ. level for validation? #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th,

juliebonnheath @BethHarte LOL. It's not your fault that categories differ.
#accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @TiffanyTSmith A lot of PR practitioners have common sense, I hope,

but that's not exactly a global standard of measurement. #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th,

shonali @vargasl I can't afford both memberships. I pay for 'em myself!
#accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @BethHarte <shocked expression> What?! Thems's is fightin' words sister.

</shocked expression> #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @vedo @BethHarte I see PR as an extension of marketing.

Programs need to be coordinated and integrated to maximize value. #accredchat -12:46

18 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @benlucier Standards for a business such as PR makes no sense. It's

not about accreditation, but hiring people with common sense #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun
5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz Look at your range of work as well as where you want it to
go. Choose based on that. #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @MelWebster I've had recruiters ask & seen apps that have a field for
accreditations, so the hiring co must think it has value. #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @shonali Rich indeed! ;) #accredchat -12:46 PM Jun 5th, 2009

sarahcannon @amymengel I think CPAs, MDs, attorneys, realtors, etc. all have to
have continuing ed credits (and the courses are pricey). #accredchat -12:45 PM Jun 5th,

epoeschl Accred isn't needed yet, but does anyone think that it should be somewhere
down the line? #accredchat -12:45 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz I'm not an IABC or PRSA member. So how do I choose? I want to go

down accred path, but want to make sure it's the right one. #accredchat -12:45 PM Jun 5th,

BethHarte @vedo See, this is why I will burn in hell... Comm falls under Marketing
too. :) #accredchat. -12:45 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @MelWebster No one says you have to be accredited to successful, but it

is a very good program to develop professionally #accredchat -12:45 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath Not for or against accred but additional continuing

education/worksops also of value. #accredchat -12:45 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz Probably not unless I joined PRSA as well, which means I'd
have to be very rich. :) #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

jschultz @shel Great conversation, very informative. I'd qualify under the "early
career" bunch; sounds like a huge learning opportunity. #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura @kamichat Makes sense and interesting that there are geographical

19 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
differences in understanding the worth. #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @BethHarte I respectfully disagree that PR is placed in the Marketing silo. I'm
more of a Communications umbrella man myself ;) #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @kamichat Accreditation gives you the tools to measure what you've
learned. #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

amymengel For those of you who are accredited: did you pay yourself or did your
employer sponsor it? #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @benlucier flexible structure is good and needed for the health of industry.
#accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster Has anyone in this business every had to prove they were accredited to
get a job or for any other reason? #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shonali And would u consider going the APR route, or not
necessary now? I know @shel is happy with just ABC. #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @CarlaGEE LOL! I took it about 9 years ago in PA. The APR prep class
TOTALLY changed me. Would make sense the APR would too! #accredchat -12:44 PM Jun
5th, 2009

shonali @gail_nelson Can you clarify? #accredchat -12:43 PM Jun 5th, 2009

TiffanyTSmith Perfect line in the sand :) RT @MelWebster Here's my test for PR

accredit: Do you have common sense? Yes? You're accredited. #accredchat -12:43 PM Jun
5th, 2009

vargasl @BethHarte Both of us are! I am a "communicator" #accredchat -12:43 PM Jun

5th, 2009

benlucier @MelWebster B/C there are a lot of people doing PR that don't have a clue,
undermining PR in general? Standards are good. #accredchat -12:43 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz Because I was an IABC member (which I chose 'cos I

didn't want to be pigeonholed into a tiny perception of PR). #accredchat -12:43 PM Jun 5th,

20 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
shel @MelWebster Accred is not required for success. It can be an additional factor,
though. There are other reasons to attain it. #accredchat -12:43 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @susancellura Not necessarily about personal dev only, in DC many jobs
are APR/ABC preferred, it DOES sharpen your skills #accredchat -12:43 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @vargasl Well, then I will burn in hell because I am in the school that PR
falls under marketing (The Promotion "P"). LOL! :) #accredchat -12:42 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @JodiEchakowitz I know several folks with both ABC and APR. I'm fine with just
ABC. #accredchat -12:42 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shonali What made u decide ABC over APR? #accredchat -12:42 PM
Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster @kamichat That's me. Never been accredited and with 3 non-accredited
partners built a 400-person, highly successful tech PR firm #accredchat -12:42 PM Jun 5th,

vedo Since APR is governed by the *Universal* Accreditation Board, then I could be an
accredited PR pro on Mars?! Sweet! :) #accredchat -12:42 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @alextanPR The ABC? It's not about a specific discipline of comms. IAbout
the thinking behind it, which you can apply anywhere. #accredchat -12:42 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @BethHarte I decided to pursue the ABC right after the APR. Figured I
would go ahead while all the information was still fresh. #accredchat -12:42 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @kamichat Hmmm.. interesting perspective. I've been in PR almost

20 years. Is there more value? #accredchat -12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @tressalynne Yes, because I think they serve different areas of the
marketing communications arena. :) #accredchat -12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @BethHarte Those that are pure PR think so...I take the "integrated"
approach like you, so find APR more strategic=me #accredchat -12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

CarlaGEE @bethHarte Where was the Weekend to Excellence offered? #accredchat

-12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

21 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
gail_nelson @shel @shonali et al: Is anyone asking grad programs about exams? I
have an MA in Comm. That would have been a good time for me #accredchat -12:41 PM
Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @vargasl LOL, why?! #accredchat -12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR @shonali interesting. any talk of revamping to also include marcom and
SM? many like myself are integrated communicators. #accredchat -12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shel Would you consider APR at some point, or don't u think it's
necessary once u have ABC? #accredchat -12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte RT @wvpmc: For those of you who became accredited after yrs of exp -
what major ideas did U learn U did not already know? #accredchat -12:41 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz In PR, you mean? Yup, I agree. #accredchat -12:40 PM Jun
5th, 2009

kamichat My opinion is that accreditation is really helpful at early to mid career, any
other opinions on that? #accredchat -12:40 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @vargasl Why are you a traitor to marketing?! #accredchat -12:40 PM Jun 5th,

shel @RobinMarie Nope, just ABC (1984). I was never a PRSA member.
#accredchat -12:40 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte I took the PRSA's Weekend to Excellence (an APR prep class) and it was
phenomenal. Don't know if they offer it everywhere. #accredchat -12:40 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shonali But people forget about other elements such as strategy,
writing, measurement, analyst relations, corp comms. #accredchat -12:40 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @shonali LOL...nowadays, I think I am being classified as a traitor to

marketing! #accredchat -12:40 PM Jun 5th, 2009

wvpmc For those of you who became accredited after years of experience - what
major ideas did U learn U did not already know? #accredchat -12:40 PM Jun 5th, 2009

22 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
shonali @amymengel There is some kind of global thingy, but I'm not sure where it's
at (LOL. How professional!). #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

RobinMarie @shel You have ABC and APR, correct? Which has been more useful in
terms of knowledge/practice? #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @amymengel APR is "universal" -- smaller and national assocs use it. IABC
opted not to, wanted subjective exam & int'l focus. #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura sounds like this is really about personal development and not many of us
have a corp environment to support us #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

TiffanyTSmith @themuna Good point re: results. That's what I've focused on, but
can see why a balance b/w conf & results is optimal. #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat Someone mentioned that after 25 years in comms they don't see value, as
long as you're always learning it doesn't matter #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @JodiEchakowitz You make it relevant by taking fundamentals and

customizing in your practice. #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @arikhanson And, quite honestly, a lot of PR pros don't help, because they
only talk about/think publicity. #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @vedo (grin) No wait (wide grin) #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @arikhanson I think it's inherent in the term "public relations." Because
people think PR=MR. #accredchat -12:39 PM Jun 5th, 2009

amymengel Any chance of APR/ABC/AMA ever joining forces and creating a more
integrated program? I'm sure there's lots of content overlap #accredchat -12:38 PM Jun
5th, 2009

arikhanson @shonali IABC does a better job there. What would you attribute that to?
Better education? Why does PRSA=media relations? #accredchat -12:38 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @alextanPR There's talk of it, I'm not sure where it's going. #accredchat
-12:38 PM Jun 5th, 2009

23 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
JodiEchakowitz @BethHarte I'm with you on that. I want to learn more, so why not
make it relevant to my career and business. #accredchat -12:38 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @arikhanson gotcha. Maybe @PRSA needs to jump in here and join the chat ;)
#accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte Don't know about you...but I am convinced about getting an APR & ABC.
Just need to buckle down. :) #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR any thoughts on a unified accreditation process - one from IABC and
PRSSA - a level of consistency? #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @alextanPR There are steps within the steps, basics are 1) Research 2)
Planning 3) Implementation 4) Evaluation #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @JodiEchakowitz Heh. Tell it to the accreditation governing bodies of IABC and
PRSA! #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @alextanPR Because we need to be the change we seek to effect. Right,

@gail_nelson? #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @alextanPR NO...both in the exam one is extended version (10-step)

#accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

janeco So far, it appears that APR/ABC is all about personal growth, the end result,
hopefully idoing a better job for ur client #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura @shel - many internal communicators don't have to deal with crisis
communications. #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

epoeschl @MelWebster That's true for now, but APR can be very valuable. Once
more people become accredited that is #accredchat -12:37 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @arikhanson I think you're right, though, it's the same reason I didn't join
PRSA but IABC. I wanted a broader horizon. #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @kamichat That's great to know that they adjust the questions, thanks
Kami! #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

24 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
JodiEchakowitz @shel I would think a combination of both approaches would be
best. #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @vargasl We fight that all the time up here. People think PRSA/PR they
think media relations. Narrow thinking. #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR interesting point. why? RT @gail_nelson: I do think that widespread

accreditation could help with PR's reputation #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @MelWebster ludicrous to accredit PR or ludicrous b/c you think there shouldn't
be an accreditation process. just curious #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster Here is my test for PR accreditation: Do you have common sense? If

answer is yes, then you are accredited. #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ryanzuk RT @JodiEchakowitz Do U think PR industry would have better reputation if

more peeps were accredited? #accredchat happening now -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura That is part of the fear factor @shel ABC oral exam is a crisis
communication scenario. You have to think on your feet. #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th,

arikhanson @vedo Just saying that's perception in some areas. PRSA just media
relations. PR, obviously, so much broader. #accredchat -12:36 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @BethHarte Also, for APR, questions are adjusted every year, they ask for
advice of those in the know, I have been asked #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @arikhanson I think both measure communication management and

strategic thinking. They just measure in different ways. #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR @kamichat @vargasl thanks for responding. one said 4 step process,
other said 10 steps. diff programs or lack of consistency? #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th,

vargasl @arikhanson Perception...yes! #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @MelWebster Why ludicrous? So many of us have questions. Why

not share insights with others? #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

25 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
vanhoosier Read the books, wk through the guide, find a colleague to prepare w/.
Encourage each other; give it your all. You will do super! #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th,

BPrickett @lindsaymallen I think that line has to do with attitude, tho...not with
talking up the APR. It's not about superiority, is it? #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel ABC oral exam is a crisis communication scenario. You have to think on your feet.
#accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @vargasl That's what it's about, agree. I was talking about the
perception of who's involved with PRSA. See taht in TX? #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @BethHarte In the case of APR the social media section is a very small part
of the overall test #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @amymengel Yep, but I get different information from the PRSA than the
IABC...that's why I belong to both #accredchat. -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel Also: APR exam has right/wrong answers, can be graded by non-communicators.
ABC exam is subjective, needs pros to grade. #accredchat -12:35 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz Exactly. #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

MelWebster I cannot believe there is still talk about accreditation for the PR industry.
Ludicrous. #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo I disagree w/ notion PRSA being relegated to "media relations" - agree w/

@vargasl "PRSA-Strategy/Planning Process" #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @BethHarte You take the test and then get involved in being a catalyst for
change! ;) #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

SJohnson85 RT @shel: IABC is for corporate communicators, PRSA is for agency

people. That's a general observation; there is overlap. #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ljstarnes @arikhanson @shel In my APR readiness review, panel wanted all focus to
be on broader PR skills, NOT just media relations. #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

26 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
BethHarte @RobinMarie I never put my school degrees after my name. Don't think
having a grad degree means much today. I would put APR. #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th,

lindsaymallen @BPrickett And there's a fine line btwn making it important & making
others feel like lesser professionals for not having it. #accredchat -12:34 PM Jun 5th, 2009

janeco Hmm RT MelWebster: As someone who has been in this biz for 25 years and
run a highly successful company, I see NO value in apr #accredchat -12:33 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @arikhanson Disagree...PRSA-Strategy/Planning Process #accredchat -12:33

PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @arikhanson What about people that handle both - whether agency
or in house? Do they need both? #accredchat -12:33 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte What happens when you know more about the PR/Comm industry than
those giving the test (i.e. social media)? #accredchat -12:33 PM Jun 5th, 2009

RobinMarie Question: how many degrees/titles are too much? Is Jane Doe, APR, ABC,
MBA meaningful to anyone other than Jane Doe? #accredchat -12:33 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vanhoosier for yrs I took "Effective PR" on every family vaca (beach read) & once I
got the study guide and my study buddy, we went for it! #accredchat -12:33 PM Jun 5th,

MelWebster As someone who has been in this biz for 25 years and run a highly
successful company, I see NO value in apr #accredchat -12:33 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @shel I'd simply that eve more: PRSA-media relations. IABC-corp comm.
At least, I think that's the perception. #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @alextanPR Ten step process...use it for everything...keeps me accountable

and clients in-the-know! #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz Is there any value to being both APR and ABC accredited?
#accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

gail_nelson I do think that widespread accreditation could help with PR's reputation
#accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

27 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
kamichat @ValerieSimon Honestly I never looked at the ABC, I am concerned it
doesn't require maintenance, so much changes so fast #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @BethHarte re: PRSA & IABC - I don't really know too much about IABC.
Nothing against it, I am just not knowledgeable. #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

mlhujber APRs can reinstate at any time. They need to be a current member of PRSA
to use the designation. #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

wvpmc Anyone have stats on % of people who begin accreditation process and finish
with APR or ABC? #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @ConversationAge Yep, you and I had that conversation... I thought that
was the issue. @shel I think it's a MAJOR oversight. #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali The other book I used for ABC prep was Inside Org. Comms (ed Al Wann), but
I think it's out of print now. #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ValerieSimon @BethHarte Very helpful! Both great organizations, so it is impt to

consider personal career direction #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz Great insights via @shel: IABC is for corporate communicators, PRSA
is for agency people. #accredchat -12:32 PM Jun 5th, 2009

PRtini @amymengel I think CPAs are required to do a certain number of "continuing

education" hours per year. Not sure how many though #accredchat -12:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR anybody? can anybody provide an example of how an APR lesson learned
has helped them in a specific communications situation? #accredchat -12:31 PM Jun 5th,

amymengel @BethHarte But in corp comm world, those areas can overlap a lot. You
can have a communicator doing internal, PR, marcomm #accredchat -12:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

janeco @amymengel yes, like in any professional industry, CPA's take continuing ed
classes #accredchat -12:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel My view: IABC is for corporate communicators, PRSA is for agency people. That's
a general observation; there is overlap. #accredchat -12:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

28 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
jonratliff @vanhoosier Knowing Effective PR is helpful, but the Readiness Review is
big part of APR. Must prove you know how to plan. #accredchat -12:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @vanhoosier Are you kidding? They are using 'Effective PR' for the test?
Cool... Maybe not so much to worry about then. :) #accredchat. -12:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ConversationAge @shel but they do require you to stay current with membership to
keep it @Bethharte #accredchat -12:31 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @WendyIsett 1.5 years from start to finish. I liked the feeling of not having a
gun to my head. #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shel So would u then suggest that APR is higher valued than ABC
or equal? Or does maintenance not come into play? #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

themuna @TiffanyTSmith yes, but bsn't preclude conf. I got in2 pr du 2 my conf.
Accred may prov clients w/ conf but results shld do that #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th,

shel IABC accred is about 6 months. Process starts with a comprehensive application,
then a work portfolio, then exam, written & oral #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BPrickett @JodiEchakowitz I do think accreditation is one way to improve the

industry and the image (PR) of the industry. #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @jonratliff Yes, it does. With IABC, at least right now, you need to keep your
membership current. #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @ValerieSimon I see PRSA & IABC as two different areas of comm
(w/some overlap). PRSA = PR, IABC = internal/international comm #accredchat -12:30
PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @susancellura As part of the work we do, I think we all need to be

proactive in educating others in the value of PR #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vedo @vargasl I think looking at PR through the accreditation lens in the hopes of
wanting to make it a better industry is great #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat @alextanPR Sure, it was in the APR process that I first learned there was a
four part process to comms #accredchat -12:30 PM Jun 5th, 2009

29 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
shonali @BethHarte @vanhoosier I'm going to sound like an old fogey, but I found
it VERY helpful! #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vanhoosier @bethharte "yes," Effective PR is what the new test is based on. Many
others in the library. I love "This is PR" by Newsom&co #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

amymengel Do CPAs in accounting have to do maintenance once they pass their

exam? Anyone know? #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shel @BethHarte IABC does not require you to stay current in order to maintain
accreditation. Yes, a serious oversight. #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

jonratliff @shonali APR has maintenance for accreditation. You're supposed to do

things to stay current. #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura Still education issue @JodiEchakowitz Do you think the PR industry

would have a better reputation if more peeps were accredited? #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun
5th, 2009

WendyIsett @shonali How long did it take you? #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @kamichat Actually the APR has maintenance requirements, but ABC
just requires being an active member of IABC. #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @jonratliff Glad to know that you don't. I think it's scary when
others do. I agree w needing standards. #accredchat -12:29 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ValerieSimon @kamichat Any advantages or differing strenghts you see btwn IABC &
PRSA? #accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

elisemitch RT @vargasl: I'm not getting APR for better job, but to make me better
practitioner, help make PR industry better #accredchat (It will -esm) -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz @shonali And membership has its benefits, so not a bad thing either.
#accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ljstarnes @JodiEchakowitz @BethHarte re: "bad egg" APR readiness review's

should "catch" those who aren't ready for exam & give mentoring #accredchat -12:28 PM
Jun 5th, 2009

30 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
arikhanson In certain industries, APR has more value. For example, in accounting biz,
CPAs understand value of certification. #accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BPrickett I worked for trade assn & they administered certifcation for the industry &
they understood AND paid for my costs! LOVE THAT! #accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz But even if your membership lapses, if you reinstate, you
can use it again. At least for IABC, from what I know. #accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @BethHarte Too Pollyanna? I consider self the future of PR...what do I want
for me and peers? #accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz I guess the only thing is that you have to keep your
membership up to be able to use the designation. #accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz Do you think the PR industry would have a better reputation if more
peeps were accredited? #accredchat -12:28 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ValerieSimon RT @kamichat: You need to pick the exam based on the org. you most
want to be involved with later, since there is maintenance. #accredchat -12:27 PM Jun 5th,

shonali I do too. RT @RobinMarie: @ arikhanson I explain + liken it to an

accountant's CPA. That helps them get it. #accredchat -12:27 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson @RobinMarie Used to work for CPAs. In that industry, the APR helped a
lot. They understood the value. #accredchat -12:27 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @vargasl Lauren, that's an excellent point. "APR = better practitioner =

better industry" LOVE IT! :) #accredchat -12:27 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali RT @RobinMarie: @ arikhanson I explain + liken it to an accountant's CPA.

That helps them get it. #accredchat -12:27 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz What is the downside to being accredited? Is there one?

#accredchat -12:27 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @vargasl That's not too long! The important thing is that you're keeping at it!
#accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

31 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
ConversationAge @susancellura ABC #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

kamichat You need to pick the exam based on the organization you most want to be
involved with later, since there is maintenance. #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

rayatkinson @amymengel Yes. #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

jonratliff @juliebonnheath I don't subscribe to the attitude, but I've heard people
say it. We need prof. standards now more than ever. #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

RobinMarie @ arikhanson I explain + liken it to an accountant's CPA. That helps them

get it. #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vanhoosier I keep the PR prep textbooks near my desk. They are valuable, important,
helpful, useful. Never stop learning! #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz Yup, that's one of the things I liked about it, you don't feel
you're under the gun. #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

shonali RT @ValerieSimon: @shonali Yes... And EVERY APR I have spoken with/
interviewed believes that the designation is worthwhile #accredchat -12:26 PM Jun 5th, 2009

BethHarte @vanhoosier Effective Public Relations (Cutlip) is the book I've used for
yrs to teach PR...does that give me an edge?! LOL! ;-) #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th, 2009

ValerieSimon RT @arikhanson: @vargasl @shonali Right reasons: Prof dev,

confidence, core skill dev. Not, "It will get me a better job." #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th,

kamichat PRSA also assigns a mentor if you want one. Also, you have a readiness
review where you are coached #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th, 2009

arikhanson Nailed it! RT @vargas1 I'm not getting APR for a better job..but to make
me a better practitioner and help make industry better. #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th, 2009

alextanPR can anybody provide an example of how an APR lesson learned has helped
them in a specific communications situation? #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th, 2009

32 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM
shonali @susancellura Well, it has to be someone who's accredited, so usually the
chapter accred coord/HQ reaches out to accred members. #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th,

JodiEchakowitz @shonali Good to know there is at least flexibility esp. w/ running an

agency, time for family, etc. #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl @shonali Don't feel so bad now...I have been at this for too long (2 years)
#accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th, 2009

susancellura RT @vargasl I am not getting an APR for a better job....but to make me

a better practitioner and help make this industry better. #accredchat -12:25 PM Jun 5th, 2009

TiffanyTSmith Best quote from #accredchat so far: @jonratliff Agree about the
C-suite. Too many think that modestly trained monkeys could do PR. (HA!) -12:25 PM Jun
5th, 2009

ValerieSimon @shonali Yes... And EVERY APR I have spoken with/ interviewed
believes that the designation is worthwhile #accredchat -12:24 PM Jun 5th, 2009

juliebonnheath @jonratliff That's a scary attitude. I promote and train up-even if

they eventually move on. They r better 4 it. #accredchat -12:24 PM Jun 5th, 2009

jonratliff @janeco Has anyone gotten a job because they were an APR? I know a guy
who got his GMAT waived at Syracuse because he was APR. #accredchat -12:24 PM Jun
5th, 2009

amymengel Anyone on the chat BOTH an APR and an ABC? #accredchat -12:24 PM Jun
5th, 2009

shonali @JodiEchakowitz 1.5 yrs because I dilly-dallied, LOL. My portfolio passed 1st
time. Did the exam a year later. #accredchat -12:24 PM Jun 5th, 2009

vargasl I am not getting an APR for a better job....but to make me a better practitioner
and help make this industry better. #accredchat -12:24 PM Jun 5th, 2009

JodiEchakowitz RT: @ljstarnes @JodiEchakowitz You have one year from the time
PRSA gets your application to sit the computerized APR exam. #accredchat -12:24 PM Jun
5th, 2009

33 of 33 6/5/2009 2:12 PM

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