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Don Zak. This was the name which everyone feared of.

Today Don Zak was the most powerful person in the state of Petly. He could kill anyone, he could rape anyone, and he could do anything. His wife was raped and killed brutually. He loved his wife very much, to take her revenge he became a don by killing Don Ganzola who was most powerful person of that time whose men had killed and raped his wife. From his wife he had a child whose name was Gurunath. Zak never wanted his son to be like him. Zak never wanted to be Don himself but circumstances had changed him. SO he gave proper education to his son. One day : Have you any girlfriend? asked Zak. Yes. Replied a 14 year old Guru. Do you love her. asked a curious father Yes. But she doesnt like me to talk about you. She says you are a bad guy. I cannot listen to this so then I dont talk to her. Replied an innocent Guru. Hey, Hey! Listen son dont do this to your girlfriend for me. She loves you and she wants you to be a good person, thats why she tells you that. She doesnt want you to become a bad person like me. Replied a caring father. Why are you bad. Asked curios Guru. So that you can be Good. Replied a desperate Father. Zak loved his son very much. He could die for him. There was another Don in town. He was don of a small area in the state. People there called him by the name Don Kalyan. His activities resembled his name. He was total opposite of Don Zak. Zak used to rape and kill his people who dont listen to him were as Don Kalyan helped his people if people revolted against him he would organize meeting with them and ask their problems and tried to solve them, in extreme cases only he would kill them. Actually Kalyan loved his people. Zak had a friend whom he called Bhaipyar. Bhaipyar called Zak his Bhai and considerd him as his Father. This is because he helped Bhaipyar when he needed it before Zak became a don. It was said that Bhaipyar was going through midlife crisis and no one came to help him even his relatives, he was totally destroyed physically, financially and mentally. Then he came for help at Zaks doors, Zak at that time was Golden hearted so he gave him a helping hand. After that Bhaipyar had helped Zak in his growing business, his help had resulted Zaks business to boom. Zak after that considered him as his best friend. Both were living together for past 15 years now. Bhaipyar used to play with liile Guru and loved him very much. One day Zaks men went into Kalyans area, they took some women from there to their state and raped and killed them. This news spread like a forest fire and immediately reached to Kalyans ears.

Kalyan got angry and that day he took a pledge to teach Don Zak a lesson. So one day he kidnapped Zaks son Gurunath and tore hime to tore him to pieces. Then he sent those pieces to Zaks home. That day the Zak which was transformed from Golden hearted to Stone like heart broke down. He cried very much that day. He could see all the killings and crimes which he had done in front of his eyes. He was feeling ashamed of his deeds. He had lost is whole family. Bhaipyar at that time was at his residence. He received a call. He immediately came to see Zak. When he got that what had happened, he immediately went with his force to kill Don Kalyan. This resulted in huge man slaughter. There was blood everywhere, rivers of blood were flowing in Kalyan area. Kalyans body was tore to pieces and fed to wild dogs. When Bhaipyar returned home, he found Zak had gone some where. He was not at his house. Bhaipyar searched him everywhere in the state but never found him. Bhaipyar was broken completely as he had lost Zak whom he considered his father and Guru whom he considered his child. Bhaipyar left Dongiri. He thought that he couldnt do anything without Zak. So he took a new path and started a new life. People of the state got happy, it was a biggest occasion for them, they celebrated it with great zeal. Soon Bhaipyar got a job at a meat shop and moved on his life but Zak and Guru always remained close to his heart.

After 6 year
John was working at a garage for past five years. He used to live in a rented room which took 50% of his salary. After finishing work at the garage by 7 in the evening he would go to a hotel where he worked as a chef. By 12 at midnight he would reach home and had his dinner and sometimes he had to sleep empty stomach. He woke 5 in the morning and went to garage. He used to cry lonely in his room. His past haunted him every time. One day a car came in his garage the women in it told him

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