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. SCOPE Pertinent laws and issuances, principles, concepts, procedures, methods and techniques in the management, administration, and operation of a police organization. Specifically it includes the history of policing, police organization and administration with special focus on Republic Act No. 6975, as amended, police patrol operations with police communication system, police intelligence, police personnel and records management and comparative police systems. It includes also the study of the organization, administration and operation of security agencies under the Private Security Agency Law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; loss prevention and assets, protection program through different security methods and techniques such as physical security, personnel security, document and information security; risk analysis and security hazard; and security survey, inspection and investigations. B. TOPIC OUTLINE 1.0 Police Organization and Administration with Police Planning 1.1 Introduction to Policing 1.1.1 Historical Development of Policing Developments during the Middle Ages to the Modern Period Evolution of the Philippine Policing System 1.1.2 Theory and Philosophy of Police Service 1.1.3 Organizational Concepts and Principles 1.2 The Philippine Police System 1.2.1 The Constitutional Provision on the National Police 1.2.2 Republic Act No. 6975, as Amended 1.2.3 The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) Organizational Set-Up Powers and Functions Programs/Projects/Activities Relationship With the Department of the Interior and Local Government

1.2.4 The Philippine National Police (PNP) Organizational Set-Up Powers and Functions Police Rank Structure and Key Positions Appointment and Designation Police Welfare and Benefit System Police Administrative Disciplinary System Gender Sensitivity Program

1.3 The Participation of Local Chief Executives in Police Administration 1.3.1 Governors and Mayors as Deputies of the NAPOLCOM over the Police in their Jurisdiction 1.3.2 Grounds for Suspension of Deputation 1.4 Planning as a Function of Police Management 1.4.1 Police Management Process of: Planning Organizing Directing Staffing Controlling Coordinating Budgeting 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 Importance of Planning Types and Classification of Police Plans Formulation of Police Plans Planning of Unusual Needs Crowd Dispersal Riot and Mob Control Raid Operations Disaster Management

2.0 Industrial Security Management 2.1 Introduction to Industrial Security 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 Legal Bases of Industrial Security Basic Concepts Types of Security Major Divisions of Security

2.2 Physical Security 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 Principles of Physical Security Barriers Protective Lighting Protective Alarms and Communication System Protective Locks and Key Control Protective Cabinets Guard Force System Personnel Identification and Movement Control

2.3 Personnel Security 2.3.1 Purpose and Importance of Personnel Security 2.3.2 Personnel Security Investigation 2.3.3 Security Education Programs 2.4 Document and Information Security 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 Basic Concepts Document and Information Cycle Types of Classified Matters Protection of Sensitive Matters

2.5 Risk Analysis and Security Hazard 2.5.1 Basic Concepts 2.5.2 Security Inspection 2.5.3 Security Investigation 3.0 Police Patrol Operations With Police Communication System 3.1 The Importance and Objectives of Police Patrol 3.1.1 Patrol as the Backbone of a Police Organization 3.1.2 Patrol as the Essence of Police Function 3.1.3 Goals and Objectives of Police Patrol 3.2 Factors Affecting Patrol Operations

3.2.1 Internal Factors 3.2.2 External Factors 3.2.3 Occupational Hazards 3.3 Organization and Staffing of the Patrol Functions 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 Organization Principles Organizational Duties and Responsibilities Management Functions in Police Work Patrol Force Staffing Patrol Force Deployment and Scheduling

3.4 Police Patrol Methods 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 Foot Patrol Automobile Patrol Bicycle Patrol Motorcycle Patrol Aircraft Patrol Camine Patrol Marine Patrol

3.5 Patrol Tactics, Strategies and Activities 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5 3.5.6 3.5.7 Types of Police Patrol: Preventive, Proactive and Reactive Team Policing High and Low-Visibility Patrol Directed Deterrent Patrol Decoy Patrol Split-Force Patrol Patrol Activities

3.6 Patrol Supervision 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 Selection of Patrol Supervisors The Supervisors Role Developing and Motivating Subordinates Instilling Discipline and Boosting Morale

3.7 Support to Patrol Efforts 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.7.5 Police Records System Crime Data Analysis Criminalistics Services Evidence and Property Control Community Support

3.8 The Integrated Patrol System in the Philippines 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.8.5 Features of the Integrated Patrol System Components of the Integrated Patrol System Patrol Considerations Fixed Components of the Integrated Patrol System PNP Standard Patrol Procedures

3.9 Contemporary Policing Strategies 3.9.1 Concept and Operation of Community-Oriented Policing System 3.9.2 Problem-Oriented Policing System 3.9.3 Policing Strategies in the Philippines

3.10 Police Communication System 3.10.1 3.10.2 3.10.3 3.10.4 3.10.5 3.10.6 History and Fundamental Concepts About Police Communication Importance and Objectives of Police Communication Administrative and Operational Communication Net Basic Needs in Police Communication Planning Police Radio Communication Modern Communication Technologies in a Police Organization

4.0 Police Intelligence 4.1 Nature and History of Intelligence 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 Nature of Intelligence Function Historical Developments of Intelligence Principles and Functions of Intelligence Categories of Intelligence Intelligence Cycle Planning and Direction of Collection Efforts Collection of Information Processing of Information Dissemination and Use of Information

4.1.6 Counter-Intelligence Objectives and Importance of Counter-Intelligence Basic Principles of Counter-Intelligence Activities and Functions of Counter-Intelligence Categories of Counter-Intelligence

4.2 Police Intelligence Operations 4.2.1 Intelligence Operations Tasks in Police Intelligence Operations Cycles of Intelligence Operations Overt and Covert Method 4.2.2 Methods and Techniques of Collecting Information Elicitation Casing Surveillance Observation and Description Tactical Interrogation

4.2.3 Cover and Undercover Operations Importance of Cover Types of Cover Hazards of Cover Undercover Assignment Uses and Types of Undercover Assignment The Undercover Agent

4.2.4 Informers and Informants Informer and Informant, Compared Types and Motives of Informants Recruitment of Informants 4.3 Fundamentals of Cryptography: Encoding and Decoding 4.3.1 Cryptography Codes and Ciphers Principles of Codes and Ciphers Rules on Encryption 4.4 Counter-Intelligence Security Measures and Security Operations in Relation to Intelligence 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 Physical Security Communication Security Document Security Personnel Security

4.5 Introduction to National Security 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 Definition and Importance of National Security Principles and Components Threats to National Security Identification of Criminal Subversive Elements Modus Operandi (MO) and Order of Battle (OB)

5.0 Police Personnel and Records Management 5.1 Police Personnel Management 5.1.1 Concept and Purposes of Personnel Management 5.1.2 Functions under Personnel Management Personnel Planning Personnel Recruitment and Selection Appointment and Assignment Performance Evaluation Personnel Compensation and Welfare Benefits Career and Employee Development Discipline Separation from the Service

5.2 Police Personnel Programs 5.2.1 Organization and Functions of a Personnel Department/Unit 5.2.2 The Police Personnel Program Objectives Program Areas Classification Personnel Policies Police Job Descriptions

5.2.3 Acquiring Competent and Qualified Personnel Recruitment Selection Procedures Police Appointment 5.2.4 Holding and Maintaining a Competent Workforce

Compensation Welfare Benefits Working Hours Recognition and Incentive System Disciplinary System

5.2.5 Developing and Motivating Personnel Education and Training Performance Evaluation Suggestion System Grievance System

5.2.6 Maintaining Harmonious Relationships Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship Peer Relationships 5.2.7 Separation from the Service Transfer to other Agencies Retirement Death Disciplinary Action (Dismissal) Missing Persons

5.3 PNP Personnel Management 5.3.1 Pertinent Provisions of Republic Act No. 6975, as Amended 5.3.2 Personnel Policies and Guidelines Issued by NAPOLCOM Recruitment Selection Appointment Promotion Designation Assignment/Reassignment Performance Evaluation

5.3.3 Career and Job-Enrichment Programs 5.3.4 Police Examination System Police Entrance Examination Police Promotional Examination Police Executive Service Examination Other Released Examinations

5.3.5 Police Cadetship Program 5.3.6 Police Administrative Disciplinary System Disciplinary Authorities On Citizens Complaints Disciplinary Authorities on Internal Breach of Discipline Peoples Law Enforcement Boards (PLEBs) Disciplinary Appellate Boards Internal Affairs Service Summary Dismissal Authorities

5.3.7 Status of Missing Personnel

5.3.8 Compensation and Welfare Benefits Compensation: Base Pay and Longevity Pay Welfare Benefits 5.3.9 Modes of Separation from the PNP 5.3.10 Records Management PNP Organizational Structure for Records Management Classification and Filing of Personnel Records Administrative and Operational Reports Personnel Accounting and Inventory System (PAIS)

6.0 Comparative Police System 6.1 Effects of Globalization to Police Service 6.1.1 The Changing Role and Nature of the Police 6.1.2 Effects of Globalization 6.2 Transnational Crimes 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 Terrorism Drug Trafficking Money Laundering Human Trafficking Cyber Crimes Others

6.3 Selected Police Models 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 Japan Police System Singapore Police System Police System of Other ASEAN Countries Australian Federal Police US and other European Models Programs of Select Police Models Application to the Philippine Setting

6.4 The Role of INTERPOL 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 Organizational Setup Functions and Programs Role in Anti-Transnational Crime Criminal Intelligence Analysis

6.5 Bilateral and International Cooperation of Transnational Crime 6.5.1 UN Convention Against Transnational Crime 6.5.2 Role of ASEANAPOL 6.5.3 PNP Agreements with ASEAN Police Organizations 6.6 Participation of PNP Personnel in UN Peacekeeping Missions 6.6.1 Selection and Qualifications 6.6.2 Terms of Deployment SUBJECT 3 CRIME DETECTION AND INVESTIGATION

A. SCOPE: Concepts and principles of criminal investigation including the modern techniques in crime detection and investigation. Also includes modern techniques in processing the crime scene involving murder, homicide, rape, robbery, etc; fundamentals of traffic operation with emphasis on safety, education, enforcement, engineering, techniques in vehicular and pedestrian direction and control; coverage and importance of modern techniques in special crime investigation; study of organized crime, their attributes, categories, specialization and coverage; drug abuse prevention and education programs; treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug dependents; and basic technological concepts and the fundamental principles of investigating fire and arson investigation; fire prevention education and procedures to be adopted in case of fires; and the legal aspects of arson; it also covers the study of the concept and general principles of arrest, searches, and seizure and also the rights of the subject during custodial investigation B. TOPIC OUTLINE 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 1.1. Basic concepts and principles of criminal investigation; 1.2. Modern techniques in crime detection and investigation; 1.3. Methodologies and modern techniques in crime scene investigation, processing and preserving physical evidence; 1.4. Techniques of obtaining information including the application of criminal psychology in interview and in interrogation to include methods of surveillance, stakeout, and other related investigative strategies; 1.5. Concepts, general and legal principles in effecting arrest, searches, and seizures; 1.6. Legal and moral consideration to be observed during custodian investigation. 2. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AND ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 2.1. Fundamental concept of traffic operation, safety, education, enforcement, and engineering; 2.2. Different laws, decrees, codes, rules, and regulations affecting all kind or modes of transportation; 2.3. Techniques in vehicular and pedestrian direction and control in all situations; 2.4. Special plans and policies on emergency traffic situations with the use of both hand signals and electrical signal lights and others; 2.5. Technical concepts in accident investigation including disposition on victims, etc.; 2.6. Concepts and basic principles to be considered in hit and run cases. 3. SPECIAL CRIME INVESTIGATION 3.1. Basic concepts of special crime investigation; 3.2. Special approaches and techniques in the investigation of special cases involving persons, properties, and other high profile cases; 3.3. Scientific approach and procedures in conducting crime scene search, sketch, collection and care of physical evidence on special cases; 3.4. Proper documentation of crime scene investigation and techniques involving special cases; 3.5. Methods and techniques in identifying deceases victims, persons, etc.; 3.6. Collection, handling, and preservation of physical evidence on special or high profile cases. 4. ORGANIZED CRIME INVESTIGATION 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. Concepts, nature, and attributes of organized crimes; Kinds, origin, and modes of operations of organized crimes; Transnational or borderless crimes; Kidnapping and Terrorism; Cyber/Technology crimes;

4.6. Organized syndicates; 4.7. International and national laws, decrees, treaties, and statutes 5. DRUG EDUCATION AND VICE CONTROL 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. Causes and influences of drug abuse; Adverse and ill-effects of drug abuse; Sources of prohibited and regulated drugs Aspects of drugs education and enforcement of drug-related laws; Treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents; Scope and objectives of The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002

6. FIRE TECHNOLOGY AND ARSON INVESTIGATION 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. Technology and causes of fire; Basic principles in Fire and Arson investigation Fire prevention and education; Concepts and techniques in fire control and extinguishments; The law on destructive arson Study of fire in relation to the National Building Code

SUBJECT 4 CRIMINALISTICS A. SCOPE: Covers the study of Dactyloscopy and D.N.A as a reliable, well-accepted means of personal identification worldwide; significance of police photography in the field of law enforcement and criminal investigation; the vital role of forensic ballistics in the law enforcement profession and in the administration of justice; detection of forgeries and falsification and counterfeiting of documents with the use of scientific tools and modern procedures and use of lights, rays, radiation, powders, and others including the proper selection of standards; study of lie detection and interrogation with the use polygraph instruments and other conventional methods of detecting deception; application of medical science in crime investigation with emphasis on human anatomy and physiology as well as the medico-legal aspects of violent crimes and other destruction of life and also non-violent crimes such as those caused by poisoning and the like. B. TOPIC OUTLINE 1. PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Ancient and modern methods of personal identification; Dactyloscopy, Orthodontology, and Palmistry; Identification, illustration, and comparison of fingerprint patterns and ridge characteristics; Scientific method of recognition, development, preservation of latent prints; Taking, classifying, and storing fingerprint records; D.N.A. fingerprinting.

2. POLICE PHOTOGRAPHY 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. Kinds and historical development of photography; Significance of photography in law enforcement and criminal investigation; Terminologies in photography; Basic parts and functions of a camera; Concepts and kinds of lights, films, lenses, etc.; Procedures in crime scene photography; Demonstrate the basic process of developing, printing, and enlarging photographs.

3. FORENSIC BALLISTICS 3.1. Scientific study of firearms identification; 3.2. Study of ammunition, projectiles, gunpowder, printer, explosives; 3.3. Uses of laboratory equipment such as bullet comparison microscope;

3.4. Functions of the parts of firearms; 3.5. Class and individual characteristics of firearms; 3.6. Reports including illustration of firearms, slugs, empty shells, etc. for legal proceedings. 4. QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS EXAMINATIONS 4.1. Scientific methods of identification and examination of questioned documents; 4.2. Detection of forgery, falsification, and identification of documents; 4.3. Procedures in restoring and deciphering erasures and obliterations; 4.4. Use of different lights, rays, and equipment in questioned document examinations; 4.5. Selection of standards; 4.6. Examinations of questionable typewritings, computerized documents, and other forms of modern printing. 5. POLYGRAPH (LIE DETECTON) 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. Concepts of lie detection and interrogation; Techniques in conducting polygraph examinations; Polygraph machine, chart probing and charts interpretation; Qualifications and responsibilities of the polygraph examiners Legal implications and ethical standards in taking the lie detection examination.

6. LEGAL MEDICINE 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. Medical science in crime investigation; Human anatomy and physiology; Medico-legal aspects of physical injuries, death, abortion, poisoning, etc. Concepts and principles in the field of forensic medicine; Legal and moral obligations of medico-legal officer

SUBJECT 5 CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION A. SCOPE: History and development of correctional practices, theories and philosophies; the role of corrections in the administration of criminal justice; laws and legal issuances relating to correctional administration; the management and operation of all institutional correctional systems such as the national prison and penal forms, the jails at the provincial, district and city/municipal levels relative to programs on the diagnosis, classification, handling, treatment and rehabilitation of offenders, and study of the United Nations Standards on Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Offenders. Likewise, the historical background and theories relating to non-institutional corrections such as probation, parole and other forms of executive clemency; the implementation of the Philippine Adult Probation Law, as amended, the Indeterminate Sentence Law, as amended and such other laws and legal issuances to implement executive clemency. B. TOPIC OUTLINE 1. INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTIONS 1.1. Introduction to Corrections 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4. 1.1.5. Historical Perspective on the Development of Corrections The Concept of Penology Forms of Punishment: Ancient to Contemporary The Development of Jails and Prisons Corrections and the Criminal Justice System

1.2. Philippine Prisons and Jails: Organization, Powers and Functions 1.2.1. Bureau of Corrections History of the National Prison System Organization, Powers and Functions of the Bureau of Corrections National Bilibid Prison Penal Colonies Correctional for Women The Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC) Prison Admission Procedures and Classification of Inmates 1.2.2. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) History of Jails in the Philippines Organization, Powers and Functions of the BJMP The Bureau District Jails City Jails Municipal Jails Jail Admission Procedures and Classification of Inmates 1.2.3. The Provincial Jails Organization, Powers and Functions of Provincial Jails Supervision over Provincial Jails Admission and Classification Procedures 1.3. Forms of Correctional Treatments in Jails and Prisons 1.3.1. The Goals of Correctional Treatment 1.3.2. Prison Programs Prison Education Work Programs Religious Services Medical and Health Services Counseling and Case Work

1.3.3. Jail Programs Health Service Education and Training Religious Services Guidance and Counseling Recreation and Sports Program Visitation Services Mail Services

1.3.4. Rights of Inmates 1.3.5. Treatment of Special Needs or Unusual Offenders 1.4. Institutional Custody, Security and Control of Inmates, Emergency Plans, Movement and Transfer of Inmates 1.4.1. Custody, Security and Control of Prisoners Security and Control of Prisoners Duties of Custodial Force Inmates Counts

1.4.2. Security Procedures During Meal Service during Room Security Mail Censorship Fire Prevention

1.4.3. Emergency Plans In case of fire or conflagration During Riots and Violent Disturbances In Case of Escapes or Jailbreaks 1.4.4. Movement and Transfer of Inmates When May An Inmate Be Brought Out of Jail Rules for the Transfer of Inmates 1.4.5. Inmate Discipline Prohibited Acts Subject to Disciplinary Action Board of Discipline and Its Functions hearing of Disciplinary Cases 1.5. Penal Provisions on Corrections 1.5.1. General Laws Governing the Administration and Management of prisons and jails in the Philippines 1.5.2. Administrative Offenses of Prison/Jail Personnel 1.5.3. Criminal Liability of Jail Personnel 1.5.4. Criminal Liability of Inmates 1.5.5. Grant of Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA) and Special Time Allowance (STA) under the Revised Penal Code 2. NON-INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTIONS 2.1. Historical Background of Probation 2.1.1. Historical Background Role of Probation in the Correctional System Pioneers and Founders of Probation History of Protection in the United States, England and the Philippines 2.1.2. Benefits and Advantages of Probation 2.1.3. Linkages of Probation with Agencies of the Criminal Justice System 2.2. The Adult Probation Law and Other Probation Laws 2.2.1. Presidential Decree No. 968, As Amended Goal and Purposes of Probation Definition of Terms Grant of Probation Post-Sentence Investigation Form of Investigation Report Period for Submission of Investigation Report Criteria for Placing an Offender on Probation Disqualified Offenders Conditions and Effectivity of Probation

Modification of Conditions of Probation Control and Supervision of Probation Violation of Probation Conditions and Arrest of Probationer Termination of Probation Confidentiality of Records

2.2.2. The Probation and Parole Administration Organizational Set-up Powers and Functions Key Positions: Their Duties and Responsibility Probation Aides 2.2.3. Other Forms of Probation in the Philippines Presidential Decree No. 603, As Amended Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code Republic Act No. 9344

2.3. Parole Investigation and Supervision 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. 2.3.4. 2.3.5. History of Parole and Pardons Parole, Probation and Pardon Compared Parole and the Indeterminate Sentence Law Who is Eligible For Parole The Board of Pardon and parole Organizational Set-up Powers and Functions 2.3.6. Parole Supervision 2.3.7. Parole Investigation 2.3.8. Closing of Parole Supervision Case 2.4. Forms of Executive Clemency 2.4.1. Minimum Conditions for Executive Clemency Pardon Absolute Pardon Conditional Pardon Amnesty Commutation of Sentence Reprieve Pre-Trial Release and Division

2.5. The Future of Corrections 2.5.1. Role of the Community in Corrections Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) Government Organization (GOs) 2.5.2. Modified Therapeutic Community Model 2.5.3. Research in Corrections SUBJECT 1 CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE, PROCEDURE AND EVIDENCE A. SCOPE - Elements of the legal provisions and the extent of its application regarding

offenses and penalties, knowledge of the court jurisdiction, venue in criminal cases and the admissibility of evidence which are of probative value to the courts. B. TOPIC OUTLINE 1. CRIMINAL LAW BOOK I 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 Significance of the Study Scope and Limitation of the Study Concept of Criminal Law Sources of Philippine Criminal Law Characteristics of Criminal Law Jurisdiction of Civil Courts over Offender Persons Subject to Military Law Theories in Criminal Law and their Characteristics Application of its Provisions

1.2 Felonies 1.2.1 Concept of Felonies 1.2.2 Classification of Felonies 1.3 Criminal Liability 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 How Criminal Liability is Incurred How to Determine Proximate Cause When Death is Presumed to be Natural Consequence of Physical Injuries Inflicted Elements of Impossible Crime Duty of the Courts With Regards to Excessive Penalty and for An Act Not Covered by Law

1.4 Stages of Execution of a Felony 1.4.1. 1.4.2. 1.4.3. 1.4.4. 1.4.5. 1.4.6. 1.4.7. 1.4.8. Subjective and Objective Phase of a Felony Elements of an Attempted Felony Elements of a Frustrated Felony Elements of a Consummated Felony When Light Felonies are Punishable Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit Felony Grave Felonies, Less Grave Felonies and Light Felonies Offenses Not Subject to the Provisions of the Revised Penal Code

1.5 Circumstances Affecting Criminal Liability 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 Justifying Circumstances Exempting Circumstances Aggravating Circumstances Mitigating Circumstances Alternative Circumstances

1.6 Persons Criminally Liable for Felonies 1.6.1 Principals 1.6.2 Accomplices 1.6.3 Accessories 1.6.4 Accessories Exempt from Criminal Liability 1.7 Penalties 1.7.1 Concept 1.7.2 Purpose

1.7.3 Theories Justifying Penalty 1.7.4 Classification of Penalties 1.7.5 Duration and Effect of Penalties 1.7.6 Application of Penalties 1.7.7 Rules for Graduating Penalties 1.7.8 Rules for the Application of Indivisible Penalties 1.7.9 Rules for the Application of Penalties Which Contain Three Periods 1.7.10 Factors in the Imposition of Fines 1.8 Indeterminate Sentence Law 1.8.1 Purpose 1.9 Extinction of Criminal Liability 1.9.1 Causes of Total Extinction of Criminal Liability 1.9.2 Causes of Partial Extinction of Criminal Liability

1.10 Civil Liability 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.10.3 1.10.4 1.10.5 Persons Civilly Liable for Felonies Damages that May be Recovered in Criminal Cases What is Included in Civil Liability Indemnification of Consequential Damages Extinction and Survival of Civil Liability

1.11 P.D. 968, as amended (Probation Law) 1.12 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (Republic Act 9344) and subsequent amendments 1.13 Special Criminal Statutes, Decrees, related laws and issuances and subsequent amendments 2. CRIMINAL LAW BOOK II 2.1 Crimes Against National Security and the Law of Nations 2.1.1 Treason and Espionage 2.1.2 Provoking war and Disloyalty in Case of War 2.1.3 Piracy and Mutiny on the High Seas or Philippine Waters 2.2 Crimes Against the Fundamental Law of the State 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Arbitrary Detention and Expulsion Violation of Domicile Prohibition, Interruption and Dissolution of Peaceful Meetings Crimes Against Religious Worship

2.3 Crimes Against Public Order 2.3.1 Rebellion, Sedition and Disloyalty Coup detat (Republic Act 6968) 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 Crimes Against Popular Representation Illegal Assemblies and Associations Assault Upon and Resistance and Disobedience to Persons in Authority and their Agents Public Disorders

2.3.6 Evasion of Service of Sentence 2.3.7 Commission of Another Crime During the Service of Penalty Imposed for Another Previous Offense 2.4 Crimes Against Public Interest 2.4.1 Forgeries/Forging the seal of the Government and signature or stamp of the Chief Executive 2.4.2 Counterfeiting Coins 2.4.3 Forging Treasury or Bank Notes, Obligations and Securities, Importing and Uttering False or Forged Notes, Obligations and Securities 2.4.4 Falsification of Legislative, Public, Commercial and Private Documents and Wireless, Cable, Telegraph and Telephone Messages 2.4.5 Falsification of Medical Certificate, Certificates of Merit or Service and the like 2.4.6 Manufacturing, Importing and Possession of Instruments or Implements of Falsification 2.4.7 Other Falsities 2.4.8 Frauds 2.5 Crimes Relative to Opium and Other Prohibited Drug 2.5.1 Republic Act 9165, known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 2.6 Crimes Against Public Morals 2.6.1 Gambling and Betting P.D. 1602 as amended by Republic Act 9287 (Illegal Numbers Games) 2.6.2 Offenses Against Decency and Good Customs 2.7 Crimes Committed by Public Officers 2.7.1 Preliminary Provisions 2.7.2 Malfeasance and Misfeasance in Office 2.7.3 Frauds and Illegal Exactions and Transactions 2.7.4 Malversation of Public Funds or Property 2.7.5 Infidelity of Public Officers 2.7.6 Other Offenses or Irregularities by Public Officers 2.7.7 Relation to the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (R.A. 3019) and Act Penalizing Plunder (R.A. 7080) 2.8 Crimes Against Persons 2.8.1 Destruction of Life Parricide, Murder, Homicide Death caused and Physical Injuries inflicted in a Tumultuous Affray Giving assistance to suicide Discharge of Firearms Infanticide and Abortion Duel

2.8.2 Physical Injuries 2.8.3 Rape under Republic Act 8353 2.8.4 Relation of Human Security Act (Republic Act 9372) 2.9 Crimes Against Personal Liberty and Security 2.9.1 Crimes Against Liberty Illegal Detention Kidnapping of Minors Slavery and Servitude Relation to the Child Abuse Law (R.A. 7610) and Anti-Human Trafficking Law (R.A. 9208) 2.9.2 Crimes Against Security Abandonment of Helpless Persons and Exploitation of Minors/Republic Act 7610 Trespass to Dwelling Threats and Coercion Discovery and Revelation of Secrets

3.0 Crimes Against Property 3.0.1 Robbery in General Who are Guilty of Robbery Robbery with Violence Against or Intimidation of Persons Robbery by the use of Force Upon Things 3.0.2 Brigandage Relation to Anti-Highway Robbery Law (PD 532) 3.0.3 Theft Relation to Carnapping Law (Republic Act 6539) 3.0.4 Usurpation 3.0.5 Culpable Insolvency 3.0.6 Swindling and Other Deceits 3.0.7 Chattel Mortgage 3.0.8 Arson and Other Crimes Involving Destruction 3.0.9 Malicious Mischief 3.0.10 Exemption from Criminal Liability in Crimes against Property 3.1 Crimes Against Chastity 3.1.1 Adultery and Concubinage 3.1.2 Acts of Lasciviousness 3.1.3 Seduction, Corruption and White Slave Trade Relation to Republic Act 9208 and 7610 3.1.4 Abduction 3.1.5 Provisions Relative to the Preceding Chapters of Title Eleven 3.2 Crimes Against the Civil Status of Persons 3.2.1 Simulation of Births and Usurpation of Civil Status 3.2.2 Illegal Marriages

3.3 Crimes Against Honor 3.3.1 Libel 3.3.2 Incriminatory Machinations 3.4 Quasi Offenses 3.4.1 Criminal Negligence

3.0 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Significance of the Study 3.1.2 Scope and Limitation of the Study 3.1.3 Concept of Criminal Procedure 3.2 Jurisdiction of Courts in Criminal Cases 3.2.1 Different Courts in the Philippines 3.2.2 Jurisdiction 3.2.3 Jurisdiction of Different Courts in Criminal Cases 3.3 Prosecution of Offenses (Rule 110) 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 Institution of Criminal Action Concept of Complaint/Information Prosecution of Criminal Action Sufficiency of Complaint/Information Concept of DuplicitiousOffense Amendment of Complaint/Information Venue of Criminal Action Intervention of the Offended Party in Criminal Action

3.4 Prosecution of Civil Action (Rule 111) 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 Institution of Criminal and Civil actions Concept of Independent Civil actions Effect of Death on civil actions Effect of Judgment in Civil Action Concept and Elements of Prejudicial Question Suspension by reason of Prejudicial Question

3.5 Preliminary Investigation (Rule 112) 3.5.1 Definition and Concept 3.5.2 Officers Authorized to Conduct Preliminary Investigation 3.5.3 Procedure in Preliminary Investigation 3.5.4 Propriety of issuance of warrant of arrest 3.5.5 Rule when accused is lawfully arrested without warrant 3.5.6 Record of Preliminary Investigation 3.5.7 Cases not requiring Preliminary Investigation nor covered by the Rule on Summary Procedure 3.6 Arrest (Rule 113) 3.6.1 Definition and Concept 3.6.2 Manner of Arrest 3.6.3 Duty of Arresting Officer 3.6.4 Manner of Executing a Warrant 3.6.5 Warrantless Arrests 3.6.6 Time of Making arrest 3.6.7 Method of Arrest 3.6.8 Necessity of Assistance 3.6.9 Right to Break in/out of Building/Enclosure to Effect Arrest/Release 3.6.10 Conduct of arrest After Escape or Rescue 3.6.11 Visitation Rights 3.7. Bail

3.7.1 Definition and Concept 3.7.2 Conditions of Bail/Requirements 3.7.3 Bail as a matter of right and discretion 3.7.4 Definition of capital offense 3.7.5 Kinds of Bail 3.7.6 Forum where bond is filed 3.7.7 When bail is not required, Reduced Bail or Recognizance 3.7.8 Guidelines for the Amount of Bail to be fixed 3.7.9 Qualifications and Justification of Sureties 3.7.10 Property Bond, Definition and Concept 3.7.11 Concept of Corporate Surety 3.7.12 Release on Bail or Recognizance 3.7.13 Increase or Reduction of Bail 3.7.14 Forfeiture and Cancellation of Bail Bond 3.7.15 No Bail After Final Judgment; Exceptions 3.7.16 Bail not a bar to objections on illegal arrest, lack or irregular preliminary investigation 3.8 Rights of the Accused (Rule 115) 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.8.5 3.8.6 3.8.7 3.8.8 3.8.9 Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right to Presumption of Innocence to Notice and Hearing to Representation (by himself or counsel) to Testify in his behalf Against Self-Incrimination to Confrontation and Cross-Examination of Witnesses to Secure the Attendance of Witnesses to Speedy, Impartial and Public Trial of Appeal

3.9 Arraignment and Plea (Rule 116) 3.9.1 Concept of Arraignment and Plea; Conduct of Arraignment 3.9.2 Plea Bargaining, Definition and Concept 3.9.3 Effects of Plea of Guilty to Capital/Non-capital Offense 3.9.4 Withdrawal of Plea of Guilty 3.9.5 Duty of Court to Inform Accused of his Right to Counsel 3.9.6 Appointment of Counsel de Officio 3.9.7 Time to Prepare for Arraignment/Trial 3.9.8 Concept of Bill of Particulars 3.9.9 Production or Inspection of Evidence in Possession of the Prosecution 3.9.10 Reasons for Suspension of Arraignment

4.0 Motion to Quash (Rule 117) 4.0.1 Time to Move to Quash 4.0.2 Form and Content 4.0.3 Grounds 4.0.4 Amendment of Complaint/Information 4.0.5 Effect of Sustaining Motion to Quash 4.0.6 Exceptions to the Rule that Order Sustaining the Motion to Quash is not a bar to Another Prosecution of the Offense 4.0.7 Former Conviction or Acquittal; Double Jeopardy 4.0.8 Provisional Dismissal 4.0.9 Effects of Failure to Move to Quash 4.1 Pre-Trial and Trial (Rule 118 and 119) 4.1.1 Pre-Trial in Criminal Cases 4.1.2 Nature and Effect of Pre-trial

4.1.3 Matters taken during Pre-Trial Conference 4.1.4 Pre-Trial Agreement 4.1.5 Effect of Non-appearance 4.1.6 Pre-trial Order 4.1.7 Concept of Trial 4.1.8 Necessity of Notice of Trial, Requirement of Continuous Trial 4.1.9 Public Attorneys duties when accused is imprisoned 4.1.10 Sanctions 4.1.11 Order of Trial 4.1.12 Examination of Witnesses Before Trial 4.1.13 Examination of Prosecution/Defense Witnesses 4.1.14 Requirement of Bail to Secure Appearance of Material Witnesses 4.1.15 Trial of Several Accused 4.1.16 Requisites of Discharge of Accused to be State Witness 4.1.17 Effect of Discharge of Accused to be State Witness 4.1.18 Remedy when Mistake is Made in Charging the Offense 4.1.19 Exclusion of Public During Trial 4.1.20 Consolidation of Trial of Related Cases 4.1.21 Nature and Propriety of Demurrer to Evidence 4.2 Judgment (Rule 120) 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 Definition and Concept Form and Contents Judgment for two or more Offenses Judgment in Case of Variance Between Allegations and Proof When an Offense Includes or is included in another Promulgation of Judgment Modification of Judgment Entry of Judgment

4.3 New Trial or Reconsideration (Rule 121) 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 Definition and Concept of New Trial or Reconsideration Grounds for New Trial Grounds for Reconsideration Form and Hearing of Motion Effects of Granting New Trial/Reconsideration

4.4 Appeal (Rule 122) 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 4.4.8 4.4.9 Definition and Concept of Appeal Forum of Appeal, Parties to an Appeal, Manner of Appeal Period of Appeal Transmission of papers to Appellate Court Upon Appeal Appeal to the Regional Trial court Transmission of Records in Case of Death Penalty Effect of Appeal by any of Several Accused Effect of Withdrawal of Appeal Appointment of counsel de Officio for Accused on Appeal

4.5 Procedure in the MTC/Court of Appeals/Supreme Court (Rules 123, 124 and 125) 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 Uniform Procedure as in the RTC/ Exceptions Procedure in the Court of Appeals Period of Time to File Brief for Appellant/appellee Application for Extension of Time to File Brief Form and Contents of Brief

4.5.6 Dismissal of Appeal 4.5.7 Reversal or Modification of Judgment 4.5.8 Power of the Appellate Court on Appeal 4.5.9 Power of the Appellate Court to Receive Evidence 4.5.10 Concept of Motion for New Trial in the Appellate Court 4.5.11 Rehearing or Reconsideration 4.5.12 Steps when Judgment is Rendered by the Appellate Court 4.5.13 Appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court 4.5.14 Review of Decisions of the Court of Appeals by the Supreme Court 4.5.15 Rendition of Decision if Opinion is Equally Divided 4.6 Search and Seizure 4.6.1 Search Warrant, Definition and Concept 4.6.2 Court where application for search warrant is filed 4.6.3 Properties to Seize During Search 4.6.4 Requisites for the Issuance of Search Warrant 4.6.5 Necessity of Examining the Complainant and Witnesses 4.6.6 Issuance and Form of Search Warrant 4.6.7 Right to Break In to Effect Search 4.6.8 Requirement of Presence of Witnesses During Search 4.6.9 Time of Making Search 4.6.10 Validity of Search Warrant 4.6.11 Issuance of Receipt for Property Seized 4.6.12 Delivery of Property and Inventory 4.6.13 Search incidental to lawful arrest 4.6.14 Propriety of Warrantless Search 4.6.15 Motion to Quash a search warrant or to suppress evidence 4.7 Provisional Remedies in Criminal Cases (Rule 127) 4.7.1 Provisional Remedies; Definition and Concept 4.7.2 Availability of Provisional Remedies 4.7.3 Attachment 4.8 Rule on Summary Procedure 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.8.6 4.8.7 4.8.8 4.8.9 Concept of Summary Procedure Cases Where the Rule on Summary Procedure is applied Commencement of Summary Procedure in Criminal Cases Conduct of Preliminary Conference Procedure of Trial Arrest of Accused Referral to Lupon/Applicability Prohibited Pleadings Appeal

4.9 Critique of the Study 4.9.1 Are the Procedures Laid Down by the Rules effective for an Efficient Disposition of Criminal Cases? 4.9.2 What is the Effect of the Rules of Procedure in Our Criminal Justice System? 4. EVIDENCE 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Significance of the Study 4.1.2 Evidence in General 4.1.3 Kinds of Evidence

4.2 General Provisions (Rule 128) 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 Definition of Evidence Scope Admissibility Relevancy; Collateral Matters

4.3 What Need Not be Proved (Rule 129) 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 Concept of Judicial Notice Mandatory and Discretionary Judicial Notice Necessity of Hearing Judicial Admissions

4.4 Rules of Admissibility (Rule 130) 4.4.1 Admissibility of Object (Real) Evidence 4.4.2 Admissibility of Documentary Evidence Written Instruments Electronic Documents and Electronic Data Messages Relation of Rule on Electronic Evidence 4.4.3 Admissibility of Testimonial Evidence 4.5 Burden of Proof and Presumptions (Rule 131) 4.5.1 Definition and Concept of Burden of Proof 4.5.2 Definition and Concept of Presumptions 4.6 Presentation of Evidence (Rule 132) 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8 4.6.9 Examination of Witnesses Rights and Obligations of a Witness Order of Examination of Witnesses Kinds of Questions Propounded to a Witness Impeachment of Witnesses Necessity of Exclusion and Separation of Witnesses Reference to Memorandum Authentication and Proof of Documents Offer and Objection

4.7 Weight and Sufficiency of Evidence (Rule 133) 4.7.1 Weight and Sufficiency of Evidence 4.8 Perpetuation of Testimony (Rule 134) 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 Concept of Perpetuation of Testimony Purpose of Perpetuation of Testimony Manner of Perpetuation of Testimony Depositions

4.9 Critique of the Study 4.9.1 Analysis by the student of the Rules on Evidence and how it affects the disposition of cases in the Philippines 4.9.2 Determination by the students of the flaws and imperfections of the Philippine Law on Evidence and their recommendation of solutions to facilitate the judicial process

5. COURT TESTIMONY 5.1 Knowledge of applicable laws and procedures 5.2 Preparation of Case 5.2.1 Gathering of Evidence 5.2.2 Documentation 5.2.3 Transmittal/indorsement to Prosecutors Office Regular Cases Inquest Cases 5.3 Court Testimony 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 Preparation for Hearing Knowledge of the Case, Applicable Law/s and the Procedures of the Court Demeanor and Courtroom Decorum Rights and Obligations as a Witness Turn-over of Evidence

5.4 Critique of the Study 5.4.1 Analysis of the student of the applicable laws and procedures in the handling of cases prior to prosecution, actual court setting and decorum and recommendations in improved participation of law enforcement agencies in the prosecution of cases.

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