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Please correct any errors in the above address label Purpose of the survey The Agricultural Sample Survey covers the activities on commercial farms in South Africa. For the purpose of this survey, a commercial farm is a farm that is registered for VAT (Value Added Tax) and/or IT (Income Tax). Results of the survey serve as the basis for evaluating the present situation (in terms of production, labour, farming expenses, farming debt, food security, etc.) and the market needs for agriculture. The results can benefit you directly, since it will enable you to position your operation in relation to other farms in South Africa. These results will be published in Statistical Release P1101 Agricultural Sample Survey 2008, and in Report 11-02-01 Agricultural Sample Survey 2008. Collection authority The information required is collected under Section 16 of the Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No. 6 of 1999). Your cooperation is sought in completing and returning this questionnaire by the due date. Confidentiality In accordance with Section 17 of the Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No. 6 of 1999), your completed questionnaire remains confidential to Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). Reference period Please complete this questionnaire and return it in the business reply service envelope or fax it to Stats SA by 30 September 2008. If exact figures are not available, please provide careful estimates.

Stats SA recommends that you retain a copy to refer to, in the event of a query
Help available If you have problems in completing this questionnaire, or find that it will be the deadline, please contact us at: Toll free number: 0800 212 169 Postal address: Telephone number: (012) 310-8052 (012) 310-4681 Fax number: (012) 310-4641 / 4642 -mail address: Website:
Person whom Stats SA should contact if any queries arise regarding the completed questionnaire Name Signature Position/Title Date Telephone number Cell phone number Fax number Email address ( ) ( )

difficult for you to meet Statistics South Africa Private Bag X44 Pretoria, 0001

Hierdie vraelys is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar.


Please note
For this survey:
This questionnaire should be completed by or on behalf of farmers who operate their own farm, work on a rented farm or on land farmed on shares. The items listed under subheadings 'Include' and 'Exclude' are only examples and should not be taken as a complete list of items to be included or excluded. If exact figures are not available, please provide careful estimates.

Part 1 General information

1. Please indicate the ownership of the farming unit. Is this unit owned by: (Please tick below) Individual Cooperative society Private company Government enterprise 2. Period covered by this questionnaire Close corporation Partnership Trust Public corporation Family Public company Other (specify)

Note This questionnaire should be completed for your financial year ended on any date between 1 March 2007 and 28 February 2008. From Please indicate the period covered by this questionnaire .. Note

To / /

If you conduct farming activities in two or more provinces, please request separate questionnaires in respect of the farming operations in each province. If more than one questionnaire is submitted, please ensure that no duplication takes place. In which province is the farm situated? (Please tick one.) Gauteng Free State Eastern Cape Mpumalanga KwaZulu-Natal Northern Cape North West Western Cape Limpopo



Part 2 Gross farming income earned from field crops and horticultural products for the year ended 28 February 2008
Note The data is collected on farming unit basis. A farming unit consists of one or more farms, holdings or pieces of land, whether adjacent or not, operated as a single unit and situated within the same province. A farming unit means any unit on which one or more of the following farming operations are carried out for commercial purposes: - The cultivation, in the open air or under cover, of field crops, fruit, grapes, nuts, seed, bulbs, vegetables, plants or flowers. - The operation of a tea, coffee and/or sugar plantation. - The breeding of livestock, poultry, game or other animals, including freshwater fish, furred animals, and trade in livestock. - The production of milk, wool, fur, eggs or honey. All current expenditures incurred in connection with farming activities should be shown in Part 6A. Capital expenditures, such as fixed costs incurred with new orchards and plantations, should be shown in Part 6. The value of products and livestock sold, but for which payment has not yet been received should be included. Gross farming income = total turnover before deductions.

Field crops produced during the various production seasons (harvest years) that ended not later than 28 February 2008 (e.g. the 2007 maize harvest year)
Gross farming income Rand 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Maize ........ Wheat Sugar-cane Other field crops (e.g. barley, dry beans, lucerne, etc.) Total gross income earned from field crops (Question 4 to Question 7)

Horticultural products produced during the financial year ended 28 February 2008
Rand 9. Vegetables .

10. Fruit (excluding grapes) 11. Viticulture (growing of grapes) .. 12. Other horticultural products (e.g. nuts, tea, flowers, etc) .. 13. Total gross income earned from horticultural products (Question 9 to Question 12)


Part 3 Gross farming income earned from animals and animal products for the year ended 28 February 2008
Gross farming income Rand 14. Cattle ... 15. Sheep .. 16. Poultry .. 17. Ostriches . 18. Game . 19. Aquaculture . 20. Other animals .. 21. Animal products (milk, eggs, wool, etc.) 22. Total gross income earned from animals and animal products (Question 14 to Question 21) ..

Part 4 Other income

23. Other income received for services rendered to other farmers (such as ploughing, harvesting , threshing, baling, picking, spraying, shearing and transport), leasing of farming equipment, salaries and pensions, etc. 24. Other income (e.g. rent on land, interest, dividends, rebates, agri-tourism forestry, farm-based retail stores, processing and small manufacturing enterprises) ... 25. Total (Question 23 to Question 24) ...


Part 5 Employment
Number of owners/family workers as at 28 February 2008
Male 26. Owner who farms for himself/herself, including part-time farmers . 27. Other owners directly involved in the farming activities .................. 28. Family members involved in the farming operation but who do not receive regular salaries ......................................... 29. Total (Question 26 to Question 28) .. Number Female

Number of full-time employees as at 28 February 2008

Include Anybody who receives regular salaries. Office staff (include domestic workers where possible). Number Male Female 30. Office staff .. 31. Farm managers .. 32. Farm foremen 33. Employees who normally do farm work 34. Total (Question 30 to Question 33) .. Note If exact figures are not available, please provide careful estimates.

Number of casual and seasonal workers employed during the financial year
Exclude Contractors and their employees. Include Family members who do receive salaries/remuneration for periods employed. Number of casual and seasonal workers who worked less than 3 months during the reporting period Male Female Number of casual and seasonal workers who worked more than 3 months during the reporting period Male Female

35. Casual, seasonal, occasional and day labourers, e.g. shearers, reapers and fruit-pickers


Part 6A Current expenditure in respect of this farming unit incurred in connection with farming operations during the financial year
Notes Where farming activities are situated in different provinces, the division of data between the provinces can be calculated on the basis of, for example, the areas of the different farming units. Railage and rented transport must be included with the relevant purchases. Cost price of payment in kind is the costs for the farmer of rations such as maize meal, flour, slaughter animals, meat, fish, milk, bread, coffee, sugar, tobacco, clothing (social), shoes (social), transport, training and medicine provided for farm and office workers, and medical expenses paid on their behalf. Exclude Capital expenditure/purchase of assets (included in Part 7). Farming expenditure

Full-time employees
36. Salaries, cash wages and cash bonuses (including payment in kind)


Casual and seasonal paid workers

37. Salaries, cash wages and cash bonuses (including payment in kind) Other current expenditure 38. Accounting fees ............................................................................... 39. Advertising and marketing expenses ............................................ 40. Depreciation provided for during the financial year .................. Note Report depreciation or provision for depreciation as recorded in the financial or management accounts on all assets such as machinery, equipment, office equipment (e.g. computers), tractors, motor vehicles and other transport equipment.

41. Electricity costs ................... 42. Excise and custom duties ... Include Only the tax portion of docking costs, harbour costs, landing fees and other import costs. Exclude Company tax.

43. Fertilisers purchased .. 44. Fuel, lubricants and grease purchased .................

1101-E Farming expenditure Rand 45. Insurance premiums .......................................................... 46. Interest paid on mortgages and on money borrowed ................. 47. Licence fees paid for vehicles, trucks, trailers, tractors, etc. .

48. Membership or affiliation costs (subscriptions) ............................................. 49. Operating, leasing and hiring of plant, machinery, equipment and vehicles 50. Packing materials purchased 51. Plant/animal health services (plant pathologists and veterinary services) 52. Property rates paid to municipalities ....................................................... 53. Protective clothing purchased for farming or farm employees ................. 54. Remedies purchased for combating diseases and pests in livestock, poultry and aquaculture, such as dips, dosing remedies, disinfectants and vaccines 55. Remedies purchased for forage, field and horticultural crops, such as insecticides, fungicides, weed-killers and preparations for treating seed 56. Rental, usufruct and grazing rights paid for land (including payments in respect of land farmed on shares) . 57. Repairs and maintenance .. 58. Research costs ................................................................................. 59. Seed, seedlings, seed potatoes and other plant material purchased (excluding vine cuttings and plant material for plantations and orchards) 60. Security services (if applicable) to safeguard the farm and maintenance costs of security systems ................................................................................... 61. Services rendered by contractors, cooperatives, co-farmers, etc., (e.g. ploughing, harvesting, threshing, baling, picking, spraying and shearing) .. 62. Stock, poultry and aquaculture feed purchased 63. Transport of your agricultural products .................... 64. Water purchased ....................

1101-E Farming expenditure 65. Other farming expenses (e.g. banking costs and telephone accounts, but excluding salaries and wages as shown in Part 6A, and purchased assets (e.g. livestock). Specify the most important items: ................... 66. Total current expenditure (Question 36 to Question 65) ........


Part 6B Purchased animals and animal products

Rand 67. Cattle . 68. Sheep . 69. Poultry . 70. Ostriches . 71. Game 72. Aquaculture ........ 73. Other animals . 74. Additional agricultural products (e.g. milk, eggs, etc.) purchased in combination with own/established products to reach or satisfy a specified quota .... 75. Total purchases (Question 67 to Question 74) .


Part 7 Book value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets for the financial year ended 28 February 2008.
76. Book value of property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets
PLUS Capital expenditure on erection of new buildings and works; additions to and alterations of existing buildings and works; work in progress capitalised; new plant and machinery; used plant and machinery if imported by you or on your behalf (whether paid to outside contractors/concerns or done by your enterprise itself) (c) Rand PLUS Capital expenditure on the acquisition of land; existing buildings and works; and used plant, machinery and vehicles; and transfers-in PLUS OR MINUS Sales of assets(-),and revaluation and other adjustments to book value MINUS Depreciation and amortisation during the year (not accumulative depreciation) EQUALS Book value at the end of the financial year according to balance sheet

Type of asset

Book value at beginning of financial year according to balance sheet


(b) Rand

(d) Rand



(f) Rand

(g) Rand

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Land ................................................... Residential buildings .......................... Non-residential buildings ................... Construction works, roads and parking areas ................................................... Computers and other IT equipment .... Motor vehicles, tractors and other transport equipment ............................ Plant, machinery, furniture and other office equipment ................................. Intangible fixed assets 8.1 Computer software ...................... 8.2 Other ............................................ Intangible non-produced assets (goodwill, patented entities, etc.) .......


10. Other assets (specify) ......................... 11.

Total .......................................................


Part 8 Losses and expenditure due to theft, disaster, accidents and violent crimes
77. Total value of losses and expenditure during the financial year due to Rand 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Stock-theft ................................................................................................................... Lifting and stealing of tools, farm implements, machinery and electrical appliances . Damage to buildings and vehicles because of burglary ............................................... Pilfering and stealing crops and other products ........................................................... Veld and forest fires and natural disasters ................................................................... Other (specify) .............................................................................................................

78. Total value of losses suffered (other than through fire) during the financial year due to disasters and accidents (including drought, pest and diseases, floods, etc.) regarding

1. 2. 3. 4.

Pastures ........................................................................................................................ Products (livestock, crops and aquaculture) ................................................................ Buildings and equipment ............................................................................................. Other (specify) .............................................................................................................

79. Total value of losses of production due to absence (based on man-days) arising from injury or dealing with the consequences of crime ......................................... 80. Total value of losses due to predators during the financial year ........................... 81. Total losses (Question 77 to Question 80) ................................................................



Part 9 Farming debt as at 28 February 2008

Include All obligations incurred (such as mortgages, loans and credit received from organisations such as banks and cooperatives and private persons) for normal farming operations. Exclude Debts incurred in connection with interests in other business enterprises of which you are the sole or joint owner or in which you have some other interest. Outstanding debts as at 28 February 2008 All other loans and debts not secured by mortgages Outstanding amounts in respect of loans All originally for registered Less than one 1 to 5 years More than mortgages year (e.g. (e.g. hire5 years overdrafts and purchases) short-term loans) Rand Rand

Institution or person

82. Outstanding debts, including hire-purchases, owing to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Land Bank ........................................ Government departments .................. Cooperatives/agricultural companies Commercial banks ............................ Other financial institutions (such as other banks and insurance companies) ....................... Private persons (including other farmers) ............................................. Total outstanding debts .....................



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