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Cheat Codes Locate and open the BIOInput.ini file in your My Documents\Bioware\Mass Effect\ Config folder using Notepad.

Locate the [Engine.Console] section and add the fol lowing line under it: ConsoleKey=Tilde Now, while playing, press the [Tilde] (~) key to bring up the console and type any of the following cheat codes. Note: The game may say that it's been compromi sed and to reinstall. Simply press OK and re-launch the game.

Code: Result:

fly Fly Mode

walk Walk Mode

ghost No Clipping Mode

giveall All Weapons and Modifier Item Level 1-X

givesuperarmor Give Super Armor

givesupergun Give Super Gun

givexp # Add XP (#=Amount)

setparagon # Set Paragon to #

setrenegade # Set Renegade to #

givetalentpoints # Give Talent Points (#=Amount)

initcredits # Init Credits(#=Amount)

initsalvage # Init Salvage(#=Amount)

initmedigel # Init Medigel (#=Amount)

initgrenades # Init Grenades (#=Amount)

adjustcredits # Adjust Credits (#=Amount)

giveallarmor [manufacturer] Give Armor (See List)

giveallweapons [manufacturer] Give Weapons (See List)

giveallomnitools [manufacturer] Give Omni Tools (See List)

giveallbioamps [manufacturer] Give BIOAmps (See List)

unlockachievement # Unlock Achievements (See List)

givebonustalent # Give Bonus Talent (See List) (supplied by: Gsccc, Caboose666) GiveAllArmor Manufacturer: Manf_Aldrin_Armor_Agent Manf_Aldrin_Armor_Hydra Manf_Aldrin_Armor_Onyx Manf_Ariake_Armor_Mercenary Manf_Armax_Armor_Predator Manf_Armor_UCantSeeMe Manf_Batarian_Armor Manf_Batarian_Armor_Partisan Manf_Batarian_Armor_Skirmish Manf_Cerberus_Armor Manf_Cerberus_Armor_Freedom Manf_Cerberus_Armor_Hoplite Manf_Devlon_Armor_Explorer Manf_Devlon_Armor_Liberator Manf_Devlon_Armor_Survivor Manf_Devlon_Armor_Thermal Manf_Elanus_Armor_Duelist Manf_Elanus_Armor_Guardian Manf_Elanus_Armor_Warlord Manf_Elkoss_Armor_Assassin Manf_Elkoss_Armor_Gladiator Manf_Geth_Armor_BattleMaster Manf_Geth_Armor_Berserker Manf_Geth_Armor_Rage Manf_HK_Armor_Homet Manf_HK_Armor_Mantis Manf_HK_Armor_Predator Manf_HK_Armor_Scorpion Manf_HK_Armor_Ursa Manf_HKShadow_Armor

Manf_HKShadow_Armor_Janissary Manf_HKShadow_Armor_Spectre Manf_Jorman_Armor Manf_Jorman_Armor_Crisis Manf_Jorman_Armor_Hazard Manf_Kassa_Armor_Colossus Manf_Rosen_Armor_Titan Manf_Serrice_Armor_Phantom Manf_Sitta_Armor_Phoenix Manf_Spectre01_Armor Manf_Spectre02_Armor Manf_Spectre03_Armor GiveAllWeapons Manufacturer: Manf_Ariake_Weap Manf_Armax_Weap Manf_Batarian_Weap Manf_Cerberus_Weap Manf_Devlon_Weap Manf_Elanus_Weap Manf_Elkoss_Weap Manf_Geth_Weap Manf_Haliat_Weap Manf_HK_Weap Manf_HK_WeapAppr2 Manf_HKShadow_Weap Manf_Jorman_Weap Manf_Kassa_Weap Manf_Rosen_Weap Manf_Spectre01_Weap Manf_Spectre02_Weap Manf_Spectre03_Weap GiveAllOmnitools Manufacturer: Manf_Aldrin_OmniTool Manf_Ariake_OmniTool Manf_Armali_OmniTool Manf_Elkoss_OmniTool Manf_Serrice_OmniTool Manf_Sitta_OmniTool Manf_Spectre01_OmniTool Manf_Spectre02_OmniTool Manf_Spectre03_OmniTool GiveAllBioamps Manufacturer: Manf_Aldrin_BioAmp Manf_Armali_BioAmp Manf_Armax_BioAmp Manf_Kassa_BioAmp Manf_Serrice_BioAmp Manf_Sitta_BioAmp Manf_Spectre01_BioAmp Manf_Spectre02_BioAmp Manf_Spectre03_BioAmp UnlockAchievement #

1 Medal of Honor Achievement 2 Medal of Heroism Achievement 3 Distinguished Service Medal Achievement 4 Council Legion of Merit Achievement 5 Honorarium of Corporate Service Achievement 6 Long Service Medal Achievement 7 Distinguished Combat Medal Achievement 8 Medal of Valor Achievement 9 Pistol Expert Achievement 10 Shotgun Expert Achievement 11 Assault Rifle Expert Achievement 12 Sniper Expert Achievement 13 Lift Mastery Achievement 14 Throw Mastery Achievement 15 Warp Mastery Achievement 16 Singularity Mastery Achievement 17 Barrier Mastery Achievement 18 Stasis Mastery Achievement 19 Damping Specialist Achievement 20 AI Hacking Specialist Achievement 21 Overload Specialist Achievement 22 Sabotage Specialist Achievement 23 First Aid Specialist Achievement 24 Neural Shock Specialist Achievement 25 (Unknown/Hidden/Invalid) [Likely to be Colonial Savior Achievement - Complete the Bring Down the Sky DLC] 26 Scholar Achievement 27 Completionist Achievement 28 Tactician Achievement 29 Medal of Exploration Achievement 30 Rich Achievement 31 Dogs of War Achievement 32 Geth Hunter Achievement 33 Soldier Ally Achievement 34 Sentinel Ally Achievement 35 Krogan Ally Achievement 36 Turian Ally Achievement 37 Quarian Ally Achievement 38 Asari Ally Achievement 39 Power Gamer Achievement 40 Extreme Power Gamer Achievement 41 Renegade Achievement 42 Paragon Achievement 43 Paramour Achievement 44 Spectre Inductee Achievement 45 Charismatic Achievement 46 Search and Rescue Achievement GiveBonusTalent # 7 Assault Rifles 14 Shotguns 21 Sniper Rifles 49 Throw 50 Lift 56 Warp 57 Singularity 63 Barrier 64 Stasis 84 Electronics

86 91 93 98 99

Damping Hacking Decryption First Aid Medicine

No Weapon Cooldown Go to \My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Config and open biogame.ini. Change m_bSkipPowerCooldown=FALSE to m_bSkipPowerCooldown=TRUE Immortality / Health Adjustment In the BioGame.ini file, located in your Documents/Bioware/Mass Effect/Config f older, scroll down until you find the section [BIOC_Base.BioPawnBehavior] There are a few lines of interest: m_fBleedOutMinDamageResistance m_fBleedOutCasualMinDamageResistance m_fBleedOutMinHealthRegenRate m_fCasualBonusHealthRegenRate m_fHenchDamageResistance m_fHenchCasualDamageResistance These are all health related, both you and your squad members (hench) If you wan t just the easy difficulty to be EASY then make these lines look like this: m_fBleedOutCasualMinDamageResistance=0.00001f m_fCasualBonusHealthRegenRate=999.0f m_fHenchCasualDamageResistance=0.00001 But if you just want some sort of "god mode" then edit these: m_fBleedOutMinDamageResistance=0.0f m_fBleedOutCasualMinDamageResistance=0.0f m_fHenchDamageResistance=0.0 m_fHenchCasualDamageResistance=0.0 (supplied by: Caboose666)

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