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Antraniks Bodyweight Routine

Warm Up
Bodyline Drills (60sec hold, up to 180sec)

Day 1 (Pushing)
1A. Vertical Pushing Exercises (Choose one and do 3 sets of 58 reps)

Dips Progressions (req: support hold 30+secs) Dips (Parallel Bar) Dips (Parallel Bar LSit) Dips (Rings) Dips (Rings Lsit) Dips (Weighted) Handstand Push Up Progression (Req: master PBar Dips) Pike Pushup Skill Work (12min for support holds, 510 min Box Pushup for Lsit & Handstand practice inc. rest) Wall Handstand Eccentric/Negative Push Up (One VERY SLOW Rep) Support Holds Freestanding Handstand Eccentric/ Support Hold (P Bar) Negative Push Up (One VERY SLOW Support Hold (Rings Neutral) Rep) Support Hold (Rings Turning Out) Wall Handstand Push Up Freestanding Handstand Push Up Swinging Support Hold Lsit progressions 1B. Horizontal Pushing (3 sets of 58 reps) Hanging Leg Raises (Bent Legs) Hanging Leg Raises (Straight Legs) One Arm Push Up Progression Foot supported Lsit (press shoulder Wall push ups if cannot do incline pu blades down) Incline push ups if cannot do normal pu Push up Tuck Lsit Push up (Wide) Advanced Tuck Lsit (90 angle hips/legs) Push up (Diamond) Lsit (One Leg out) Push up (Low Rings/TRX wide) Lsit Push up (Low Rings/TRX neutral) Lsit Compressions Push up (Low Rings/TRX turned out) Lsit walks (ag & plank walks) Clapping Push ups Straddle Lsit PseudoPlanche Pushup (Leaning for ward more makes it harder) Lsit turn (90, 180) One Arm Archer Push up (use 612 tall Vsit block) Manna Inclined One Arm Push up (the higher the Handstand Practice easier, against a wall=easiest) Straddled One Arm Push up One Arm Push Up Decline One Arm Push up

Plank Reverse Plank Side Plank (do both sides!) Bird Dog Bird Dog Plank (req: BD for 60+sec) Hollow Hold Hollow Rocks (req: HH for 60+sec) Reverse Hollow Hold Reverse Hollow Rocks (req: RH 60+sec)

Day 2 (Pulling)
2A. Vertical Pulling (3 sets of 58 reps) One Arm Pull Up Progression Eccentric pull ups if cannot do 1 pull up Pull ups (Bar to Chest!) Wide Arm Pull Ups Pull ups (Lsit) Pullover Weighted Pull ups (belt/vest/backpack with sand/water) Assisted One Arm Pull ups (hang towel over bar and grab towel for assistance) Eccentric One Arm Pull ups (use a low bar; master back lever before doing this) Pull ups with one arm Clap Pull Up Progression (req: 10+ pull ups) FAST High Bar Pull Ups (Bar to Chest) Explosive Pull Ups (Pull up, remove hands, place back on bar) Finger Touch Pull Ups (Pull up, touch index finger and thumbs, place back on bar) Full Clap Pull Ups Muscle Up Progression (req: 38 chesttobar pull ups & 38 full dips) False Grip Hang (3x30sec) False Grip Pull Ups (3x8) Muscle Up Eccentric/Negative Muscle Up (Kipping) Muscle Up (Strict) (pull really hard so your body goes up and over the bar) 2B. Horizontal Pulling (3 sets of 58 reps) Row Progressions Horizontal Bar Rows (inverted rows) Wide Bar Rows Rings Rows (Pull to the armpits) Archer Rows One Arm Rows Front Lever Row (Tucked) Front Lever Row (Advanced Tuck)

Day 1 (Horizontal Pushing Continued)

Planche Progression (hold for 60s) PseudoPlanche Pushup (38; Leaning forward more makes it harder) Frog Stand (aka Crow Pose) Elbow Lever (aka Peacock Pose) (more of a balancing move than pure strength) Advanced Frog Stand (aka Crane Pose) (straight elbows, knees higher up) Advanced Frog Stand with Hip Extension Tuck Planche (Protract shoulder blades; bring forward) Advanced Tuck Planche (90 angle with legs/hips) Side Crane (do both sides!) Straddle Planche Full Planche Full Planche on Fingertips Planche Push Ups

Day 2 (Horizontal Pulling Cont; 60s)

Front Lever Progressions (req: Lhang) Tuck Front Lever (scapulae together!) Advanced Tuck Front Lever Single Leg Front Lever (do both legs!) Straddle Front Lever Full Front Lever Back Lever Progressions (req: German Hang) Tuck Back Lever Advanced Tuck Back Lever Straddle Back Lever Full Back Lever Human Flag Progressions (do both sides) Vertical Flag (Legs against P bar) Eccentric/Negative Flag (One Knee Bent) Eccentric/Negative Flag (Straight Legs) Full Flag

Day 3 (Core + Legs + More Pulling)

Lunge/Squat + 1 horiz pull + 1 vrt pull

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