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Lighting Calculations

Michael D. Kroelinger, Ph.D., AIA, FIIDA, LC Arizona State University

Without a source of light, we cannot see; without surfaces to reflect light, there is nothing to see. To understand this relationship between a source of light, the surfaces that reflect light, and how we see light, we need lighting language. Quantifying the nature of light within a space calls for a basic understanding of key terms and calculation techniques.

The Lumen
The lumen is the unit that quantifies the total amount of light emitted by a source. This unit is typically used to rate the output of lamps. For example, the flame of a candle generates about 12 lumens. A standard 60-watt incandescent lamp, is rated at 890 lumens.

The Candela
The candela is the unit used to measure the intensity of light in a particular direction. The familiar candle flame generates one candela in all directions. The candle is actually the historical basis for defining the candela. Candelas are used to rate the output of luminaires and can also be used to rate the output of certain kinds of lamps where directional light output is a concern. Represents the candlepower of a source.

The Footcandle
The footcandle is the unit for illuminance, the amount of light that falls on a surface (sq. ft.). It is equal to the number of lumens striking a surface, divided by the area of the surface. Footcandle values can be determined for both horizontal surfaces, like a desktop, and vertical surfaces, like a chalkboard. Lux is the international unit for illuminance falling on a surface (sq. meter).

Common methods: Quick estimate charts from manufacturers Point-by-point method Zonal cavity method Computer programs
Lumen Micro Genlyte AGI Lightscape others

Quick Estimate Charts

Used for preliminary estimates of lighting performance. Based on typical room conditions. Estimate illuminance at a point. Estimate average illuminance for small to large rooms. Use with caution and only after you understand limitations of the data.

Quick Estimate Charts

The Unit Sphere

The unit sphere is a sphere with a one-foot radius, which defines the relationship among lumens, candela, and footcandles. Imagine a candle flame centered within a sphere that is one foot in radius. That point source, of uniform intensity equal to one candela, produces an amount of light flowing through one square foot of the sphere's area that is defined as one lumen. The amount of light falling on that one square foot of the sphere is equal to one footcandle. The area of the sphere is equal to 4. The amount of light flowing through the sphere is 4 lumens, or about 12.57 lumens. A one candela source produces 12.57 lumens & an illuminance of one footcandle at a distance of one foot.

Inverse Square Law

Illuminance is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. E = CP/r2 E = Illuminance in footcandles CP = Candlepower in candela r2 = Distance from source to target Formula varies based on horizontal, vertical & tilted surfaces.

Cosine Law of Incidence

Illuminance is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence -- the angle between the direction of the incident light and the perpendicular to the surface. Experiment -- get a flashlight with a narrow beam spread; from the same distance aim perpendicular to a wall; repeat at an angle to the wall. What happens to the cone of light?

Photometric measurements indicate how a particular lamp or luminaire "sends out" light. The actual photometric data describe a luminaire's light distribution in terms of intensity (candela) & direction (degrees). Photometric distribution or candlepower distribution curves, provide intuitive information, indicating how the luminaire will perform in a space. The actual candela values enable calculations to predict light and/or brightness levels within a space.

Calculation of Illuminance at a Single Point

Direct component of illumination reaching an analysis point. Key points regarding the procedure: Maximum physical dimension no larger than 1/5th the mounting height above the evaluation point. Photometric data must be available. Uses the inverse square law and the cosine law of incidence. Illumination from more than one source is added arithmetically. Does not apply to a surface of infinite length

Calculation of Illuminance at a Single Point

Illuminance directly below the luminaire. Illuminance on horizontal surface at angle to luminaire Illuminance on vertical surface at angle to luminaire Illuminance on a tilted surface

Calculation of Illuminance at a Single Point

Illuminance directly below the luminaire -- horizontal surface

Calculation of Illuminance at a Single Point

Illuminance on horizontal surface at angle to luminaire

Calculation of Illuminance at a Single Point

Illuminance on vertical surface at angle to luminaire -- vertical surface

Calculation of Illuminance at a Single Point

Illuminance on a tilted or sloped surface

Calculation of Illuminance at a Single Point

Illuminance on a tilted surface

Calculation of Illuminance at a Multiple Points

Abneys Law is used for multiple point source calculations

Calculation of Illuminance at Multiple Points

Abneys Law is used for multiple point source calculations

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

The Zonal cavity, or lumen, method is used to calculate average illuminance. Used when there is uniform lighting with either incandescent, fluorescent, or HID lighting systems. The illuminance at the center of the room can be assumed to be uniform, as indicated by the average illuminance values derived from the zonal cavity formula.

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

Uniform lighting typical for Zonal Cavity calculation

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

The method is based on the assumption that you can divide the room into three cavities. Ceiling cavity - bottom of luminaires to the ceiling.
There is no ceiling cavity if luminaires are surface mounted or recessed.

Room cavity - bottom of luminaire to the work surface.

30" for offices 36 to 38" for counters, drafting, etc. 40 to 48" for stores, shops. floor level for corridors, carpet stores.

Floor cavity - bottom of work surface to floor.

there is no floor cavity if room cavity is to the floor.

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

Cavity characteristics

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

Room surface reflectance This method assumes that you can determine the reflectance of the major surfaces of the room. You must determine the ceiling, wall, and floor reflectance values. The general application of the procedure assumes no furniture present. It is possible to calculate this by taking average reflectance of all furniture times its total area then average with remainder of floor surface reflectance (and wall reflectance). Based on cavity size and reflectance we determine the cavity ratios and then effective cavity reflectance for the ceiling, room, and floor cavities.

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

Room cavity ratios

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

Room cavity ratios

Average Illuminance Calculations - Zonal Cavity

Ceiling cavity (CCR) Room cavity (RCR) Floor cavity (FCR) Determine the effective reflectance of the ceiling and floor cavities.

Lumen Micro or Geneysis II Visual Lightscape (rendering only) Radiance A number of others.

Sources of Info Egan, M. David. Concepts in architectural lighting, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983. Note: new edition due in spring 1999. Moore, Fuller. Concepts & practices of architectural daylighting, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1985. Gary Gorden & James Nuckolls. Interior lighting for designers, New York: Wiley Interscience, 1995. Evans, Benjamin H. Daylight in architecture, New York: McGraw Hill, 1981.


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