Exhibits Re Motion To Exclude Tenenbaum Experts

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Plaintiffs, ) Civ. Act. No.
) 03-CV-11661-NG
Defendant. )
_____________________________________ )

Plaintiffs, ) Civ. Act. No.
) 07-CV-11446-NG
Defendant. )
_____________________________________ )


Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2) and the general rules

governing disclosure of expert testimony, Defendant hereby submits

the following expert report of witness Dr. Johan Pouwelse. This

report describes the testimony which will be provided by Dr.

Pouwelse on behalf of Defendant Joel Tenenbaum.

I. Statement of Expert Opinion

Case 1:03-cv-11661-NG Document 841-2 Filed 06/05/2009 Page 3 of 55

I, Dr. J.A. Pouwelse, will provide expert testimony

regarding peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, the procedures

required to be adopted to accurately identify users and activity

on a file-sharing network, the Plaintiffs’ failure to adopt such

procedures, and the inaccuracies and flawed assertions in the

expert testimony submitted by Dr. Doug Jacobsen. Furthermore, I

will also provide testimony on alternatives to file-sharing

networks to obtain digital music, the cost of obtaining such

music and financial impact of downloading through peer-to-peer

file-sharing networks.

I will testify to the following:

i. the technical characteristics of peer-to-peer file-

sharing networks and their relevance in determining

the identity of users on the file-sharing network,

specifically in refuting factual assertions made by

expert witness Doug Jacobsen;

ii. the structure of Internet IP addresses and the use of

private non-globally unique IP addresses in peer-to-

peer file sharing networks, which were not properly

considered by Plaintiffs’ expert;

iii. the procedures required to be undertaken in order to

establish whether a certain computer is being used to

make copyrighted works available for download via a

peer-to-peer network,
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iv. the failure by MediaSentry to adopt several of these

required procedures;

v. the general lack of acceptance of the methods

employed by MediaSentry in the technical and

scientific communities;

vi. the large number of factual errors in the report

provided by expert witness Doug Jacobsen;

vii. the contradictions between Dr. Jacobsen’s report and

previous sworn deposition testimony he has provided;

viii. the previous erroneous claims made by MediaSentry

against multiple institutions;

ix. the conflicts of interest of Dr. Jacobsen which are

relevant in assessing his objectivity in providing

testimony on behalf of Plaintiffs;

x. the lack of examination by Dr. Jacobsen of potential

error rates;

xi. the lack of exploration of alternative explanations

for the data assessed;

xii. the general lack of professionalism inherent in Dr.

Jacobsen’s expert report which makes the report

unacceptable based on relevant technical and

scientific standards.

xiii. the lack of any serious scientific article written

by Dr Jacobsen in the area of peer-to-peer file-

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sharing networks or computer science in general in

the past 20 years;

xiv. the alternatives to file-sharing networks for

obtaining digital music through The Internet;

xv. the monetary impact of downloading through peer-to-

peer file-sharing networks.

II. Data Considered

The following data was considered in providing my expert


i. SafeNet Screenshots of Defendant’s computer (Ex. B

to Complaint);

ii. SafeNet Systemlogs from August 10, 2004 (Plaintiffs'

Exhibit List, Ex. 6);

iii. SafeNet Userlogs from August 10, 2004 (Plaintiffs'

Exhibit List, Ex. 8);

iv. SafeNet Download Logs from August 10, 2004

(Plaintiffs' Exhibit List, Ex. 9);

v. SafeNet Trace of August 10, 2004 (Plaintiffs' Exhibit

List, Ex. 10);

vi. Screenshots of KaZaa installation (Plaintiffs'

Exhibit List, Ex. 12);

vii. November 3, 2004 Subpoena to Cox Communications,

Inc., with copy of Court’s Order Granting Immediate

Discovery (Plaintiffs' Exhibit List, Ex. 13);

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viii. Letter to Cox High Speed Internet Customer

(Plaintiffs' Exhibit List, Ex. 14);

ix. Response of Cox Communications, Inc. to November 3,

2004 Subpoena (Plaintiffs' Exhibit List, Ex. 15);

x. Prior sworn testimony provided by Dr. Jacobsen,

including testimony in UMG v. Lindor (E.D.N.Y.)

xi. Declaration and Expert Report of Dr. Doug Jacobsen,

dated October 7, 2008;

xii. Scientific research related to peer-to-peer file

sharing networks and identification of users on these


xiii. Research previously published by me related to file-

sharing networks, accepted procedures for analyzing

activity on such networks, and previous reports and

testimony provided by Dr. Jacobsen;

xiv. Expert report of Dr. Yongdae Kim from Capitol v.

Thomas (D.Minn.).

xv. Defendant reserves the right to add additional

exhibits prior to Dr. Pouwelse’s providing expert


III. Exhibits that Will be Used to Summarize or Support Expert

Testimony Provided

See section II above.

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IV. My Qualifications, including List of Publications Authored in

the Past Ten Years

I am an Assistant Professor at Delft University of

Technology in the Netherlands, where I lead a research group

investigating peer-to-peer technology. Since January 2008 I have

been the scientific director of a 19 Million Euro project

investigating the next-generation of peer-to-peer technology,

called P2P-Next. As of March 2009 I also am technical director

of a 6.8 Million Euro project investigating the purest form of

peer-to-peer technology – self-organizing systems – in the

“QLectives” project. Both projects are sponsored by research

grants from the European Union under the 7th Framework program.

Due to these grants, my team is at this time the largest peer-

to-peer research team of its kind in the world.

My list of publications is as follows:

i. J. Pouwelse, P. Garbacki, J. Wang, A. Bakker, J.Yang,

A.Iosup, D.Epema, M.Reinders, M. van Steen, H.Sips,

"Tribler: A Social-Based Peer-to-Peer System", 5th

International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems

(IPTPS'06), Feb 2006.

ii. J.A. Pouwelse, P. Garbacki, D.H.J. Epema, H.J. Sips,

"The Bittorrent P2P File-sharing System: Measurements

and Analysis", 4th International Workshop on Peer-to-

Peer Systems (IPTPS'05), Feb 2005.

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iii. J.A. Pouwelse, M. van Slobbe, J. Wang, H.J. Sips,

"P2P-based PVR Recommendation using Friends, Taste

Buddies and Superpeers", Beyond Personalization 2005,

Workshop on the Next Stage of Recommender Systems

Research, San Diego, USA, Jan 2005.

iv. J.R. Taal, J.A. Pouwelse, R.L. Lagendijk, "Scalable

Multiple Description Coding for Video Distribution in

P2P networks", 24th Picture Coding Symposium,

December 2004, San Francisco, USA.

v. J.A. Pouwelse, J.R. Taal, R.L. Lagendijk, D.H.J.

Epema, and H.J. Sips, "Real-time Video Delivery using

Peer-to-Peer Bartering Networks and Multiple

Description Coding", IEEE Int'l Conference on

Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2004.

vi. J.A. Pouwelse, P. Garbacki, D.H.J. Epema, H.J. Sips,

"A Measurement Study of the BitTorrent Peer-to-Peer

File-Sharing System", technical report PDS-2004-003,

April 2004.

vii. J.A. Pouwelse, "Open Information Pools", Usenix

Conference, San Diego, 1999.

viii. J.A. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, H. Sips, "Application-

directed voltage scaling", IEEE Transactions on Very

Large Scale integration (TVLSI), Sep 2002 (invited

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ix. J.A. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, H. Sips, "Voltage

scaling on a low-power microprocessor", Mobile

Computing Conference (MOBICOM), Jul 2001.

x. J.A. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, H. Sips, "Energy

priority scheduling for variable voltage processors",

International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and

Design (ISLPED), Aug 2001.

xi. J.A. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, I. Lagendijk H. Sips,

"Power-aware video decoding", Picture Coding

Symposium (PCS), 2001.

xii. J.A. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, H. Sips, "Voltage

scaling on a low-power microprocessor", MMSA, 2000.

xiii. J.A. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, H. Sips, "Power

consumption trade-off for wireless audio access",

Mobile Multimedia Conference (MoMuC), Japan, 2000.

xiv. J.A. Pouwelse, K. Langendoen, H. Sips, "Low-power

technology for augmented reality terminals",

International Workshop on Augmented Reality (IWAR),


xv. J.A. Pouwelse, "Power Management for Portable

Devices", Delft University of Technology, 20 Oct


V. List of Cases During Past Four Years in Which the Witness

Testified as an Expert At Trial or by Deposition

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a. UMG Recordings, Inc. et al v. Lindor (E.D.N.Y.)

b. Brein Foundation v. UPC (The Netherlands)

c. Stokke v. Markplaats (The Netherlands)

VI. Statement of the Compensation to be Paid for the Study and

Testimony in the Case

This study and testimony is provided free of charge.

Reasonable expenses in preparing for and providing testimony in

the case may be refunded by defendant.

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8 Jay Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
617.864.0062 (home); 857.928.0415 (mobile); 617.384.9132 (office)
jpalfrey@post.harvard.edu (e-mail)
http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/palfrey (weblog/homepage)


Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources, Henry N. Ess Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Cambridge, MA 2008 – Present: Lead law library and oversee expanded use of IT resources for Harvard
Law School. Teach courses on Internet law and intellectual property. Principal Investigator on the Internet
and Democracy, OpenNet Initiative, and Digital Natives research projects as Faculty Co-Director at the
Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

Clinical Professor of Law, Harvard Law School

Cambridge, MA, 2005 –2008: Teaching courses on Internet law and intellectual property, supervising JD
and LLM independent writing and research, and overseeing cyberlaw clinical teaching activities. Special
Advisor to the Dean of HLS for Information Technologies. Co-chair of the HLS Information Technologies
committee. Taught a Freshman Seminar on the Law of the Internet, Harvard College (Fall, 2005; Fall,
2006). Principal Investigator on Internet filtering (under a $3 million grant from the MacArthur Foundation),
Internet Governance ($2 million in grants from the US Department of State, the Bradley Foundation, and
others), Intellectual Property, New Media, and Computer Security research projects. Member of the Mather
House Senior Common Room at Harvard College.

Visiting Professor of Law and Information, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)

St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2007 – 2008: Visiting member of the law faculty (part-time).

Executive Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School
Cambridge, MA, 2002 – 2007: Managing the staff, operations, finance and strategy of a leading Internet
research center at HLS. Raised over twenty million dollars in grant and gift funds from foundations such as
MacArthur, Soros, Mellon, Bradley, Revson, Oak, Omidyar, Hewlett, Ford, and others; corporations such as
Google, eBay, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Sun, Lenovo, LexisNexis, PayPal, AOL, and others; and individuals.

Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School

Cambridge, MA, 2003 – 2005: Taught seminar at HLS on the international aspects of Internet law (Fall,
2003 and Fall, 2004). Taught Internet Law Colloquium (with Profs. Fisher, Nesson, and Zittrain, 2004 –
2005) and Digital Democracy (with Prof. Nesson, Fall term 2003 and 2004). Advised independent study,
clinical study, third-year papers for JD students, and LLM papers. Appointed Lecturer on History &
Literature, 2005, in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University.

Faculty, Harvard University Extension School

Cambridge, MA, 2002 – 2005: Taught “Internet and Society: The Technologies and Politics of Control,” an
Internet Law course, with both in-class and distance students during four semesters (Spring, 2002; Spring,
2003; Spring, 2004; Spring, 2005).

Teaching Fellow, Internet Law Courses, Harvard University

Cambridge, MA, 2000 – 2001: Assisted in teaching and curriculum development of courses at Harvard Law
School and Kennedy School of Government.

Editor | Staff, Harvard Environmental Law Review

Cambridge, MA, 1999 – 2000: Edited for a Harvard Law School law review on environmental issues.
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_______, with Ronald Deibert, Rafal Rohozinski, and Jonathan Zittrain, eds. ACCESS DENIED: THE PRACTICE AND

(Basic Books, 2008)


________, with Robert Rogoyski, A Move to the Middle: The Enduring Threat of Harmful Speech to the End-to-
End Principle, 21 WASH. U.J.L. & POL’Y 31 (2006).

________, with Urs Gasser, Catch-as-Catch-Can: A Case Note on Grokster, SWISS REVIEW OF BUSINESS AND
FINANCIAL MARKET LAW 78 (2006), Vol. 2.

________, The End of the Experiment: How ICANN’s Foray into Global Internet Democracy Failed, 17 HARV.
J.L. TECH. 410 (2004).

________, with David R. Johnson & Susan P. Crawford, The Accountable Net: Peer Production of Internet
Governance, 9 VA. J. L. & TECH. 9 (2004).


________, Reluctant Gatekeepers: Corporate Ethics on a Filtered Internet, book chapter in GLOBAL INTERNET
TECHNOLOGY REPORT, 2006-2007 (World Economic Forum/Macmillan, 2007).

________, Local Nets: Filtering and the Internet Governance Problem, book chapter in THE GLOBAL FLOW OF
INFORMATION, Jack Balkin et al., eds. (forthcoming).

________, Global Innovation and Licensing Opportunities on the Internet, book chapter in LICENSING BEST
PRACTICES, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2006).

________, Stemming the International Tide of Spam, book chapter in TRENDS IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS REFORM
(International Telecommunication Union, 2006).

________, with Lawrence Lessig and Mary Rundle, Net Dialogue Perspectives on International Net

________, Holding Out for an Interoperable DRM Standard, book chapter in DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT: THE
END OF COLLECTING SOCIETIES?, (Berne: Staempfli, 2005).


________, with Urs Gasser, Breaking Down Digital Barriers: How and When Interoperability Leads to
Innovation, plus three companion case studies on DRM, Digital Identity, and Web Services, (Berkman Center
Publications Series, 2007).

________, Case Commentary: “We Googled You,” HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW (June, 2007).

________, with Derek Bambauer and David Abrams, A Comparative Analysis of Spam Laws: The Quest for a
Case 1:03-cv-11661-NG Document 841-2 Filed 06/05/2009 Page 21 of 55
Model Law (International Telecommunication Union, 2005).

________, with David R. Johnson & Susan P. Crawford, Trusting the Net: Peer Production of Internet

________, with Ronald Deibert, Jonathan Zittrain, and Rafal Rohozinski, a series of reports on Internet Filtering
in countries including Saudi Arabia, China, Iran, Vietnam, the UAE, Yemen, Singapore, and Bahrain, published
through the OpenNet Initiative, at http://www.opennet.net/ (2004 – present).

________, with William W. Fisher, et al., Copyright and Digital Media in a Post-Napster World, Berkman Center
Publications Series, jointly with Gartner|G2 (2003 and 2005 editions).

________, with William W. Fisher, et al., Content & Control: Assessing the Impact of Policy Choices on Potential
Online Business Models in the Music and Film Industries, Berkman Center Publications Series, (2005).

________, with William W. Fisher, et al., iTunes: How Copyright, Contract, and Technology Shape the Business
of Digital Media . A Case Study, Berkman Center Publications Series, (2004).

________, ABA Report on Dispute Resolution in E-Commerce, DISPUTE RESOLUTION MAGAZINE, Winter 2003, at

________, OP-EDS AND COLUMNS: In major daily, weekly and monthly publications, such as “The Digital Copyright
Crisis” (Boston Globe, September 7, 2004), “Electronic Voting and Copyright” (C|Net, October 5, 2004), “Engaging
Young Bostonians in Citizenship” (Boston Globe, July 5, 2004), “Somerville Stumps in Cyberspace” (Boston
Globe, September 2, 2005) “Censorship, Inc.?” (Newsweek, February 27, 2006). “Deploying the Wisdom of the
Crowds Against Badware” (with Prof. Jonathan Zittrain, in CNET, July 29, 2006); “The Law School Curriculum:
What is Technology’s Role?” (National Law Journal, November 13, 2006).


Associate, Ropes & Gray LLP

Boston, MA, 2001 – 2002: Attorney working on intellectual property, Internet law, private equity
investments, and corporate matters. Admitted to the Massachusetts & New York Bars.

Co-Founder and Vice-President of Operations, Analine Technologies

Boston, MA, 1999 – 2001: Responsible for operations, business development and finance for start-up.
Raised venture capital and angel financing. Company acquired by competitor.

Special Assistant to John DeVillars, U.S. EPA-New England Administrator

Boston, MA, 1994 – 1996, 1999 – 2000: Appointed by the White House to serve as political aide to New
England’s senior environmental official, serving as speechwriter, press officer, editor and advisor.

Campaign Management, Staff, and Internships

Washington, DC and Boston, MA, 1987 – 1998: Directed all aspects of a state-wide campaign for Attorney
General of Massachusetts (for state Sen. Lois Pines), including fund-raising, field organization, volunteer
coordination, and advance. Campaign to Elect Christopher Lydon, 1993; Sierra Club National Legislative
Office, Summer 1992; Campaign Director, National Environmental Law Center, Summer 1991; Field
Manager, U.S. Public Interest Research Group, Summer 1990.
Case 1:03-cv-11661-NG Document 841-2 Filed 06/05/2009 Page 22 of 55


• Member, Board of Directors, Mass2020 Foundation, 2005 – present.

• Founder and Chairman, Board of Directors, Top Ten Media Holdings, LLC, 2005 – present.
• Venture Executive, Highland Capital Partners, 2007 – present.
• Member, Board of Directors, My Virtual Model, Inc., 2006 – 2008.
• Member, Board of Directors, Newsilike Media Group, Inc., 2005 – present.
• Member, Board of Advisors, BlueWave Strategies, 2002 – present.
• Member, Board of Directors, Charles River Watershed Association, 2001 – 2007.
• Co-Founder and General Partner, RSS Investors, L.P., 2005 – 2007.


Harvard Law School: J.D. cum laude, June 2001

University of Cambridge: M.Phil. in Historical Studies, July 1997

Harvard College: A.B. magna cum laude in History and Literature of America, June 1994

Phillips Exeter Academy: High Honors; Lindsey Crawford Memorial Scholarship to Harvard College, 1990


• Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Awarded by the Bok Center at Harvard University, 2007
• Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard Extension School, 2005
• Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars, 2005, 2006, 2007 (listed in Boston Magazine as a “rising star” in the field of law)
• Fellow, British-American Project, 2004 – present
• IDEAS Boston, 2004 (chosen by Boston Globe as one of 32 “leading thinkers” from the New England region)
• Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar to the University of Cambridge, 1996-1997
• U.S. EPA Gold Medal (highest national award), 1996
• U.S. EPA Bronze Medal (highest regional award), 1996
• U.S. Government Outstanding Scholar Program, 1994-1996
• Commendation from Governor Lincoln Almond of Rhode Island for Excellence in Government Service, 1996
• Honors thesis on anti-slavery and the transcendentalists, Harvard College, summa cum laude, 1994
• Ford Foundation Research Grant for the study of American history, 1993
• John Harvard Scholar, 1993; Harvard College Scholar, 1991, 1992, 1994
• Dean’s List, Harvard College, 1990 - 1994.
• Everett Public Service Grant for research, 1992


• Harvard Varsity Squash: Co-captain of an undefeated National Championship team. Lettered on four
National Championship teams, 1990 - 1994. John M. Barnaby Award for Improvement and Dedication, 1992,

• Boston Marathon: Finisher, 1992 & 1993.

• Harvard Glee Club: First tenor and section leader, 1990-1994.

References available upon request.

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From: Timothy M Reynolds

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 8:29 AM
To: nesson@law.harvard.edu
Cc: 'Matthew H. Feinberg'; 'Cloherty, Dan'
Subject: RE: Tenenbaum, J. (D. Mass)

Charlie: Please advise as to how long you will need to supplement Defendant's disclosures. We
need to get something on file with the court regarding these deadlines as soon as possible. Tim

From: Timothy M Reynolds
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 2:10 PM
To: 'nesson@law.harvard.edu'
Cc: Matthew H. Feinberg; 'Cloherty, Dan'
Subject: RE: Tenenbaum, J. (D. Mass)

Charlie: How long will you need to supplement? Tim

From: Charles Nesson [mailto:nesson@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 1:25 PM
To: Timothy M Reynolds
Cc: Matthew H. Feinberg
Subject: Re: Tenenbaum, J. (D. Mass)

tim, we will go back to each of our experts with your objections and supplement the disclosures.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Timothy M Reynolds <Timothy.Reynolds@hro.com> wrote:

Hello Charlie:

I am following up on our conference regarding Defendant's witness disclosures under Rule

26(a)(2). While Plaintiffs have serious questions concerning the admissibility of any testimony
from these witnesses under Rules 403 and 702, as a threshold matter, the disclosures provided by
Defendant do not satisfy Rule 26(a)(2)(B). Among other things, they fail to provide a statement
of the "opinions to be expressed and the basis and reasons therefor” as well as a listing of “the
data or other information considered by the witness in forming them.” See Fed. R. Civ. P.

The disclosure for Dr. J.A. Pouwelse fails to contain the information required under Rule
26(a)(2)(B)(i) and (ii). As we discussed, Dr. Pouwelse's report lists topics, but does not provide
any actual opinions or the basis for such opinions. Also, in section II of Dr. Pouwelse's report,
items xii and xiii fail to identify the actual data considered.

The disclosure for John G. Palfrey fails to contain the information required under Rule
26(a)(2)(B)(i), (ii), (iv), and (v). Like Dr. Pouwelse, Mr. Palfrey's report lists topics, but does
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not provide any actual opinions or the basis for such opinions. Mr. Palfrey's report also fails to
identify the data considered, contains no list of publications, and does not specify whether Mr.
Palfrey has ever testified as an expert at trial or deposition on any topic.

The disclosure for John Perry Barlow fails to contain the information required under Rule
26(a)(2)(B)(i), (ii), and (iv). Mr. Barlow's report does not provide any basis for his opinions,
does not list the data considered, and does not list any qualifications or publications.

As we discussed, please let me know whether Defendant will agree to supplement these
disclosures. In addition, because Plaintiffs cannot complete their expert discovery or determine
whether rebuttal experts may be necessary until Defendant provides complete disclosures, please
let me know whether Defendant will agree to extending the deadline for Plaintiffs' rebuttal
disclosures and the deadline for completion of discovery.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks very much.


Timothy M. Reynolds
Holme Roberts & Owen LLP
1801 13th Street, Suite 300
Boulder, Colorado 80302
303.417.8510 (Direct)
303.866.0200 (Fax)

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From: Raymond Bilderbeck

Date: Sun, Mar 29,2009 at 8:08 PM
To: nesson at law.harvard.edu
Cc: lessig at pobox. com

If I can weigh in on this, I would have to agree that if the centerpiece of our case at trial is going
to be this "noncommercial fair use" argument to which you seem committed, it would be a big
mistake to call Professor Lessig to the stand. From the sliver of his work that I have read, I gather
that even if he agreed to say what we would like him to say (which seems unlikely), opposing
counsel would have a field day on cross-examination, given his extensive writings on these issues.
When writing the "draft" disclosures in light of your comments on my initial draft, I found myself
writing more from your perspective on the case than based upon anything I had gleaned from
Professor Lessig's work. I just assumed that you knew something about Professor Lessig that I did
not. Apparently, this is not the case.

All of this looks very bad from my perspective. I think that introducing our experts at this late
stage to the very novel argument that we intend to raise at trial - an argument which has no real
basis in case law or moderate academic scholarship - is a blunder that could have very serious
consequences. At this point, I have no idea what our disclosures will look like. And they have to

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be filed TOMORROW. Bad, bad, bad.

We should have been working on this for weeks rather than days.

R. >it is practically impossible to frame and present a nullification case. despite

>=== message truncated ===

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Plaintiffs, ) Civ. Act. No.
) 03-CV-11661-NG
Defendant. )
_____________________________________ )

Plaintiffs, ) Civ. Act. No.
) 07-CV-11446-NG
Defendant. )
_____________________________________ )


1. I, John Perry Barlow, am the vice-chairman of the

board of directors of the Electronic Freedom Foundation, an

organization I co-founded in 1990. Since May of 1998, I have

been a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. I

am a poet and musician, and between 1971 and 1995, I was a

lyricist for the Grateful Dead, a well renowned American music

group. I previously served on the masthead of Wired magazine. In

the past I have contributed articles to Wired, the New York

Case 1:03-cv-11661-NG Document 841-2 Filed 06/05/2009 Page 35 of 55

Times, and Communications of the Association for Computing

Machinery. I speak, consult, and write for a living. These

positions and experiences qualify me to speak about the fairness

of peer-to-peer file sharing in the context of the recording

industry and the technological environment in which such actions


2. Given my personal experiences in the music industry,

and my position as a public intellectual in discourse on

copyright, music, and technology, I am able to testify about the

historical context of the record industry’s anti-file sharing

campaign, its larger merits and shortcomings, and the social

implications of litigation such as that before this court. I am,

in particular, aware of how the economics of “file-sharing” can

work to the great benefit of musicians and creators. The

Grateful Dead allowed our fans to tape our concerts, essentially

giving our music away for “free.” In doing so, we essentially

invented viral marketing, solving an advertising problem that

our record companies were never to address and becoming

enormously successful in the process.

3. I will testify that the Internet, and peer-to-peer

technology in particular, allow us to do that which we, as

humans, fundamentally need to do: share art. I will explain how

digital technology has finally freed us from the physical medium

of CDs and other increasingly antiquated mediums, how this

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conversion challenges conventional application of the

institution of copyright, and why this natural evolution should

be welcomed.

4. I will testify that the music industry will never be

endangered because, for reasons I will not presume to know with

certainty, we as humans absolutely require music, and because in

the music business as I know it, familiarity, not scarcity,

creates value. I will explain why this means that the industry

surrounding music will never cease to exist in some form. I will

explain that the online world presents us with a “gift economy,”

where no moral blameworthiness attaches to non-commercial

sharing, and I will explain why this does not threaten the music


5. I will testify that the recording industry is

complicit in allowing itself to hold on to antiquated business

models rather than adjust to the changing landscape around them.

I will explain why the recording industry must evolve and why it

is improper for the industry to attempt to institutionalize

stagnation through their litigation and legislation efforts.

6. I will present no exhibits at trial.

7. I have not presented expert testimony, neither by

deposition nor at trial, in the past four years.

8. I am receiving no compensation for my testimony in

this case.
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9. I have no publications that I must list.

10. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of

the United States of America that the foregoing is true and



Dated: May 10, 2009

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