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Paul An old yellow double city-bus was squeaking and puffing it`s way through the busy early

evening traffic. It was very cold for this time of year, since it was already mid springtime, and the very thought of going out into this boring drizzling rain gave Paulina a shiver. It was already dark outside, so instead of seeing blurring and dancing red and yellow lights, she could only see her own reflection in the bus window. Well, she actually looked as if she was crying as raindrops were slowly sliding down the dirty smudgy window glass. As if in the Mirror of Truth, she said to herself, for this reflection was so much resembling to her mood. It`s not that she was actually sad about something, but it was just this damn feeling of loneliness that was suffocating her for days, weeks, maybe even months. Even her dark blond hair was in lifeless wisps falling over her high forehead and to her shoulders. She was not pretty, but let`s say, she was just comely, being small framed, short and slender. On her face, her lips were the nicest feature, since her brown eyes were too small and ordinary, as she thought. Oh, what the heck, she said to herself as she jumped right into a muddy puddle getting off the bus. I`ll be home in a few minutes anyway. Approaching her building she suddenly stopped in surprise. Just next to the doorway of her building there was a brand new coffee shop. Where has it come from? I didnt notice anything this morning on my way to work. You never notice a thing, too absorbed talking to yourself, said a little voice in her head. Oh, but the place was so warm and cozy! She was not exactly a coffee shop fan, it would be just on occasions that she`d be in a mood, and only with some fellow teachers from her school. But this place was so nice, so small and inviting! She forgot all about the rain, and wet muddy shoes and feet. She just stood there watching inside trough it`s huge window. The lighting was dim, but in some pleasant warm color, like sunny early summer morning, like a morning that can flow new hopes into your heart Oh, Paulina, you are really, really, pathetic! Will you ever get over your ugly divorce? The furniture inside was in warm autumn colors with just a few low tables set around, with small, but cozy and soft chairs. There were no customers. Facing the window, there was a dark brown small main counter and then, then she saw him! He was behind the counter, bracing his head with both his hands, elbows on the counter, smiling at her! Oh, she must have been performing an utterly interesting show, so completely oblivious to the fact that she could have actually been noticed from inside! She froze. But then again, he was not smiling at her as if he saw something funny, his face had no mocking expression. He was smiling, yes, but it was a warm and somehow encouraging, at the same time a little shy kind of smile, his really large golden eyes looking at her, but there was not even a hint of mockery or ill amusement in them. She mentally slapped herself on the face. Stop staring, Paulina! Move! Get away! Run! But she couldn`t. He was quite handsome, but not gorgeous, and he was quite young. But there was something about him She simply couldn`t move. So she was just standing there, blushing, confused, embarrassed. Finally, he made a move. He waved to her calling her inside, making a friendly gesture as if he knew her. Before knowing it, her hand was already pushing a pretty wide, but not too heavy, door. The next moment she was inside. Come on in, be my first guest! he said softly his smile widening, you do look like you might need a good cup of coffee he paused, then added quietly little neighbor. He ran his hand through his thick golden hair, wondrously matching in color to his eyes. It was a gesture of a person obviously not accustomed to smile and talk too much. His voice was soft, warm, unusually deep and serious. Neighbor? She echoed in wonder.

We live in the same building, so it makes us neighbors, does it not? He said lifting a little his thick brows in a question. Yes it does I guess, said Paulina doing her best to pull herself together, to start thinking, but she was still too embarrassed. She`s never done anything like this, never embarrassed herself in this way, never stared at a guy in such a manner. Come, sit down here. Please, he pointed on a stool in front of the counter, then added in a lower voice seriously I am quite harmless, I assure you, taking obviously her hesitation for fear. I I am sorry I was staring so shamelessly, but it was such a surprise your coffee shop, I mean, it really looks so nice and warm she managed at last to find her voice. I`m glad you like it little neighbor. Oh, sorry, I am Paulina she said and looked down pooling her hair behind her ear, trying to hide her discomfort. Her rather unusual name has always caused some surprise or comment when getting acquainted. But he snapped right back in a most serious voice. I am Paul! Silence. Then they both burst in laughter. The ice was finally broken. It`s completely unbelievable said Paulina still laughing. Yes, it really is, isn`t it? said Paul smiling widely, his eyes twinkling. You havent seen this place because everything was covered from outside, it`s been a month, or more, since I`ve been working in here, he said quickly, in one breath, officially in a way, putting two coffee cups on the counter. And it`s going to be the great opening tomorrow, all my friends will come I mean all three of them So I was going to invite you too, to ask you, actually, to come to the opening tomorrow evening. That is, even before you came in tonight He was now working around the coffee machine, not looking at her. But but how, I mean, how you would Why would you invite me, you don`t know me. But I do in a way, he looked at her apologetically, then smiled again, I see you every day from here and my place is just upstairs, he added pointing his index finger upwards. But you always, it seams, like better to look at your shoes. Paulina gave him a questioning look, and then burst in laughter. Yes, I admit, you really do see me every day. I don`t know though why I walk like that

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