Ellett Damon Leonila 1963 Mexico PDF

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Ulii YifiiR OB''


T'-iere wera s;i.x addiiicrs to ihe body of Christ, Or*e additional preaching point was opened.

The Huasteca Christian Service Camp was organized

and 81^ of the Mante Young People attended-(a

total of 13 from Mante)

Five Young People entered Bible College-How manyhave gone from your congregation in the last 10
years? It is wonderful to have a mission church vrith such an out-reaching spirit I


Apdo. 161
Cd. Mante,'

jA n=w church building was partly constructed-(mat erial for the roof is still needed, costing
approximately $1,000.00). Your prayers and your gifts in the name of the Lord are essential to the progress of this wonderful

Tamps, Mexico
The Fields Are White Unto Harvest


Will you be willing to help?


February 1st, I963


Davisj Route 2, Trafalgar, Indiana,

I. w^Imon, Nashville, Indiana Littell, Eminence^ Indiana Villiam Chov-Tiing, Monrovia, Indiana Dawesj Framilinj Indiana
m Ch laiO^es

In October of 1962, 6 ministers of the

South-central area of Indiana met with

Damon Ellett to form a Fellowship of Advis

ors and Missionaries to advance the cause of Christ in the El Mante area of Mexico,

rt Lorber, Route # 3? Greenwood, Indiana . Stiff, Route # 5, Martinsville, Indiana^

U,S Postage

Rarurn j-ddress:

Sines October of last year Damon Ellett

has been speaking at churches in the mid

Bliiff fJrRoij: Christian Church

Eoui^e # 3i Greenwood, Indiana

west with the aim of raising more support

for the mission and funds to finish the

Greenwood, Permit No,




church building in llante* iUthough niether of the gwals, thus far have been reached, he plants to return

to the work in March, VRiile he has been away, his wife,

Contributions to this work may be sent directly to

Dr, Leonila Ellett has continued with the work in Mante.

the Elletts or to their forwarding agent; 3ra M. Davis,

Florence ^ouglas
Flora, 111,

Route ^ 2, Trafalgar, Indiana,

It is our hope and prayer that all goals of the
mission projects will be reached and that Damon Ellett can return to El Mante with the assurance that he has c-.ifficienj support to carry on the work. The Lord

Froprty ol



' Joplin.

J^'-Fv.Q Ghvlcv depends upon you to share in this program.


January 31, " 963

Dear Brethren in Christ,

The SI Mante Christian Mission has proven itself worthy of your support, After a little more than ten years of labor in the Gospel in Mexico, Damon Ellett is '.:b11 qualified through training and esqperience^ His wife, Leonila, whom he won to the faith, is a very capable woman. She is a licensed medical doctor, now practicing in Manteo They are both devoted in faith and do constantly demonstrate zeal in the min-^
istry of the Words of life

These people are thoroughly familiar with the conditions and needs in this

field, and are now in a- position to carry on a successful program for the church of our Lord Jesus Christ This mission deserves the prayers and financial backing of
Christian people.

Most recent development in this work is the forming of an Advisory board com posed of seven active and influential ministers of the Morgan, Brown, and Johnson '-o-jnties area of south central Indiana, The men coir^rising this board for assisting
.Ovjaon and Leonila Sllett are men dedicated to building the kingdom of heaven unto

uttermost parts of the earth.

It is our purpose to work with the Blletts by

giving whatever assistance we are able.

In order to better acquaint you with the progress that is achieved in the Mante
5iiSv'5ion, we propose:

'.1)0 To publ?>.sh a bi-monthly newsletter entitled "El Obrero" describing the ac

till persons on -^.he listo

tivity of the ip.isslo-a and giving a financial reporto This will be mailed to

(2), Mako avaij.fible from either the Forwarding Agent -Secretary or Mission Servicos, Box 968, Jolietg Illinois, a set of slides and narration about the

.3)' P3.an and conduct a missionary rally each year in this area in conjunction with the annual meeting of the mission fellowship in late May. If possible,

(4)0 Make available to the churches^ within a reasonable area, a visit by any one
of the men on the board to explain the El Mante Christian mission and its

Damon and Leonila will be present for such a program,

Lord^s Day, March 3, 1963. Everyone is welcome to attend this farewell meeting. The Bluff Creek Christian Church is located bn road 144, between State roads 37 and 135
just four miles West of Bargersville, Indiana,

AS Damon prepares to return to Mante after several weeks spent in this area, the Advisory board is planning a farewell rally for him to be held at the Bluff Creek Christian Church, Route Greenwood, Indiana, at 2:30 on the afternoon of the

In any way that the members of this mission can be of service.unto you in your interest in the expansion and build-up of the Lord's Church both here and in Mexico.
P-tease feel free to call upon us, .

We hasten to urge your support of this mission work.

Yours in Christ,

Ora M, Davis, Forwarding ^igent-Secretary


Apdo. 161 Cd. AAante,'

Tamps, Mexico
The Fields Are White Unto Harvest


Damon and Dr. Leonila 3. Ellett Forwarding i^ent:

Ora Da^is

Box 93 Morgontovm, Indiona

Dear Friends in Christ:

Brother Damon Ellett writes that he is getting "back

into the swing of things and that the attendance is in

creasing steadily with many children in attendance#

Brother Mayo Proctor of New Tazewell, Tenn., went

to El Mante and has helped the brethren to roof the new church building* They are very happy about it The new building is already in use even thou^ there is no

floor, windowsj doors or church pews as yet.

to add a l i t t l e to i t each month.

They plan

We hope, in a future issue to print the pictures in


These are the contributions to the KL Mante Christian

Mission recoived ty the forwarding agent for the three months period, March - l-jay.

Si^rch, 1963

Helen L. Hinton, R. k, Iferietta, 0,

Pinehurst Christian Ghurchj, Marietta, 0. Fsirview Christian Church;, Vfekita, Okla. Helen L. Miiitou, R. Marietta, 0,

$ 25.00
10.00 h000 25.00

Ladies Aid, V/atauga ChrisLian Church, Tennessee 5.00 Lamb*s Creek Christian Chmrch, ^fertinsville, Ind, 60.00
East 16th St. Christian Church, Indianapolis,Ind. i^O.OO Lou Ann Steop, R. 2, Coluiubus, Ind, 20.00 Total # 225.00

April, 1963

Pinehurst Christian Church, Iferietta, 0,

Pleasant Grove Christian Church, R. 5, f-iarbinsvillo, Ind. Bluff Creek Christian Church, Greenwood, Ind. Lou Ann Stepp,, ii. 2, Colaobis, Irid.. Youth Group, Mt. Pleasant Christian Church P. 2, Greenwood, Ind, Helen L, Ilinton, R. 4, ilbrietta, 0.

$ 10.00
17.00 50^00 20.00


Spearsville Church 01 Christ, R. i,Trafalgar, I.

Ellettsv5.11e Christian Church, hniettsvi3.1e,Ind. Add-A-Member C!U3l, Eniiic-nce Christian. Church
Eroinenue, Indiana

20,00 15.00

Deloris Taulnien, Indianapolis, Ind. Margret Veale, Indianapolis, Ind.


2.00 5.00 I 183.64

May, 1963

Ladies Aid, VJatauga Ohris-oian Church, Tennessee ^ 5.00

Junior Youth Croups Cbristim Church
Nashville, Indiana Pinehurst Chriptlan Chii.rch, I'iarietta, 0,


Fishin' Fishers Cl?.i;3,. Cariadd.an, Ts^as 10.00 Pleasant Grove Chiibtian Church, I>Iartinsyille, I. 25.00 Deloris Taulman, Indianapolis, Ind. 2,00 I'fergret Veale, In'di3na:x?lf.s, Ind, 5.00

Ch\irch of Christ, Lewis, iowa

Ladies Aid, Watauga Christian Church, Tennessee

$ 31-31

Ellettsville Christian Church, ELlettsville, Ind. 20.00

Samaria Suiid-y School, R, 1, Trafalgar, Ind.


Fairview Christian Church, Wakita, Okla. 40 ..00 Helen L. Hinton, R. 4, Marietta, 0. 2^.00 Lou Ann Stepp, R. .2, Columbus, Ind. 20.-00 Bninence Cteistian Church, Sninence, Ind. 1000 Youth Group, Mt. Pleasant Christian Church 10.00 R. 2, Grsen-vjood, Ind. East l6th St, Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indc50.Q0 Total I 290,29

In addition, designated for the Building Fund during

this same three months:

Lou Ann Stepp, R. 2, Coteibus, Ind^

^ -n- ^ ^ -SJ-

$ 105,00

Space Patrol, Brick Christian Church, V/atauga,T. 5_.QQ Total $ IfiO.OO


liEsteiything is going well down here.

Tlie two girls

who went to Bible Collegt; are here helping for the sunnaer. One of the fallows ^irent to the state of

Oaxaca (down in the isthiniis) to Oaxaca City tc try to open a work there The Gibbses and us seerii to be the only ones supporting Tho other fellov/ is touring with a quartet from Colegio Biblz.cc nnd ^.ll
be here sometime this month. He v\rLll proLabDy help us here O'jr cttendance is building up and we had 35

Sunday night.

IIoi-/ we are in need of benchoSj, for that

We had one baptism i'bnday

filled all the chairs.

"Well, back to the fam. I have been spending half my time out at "Los Aztecas," for the past month, I have opened ry o;i clinic sn.d have up to five or six patients a dajr". A Icirgo perce::t of theia arc small
children v/ith diarrhea^ worms and malnutrition. They

arc 3o poor thr-'t they car 't affv->rd an aspirin.



week we btarted holding ser-Ticos out th3re and if I could only be out there on Suiiday we could really go

continued from the front page the news letter. We indeed wish to thank the New Tazewell church for lending their minister to the El Mante

work for a "brief period#

We, of the Advisory Board, are

so thankful that congregations realize the importance of a close working fellowship between the supporting

congregations and the mission field# like $ 700,00.

Jigain, many thanks.

The cost of the building, thus far, is something

Our Missionaries to Mexico hope to locate closer to the church# They have purchased a nice big lot 75 by 150 over in one of the suburbs. They hope to get enough money together to build a cheap mud hut, for the
time being at least, and move there. They want to bo saving on rent and that money can be used to good advan tage. The church building is spacious. It will be able to serve many years because of its splendid construct ion. Even though it is in use, there is much work still to be done. V/e thank you for your prayers, your inter est and your flnanoial contributieas. Ilie Lord blooo

If you were the Elletts, you would be in an area where it was dry and 100 degrees on March 12th. But the greatest concern would be the millions without a
knowledge of the real Power of the Gospel of Jesus. The task is great but Damon and Lsonila are willing to give it their best. IVhy? iill because of Calvary.
Published at the Bluff Creek Church

for El Mante Christian Mission.

Pj'operty c?S
^ I S 7^ T!'

Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage


Greenwood, Ind.
Permit No. 50

Florence Douglas

Flora, Illinois

'El Obrero'
The Worker

El Mante Christian Mission

Apdo. 161
Cd. Mante,

Tamps, Mexico
Damon and Leonila Ellett

The Fields Are White Unto Harvest

August, 1963


Friends of the El Ifante Christian Mission:

It has been a great source of satisfaction to

hs.ve- bei associated with the El Mante Christian

l>-jlission and to be a part of the board of adTid.sors for the past few months. It is vdth mixed ismotions that I had to resign, I vdll be moving to Hew Hampshire the last of August to work for
Christ there.

It has been wonderful to see "ttie advances made in

Mexico by Brother and Sister Ellett, yet, it is saddening when-great things imist be left \indone

because of a lack of finances,

the near future,

I feel sure that^

God will lead His people to solve this situation in

Isn*t it wonderful how God provides for our spiritual well-being? We usually consider ourselves as the source of strength for our I^exLcan brethren, which we are, but isn't it just as true that th^ are just as


by Mayo Proctor

In April of this year I had the privilege of going to El I^ante, Me^d-co to help the Dai^n ElLet^ do some work on a much needed church building. another building was even b^ond w imagination, fhe old building was worn out and far too small, we^a

hoped to complete the roof, gaM.es, doors, and widows.

There were enough funds only to complete the
be done later when funds are available.

Another |200,00 would likely have fixed the other two^

items. Tiling the floor, fixing a baptist^, plaster^g

the interior, patting in a ceiling were all expected to For one thing, the people there are just lUce some of the people here in New Tazewell, Teiin., bemg simply not interested in spiritual things. I didn't notice any open
opposition, but gross indifference
The work in El M^te has moved slowly for many reason.

The population being predominately Catholic niakes it ^fi

ficult to change the peop^ in any great numbers^ Lack of adequate support and buildings has slowed the work

also. Damon is of the persuasion that the mission i^rk shouldn't be backed wiiolly by Americans, the people assume more of their own load ^ey mil develop into, better and stronger Christians. tends to limit the speed of progress to the ability of the people In imr observation the general public live ^ such ^yerty that such things as the cost of " ings would prohibit any rapid growth. I would^^ke to
or individuals will become regular supporters. Damon is the type of man who is reluctant to

see the Mssion work become more vn.de3y toom in the interested churches and hope that more ctoches, classes,

presents the work and if the Christians give^iine, and if they don't, he says little about it.^ ^ do little else without tooting his own aom. Wiilo tn , Mission will labor on a shoestring, yet Xexpct it to bj relatively stable. Leonilfl, being Mejdcffji, has no desir
This lends itself to a stable situation. She has a way

self; so, as he tours the churches raising support, he

to come to the States and live as

Mexx^ women do.

of i^aching her own people that few Americans could.

ways of the Americans has made it difficult for the ^erleans people to appreciate them yitien. they have traveled together. Leonila has recently taken employment m.th the govenunent as a family doctor. They plan to build a
house for themselves with the help of her income, thus
can get other projects under way. . . x.

Perhaps her reluctance to come to America or take on the

relieving the Mission of this responsibility. It is their desire to get the present work far enough

along to turn over to a native Mexican minister so they

Xwould like to see some arrangement funds other than for Damon to have to leave the field for^ ^

ly after his return from a tour of several ninths in the

fallen off during his absence. a. u t I liked the idea of someone going down to help wiiin

several months to tour the churches. I was there short

States. It was evident that attendance and interest h^d

the work even for a few days. It has benefited both the

In His service.

Mission and the sponsoring church.

tage to be gained if something like this could be done

Mayo Proctor
* * * * 44-


(in a letter dated August 9, 19^3)

next Sunday. We will probably have it iii the

will be helping. Each one has a class.
I have a

"We plan to start our VBS this Sunday and run through the
Four of the Bible College students are here so the/ will
"As recommended by the board of advisors I have begm
work on my immigrant visa.

be helpingactually they v/ill be doing the vrark and I

teaching Snglish starting the first of

head of the imrnigrition t Reynosa (across the ri from McAllen, Tezias) is helping me and we
end of the vear \tq \iill have it taken care of.

A LETTER FROM . . . (ContinuGd from Page l)

vital as a source of strength to us?

boundaries in the Lord and this is a source of mutual

There are no

May God's blessing be ours as we vrork for Him. Let us keep the J^ord's work in Hante before God in our prayers, that mighty things might be done.
Earl G. Stiff

Brother Stiff while he served as an advisor of the El i'iante Christian ^iissioa. We covet his cont:mued pray ers for this work. V/e know that he will maintain an interest in the missionary libors of Damon and Leonila
Ellett even as he himself miniKtors the Woard in a missionary endeavor.)
* -{fr * * *

(Editor's note.

We do greatly appreciate the aid ^


FORWARDING AGEIIT: Ora M. Davis, R. 2, Trafalgar, Xnd.

EL MMiTE CHRISTIAN MlBSICWj?^^ ^ Ora M. Davio, Forwardin^^fnt^a

R. 2 Trafalgar, Indiana

1-5 -r-WI V I9G3


Oy.ARK bible COLLEGi.

Joplin, Mo.

Florence Douglas Flora, Illinois

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